Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security
For those who know my fondness for Hillary, do not fear. Today's Democratic Party Primary Debate held in New York brought forth a feeble acceptance that Hillary is now in favor of lifting the cap for taxable income on upper income payers for social security funding--IYCTH (acronym will be explained below).
Bernie asked Hillary about lifting the amount of taxable income available for taxation of Social Security contribution. He was very clear with his question, which asked for either a "yes" or"no" answer. Hillary's first response to the question consisted of her usual baffled, not taking any position on that single point.
Bless him, Bernie, with now real fire in his debates and stump speeches, again pointedly asked her to give a yes or no answer. Once again, the Great Prevaricator reeled off a slew of platitudes "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing".
For the third time, Bernie would not be deterred by the usual Clintonian double-speak. So he asked her again: "would you favor lifting the cap on taxable income [for social security]"?
Hillary spluttered, stammered, deflected a bit, then weasel-like said "yes" in a way that only close listening to hear her response would admit. But Bernie heard it, so he amplified and simplified the weasel's answer: "So I guess that your answer would be 'yes'". No attempted comeback from the pugnacious Clinton--she couldn't back out of that.
There is no doubt that Hillary's spinmeisters will "clarify" her remarks tomorrow so as to not offend the 1%. After all, she can't afford to alienate her millionaire and billionaire backers.
AE: acronym explained. IYCTH = If You Can Trust Her. Question: can a weasel be trusted?

There are several variations of folk tales which apply
Every one of them is a tale of betrayal due to wishful thinking on the part of the victim when enlisting assistance from the perpetrator while in need. The excuse is always offered "You knew what I was when you asked me. Don't be surprised that I acted in line with my nature."
It is thus with La Hills.. She will not live up to this promise of lifting the cap, for her nature is to defend the wealthy from the peasantry. She will revert to neoliberal economic policies, and neocon foreign policy, and anything else which she sees as a way to garner favor with those who bought her loyalty and made her wealthy, just as soon as she can kick us all to the curb.
Obama taught her how that's done.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
She won't live up to any promises because she promises
nothing. Her weaselly mealy-mouthed humina-humina stammering doublespeak on every issue (except bombing the shit out of [insert name of Israel's enemy-of-the-moment]) allows her "plausible deniability" for when she turns her back on women, children, working people, LGBTs, African-Americans, Latinos, etc., etc., in order to service her donors.
I mean have you read any of her proposals on her website? They are so larded with complex details and circumlocutions that they really are proposals to only look like something is being done rather than proposals to actually do something. Well, no, actually something is being done, since it's all about partnerships with the private sector; she's opening the vaults and letting her corporate and Wall Street patrons loot the treasury.
But of course, there's no corruption in that, according to all too many on TOP.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
I've briefly looked at them...
They were written in a foreign language...
Legalese I think...
Not one I have had the urge to learn, as it is usually associated with murderers, criminals, scoundrels, and thieves, not exactly people who can be trusted...
I wouldn't trust a person who speaks legalese with anything of any value. They would certainly steal or destroy it...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
The real Hillary Clinton ...
Number 1: Hillary Clinton never at any time really gave a straight, simple yes to the question asked (about raising the cap). She merely said that she "wants to look at" at other (less effective) ideas and maybe also take a look at that one as well (?). In other words, she just hand-waved the question away, in her typically phony manner -- and hopes that she will fool a few people. Raising the cap has never been a part of her proposal at any time: Not in 2000. Not in 2004. Not in 2008. Not in 2015. Not in 2016.
Number 2: The fact that Bernie Sanders and Wolf Blitzer pressed her and cornered her into responding to the subject at all is not the same thing as a candidate who is sincerely and genuinely committed to the concept from the beginning, and to the policy. Clearly, Clinton has no mention of this policy anywhere on her web site, or in any campaign literature. You will never find an Ad where she says this. She has always been opposed to this policy, just as she is adamantly opposed to Medicare-For-All (and vows that under her watch it will never ever happen, and it will never even be tried or discussed), and she is adamantly opposed to re-instating the FDR-era Glass-Steagall bill.
Number 3: Hillary Clinton may fool a few people, but she is a corrupt, elitist, chronic & congenital liar who just laughs away the serious questions, and her answers are merely sounds-bites and jingoism and nebulous, phony, garbage like: "I want to break barriers" (yet she supports the War on Drugs and criminalization of marijuana)...or...I want to build on the Affordable Health Care Act -- which kept Health Insurance Cartels in full, absolute monopolistic control and did nothing to actually lower the runaway health & drug costs..or.... "I am a fighter who will fight for you" -- while she has steadfastly supported the de-Industrialization of American Industries her whole life and wage depression (with corrupt Corporatist trade deals), and has happily supported Wall Street Deregulation (repeal of Glass-Steagall), has been a committed opponent of expanding Medicare (which the good people like Bernie Sanders & Dennis Kucinich, and even Howard Dean wanted to do), and she supported the anti-Consumer, pro-Bank "Bankruptcy Bill", and even threw children off of Welfare support (1990s). Clinton's words mean nothing. They are just a smokescreen meant to fool or mollify the public, while she consistently serves the corrupt interests of the Corporate Elite and War Profiteers. That's who she is.
Clinton is just a Corporatist lawyer (actor) and always has been, and also a reckless, Neocon War Criminal &"Regime Change" psychopath. She is totally devoid of any ethics, morals, and is a craven, sleazy, serial congenital liar through and through -- and if anyone really believes that she is going to support the Sanders proposal on Social Security ---- (after her track record) they just haven't been paying attention. This is laughable.
As soon as she is in power she will pass the horrible TPP, and start unnecessary and dangerous "No-Fly Zone" War hostilities with Russia, and try to violently overthrow the Syrian government -- which will create another failed State (like Iraq, like Libya, Like Honduras,) and decades more War!!
From her track record, there is no reason to ever, ever, ever, ever "trust" Hillary Clinton or believe anything this former board member of Walmart, and "Goldwater girl" says. She is not on your side or mine!! That's why Goldman Sachs is happy to pay her $250,000.00 every time she opens her mouth behind closed doors.
Russia has quite a few
S400s in Syria, a no fly zone aint gonna happen
Solidarity forever
This is why mythology and fairy tales are so important
They teach people basic things about life and other people that slides in under the radar. It's such a shame they are no longer a part of our culture in any meaningful way.
We can still call her out as the LIAR she is
if it comes to that. Because "Roll the tape!", hehehe...
Ah, but she and Bill taught Obama
all about that, and he's learned that very, very well. She and Bill practically invented kicking the Left to the curb, and look what that got them - POWER. Here's hoping it bites all of them in the ass, and right soon.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Coyote Clinton?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
She may propose relocating the cap
but won't lift it entirely -- maybe increase the cap about $10K or $20K, perhaps index future increases to inflation or other cost of living measures. Just like her $12 minimum wage proposal -- it'll be a halfway gesture that will be bargained away in Congress and we won't get anything we need.
We won't get anything we need, but may lose benefits she'll
grand bargain away.
Raising the cap is even worse...
than nothing at all.
I'm in that area where I would be hit by the cap raise, but I'm far below the 1%. I would volunteer to have the cap raised on me as long as those above me have to pay more as well. I'm still middle class. Raising the cap $20k is a regressive income tax, and represents a further shift of the tax burden in this country onto the middle class: if you raise taxes on any part of the 99% without a raise on the 1%, the amount paid by the 99% becomes a higher proportion of the overall tax burden.
Let's don't forget this.
But its better than raising the percentage
which I could totally see her doing.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I'm glad you did a specific piece on her SS tax cap
hedging and Sanders adeptly exposing it.
Aaaaand, right this minute, at TOP, there's a wreck list
Diary full of poutrageous pearl clutching fury, proclaiming that #BernieSoSexist for asking for a "yes or no" answer to the question.
"The angry sexism of "YES OR NO"! By none other than dhonig.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
They're so ridiculously predictable.
Twain Disciple
I actually DID laugh out loud!
I actually did laugh out loud at at that one. Those recommended diaries over there are becoming parodies of themselves. I won't even start on the now daily "inspirational" Hillary diaries from brand new first time diarists that seem as though they were all written by the same person.
The talking points are all written by the same person
...and then they are parroted apparently by those accepting stipends to thread said talking points into social media.
I, for one, do not like listening to David Brock when the words come out of his own mouth, and they are not any more interesting when they come out of the fingers of his sock puppets.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
The truth hurts, apparently
My comment was hidden by users and I was banned from posting comments at TOP because I wrote the same thing in one of the sock puppet diaries this morning. Apparently, it's against the rules to call out obviously planted diaries and question the motives and bona fides of the diarist. I hope that site never recovers from this election season...all they'll have left are sock puppets and corporate shills talking to themselves inside the bubble. Bye, bye, reality based community!
Oh Ed, I'm appalled. I had no idea you were a weaselist.
This is a weasel.
This is slimebucket
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Ha, good one! I get that protest every time I use animals to
mock people. But whatta ya gonna do? The animals can take it.
In answer to your sig line, actually, no. Although I've seen people at TOP have to defend themselves when they quote an IRL article and someone yells at them for violating fair use, and it turns out that's their IRL name.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Damn, that's a cute weasel
redacted, redacted, redacted, slimebucket, redacted, redacted.
Maybe another time I'll tell you what I really think.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I know... a real heart-string tugger, huh.
Maybe I'll make him my next avatar. lol.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Can anyone explain why there is a cap AT ALL?
Like, once you achieve a certain celestial level of compensation, you're immune from contributing your fair share any more?
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
As I understand it...
if they contribute then they can collect money back from the system same as anyone else... which if they are already rich they don't need... so there are some who think that they shouldn't have to contribute...
I may be wrong in this simple understanding though.
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First Nations News
That's my understanding too
And it's ass-backwards. For one thing, a person may not always be rich, but to expect the people who have the most not to contribute to the social safety net is ludicrous. It's not meant to be a savings account, it's meant to be a slush fund for everyone who needs it, and everyone should put in a percentage of their income, all their income. If you are wealthy enough not to need to count on social security you can afford to contribute, and no one gets rich in a vacuum. They forget that the country and its people have made them rich, at some point that money came from other people.
Maximum Benefit from SS is why the cap is there
My understanding is that since there is a maximum benefit amount from SS we don't expect people to contribute to SS significantly more than then could theoretically receive.
There are a bunch of complicated actuarial computations involved in setting the cap but the idea is if you could on average receive 20 years of SS benefits and you would receive the maximum benefit amount of $31,668 per year - that is a total of $633,360 SS would pay you in retirement before you die.
Your contributions are 6.2% of your wages which are matched by your employer. So, if you are making $118,000 (the current cap) per year for 35 working years before retirement, you would contribute (118,000 * 6.2%) $7,316 per year for a total of (40 years * 7,316) $256,060. That is matched by your employer so the total contributions to SS made in your name would be $512,120.
So the idea for the cap is that your total contributions should not be significantly more than the benefits you could potentially receive. $512,120 contributed $14,632 per year over 35 years would easily be worth at least $633,360 with compounded interest.
If we change the cap to say, $250,000 the same calculations as above would mean you contributed ($250,000 * 12.4% = $31,000 per year * 35 working years) $1,085,000 before interest. If we did not raise the maximum benefit amount you would only receive $633,360 in benefits for your $1,085,000 contribution and people who make $250,000 per year think that is unfair.
Personally, I don't have a problem with the rich paying more. I believe the current idea is to keep the cap where it is, but remove the cap for people making more than $250,000 per year, while also increasing the maximum benefit amount. That way, people making more than $250,000 are probably contributing more than they would receive but that's how we spread the wealth around from the rich to the poor.
So there ya go, hopefully I've been helpful and also mostly correct!
Makes sense
the other gorilla in the room is the employer portion - you're going to have to get the Corps to not fight this too hard as they'll be picking up that extra payment too. That one seems to me the most difficult part of it.
And I also think that even those in the 1%, making over $350K per year should be paying more - even at that level of income, there's no guarantee that even someone making that much now might actually be in need by the time they retire. As for everyone getting what they paid into it back out - that really never happens, does it? My own mother was getting her little $900 per month for decades and the most she ever made while working was $22K per year. There is simply no way she put as much into it as she got out. And before she became such a rabid Tea Bagger she damned well admitted that and actually felt a bit of shame for it! Of course when she was near the end and in full Bag mode, she thought benefits would simply "have to be cut" but "not now..." of course.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
This might create downward
This might create downward pressure on high end wages (e.g. Picketty's "super managers"). Which could be a good thing, but might also lead to hiding of compensation in options plans etc.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Not everyone
I've done well in tech, and I'm kind of annoyed every year when my FICA deduction disappears.
One of the strange things about wealth in this country is that there are plenty of affluent people (often the self-made types) who really want the tax system changed (Nick Hanauer is a billionaire version of this). And a lot of the support here in WA for a state income tax comes from people like the Gates family. It also seems like there are a lot of folks who would benefit from such changes, but oppose them because of at best a misplaced sense of honour or at worst an assumption that they will be rich one day and want to keep it all. The Kruger-Denning effect is alive and well in this latter group I think...
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
There are two related peculiarities of the SS system that bear scrutiny here. One is the cap; the other is the fact that social security funding is drawn from a REGRESSIVE tax on workers. These aspects of the program - particularly the latter - were criticized by many at the time, from Congressmen to social insurance scholars and advocates to lefty-liberal magazines like The New Republic. The reason for the criticism stemmed largely from the presumption of many supporters of SS, who saw the program as part of a broader effort to transfer wealth from the oligarchy (who 'owned' it) to the people (whose labor had created it). In that context, placing the cost-burden of of the program almost entirely on the working class seemed bad policy, to say the least.
But this assumption about context leaves out something important: that it was FDR's program. We often memorialize FDR as the 'pragmatist' who was willing to adopt many approaches to solve the crisis of the Depression (and address its underlying causes), and who to that end was happy to empower his 'Brain Trust' to creative development of programs and ideas for policy. This is to some extent true. But it is also true that FDR regularly scrutinized the work of his subordinates and often changed or cancelled programs that he thought were wrong for the country. The basis for FDR's own thinking is not always clear; but in some instances his views are well known, either through his own statements or through his actions. In many cases, scrutiny of the record reveals that FDR was far more conservative in his than views than he is usually thought of. (Leuchtenberg's studies of the New Deal are very pointed about this.) So for example, FDR deliberately cancelled Harry Hopkins' CWA because it was TOO successful - it was employing so many people, he feared that the result would be to set up the government as a permanent employer of the labor force in competition with private enterprise - this he wanted to avoid.
On SS, FDR clearly had similar concerns. Above all, it appears he did not want to put government in the business of handing out "a dole". Instead, he insisted that the program be modelled like an insurance program, meaning that the insured party is responsible for paying the costs of the program. And FDR wanted to make sure also that the program was tied to WORK rather than idleness, so it would be funded by a tax on wages rather than a general tax. Placed in this context, the mentioned peculiarities of the American SS system - its funding by a regressive tax; the cap on mandatory contributions - make a great deal more sense. The aggregate person (a statistical person, not a real one) would get no more back from SS than he pays in; no need to tax above a certain level of income, because those making above that level are unlikely to need SS supplements; the amount you get out is proportional to what you pay in; etc.
[source: Mark Leff, "Taxing the "Forgotten Man": The Politics of Social Security Finance in the New Deal", The Journal of American History, Vol. 70, No. 2 (Sep., 1983)]
Well one does get money back based on what one contributes
...and so they also have caps on what comes back to the beneficiary. Dunno if that is an obstacle.
I will say, however, that I actually LIKED Hillary saying that we should find a way to get contributions based on PASSIVE INCOME in addition to wages. I'm all for that! Bernie should compliment her on that and put it in his platform - she's stolen plenty from him.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
See, I disagree with this concept of caps
I realize it may not have been set up the way I wish it was, but given the huge inequality in this country, I think everyone should pay a percentage on all income - and if there was no cap, that percentage could be dropped to a smaller number for everyone.
If you are rich enough to never need Social Security, awesome for you. Consider that small percentage you contribute to it to be the price you pay for living in a decent, humane society that allows all people to survive after retirement and not work until the day they drop (not YOU personally).
It's ridiculous that the extremely wealthy think they owe nothing back to their society.
Can you trust a weasel?
Why, can trust them to be weasels....
What you cannot trust is a Clinton...
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First Nations News
Funny how the word weasel
comes to mind today. In my morning BNR comment, I said something about her weaseling her way out of shit and Bernie worked to call her weaseling butt out. Great minds.......
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
My son asked why I was yelling at the TV last night
We watched the debate last night and it was all I could do to refrain myself from actually throwing something when Hillary was speaking - about anything! Debates on CNN are horrible - the "moderators" (and I use the term loosely) consistently allowed HRC to keep droning on, saying nothing, while cutting Bernie short when he responded to either their questions or to Shrillary. I know this should not have been a surprise since the fix has been in by the MSM since she announced, but my god, the favoritism was so blatant last night! I also loved how HRC took credit for things that Bill did while he was president (oh, wait, I forgot we had a co-president back then) and then blamed President Obama for her SOS gaffes. Does anyone know how many minutes she got to speak versus Bernie? It seemed really unbalanced to us since she wouldn't shut up when ineffectual Wolf Blitzer or Dana Bash tried to shut her down.
I will be checking out my state's rules for write-in candidates should Bernie not get the nomination and will NOT be voting for Shrillary. As I have said in the past, I would like to see a female president in my lifetime, but not someone who thinks she deserves it because of her last name or because it's her turn!
Life is like Disneyland - if you haven't been on all the rides by the end of the day, you have no one to blame but yourself.
That's the funny thing about TRUE feminism
It means you are judged on your merits only, not your gender. Hillary wants to turn it on its head and be judged solely on her gender, please disregard her lack of merits.
That's not feminism.
Very well put
Not to mention that Bernie is the better (read: an actual) feminist in that he wants level playing fields for all.
The weaseling on the Fight For $15 stuff last night was making my head explode.
So, if I got it straight (since we had a half dozen damn rounds of it!), she will tolerate $15 in Seattle, Los Angeles and New York, and everyone else can have $12 maybe. Grrrrrrrrr.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
If I want to vote for a woman President,
I'll vote for Jill Stein. She'll have earned it on her own merits.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I just couldn't bring myself to watch it
as I knew I too would be screaming and probably scare the hell out of my cats. And Shrillary (LOVE THAT!) is the reason why - I simply cannot stomach watching her say anything, just like you. Good on you for subjecting yourself to it.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
will eat all your minnows. i know that much.
He did well
And I know he did well when one of the TOP wreck list diaries is, and i do NOT kid you, that Bernie asking yes or no questions of Hillary was SEXISM. I mean, i've been fighting sexism a long time so I totally... No I don't get it.
Good debate summary
at Vox
Thanks to someone on the open thread for the link.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good??? on Vox???
I gave up on Vox a while ago.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Is it just me, or does that headline there not really reflect
the contents of the post?
The WaPo gave Hillary the
The WaPo gave Hillary the "win" in the debate. Chris Cilizza praised her to the skies. Hillarybot commenters followed by kicking Bernie's corpse further, for good measure. I can't stand the MSM anymore. Perhaps I'll reread Dickens' novels instead. If Bernie loses this election, I'll create a Bernie Underground Freedom Fighters movement, enlist the Pootie Sekrit Army, and inflict cat scratch fever on Hill's entire DNC voter registration list. If you can't fight 'em, kill 'em.
I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you n/t
Meanwhile, outside media and pundits
Bernie, once again, sweeps poll after poll asking "who won?"
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
WaPo has no credibility, so of course they said she won!
That's a pretty blatantly stupid position to take, if they actually watched that trainwreck.
I won't click there, I wonder how they're faring in the comments of that farce of a post?
Don't risk the kitties!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Jeff Bezos
Owns WaPo. He, like most corporists, wants Hellery elected. They want and crave the TPP, and other pro-money policies.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Since when does Hillary Clinton ever tell the truth?
Number 1: Hillary Clinton never at any time really gave a straight, simple yes to the question asked (about raising the cap). She merely said that she "wants to look at" at other (less effective) ideas and maybe also take a look at that one as well (?). In other words, she just hand-waved the question away, in her typically phony manner -- and hopes that she will fool a few people. Raising the cap has never been a part of her proposal at any time: Not in 2000. Not in 2004. Not in 2008. Not in 2015. Not in 2016.
Number 2: The fact that Bernie Sanders and Wolf Blitzer pressed her and cornered her into responding to the subject at all is not the same thing as a candidate who is sincerely and genuinely committed to the concept from the beginning, and to the policy. Clearly, Clinton has no mention of this policy anywhere on her web site, or in any campaign literature. You will never find an Ad where she says this. She has always been opposed to this policy, just as she is adamantly opposed to Medicare-For-All (and vows that under her watch it will never ever happen, and it will never even be tried or discussed), and she is adamantly opposed to re-instating the FDR-era Glass-Steagall bill.
Number 3: Hillary Clinton may fool a few people, but she is a corrupt, elitist, chronic & congenital liar who just laughs away the serious questions, and her answers are merely sounds-bites and jingoism and nebulous, phony, garbage like: "I want to break barriers" (yet she supports the War on Drugs and criminalization of marijuana)...or...I want to build on the Affordable Health Care Act -- which kept Health Insurance Cartels in full, absolute monopolistic control and did nothing to actually lower the runaway health & drug costs..or.... "I am a fighter who will fight for you" -- while she has steadfastly supported the de-Industrialization of American Industries her whole life and wage depression (with corrupt Corporatist trade deals), and has happily supported Wall Street Deregulation (repeal of Glass-Steagall), has been a committed opponent of expanding Medicare (which the good people like Bernie Sanders & Dennis Kucinich, and even Howard Dean wanted to do), and she supported the anti-Consumer, pro-Bank "Bankruptcy Bill", and even threw children off of Welfare support (1990s). Clinton's words mean nothing. They are just a smokescreen meant to fool or mollify the public, while she consistently serves the corrupt interests of the Corporate Elite and War Profiteers. That's who she is.
Clinton is just a Corporatist lawyer (actor) and always has been, and also a reckless, Neocon War Criminal &"Regime Change" psychopath. She is totally devoid of any ethics, morals, and is a craven, sleazy, serial congenital liar through and through -- and if anyone really believes that she is going to support the Sanders proposal on Social Security ---- (after her track record) they just haven't been paying attention. This is laughable.
As soon as she is in power she will pass the horrible TPP, and start unnecessary and dangerous "No-Fly Zone" War hostilities with Russia, and try to violently overthrow the Syrian government -- which will create another failed State (like Iraq, like Libya, Like Honduras,) and decades more War!!
From her track record, there is no reason to ever, ever, ever, ever "trust" Hillary Clinton or believe anything this former board member of Walmart, and "Goldwater girl" says. She is not on your side or mine!! That's why Goldman Sachs is happy to pay her $250,000.00 every time she opens her mouth behind closed doors.