The Weekly Watch
In Pursuit of Power

Biden has expanded his powers by declaring a "National Emergency" over the Ukraine proxy war. It only took his signature. Whatta democracy! Clayton will explain his expanded powers in a clip below the fold. Meanwhile we have the US ambassador in China declaring the US as the major power in the region as we sell more weapons to Taiwan. There's also been more fall out from the "lockdown files" as it has become obvious the pandemic was used as a power grab. So we see individuals, nations, and corporations all pursuing ever more power and control.

Whatta week in the news cycle. TPTB floated an alternative narrative about the Nord Stream sabotage roughly equivalent to Gillian and the crew of the Minnow blew up the pipelines. We have Russia releasing a barrage of missiles and drones in Ukraine, and capturing Bakhmut. There was the amazing and entertaining Twitter file hearings with the dims living up to their name. Additionally Tucker releases clips which contradict the Jan. 6 narrative. Plus we have China brokering normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. I would call that action packed.
Let's start with Biden's emergency declaration.
Biden enacts permanent EMERGENCY powers over Ukraine (20 min)
Did you know that the U.S. has been in a national emergency due to conflict between Ukraine and Russia since 2014? President Biden just signed an executive order to extend that national emergency for an indeterminate amount of time. The national emergency gives the White House the power to “deal with” threats to Ukraine’s democratic process. Hm. Deal with? Deal with how exactly?
The turning point in the escalating power grab happened with 9/11 in my mind. Edward Snowden gives us a lesson in how the security state has pulled the strings of power. This excellent interview was originally conducted in 2017, but stands the test of time. I liked his line, "Power is its own law."
0:00 Introduction
1:26 History of US Covert Ops
11:45 Past Whistleblowers
19:52 US Surveillance Program
34:35 Is Tyranny here?
45:13 Snowden's Normal Day
Health as a means of control? Yes, indeed.
I thought Russell did a good job describing the power grab during the scamdemic. (4.3 min)
Russell Brand tells Tucker about the harmful effects of the lockdowns.
Dr John relates other abuses to George this week also... (13.5 min)
Why was all the focus on interventions, which turned out to be remarkably expensive?
"INTERVIEW: I started off really believing the lockdown measures and trusting the official narrative, says Dr John Campbell. But the official narrative was full of holes
The Ukraine Proxy War
I enjoyed this discussion with the Duran, Gonzalo and Brian Berletic. Bakhmut heats up w/Brian Berletic and Gonzalo Lira (2.2 hours)
It’s been the Mother Of All Cover Ups says Scott Ritter about US attempts to blame a bunch of Ukrainians on a yacht for blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline (19 min)
Isn't it interesting Scholz visits Biden and one day later this story comes out? They really think the sheeple are stupid.
Media and Censorship Failures
Controlling the narrative is the key to power, but some narratives are beginning to collapse.
Tucker Carlson Exposes January 6 Committee’s Lies (28 min)
The January 6 Committee would have us believe that the hundreds of January 6 “insurrectionists” were violent extremists bent on staging a coup and overthrowing the U.S. government. But now that Tucker Carlson has been granted access to the 40,000+ hours of footage, the Fox News host has provided an alternate viewpoint — and he shows how the committee outright lied to the American public about the nature of the protests, the extent of the violence and the participation of undercover FBI agents in encouraging protesters to enter the Capitol.
Feds Were ALL OVER The Capitol On January 6!
There’s little question that federal agents were among the January 6 crowds “protesting” on the Capitol grounds that day – what we don’t know is how many feds were there and what role they played in fanning the flames that turned the protests into riots and assaults on the building itself.
I'm sure the shitlibs are coming unglued. Did you catch any of the Twitter file hearings? The dims were unhinged because they are so upset their government enforced censorship is being revealed.
“Twitter Files” journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger recently appeared in front of the House Judiciary Committee to discuss the improper pressure applied to social media companies by government agencies to throttle or otherwise censor users’ content. But Democrats on the committee instead used the opportunity to attack the journalists’ credibility and ethics while offering up a full-throated defense of the security state and intelligence agencies. Jimmy and Aaron Maté discuss Taibbi’s tolerance for being described as a “so-called journalist” by a so-called Congresswoman.
Matt Taibbi Schools Dem Congressman On Purpose Of “Twitter Files” Hearing (11 min)
Democratic House member Gerry Connolly hoped to prove that the Twitter Files revelations were merely an exercise in promoting right-wing talking points – that is, until he got schooled by journalist Matt Taibbi, who explained that the Twitter Files revealed efforts to silence voices on both the right AND the left. Jimmy and Aaron Maté discuss Democrats’ clear lack of interest in investigating the Twitter Files in favor of attempting to score cheap political points.
Russell Brand OWNS MSNBC Analyst! (13.5 min)
Russell schools the MSDNCIA shill explaining his network is as biased as FAUX News.
...and the biggest story of the week, China wages Peace!
No wonder the US wants a war with China. They are disrupting our business model.
HUGE China brokered deal, Iran & Saudi Arabia restore diplomatic ties (32 min)
Alex continues the commentary and suggest how this might be the path to wide spread peace in the Middle East. Plus he walks around the Olympic stadium in Athens
China, Iran, KSA diplomatic win. Elensky upset with media. Minerva tanker did it. Muscovy. (39 min)
Garland and Ray McGovern also discuss the situation (1st 30 min)
I liked Garland's analogy that the US is like someone drowning lashing out and grabbing at anything they can.
So the balance of power has shifted. The petroyuan has arrived and the U$D days of supremacy are rapidly fading. I hope Alex' idea that peace will expand to Syria, Türkiye and beyond comes to pass. Meanwhile the US is knee deep in stirring up conflict in Georgia, Taiwan, Ukraine, and elsewhere. I like the new tone of cooperation, national sovereignty, trade, and peace. As I've often written, my hope is the US doesn't start throwing nukes around in a last desperate attempt to maintain their lost hegemony.
As always I look forward to your ideas, comments, and stories below. What's on your mind?

And... Don't Miss CJ Hopkins
I hope this to be a classic of "This Day in History". Let's look at the subcommittee of the US House of Representatives through a different lens...
The Censorship Industrial Complex
That's a fun article...
Thanks for the link.
What kept going through my mind was how much things have flipped politically. There was a time when the dims promoted free speech, for example during the McCarthy era. But now the dims oppose free speech as evidenced by the imprisonment of Julian as well as in the hearing this week. Plenty of rethugs oppose it also, McConnell et al.
Have a good one!
Edit to add another fun clip (less than 2 min):
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't know whether to thank you or...
He's hard to read but is excellent. Thanks for the well-needed brain food.
Also on this day in history
In 1933 FDR gives his first 'fireside chat' to discuss the national financial failure.
Thin Biden could articulate that 90 years later?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Our demented president
Can't string a sentence together. He's doing a pretty good imitation of Nero however.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks so very, very much
Most excellent consolidation of current events pointing at all the evidence of the collapse.
I'll check back in a couple days after I've tried to digest it.
It was a busy week!
I can't help but be intrigued. Thanks for dropping in and you kind comment!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Top of the Day
Contemplating the power of time and its effect on our circadian rhythms.
I know the time change doesn't really effect you LO, as you border two time
zones. And it only mildly confuses me, as I don't work by the clock anymore.
But which ever social engineers skipped the understanding of how, by
manipulating the clocks, it disrupts people and their perception of time,
should be wired to the hands of a big clock till they get it.
But the powers that confuse will not allow this little disruption to go away.
19 States That Have Passed Permanent Daylight Saving Time and Why They Haven’t Implemented It
Montana would convert to permanent Daylight Saving Time if Congress let it. (along with 12
other states).
I think Arizona has it right. Just leave it on Standard time. Midnight is when the full moon
is at its Zenith, and high noon is just that.
thanks for the OT!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The time change... all about more shopping hours. You know go out there and help your country ... go shopping.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Exactly. If the corporations want it, it will happen
and if they don't, it never will. So the likelihood is that instead of returning to a state of nature (no DST), we will simply get year-round DST - if anything changes at all.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That sounds right...
Alabama daylight saving time bill signed into law by Gov. Kay Ivey in 2021
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sam said…..
Screw the time because she wanted to snuggle. This was after I started grumbling about the silly time change. I have a dumb clock in my bedroom and I refuse to change it till a month is past just so I can think I’m rebelling.
This is interesting. Our bodies are so smart and it’s sad how much we keep messing with their natural abilities.
Fauci recently admitted that no vaccine can work for viruses that target the nose and respiratory system because they aren’t viremic which means that the infection is seen in the blood. Diseases like measles are and it’s why they work for it. I should have saved the essay, but it’s in my comments somewhere. A friend who is double jabbed and twice boosted just got the Rona and he’s blaming the anti jabbed instead of the vaccine that he was told would stop him from getting infected and spreading it and those who told him that. But he did say THE line:
Thank gawd I’m jabbed or it could have been worse!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Time is always relative...
...but I've got a dentist appt tomorrow and I'll have to adjust. I wish they would just stop the time shift stupidity, but...
The vax brainwashing was/is very effective. I'm sure they took notes for next time. Sorry your friend bought the lies. I have many friends who also bought into the narrative. I did till mid-summer 2021. Like Dr John I was too trusting.
I once knew a song, What's time to a hog...could be changed to "what's time to a dog" for Sam.
Good to see you today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Something I found amusing
As I wandered around this am wondering when Alex was going to do his video I wondered if the time change would have an effect on the schedule. I already knew that there is a 10 hour difference between where I am and Athens and mused whether Athens does a time change also.
Well, there's now a 9 hour difference. Okeydoke. When I did the query to I saw that Athens goes DST on March 28, then back again in the fall. So for the next 2 weeks ...
Anyway, I thought it was amusing... maybe even schadenfreude, because what started out as something which was intended to be good for we, the people's, benefit was coopted because it causes problems for those who shall remain nameless.
Hmm, I wonder how the "coders" will deal with this? Enjoying it. Maybe their new AI stuff will do it if the MBA can figure out how to write the statement of work.
On a personal note... I have to adjust my eating because I follow a very strict schedule to accommodate my diabetes. Minor inconvenience. Retirement life is still good, beats the alternative.
Have a wonderful day, please.
NATO/USA's Very Very Bad, Terrible, No Good Week
Hi Lookout, Thanks for covering this pivotal week so well. The Duran ahd their individual podcasts have been better than ever, haven't they?
Let me add just a few items to the Woes of The Week for the globalists:
1) Tony Blinken went to Kazakstan to drum up support for the Ukraine War and had the door slammed in his face. By the time he got home, Kazakstan and Russia announced a major deal where Kazakstan sold its uranium business to Russia. That deal gives Russia control of a high percentage of the world's supply of uraniam. Imho, Blinken's trip was an attempt to sabotage this deal and the mission failure is intense.
2) A Silicon Valley regionsl bank failed. Is this a one off or the start of a deluge? IDK.
3) Biden Blew up Nord Stream headline seems to be holding its own against the hilariously stupid tiny yacht filled with Pro-Ukrainians fantasy.
The BFD is China's role of World Leader becoming evident as it hosted the Iran Saudi Arabia rapproachment---as the Duran guys are calling it.
Excellent points!
The Duran (and Alex) has become my go to geopolitical site.
Blinky is such a loser. All he does is fail.
The bank failure may be just the first domino. The ME peace deal is not going to help our overdebted banks as the petrodolllar is basically dead.
The newest Nord stream lie is the tanker Minerva did it.
Thanks for coming by and commenting.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
With the candlestick?
...I mean gas is explosive when lit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wonder what Antony thought when Hillary gave Russia a lot of our uranium and they not only donated to her foundation, but also paid Bill half a million bucks for a speech to a Russian bank…
Weird how republicans are all over Biden and his family for influence peddling, while totally ignoring the Hellabitch's doing it whilst she was Secretary of State? Hers was so damn blatant only Obama knew what she was doing, but you know, he didn’t want to come across as an angry black man….
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I, for one, did not know that the U.S. has been in a national emergency with Ukraine since 2014. I can think of a lot of other items which are more pressing. People not having food or housing tops the list.
As for January 6th, I am home most days unless I have to go to the doctor's or the grocery store. I usually watch General Hospital at 1:00 - 2:00 everyday. It was interrupted and shown live. I saw with my own eyes, the police opening the doors and even waving the protestors in. No one can tell me otherwise.
What has never made any sense, is that this is the most armed country in the world. Everybody has rifles, shotguns, and even AK-47's. Where were all the guns that day? If they were planning on taking over, everyone of those people would have been carrying a weapon.
The national emergency... that Russia threatened our coup. Russia used the voting trick we did to create Kosovo.
The power grab since the patriot act has been more and more oppressive. This national emergency allows them to seize your bank account and more.
The Jan 6 set up was obvious from the start to anyone who looks.
Glad you came by today. Thanks for your comment.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
One reason I've seen
As for the guns, D.C. is not an open carry city, and iirc the organizing groups decided it was better not to press that button with LE and instead keep firearms in nearby hotels in VA. And openly carrying guns into the capitol building would have given away the game that it was just a clearly unlawful and illegitimate attempt at violently disrupting the proper legal processes of certifying the EC vote.
"Where were all the guns that day?"
And yet the mainstream media is still calling it an armed insurrection. Only 1 guy had a gun, but I’m not sure if he had it with him at the time or if it was in his hotel room.
Btw, what happened with the pipe bombs investigation after 2 years? You’d think with all the spying apparatuses that the feebs have access to they would have solved this case by now, but I’m not hearing anything about it.
Gateway pundit has posted a lot of the videos that Carlson has been showing. They too showed cops opening doors that only open from the inside and a lot of cops being cheery with the protesters.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I find it interesting to compare...
...police presence in DC for the BLM protest vs their presence on Jan. 6 (when they knew something was up). Hell the feds cheered it on and help instigate it. The dimwits hearings were about as successful as their impeachment attempts.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wouldn't doubt
That was my first inclination too...
...but when you filter in the FBI pushing Russiagate...I realized there is plenty of anti-Trump sentiment in the dark state. No doubt the leaked videos contradicts the dim narrative. I'm sure there's plenty of faults to go around.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Trump offered Pelosi and the DC mayor the use of the national guard which they both turned down and the capital security was not under Trump’s jurisdiction, but Pelosi and the capital police. When some people in charge of security called the pentagon and others called other people who could have sent more police they were told that no help was coming and especially from the guard because that would look bad…however after people left the capitol the guard was sent in and they stayed for months guarding the capitol and a huge fence went up for many months.
Trump tweeted for people to go home and he said to respect the police. But Twitter deleted his tweet and democrats and their media mouthpieces never referred to it. After the shaman guy told people about the tweet they started going home. This was covered yesterday in the OT.
Sorry but all intelligence agencies were warning about the possibility of violence that day and they DID NOTHING. This isn’t on Trump. It was allowed to happen so the government could crack down on domestic terrorists and implement more laws against it. Just like the patriot act was written well in advance of 9/11 so was the domestic terror laws. Putting people in solitary confinement before any trials and long prison sentences was to send a message that no one should question their government.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You think Trump
Here's some clearer info on what happened re Trump and the NG:
No question, a quick response from a sizable NG contingent would have kept the mob at bay, regardless of the Cap Police actions/inactions/incompetence/lack of leadership and preparedness, which certainly played a key role that day.
Re Trump's public statements, he can't hide behind some milquetoast tweets about staying peaceful and safe. He never called for the mob to back off and go home. You can almost see the wink, wink, nudge nudge in the tweets. What he needed to do, much earlier in the process, was to get in front of the cameras quickly and tell the mob to go home. But he didn't do that until about 2 hrs after it had breached the capitol building.
Trump never told people to storm the capitol
Well done on using the democrats media stenographer talking points.
He said to march to the capitol and PEACEFULLY PROTEST. The media leaves that out. Just like he said that there were great people on both sides, but the Nazi crap was intolerable which they left out too and has been scrubbed from the net. I know because I spent a lot of time searching for the whole quote.
Yes he did tell the 'mob' to go home. And the mob was being very peaceful until the cops started using tear gas and rubber bullets on them for no reason. Don’t forget the outside agitators that made sure that violence started. Like I said I posted this yesterday and lots of other times that maybe you have missed. Have you watched any of the new videos Carlson has released?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Trump didn't get
sorry but in terms of credibility and truthfulness, Trump ranks right down there, in my book, with LBJ and Nixon. A liar and conman to the core.
And in the category of news that you won't find in amerika
I think this is huge if true. Putin might finally be
saying to NATO/EU/US/UK/IS enough is enough.
This bunker was meant to be holding up to 300 NATO personal
including amerikans. Also is the fact that it was 100 meters
underground which I'm guessing gave all those there a false
sense of security
We are getting February's weather in March which is only fair
as we had March weather in February.
The SV Bank story comes from out of the blue. I hadn't heard any
rumblings of a bank being insolvent let alone one which had only
rich people's assets. Why all of a sudden are rich people cleaning
out their bank accounts and wanting money.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Didn't know about the bunker...
...but suspected something like that existed. After all they had 8 years to prep.
I did know about the bank failure...with probably more to follow. The Saudi-Iran deal won't help as they shift to the petroyuan.
AutoEarth had some good stuff today
including this piece:
Georgia has a huge Western-funded NGO sector and regular outbreaks of violent protest, is there a link?
Thanks for the introduction and the visit today.
Edit to add:
When I checked out your first link, the first article jumped at me because westerners look at war through the lens of a western bomb and destroy everything mentality.
Russia is accomplishing it's goals with a slow steady approach literally grinding down Ukrainian troops. Why rush an effective strategy? As Brian says repeatedly, this is a war of attrition and it is NATOstan which is being decimated and degraded.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm glad you enjoy AE as much as I do
in the fantasy from him
Wherever we have NGO's coup's usually follow, it's the CIA's
go to go to
I'm not sure why everyone wants or expects every war to be fought
to amerika's shock and awe doctrine. We haven't won a war since
WWII and there we only helped defeat Nazism though we defeat the
Russia's version of war seems to be going just fine for what was
is a SMO. Will NATO/US/UK/MIC/DC continue escalating is humanities
survival question
My pleasure and thanks again for the WW as usual
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
more on NATO's bunker from Alex
at about 30 min in...basically he says he can't confirm, but the fact that the day after a US atomic capable bomber flew along Russia's border might add more evidence.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Russia hasn’t declared all out war yet
They are still fighting under the rules of the SMO and not many Russian troops have been sent into Ukraine. It’s mostly been the people from the Donbas and the Wagner group that has been doing the fighting. But that might change through because Putin is saying that he is fighting NATO which would be another ball of wax for Russia. Roberts has been complaining about Putin taking his time in Ukraine, but don’t forget that NATO has helped them build up defensive networks, trenches and other infrastructure for 8 years and there are lots of traps that could get lots of people dead.
TAE is on my list of daily must read. I too thank you for bringing it here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Taking a slight
break from the depressing Ukr news, reading only headlines, as that thing drags on into another year with no end in sight. I still think it will be in the European area where the US/Nato make their big move or the next red line crossing (Georgia perhaps) which precipitates all heck breaking loose. China is just a side show, though worth watching closely.
I've been late in getting the memo about civil rights/1A auditor videos, so have been catching up with those lately. Entertaining and depressing real life actions involving LE and gov't bureaucrats with a ridiculously heightened sense of needless fear and lack of knowledge of the law. A couple of favorites so far: Long Island Auditor and The Civil Rights Lawyer. TCRL is an actual attorney doing good work repping clients who've been screwed over by LE;
LIA is a regular guy who has done good homework about his civil rights as he enters gov't buildings to film with his phone camera only to be met with considerable security resistance.
I think Biden's extension of emergency powers
are for many other reasons than war with Russia/Ukraine.
Doesn't it give him the power to further delay student loan repayments and certain border restrictions?
I think the SVB banks is big. It's not a default by borrowers but by the bank. There has been a lot of pressure to deregulate after the restrictions enacted in 09/10. Especially the amount of reserve currency that must be deposited in the Fed banks or otherwise held in the "vault" collecting no interest. Banks wanted to have more money out there lending and making a profit. They also kept a lot in T bills prices of which fluctuate with the price of bonds and interest.
Most medium to large businesses have more money in banks than is remotely covered by FDIC insurance.
Why is the Ukraine proxy war a national emergency?
Cause I don't see how a war we provoked is an emergency here a home. If Biden wants to suspend loans he could push for a bill, not use an executive order which the next president can overturn (and the Supremes have already ruled against). He could have done it when the dims had both houses.
Expansion of presidential powers is a bad idea and it isn't a party issue. It is about checks and balances which have all but disappeared.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Agree on expanding pres'l
His track record...
...made it clear he's an authoritarian neocon...from the crime bill to promoting the Iraq invasion.
Trump broke people's brain, and they thought Biden would be better. Whatta mistake.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
In 2020 I naively
Ditto for Trump, the first president to authorize sending offensive weapons to Ukr. Obama, for all his many faults, wisely drew the line against doing that.
historically, people rarely, if ever, grab power
in order to help the poor, the weak, the helpless and folks like that. Most assuredly there is no reason whatsoever to suspect that the long-time Senator from MBNA would do so
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
One reason for the emergency declaration in 2014
during Obama was so they could put sanctions on Russia and send weapons to Ukraine.
The student debt, eviction moratorium and other things that are for here at home are because of the Covid emergency that is ending in April and millions will be cut from Medicaid and extended food stamps funds. Utah cut Medicaid in January and other states much earlier.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
King of the Hill
Sitting in China, Ambassador Burns looks pretty silly declaring the U.S. "King of the Hill". IMO, if you have to declare you are the major power in a region, your power is declining in that area. Diplomats confident of their country's place in the world would never announce such a position. I wonder if these people every shop? All you have to do is look at where an item is made to know what's going on.
We have NO diplomats...
What a sad state of our nation.
Thanks for coming by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
LO, you really rested up
while on your vacation! Your Weekly Watch is the tell!
I will be certain to watch/listen to Alex. Touring the Olympic stadium was an incredible experience. I took the position to spring right there on the starting line. And the nearby first-ever theater. I couldn't resist: I gave a speech, twirled around, too a bow. I do not limit my goober behavior to the US.
I am gonna guess more banks will fail.
The justice system, and government, failed in the J6 show trials. If this is our future, by all means, hunker down.
I might adjust to the time change in a couple of weeks. Yet another example of an overwhelming disapproval by the 99%ers that is, and will always be, ignored in favor of the 1%.
We are not a democracy, nor a republic.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I suspect there will be more...
We're buying some silver as a precaution. We already bought some gold. Also considering hiring a fencing contractor to build pastures to move into animal production. Using money for real things while we can.
I bet you'll enjoy Alex clip. He is quite perceptive, plus the tour is fun.
Have a great Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Same here with silver and gold.
My hope is that my local bank has not over-extended loans. They do a good job in 100% collateralize contracts.
We are gonna find out soon enough.
The Iran/Saudi peace agreement ended the petrodollar. It ain't coming back. Before we get into a war with China, I hope NATO and Australia in particular, walk away from the fray.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We also buy local raised meats...
...and we're not sure we want the responsibility for everyday livestock obligations, but it is an idea we're tossing around. In this clip Alex relays his experience in Cyprus when they literally took everyone's money to make the banks solvent.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Patrick Lawrence has a great essay on the Iran-Saudi alliance
And what it means for us and how it can bring peace to the Middle East and derail Israel’s plans to attack Iran. From Yemen to Syria and beyond. Hopefully it will even stop Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians!
We have used those vile jihadists since Afghanistan and we are using them in Ukraine. This really is a big achievement for China if these things come to pass.
Lol…yeah we have been trying to improve the security situation there since 2003 when we devastated Iraq and then went on to destroy the greatest country there where people had things that we could only dream of because our government refused to let us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the article...
I like Patrick and will check it out. Thanks.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Patrick Lawrence has been a great discoery for me
during all this. There's one video around where you can catch his way of speaking where he'll state something and then add a phrase that sharpens and widens his view of the matter and its immediacy..
Meanwhile, as I'm coming to the end of my open time today I want to give my warmest thanks to Lookout and his way of catching the places where all the details embody actualities we need to know about right how. This is so important! It's upsetting to now find how few I've known for years In "real life" care about any of it.
With warmest wishes to you too Snoopy!
Disco, disco dance….
Just kidding.
I sincerely hope that the events he thinks might happen do happen. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see peace in the Middle East after all the damage we have done to it and to the people who live there? Maybe China can even help Libya rebuild itself into the country that we destroyed and not just then, but into the future because we destroyed everything it once had and is now living in a lot of misery.
Great to see you and back at'cha with warm wishes! Hopefully soon you will have more time to spend with us.
Take care!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks Lookout. A great deal of stuff about a great
deal of history. Lotsa internet grief here, as well as cloud based applications. I think my ISP may be awash. ;-(
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I hate computer woes...
My internet service is much better than it was when it was so bad...but it often limps along as well. Good luck with yours. Maybe the connection has drowned? Lots of water out your way according to the news.
Take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sam when I ask if she wants to get my shoes
But she doesn’t have to use a trampoline…
I swear she is part cat. Not only can she jump 3 feet from standing, but she rubs against me like cats do when she has a toy in her mouth for as long as I pet her. Just turns circles…funniest quirks she does.
Well we got 3 more inches of snow last night and it’s still snowing. The damn groundhog should have closed its eyes and not seen the sun…. Awe well we will have an awesome spring once it gets here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Stay warm!
Guess Sam will be happy to play in the snow.
Great dog on trampoline clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sam’s bestest BFF in the world came to play with her
and boy did they have a great time running and chasing each other. She hadn’t seen him since fall ended.
Couple more good tweets
The blm riots got full support from democrats no matter how much property they damaged. Remember when Trump’s supporters protested against the Covid restrictions the democrats did not support them because…reasons even though they were not violent.
Shitlibs are mocking republicans for exposing what Twitters did and they despise the journalists who are reporting on the massive censorship and they want even more censorship if it goes against what they believe because of the government lies. I wish I could get them to read the Stupidity essay, but it probably wouldn’t do any good. Something about wrestling with pigs.
This is big if true.
Maybe some day the truth about this will come out. How many other stories that we have been told our entire lives are just something that the government made up going back to when the Indians attacked people for no good reason? How about the truth of the civil war and who and what was really behind it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Did they jump on the trampoline?
Just kidding.
Thanks for the tweets.
We walk away...Afghan reminded me of Vietnam.
The vax effects continue to be ignored. And Twitter had a program to insure it.
The Stone interviews with Putin are excellent...if you have the interest and the time.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Very good to learn of the leaked secret!
I had an uncle who worked with Fermi in Chicago and he certainly was untalkative enough, like many bright people brought up in situatioms where truth was automatically seen as false and shut down.
Never got a chance to ask him directly about those days unfortunately.
We owe them our gratitude if it’s true
America had plans to nuke Russia soon once it got all its ducks in a row, but then Russia developed their own nukes and started the mutually assured destruction if anyone used them. I posted an article on this months ago and I doubt I can find it. We have been planning on taking down Russia long before the war ended. Just imagine what we could have used those trillions on here instead of the constant wars while America rots.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for another informative Weekly Watch lookout.
I tend to agree with this.
I agree too.
Change is in the air, and spring starts next week. Beware the ides of March. And eat one Brutus, no, eat two!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
2nd time I haven’t been able to see what you posted
I’m guessing it’s a video not from YT? Is there an alternative link?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If you are referring to the MacGregor comment above...
It is only an image not a video. If is something else could you point out the problem.
I only see what you wrote
No image.
When the page refreshed it now shows.but I’ve refreshed it before and still nothing. No big deal. Just curious.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
[Written but lost message here ~ Creo]
it is on telegram...
of which I know as much about (maybe less) as zip.
But that may involve your viewing difficulties.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Link to a brief interview with Sy Hersch
I watched that whole interview...
...and didn't like the way she wouldn't let Sy respond at his own pace. She wanted fast bits I guess.
Here's the 28 min version:
The twitter link has a transcript which is nice. Thanks for the inclusion.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Will this wild theory grow some legs?
Unz is questioning why our intelligence agencies saw that China had a problem with an illness weeks before China knew that it had one. This is not the first time people have questioned whether someone released the virus on China and maybe Iran and Italy. Italy was refusing to do something we wanted them to and so… and they were hit harder than other countries it seems.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The military exercises in China...
are they the origin?
Did the Military World Games Spread COVID-19?
The October 2019 event, held in Wuhan, China, appears to have been a vector for spreading disease in the U.S. and around the world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That has been my
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
There is so much information in the essay that is linked
from the one I posted. Things started in other countries before it hit China.
Plus this one.
Plus some people got very sick back in February here before anyone even heard of the Rona. Plus there was the weird vaping pneumonia that young people got. It went away quickly though. I highly recommend reading both essays and if time read the many links included. I’m so far behind my reading schedule. I still haven’t read the email essays that I get to by 11am.
Busy day with time out to play with the Sam. 2 hours walking in the rain and Sam playing with her friend.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Handy if so
- as I understand it was the US that built the Wuhan Lab.
And how handy to have the vac problem emerge from China itself!
After ALL the lies Tony has told us will you believe this crap?
A lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild maybe looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab, and was being studied in a lab, and then came…
Sure it was just an accident that someone was just wandering through the wilderness and found some infected bats and decided to take it to the closest lab and do gain of function on it then walked out of the lab without knowing that he was infected with the new virus that he altered to make it easier to infect humans. And therefore he was responsible for a worldwide pandemic that killed millions because of St. Fauci refusing to allow early treatment drugs that had been proven to work for the original SARS 1 virus and that they had been recommended by the WHO.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Signing out tonight...
Hope you all have had a good weekend. Yesterday was lovely, but today has been rainy and cloudy. However we can always celebrate gray days...
...hosted by Pete Seeger, originally broadcast Saturday, February 26, 1966 about two months before Richard's tragic death on 30 April 1966, the day Mimi turned 21...
Entire show is here.
See you tomorrow.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Isn't it interesting that
Isn't it interesting that there are 68 (now 69) comments on this thread and none are from our own narrative manager, gjohnsit, who often posts 3X per day? Here' to you TBAU, I share your disgust!
So not a one off after all
Biden will forever be known for the collapse of America. But I’m so grateful that he doesn’t mean tweet!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh goody…
Here comes China gate…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
There is a possibility that the US-South Korean drills could