The Weekly Watch
First They Came for Bannon, Jones, and Trump

I don't care if you like these figures or not, you should be concerned about the perversion of law to attack people who are targets of the "deep state". Isn't it interesting how obviously guilty Hunter skates as the law is used and even stretched to persecute these people on the right. I'm not sure when the deep state/CIA/FBI married the DNC, but "Russiagate", the lack of prosecution of Hillary, and election engineering make obvious the connection. Hillary nor Biden could fill a room, when both Bernie and Trump were filling auditoriums and stadiums. Many Dims accept they were cheated in the 2000 election in Florida, and 2004 in Ohio, but can't fathom that Trump was cheated in 2020. Now I'm not saying he was, but I'm open minded about the possibility.

I want to be clear. I'm no fan of Trump (and even less a fan of the warmonger Biden). Remember 2016? You know when Bill Clinton talked Trump into running because he thought Hillary could easily defeat him. And as Hillary's emails reveal, the Clintons persuaded their media connections to feature Trump over the other GOP candidates, and he called in to every morning news show almost every day. Then once Trump gets the nomination, suddenly the tone changes (other than Faux News) and for the next five years it is "Trump bad!". And yes he is a narcissistic, self serving, crooked real estate mongol, and game show host, but people liked him more than Hillary, and I can't blame them. I voted for neither.
After the election the Clintons, DNC and deep state connections conspire to sabotage the Trump administration by using the DNC funded BS Steele dossier to promote the fake Russiagate smear which many citizens still believe, especially the Trump deranged. There were two absurd attempts to impeach Trump. The first for not sending weapons to Ukraine to promote the long planned for war there. The second for inciting a riot where mysteriously there was almost no police and absolutely no military presence at the capitol. Trump was the first former president to face trial after leaving office and the only president to be impeached twice. Once again I'm no fan, but this seems a bit excessive and smacks of deep state collusion.
Now I'm not a lawyer, but Robert Barnes is...and a pretty high profile one too. He shares his view on the DOJ raid, the Jones case, Ukraine, and more. An interesting and insightful legal look at these events.
Cued to the Trump raid discussion (20+ min)
The 1960's FBI at the 32 min mark including cointellpro
Alex Jones case discussion at the 45 min mark
Ukraine and then Taiwan discussion at the 1 hour 20 min mark
The inflation increasing plan that just passed at the 2 hour 10 min mark
A worthwhile conversation best digested in pieces as it is 2.5 hours in total.
Alex and Alexander followed up on that previous conversation on Saturday. They speculate that Trump may have been holding incriminating evidence on the FBI perhaps it's Russia/Steele dossier collusion dirt, Biden and Hunter's role in Ukraine, and/or maybe spygate. Who knows at present? However, it is an interesting idea. (18 min)
FBI Mar-a-Lago raid, Trump, Charles I of England and a nervous swamp
Jackson Hinkle has an good take too. Similar to my own.
17 min
The great irony here is the dimwits have once again shot themselves in the foot.
Trump Raid Is Sabotaging The Democrats' Campaign
Russell defends Alex Jones. 10 min
A court has ruled Alex Jones must pay $45 million in punitive damages in the case against him regarding his comments about Sandy Hook. So, what does the case against the Infowars creator and so called conspiracy theorist represent?
Isn't it interesting that all three, Trump, Jones, and Bannon were all banned from twitter as the first attack...prior to prosecuting them in court. So step one is censoring, and if that doesn't work take them to court in order to silence them?

You may think all three are bad (cause that's all you hear on MSM)...I must admit I ain't wild about any of them, but I don't like to see the justice department and government agencies used for political motives. This seems like "Watergate" done openly by the FBI rather than secretly by spies. Both involve breaking into opponents headquarters. But that is only the start. Then they come after anyone who exposes "unacceptable narratives". Once they make censorship acceptable then they come after the left (if there is a left remaining in the US) too.
Ukraine Targets Anti-War YouTubers With Digital Warfare (10 min)
You know all about the Russian troll farms, but have you heard about the Ukrainian troll farms? That’s right, they exist, and some of those busy online bees have been coordinating digital assaults on popular YouTubers who haven’t fallen in line with the dominant narrative on Ukraine – specifically Jimmy Dore and Jackson Hinkle. They’ve had some success in getting Hinkle’s content removed – and gloated over it on Discord.
Chris had an excellent series of clips this week on how media fact checks people to then censor. He starts by looking at Politifact (16 min)
PolitiFact Exposed: No science & Poor Ethics
He then covers AP... Unqualified For The Job: Time To Meet AP's Fact Checkers (17 min)
Then he looks at the people removing information on Facebook...
Facebook's Censorship Exposed: Chris takes on Meta (14 min)
And finally he examines Twitter's murky process of censorship.
Twitter's Censorship Exposed: Anti-Science, Opaque and Petty (19 min)
So the bottom line is unqualified people who suffer from woke group think make these calls about acceptable and unacceptable messages and information.
Canada is a great example where the government vaccine policy committee included no scientist nor doctors.
In a rare move that is sure to surprise Canadians but also serve as a relief, the Federal Court has begun releasing the documents submitted for the trial on vaccine mandates for air travel which pits two residents of Canada against Justin Trudeau. The court decided to do this after an exclusive report by journalist, Rupa Subramanya, which claimed that the government body which was in charge of writing mandates had no one with a medical background as part of the body. Sound familiar?
Following the damning report by Subramanya, the official Twitter account of the Federal Court cited interest in the matter on Friday before going on to release a link to the proceedings. The Federal Court tweeted that the documents filed in Federal Court were public unless there was a confidentiality order. Due to the interest in the matter of Karl Harrison et al. versus the Attorney General, all documents had been posted to the Court’s website.
Normally, people request documents from the court’s registrar though court documents are made public in Canada. Before now, the Federal Court only traditionally broadcasted trial decisions and not ongoing case documents. It was on May 30 that a decision was reached to publish court documents concerning the collection of data by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.
(7 min clip)
It is not new to control of the narrative. I suspect the CIA/FBI/deep state became our real government back in the 60's. (1 hour)
The Rise of America's Secret Government: The Devil's Chessboard - Allen Dulles & the CIA
Talbot's book The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government is a biography examining the career of Allen Dulles. According to Talbot, Dulles orchestrated the assassination of Kennedy at the behest of corporate leaders who perceived the President to be a threat to national security, lobbied Lyndon B. Johnson to have himself appointed to the Warren Commission, then arranged to have Lee Harvey Oswald take sole responsibility for the act. The book charges that the conspirators in JFK's death also murdered Bobby Kennedy as they perceived him to be "a wild card, an uncontrollable threat" that would reveal the plot.The book has stirred debate about the history of the CIA. In a review for the San Francisco Chronicle, Glenn C. Altschuler stated, "Talbot’s indictment is long, varied and sensational." Altschuler wrote: "Animated by conspiracy theories, the speculations and accusations in his book often run far ahead of the evidence, even for those of us inclined to believe the worst about Allen Dulles."But the book was praised elsewhere, including Kirkus Reviews, whose starred review, called it "a frightening biography of power, manipulation and outright treason. [...] all engaged American citizens should read this book and have their eyes opened."
We don’t need the CIA - The Chris Hedges Report (34 min)
Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou discuss the CIA, how it has evolved, how it sees its mission, what it does, how it works, and the effects of its clandestine operations around the globe.
John Kiriakou worked for the CIA from 1990 to 2004, first as an analyst, and later as a counterterrorism operations officer overseas in Bahrain, Athens, and Pakistan, where he was the CIA’s Chief of Counterterrorist Operations.He became the sixth whistleblower indicted under the Espionage Act by the Obama administration and was sent to prison for two and a half years.
Today the AI tools of deep state are frightening.
Facial Recognition Replacing Tickets At Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium (6 min)
Facial recognition technology is widely lauded by the technorati for all the convenience it will offer just as the same technology is derided as an Orwellian tool of the security state by advocates of personal liberty. Either way it’s not just coming; it’s already here. The latest example: Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz stadium will be replacing paper or digital tickets for high-end event attendees with a system based on facial recognition.
We continue to goose step closer to a digital fascist police state... Where wrong think is censored and punished, the goal is more power for the elite, and you will own nothing and be happy.
And what’s funny is if you carefully watch the way power moves in the world, you will see that this is pretty much how it works. The most vicious among us are elevated to the top, because all our systems are built in a way which elevates viciousness.
Klaus is often cited bragging about Trudeau and his WEF trained cabinet. Most western government leaders have attended the WEF Global leadership training. I caught a discussion of the Great Reset (35 min) this week, and though I don't agree with all the views in the podcast, it was encouraging to see the message and threat of the global plan getting out.
At the World Economic Forum meeting last November, Klaus Schwab, the founder, and chairman of the WEF, Henry Kissinger, heads of state, and other billionaire power brokers determined that by 2030, the little people “will own nothing and be happy.” Today’s guest explains that these ideologies are both dangerous and evil.
Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “If you control the food, you control a nation. If you control the energy, you control a region. If you control the money, you control the world.” History tells us this is true.
Mark Moss, author of his new book “Uncommunist Manifesto” says, “Per the UN, it’s estimated 860 million people could starve to death in the next 24 months.”
Hosts Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and guest Mark Moss discuss Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and “The Great Reset”.
However even the complicit Kissinger is concerned about US warmongering.
Mr. Kissinger sees today’s world as verging on a dangerous disequilibrium. “We are at the edge of war with Russia and China on issues which we partly created, without any concept of how this is going to end or what it’s supposed to lead to,” he says.
And to augment the surveillance state, how about 87,000 new armed IRS agents targeting those making less than $200,000?
J6, 87,000 IRS agents, and the raid are all connected. They want us divided into those who will comply and those who will not. This is important before they move forward with their plans for The Great Reset. They want lists, so they’re attempting to start a civil war. It’s a cold civil war now, but it may turn hot soon.
The piece continues...
But as more Americans are put on lists and the so-called risk of “domestic terrorism” rises in the form of fearmongering narratives, we will see more 4 am raids on patriots. It won’t just be the high-profile targets like Roger Stone or Peter Navarro. They will be hitting as many average Joe Americans as possible. We’ve seen what happens when nations embrace this police state authoritarianism, and the United States is showing major signs of following suit. The jackboots are coming.
That's why I titled this, First they came for Trump...
We have so many emergencies around the world, but instead of addressing these life threatening issues, we wage more war. (8 min)
A strong United States is the key to world peace and global prosperity. It's the myth that perpetuates the U.S.'s quest for military dominance. But if the U.S. war machine does not stop and the country is always ready to use force to advance its hegemonic interests, how will the world achieve peace?
Why? Profits play a big role. (8 min)
Is the U.S. involvement in Ukraine a defense of democracy or lining the pockets of politicians and businessmen? Which U.S. companies have consistently been among the world's most valuable? America is the world's largest arms exporter by a massive margin. Exactly how much does the U.S. dominate the market? A CGTN special investigates "The Military-Industrial Factor".
The Business of War: Profit from conflict (6 min)
Countries around the world are aware of US bullying to maintain hegemony.
South African minister rejects bullying about Russia from Europe and calls US House bill offensive. Minister of International Relations, Doctor Naledi Pandor hosted U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken on August 8, 2022, for a South Africa-United States Strategic Dialogue. The US House bill mentioned is the Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act.
I like to close these pieces with something positive. There are many inspiring people and projects.
We desperately need to cooperate around the world to, for one thing, address weather weirding.
Europe's rivers are running dry as the climate crisis worsens (9 min). It isn't just in Europe, droughts (or floods) are common wolrd wide including the States. Life to change for 40 million people as Colorado River continues to dry up "This is not a drought, this is aridification," Rhett Larson, a water law professor at Arizona State University, said. "This is not something we can wait out. This is not something we can survive. This is the new world we live in."
So you may be thinking there's no way we can address problems like drought....but we can. People have on a large scale... 5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Fast forward through the ad in the middle
So you may be thinking, yeah but what can I do as an individual. Look how the host in the previous clip lives on a 1/3rd acre urban lot in Corvallis, Oregon. (30 min)
Turns barren suburban lot into high-yield Microfarm & YT studio
Andrew Millison has spent the past 12 years turning a grassy yard into a high-yielding microfarm with more than enough produce, eggs and honey to feed his family.
Every corner of his front, back, and side yard is covered with fruits, vegetables, cover crops, bee hives, chicken coops, grey water treatment plants, and even a bamboo forest that supplies garden fencing.
He intentionally planted fruit all along the perimeter of his corner lot to feed the neighborhood, as well as plenty of native flowers to encourage pollinators.
Millison, who teaches online permaculture courses at Oregon State, turned an old shed on the property into his home office so he can now take breaks to tend his garden while working:
“For me, it's the perfect relationship between work and garden because I'll be sitting here and I'll think the chickens are being really loud, and I’ll go and see they're out of food or I'll hear the humming of the bees and suddenly be like ‘oh my god my bees are swarming.’ I feel like my work and play relationship is very nice.”
4 min
So to close out, do you really think Trump's "crime" of keeping documents required the extreme, to my mind, over the top, search before using less aggressive measures to procure the paperwork? Do you think it odd the Judge who signed off on the search warrant had been CIA asset Jeffry Epstein's lawyer and an Obama donor? We'll see. Perhaps there will be some world threatening files there. My guess is the arrogant elite overplayed their hand and the episode will reveal, yet again, the incompetence of the Biden administration.
I look forward to your comments, ideas, and thoughts below. Have a good Sunday!

Good morning
It sounds like the corporate government's divide and conquer strategy has progressed beyond going after the populace. Now it is eating itself. This may be a good development? We'll see.
Some Sunday morning tinkle music ..
Thanks for the watch LO!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Yes, eating itself...
...and shitting on us.
Tulsi Gabbard: There is no turning back
Thanks for the tune and scenery.
Here's one back atcha..
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wow, can you imagine fiddling on that promenade?
Gives the tune a sense of danger!
Tulsi is great. I guess if one wants to make an imprint on the political circus
it is good to be media based. Like comedians, game show hosts and talking heads.
Or cartoon characters even!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Looks like TG
Her comments were a combination of platitudes, buzzwords and overreaction in ways meant to please her Fox audience. Not persuasive in the least.
I was a supporter in the 2020 cycle for her solid anti-regime change stance, alone among Ds as far as office holders seeking the presidency. From what I've seen of her lately, she will no longer have my considerable support as she doesn't seem fully supportive of the concept of no one being above the law and seems more interested in finding a friendly home where the dark forces on the right dwell.
She began her rant with "Regardless of what one thinks of Donald Trump" but conveniently left out a clear expression of exactly what she thinks of Trump outside of the current investigation. Not very courageous but consistent with someone about to transition politically.
You're entitled to your opinion...
But the get Trump regardless of abuse of power stance, I can't buy. I like Tulsi's take. You don't. Fine we can agree to disagree about this topic.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Were she to digress into what, exactly, she thinks of
Trump, it would water down and distract from her message about our
law-enforcement/intel/justice cabal and it's ominous dip into Stasi-like behavior and rhetoric/threats.
That issue came up a lot in the fifties and sixties, criticize McCarthy and somebody would be sure to snidely ask why one didn't also criticize Russia. The answer is simple - "not relevant". US political discussions seemingly always have been and still are shockingly full of irrelevant material and considerations.
But Hey! What about his cheap ass toga, huh?
--- Not Relevant.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I suppose
Of course, I don't buy her Fox-friendly over-the-top attempt to portray Merrick The Meek as something from the Stasi/Gestapo. Centrist MG strikes me as too cautious and too willing to avoid major controversy, and so I'm fairly confident there is some real there there in the docs, not just innocuous doodling from the Oval. He likely felt at a certain point, after many months, he had no choice but to act, and failure to do so might have led to a major rebellion in the DOJ ranks. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
Well as to "Centrist MG " I'd point out that there
is no such thing as a centrist, even back in the days of the chamber of deputies. Today it is some flavor of conservative, how conservative varies, but for sure conservative.
I'm reminded of old go along to get along Panetta, moderate to an extreme, worked with both sides and, when made director of the CIA immediately absolved everybody in the agency, past, present and future of any responsibility or culpability for any and all war crimes so long as they said that they thought they were somehow obeying somebody's orders, not a legit defense per Nuremberg, but, we're exceptional.
be well and have a good one
edit, changed blockquotes to italics
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You have music for that?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Outstanding & very timely
Thanks Lookout.
Much to digest & worthy of comment.
For the moment, here's Ron Paul from 1988 - on the good reasons for abolishing the FBI, CIA,
Federal Reserve and IRS and more - even more relevant today...
Thanks for reading...
The selective blindness today is staggering...from COVIDiots, to Ukraine Nazi supporters, and now to cheering on the FBI? What happened? Incompetence reigns supreme these days.
Chime in more often as you browse through today's column, if you like.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Perseid meteor showers ended with a boom
Here’s more information on it from my local rag
This is the backside of the mountains seen from Ogden and the ski resort that was Utah’s best kept secret till the Olympic came here. Tickets that were $8 a day are now over $100 and the lines are long. But it’s also a great place in the summer with a gondola going up to just below the rocks on the peak on the right. Hiking, biking, horse riding and in the past we rode our motorcycles up to the top. There is also a nice lodge and restaurant just a few yards from the gondola.
The peaks are more impressive than they show cuz of the wide angle lens.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That is cool!
Did the meteor land or just burn up?
We once worked our way up the Rockys from Glacier up to Jasper NPs. Loved riding the gondolas and hiking. So different from the hills we call mountains. Switzerland really has that gondola/hiking/skiing thing down.
Thanks for the booming news. Hey to Sam!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I haven’t heard yet if it landed
But the article talks about how much money the rocks could be if people find them. The boom was heard in a large area including the Uintas where I’ve been camping 100 miles away and even in Idaho. People didn’t know what it was until others started sending in video. Lots of ring cameras captured the meteor across the state. I didn’t hear it cuz I sleep with ear plugs and have a fan on high. I did hear the earthquake because I think the shockwave preceding it woke me up. It sounded like a big gust of wind in the trees.
From the picture it looks like it passed just north of me. I’m just a bit south of the peak on the left. I can be in the foothills in about 5 minutes depending on if I have to stop for the light. Lots of hiking and biking trails scattered through the hills. Also the mountain is much steeper than shown. Much.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, I've been on meteor auction sites...
Some are worth big money especially the iron based ones, but you can buy common ones for a hundred or so.
The Antarctic and arctic are prime collecting sites because they are easy to spot out on the ice.
Thanks for the spacey story!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Narrative control is so deeply ensconced in our US Outlaw Empire
that it seems highly improbable that any major reprioritizing of our so called “national security” strategy will happen. There seems to be no ‘Plan B’, only to continue with the current program of the violent taking of the resources and assets of lesser nations, eventually including its own people’s as well, in the ongoing effort to prop up our failing economic system and our massive national debt.
Until the global economic system embraces a multi polar configuration and leaves the US$ to its inevitable death spiral, there will be little chance of even a moment of Peace On Earth.
It didn’t need to be this way.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Well put!
Alex last week talked about the way everything has backfired on the collective west...from sanctions to the Putin regime the change. We end up reaping what we sow/project. So he continues saying the collective west espouses exporting democracy to Ukraine, but in the mean time is becoming corrupt, fascist Ukraine. Everything has backfired.
USD supremacy is already crumbling as the Brics+ nations begin using one another's currencies. You gotta admit it is interesting, this end of empire ride.
Take care and be well.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Talk about things backfiring
I'm sitting here watching Face the Nation and they are all complaining about people losing faith in our system and institutions. Blaming everything on Trump and his language. They have continuously propagandized everyone for decades to turn on each other, never believing that they won't eventually turn on them. Not a fan of Trump's but he called the FBI the biggest illegal organization. No truer words were ever spoken.
Trump has been the gift that keeps on giving
ammo to the shitlibs. But as you suggest, it is beginning to backfire. Blaming their repeated failure on him has less and less impact. Taibbi suggests in his book, Hate,Inc, the Clinton telecommunication bill set up the selective news media, starting with Faux news carving out the rethugs and MSDNCIA going for the shitlibs. It was also the start of 24/7 news rather than just an AM and PM summary by the likes of Walter Cronkite et al. No more shared experience but your own selective bubble of reality.
Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well put as to WJC, the news cycle, and all that.
be well and have a good one
edit fixed type in subject line
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I hope your morning is wonderful
But then cable doesn't have to follow FCC guidelines... another raygun gift. As Lookout points out this "deregulation" was reinforced by the guy who was supposed to be on my side as I listened to the sucking sound of my jobs heading off to far away shores.
But I digress, sorry.
I believe that anyone with even a modicum of history education and critical thought has to immediately recognize that Trump was not the cause of this situation but the result of it. The conditions for the people living in the plantation shacks caused them to become very unhappy with those in the plantation mgmt structure. Trump was their rallying cry.
Unfortunately for the raygun educated, Harvard Business School ethics standards, cabal they will never allow that to happen. Now get back in the fields that you used to own and sharecrop for the owners.
As I said before... this is NOT a left-right issue. It is a top and the downtrodden issue.
I'll try not to let myself become as upset as I have been since the scuba days. (added on edit: I most definitely was not scuba)
I might add a little picture I stumbled upon as I wandered thru the "right-wing" socialist internets (as someone who was there in the beginning, it was socialistic)...
I'm in total agreement...
And I'll paste in your picture...
Thanks for the addition!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks very much
no pressure...
just jump into the conversation when you're motivated. You are always welcome on this every Sunday column, and I'm sure anywhere in the c99 community.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A letter from Navarro Electric Co-op (our supplier)
They sent us a letter this week . . .
At the end they list four agencies offering financial assistance.
Wow. Corporate Greed again. Not a very well thought out plan when nobody can afford their electric bill. Ours was $550 in May, $710 in June, and $759 in July. Our monthly budget does not even come close to allowing for this rise in cost. For many years I have budgeted $350/mo for electricity. Usually, it is much less than that. Last month we started serious conservation and used our savings to install some solar. Solar companies are price gouging in a major way as well as the cost was based on $710/month rather than $350/month. Still waiting on our electric company to install the new meter so not enjoying the benefits of solar yet.
What will be the unintended consequences of the greatly increased cost of electricity in Texas? Family in the upper-midwest have not seen raised electricity prices. Is it only Texas?
121 degrees is the highest I saw on our outdoor thermometer in the sun. We have one in the shade as well which is usually 5 - 10 degrees lower. I have been trying to keep some things alive in the garden, but now vow I will never garden this way again here. Controlled climate is the only way to go as I see it.
Dr. Deb Tolman is building an underground greenhouse using Earthship technology. I volunteered to come over and help with the tire-filling stage and that should probably happen this week. My husband bought a backhoe attachment for his tractor this past year and you can get smaller solar kits on eBay for not much $$. Still would use hay bales as a growing medium. I'm thinking out loud here.

Comments? Advice?
Thanks so much Lookout for another wonderful, informative Weekly Watch!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I really like this walapini
This week, we tour the walipini, or pit greenhouse here at Red Gate Farm.
We may have to build our houses this way too to buffer winter cold and summer heat.
Sorry about your high power bills. We get power from TVA nukes through a rural coop, and luckily for us pay only $130/month for both the house and barn meters. Good luck with your solar project. My understanding is the new dim inflation increasing bill includes tax credits for solar, so maybe it will help with this years taxes?
Stay cool and hope y'all finally got some rain!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the video!
That's another design to consider. Thanks!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Just got a notice from the new "provider" bought out
the existing one, on our electric bill. Same kinda do-do. Your energy bill will double in a couple of months. So why do we sell our gas and oil overseas? Profit. Who pays for shortages? We do.
We also subsidize the domestic extractors to the tune of zillions. Go figure.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
In the UK many are refusing to pay.
Don’t Pay UK campaign: What happens if I refuse to pay my energy bills?
A new campaign aims to persuade one million people to stop paying their bills if energy prices aren’t cut.
UK charities are warning people of the severe consequences of not paying their energy bills, as a campaign to stop payments from October gains momentum.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I do not believe my electric co-op here
I know many retirees and disabled who live on $700 per month. Those electric bills would ruin them in a matter of months.
I am glad you went solar, even if on some small scale. I got the estimates, and in my situation, this is something I should have done 10 years ago. No way I will live long enough to get to break even, would never see a savings.
I dream of retiring in 2 or 3 years, but it getting to be just a pipe dream. Every call to my office in the last 2 weeks has asked the question, "will you take your fees in payments?" I haven't done that since 2007. But, I did take a couple of new cases in, did accept a payment in increments.
Fair is fair.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And then of course we have different types of Mockingbirds
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good afternoon...
I love this song by friend (deceased) Dennis Dunn, FL songwriter
Little Gray Mockingbird
Say Civil War often enough and you're libel to bring it on. It seems almost on purpose perhaps to create violence no matter what, even if it takes a false flag event, in order to cancel/postpone the elections?
Loved your image from the other day...

Hope all is well in your world!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That's what I have on my Bingo Card!
Everything is good here, thanks.....and it's all good by you too hopefully.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Damn! Made me have to hear the original -
thanks, be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Well another original that ages so well
Why we need Wolve's
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
What an amazing video.
Sorta long video.
It's quite amazing at what nature can do
Nice video, it is well worth listening to regardless of whether you own land or not, thanks for sharing!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Here we go again...
remember how the media was accused of helping Trump get elected because of the non stop coverage of every PT Barnum-esq utterance that he bloviated? Well, here we are again, Trump living rent free in the heads of both sides of the political aisles. Trump garnered massive free publicity from the media and talking heads and it looks like it's happening again.
I peruse the comment sections of a few right wing sites to keep abreast of the thoughts that are knocking around in their propaganda soaked noggins. I do the same for the left wing sites and their propaganda soaked noggins as well. I consider it due diligence.
There were many right wingers that were upset with Trump and had jumped ship. The reasons? Trumps promotion and his fast tracking of the MNRA vaccines and his statement about taking guns first and due process afterwards, which lead to a widening of the red flag laws. That's the two biggies with them. They very much reminded me of how many on the left were disenchanted with Clinton and Obama, not for the same reasons mind you, but still disaffected to the point of not voting anymore or voting for someone other than their party. The Mara Lago raid has fired their base back up and brought the naysayers back into the fold along with many that would never have voted for Trump. BIG TIME!
My take: IMHO, I've learned not to take anything at face value anymore. There's a war going on in the US. It's a war for your mind.
déjà vu all over again...
The dimwits have set him up to win again in '24, IMO.
One reason we need to use our critical thinking skills...
Slowly, slowly, then all at once. So the empire falls. Y'all take care and have a lovely Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning and thanks for the weekly watch. I can't
really see bundling Alex Jones with Bannon and Trump. The latter two were clearly targets of a politically motivated vendetta and witch hunt. They're both contemptible, but, nonetheless were the victims of improperly motivated persecutions and prosecutions that were unrelated to any actual criminality they may have indulged in.
Alex Jones is an entirely different matter what he willfully and maliciously did in the pursuit of enhanced profits crossed a clear line, he got sued and he, quite predictably lost and now gets to pay the victims of his action a tiny fraction of what his behavior earned him. It's not like his narrative was the product of some investigative reporting, or an innocent mistake of fact. There is no way in hell he is in any way a victim in this matter.
I think the only thing linking the 3 of them is hubris. Alex Jones came to think that he could say anything and everything whatsoever about anybody and everybody, for profit, and that nobody could ever do anything about it. If he didn't know better, he should have, and if he didn't have couinsel, he should have.
Bannon was a grifter who thought he would never get caught and, given entry into the Trump inner circle, also came to believe that if he did get caught Trump would bail him out. An unrelated Democrat political conspiracy swept him up as a trump minion, his house of cards tumbled and Trump didn't save him. Some sort of extension of the "fruit of the tree" doctrine could arguably apply in his case but how much, how far and to what. It's sort of like you get rousted and jacked up by the cops because you flipped them off but are carrying contraband, stolen goods, counterfeit money and the take from an armed robbery you just committed at the time. You try to run, dropping the swag, which spreads out across the sidewalk, and get caught, just as the victim of the strong arm comes running up. How much is tainted? Should you walk completely? Maybe you should've been a tad more circumspect, maybe not, hard to say, but you're clearly a victim, although also a perp.
Trump, another grifter also overstepped a bit. Yes, victim and persecuted and all that as part of the great Democrat conspiracy. The bust is one thing that may be valid. Trump signed a law while in office, probably aimed at HRC, that applied to him. Beyond that it sounds like he would've violated some already existing ones. The feds get really torqued anytime you take home, even innocently, stuff covered by any kind of confidentiality, even shit simply stamped "for official use only". If they know or reasonably suspect you did so, they will come after you and it, and like as not they will give no warning in advance to keep you from ditching it. That applies all up and down the food chain. That triggered some outcry as to the whole history of the war on Trump, which is good, but if appears that as to this one event, he overreached and it bit him in the ass.
So, up until a week or two ago, Bannon and Trump were both long-standing victims of long running multiple abuse of process shenanigans for which the abusers should be brought to justice and the victims should at least be pitied if not even granted a bit of a pass because "fruit of the tree". The raid on M-A-L might or might not be connected with that, it depends on how it was initiated and whether the appropriate is were dotted and ts crossed and all that shit.
The Dems need to be held to account but I don't know how. Hunter and Papa Joe need to be dealt with to the extent of the legal facilities available, seemingly involving at least special prosecutors, impeachment, FCPA and other je ne sais pas, though the FCPA is worthy of mockery (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act).
Rash LimboAlex Jones, however, used a hatchet on somebody, willfully and without coercion or cause and that kind of shit costs unless one is Carrie Nation. C'est la vie. The government may not censor one's speech in advance, but juries very much can extract vengeance after the fact. It is totally unrelated to the ongoing war on those who say bad things and indulge in wrong well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Robert Barnes was insightful ...
on the legal issues of the Jones case IMO
Although Jones admits he was wrong about Sandy Hook and has apologized, a fine for suffering might be appropriate. However the award seems excessive to me. The goal is to destroy his program "Infowars" and eliminate his point of view. I must admit to never having watch the show, just clips others have curated. Again, to my mind, using courts for political purposes.
Of course YMMV.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'll listen in a bit, but THIS WAS A CIVIL SUIT;
not a government prosecution. The goal of the jury, I'm pretty sure, was more to make the sob pay for what he did than to shut down infowars. It would take a ton more than that to shut down infowars.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Someone had a lot of time
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
what a colossal structure and collapse. Wonder if they called it the American Empire?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Did anyone know that Trump is suing Hillary?
Gestapo the Steal
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That makes my point exactly...
and follows the suppositions in the WW today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It is apparent the Zelensky (Ukraine) can do no wrong in
the eyes of the West or the MSM.
Scott Ritter sums it up quite well.
The full article can be viewed at the RT link.
another great example of blowback to the west...
along with sanctions, regime change, and so on.
Thanks for the update!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ukraine is bombing the water supply
I’m on my phone so won’t excerpt this but good lord what is the pentagon thinking? I don’t think that Biden is so far gone that he’s willing to risk a nuclear accident. Except that it won’t be an accident. Or are they so gung ho to take out Russia that they would do it? Did they get Europe’s permission because if Russia is damaged too much there goes the gas and everything else they get from Russia! Madness and insanity in those running this shit show!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Alex discusses the matter at the top of his clip today
He takes you to a beautiful orthodox church which I've left in. His discussion begins at the about5m16s mark
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Russia is supposed to wind up Balkanized and
Oligarchs controlled by and beholden to "The West" (US) control all of the resources such as hydrocarbons, minerals, infrastructure, etc.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Deep State and DNC marriage
This article suggests that Bill Clinton officiated at the marriage of the deep state and DNC.
The article provides a concept map for the neoconservative movement beginning after WWII. We are now in the 2nd wave of neoconservatism. The article is almost 20 years old, but provides a "who's who" in this movement. The author thinks this destructive 2nd wave is temporary. Ha! Ha!
That was my guess...
Thanks for the article and confirmation.
Nice to "see" you this Sunday. Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There is only one answer to this test!
appropriate cartoon
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good conversation with Jimmy and Max Blumenthal
Max has an insiders background and has some interesting views.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Free market thinkers
"It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history."
- Ludwig von Mises
I prefer a "liberal dictator" to "democratic government lacking in liberalism."
- Friedrich Hayek
Lookout, just when I think you can't top yourself,
you do! Brilliant composition, interesting, well-sourced, covering so many current events of which we all need to stay apprised.
There is just a lot of issues this FBI raid raises that look so staged and timed. Instead of a real show of force, it makes the FBI look like wussy idiots. This has nothing to do with two-tiered justice. It has more to do with police being political tools. I have seen it on a local level time and time again, (arrest an opponent, drag it out, get elected, case dismissed) but at the highest national level, it erodes the integrity of the institution. And the obviousness started with Her and the DNC. Maybe it is a good thing it is being outed.
It is 90, feels like 100. Trees and flowers are dying, and creeks are running dry. The moisture of a 30 minute hard rain is gone by the next day. 90 deg. feels like 100 deg. No rain forecast until some 60% chance next weekend. Talk about a long, hot, summer!
That video of the wolves almost brought tears. There is a beauty and majesty in nature that is unsurpassed by anything mankind has done, or will ever do.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Aw shucks...
Thanks. I hope you catch some rain soon! We went through that one summer...river dried up, forest was wilted, grass would crunch. It is painful and I feel for you.
We've been lucky this summer. Wish y'all the best...cooler temps and some rain.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We may swing by for a visit
I raised cattle and hay during a drought that lasted several years, so I am familiar with the water and lack of rain stuff. I have had the water supply co. telling me when I can water my lawn or garden. This is different, perhaps my age, when I look at trees and bushes in my yard that I planted 20 years ago, see them on the verge of dying. 10 years ago, I would be saddling up 2 horses, giving them a 30 minute workout in my arena, no problem. Now, I can barely sit outside and observe the bird feeders and bird bath. On the other hand, maybe it is not age. It is climate change. 90 deg. once felt like 90. I romp and stomp all day, every day, inside in the a/c.
If I moved north, I would IMMEDIATELY buy a horse.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In a somewhat surprising development the State Department
might have been telling the truth.
From 2 sources that I consider reliable we get this.
It is difficult to discern fact from fiction
in this propaganda laden world. Thanks for bringing both pieces. The US started drone warfare thanks to Obummer.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Another wonderful Wrap-up
Thank you, Lookout.
It is all so dispiriting I decided not to post until I had something cheerful to talk about.
And here it is:
After years of bumblebees becoming very scarce all over NYC, they have returned in force to my balcony!!
Of course, I am careful when I go out to water because i do not want to scare them.
I'm wondering if they are attracted by the buckets of cosmos I planted this year, along with sunflowers which thrived last year also. It doesn't feel like Lower Manhattan out there with these big plants plus large ferns. So much fun for me and for the wildlife as well.
A few weeks ago a speckled falcon (hawk) sat calmly on the balconies ledge and devoured a small bird. This creature was entirely calm as I brought (him? her?) a dish of water and chatted to it Well, Clearly, you're not hungry. Very bold for such a small creature. In the morning I cleared away the tiny bones.
Cool story about your falcon/hawk
An osprey dined with us on a trip to the coast.

Thanks for coming by and reading. The earth healing project toward the end are pretty encouraging.
Congrats on the balcony garden!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How about a bedtime story?
It is sad to try to take forest creatures out of the forest.
5.5 min
Sleep well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The ripe stink of corruption is everywhere
AMEN, Oliver!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Neil has been making good commentaries...
Thanks for posting this one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Lookout, I'm dropping in next day
...just to tell you how much I appreciate your show.
It has become a show, in my mind. The videos were remarkable and the conversations and comments were illuminating. Everyone was so sharp and thoughtful.
We are fortunate to have you here during these unusual times.
I feel fortunate to have all of you...
cause the world is nuts, and there's primarily voices of sanity in this community, including yours!
Thanks for reading and watching the "show".
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”