Open Thread - April 7, 2016 - Why I Will Vote For Hillary Rodham Clinton

First of all, like all the famous killers, she's got three names.
ok, that's about all I've got on that subject.
wait! Maybe I can come up something else.
ok, I'm at her website which lists 112 reasons to vote for her. Let's check them out!
1. As a former secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, and a lifelong advocate for women and families, no one is more qualified to be president than Hillary.
sure, that seems like a great reason. Can't argue with that conclusion. On to the next...
2. Hillary knows child care, equal pay, and paid leave are fundamental economic issues—not just “women’s issues.”
good point. The more I think about it, the more amazed I am that no one else ever figured this out! Ok...
3. We can't afford a Republican in the White House
hey...that would apply to O'Malley, too, wouldn't it? I mean this could be #3 on his list, too. Moving on...
4. Our democracy should work for everyone—not just the wealthy and well-connected.
I'm sensing a problem with this list.
5. Our next president could make multiple appointments to the Supreme Court.
yeah....and I think Bernie's would be better so this is another weird "reason". So far we've gone through the first five, on her very own website, which have said pretty much nothing and wouldn't convince....was gonna say "a flea", then thought "Chelsea" but I realize fleas don't care and Chelsea probably has her mind made up.
Briefly, there are another 107 reasons and some are digs at Bernie and some are knee-slappers. Highlights!
12. The economy is stronger when a Democrat is in the White House.
15. Because taxpayers shouldn’t pay for millionaires’ and billionaires’ kids to go to college.
17. She declared on the world stage that “gay rights are human rights.”
21. She’s the only Democrat with hedge-fund billionaires running ads against her—because they know her agenda is to stop their agenda.
25. Because every 4-year-old in America should be able to go to a high-quality preschool in the next 10 years. (except, I guess, millionaires' and billionaires' 4-year-olds)
30. She has spent her life fighting for a fairer America.
34. Prescription drugs still cost too much. Hillary has a plan to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. (what is it?)
38, She's the only candidate with a clear and comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS and radical jihadism and keep America safe
39, Hillary negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that ended the rain of rockets on Israel. (and the Palestinians?)
46, Hillary is prepared to tackle all challenges, including national security—because presidents don’t get to choose which issues come to their desks.
48. We need a small-business president. (????)
51. She’s a progressive—and she’s a progressive who gets things done.
55. She's one tough mother (it really says that)
66. Hillary helped negotiate the toughest sanctions Iran has ever faced.
aw, skip it. It's not that good of a list, I'm afraid. Maybe she's got some positions on the issues listed somewhere.
ok...she's against Alzheimer's. That's good. Ok, education. She's got something called "The New College Compact". This sounds promising. "Ensure no student has to borrow to pay for tuition, books, or fees to attend a four-year public college in their state."
Bernie wants to make it part of the public system, like high school. Is that what Hillary's suggesting? (we read on to find...)
Students will do their part by contributing their earnings from working 10 hours a week.
Families will do their part by making an affordable and realistic family contribution.
so that's kind of like Obamacare in that it's affordable because we'll make people pay for it. Eh, what?
Let's see about health care
Defend the Affordable Care Act and build on it to slow the growth of out-of-pocket costs.
Crack down on rising prescription drug prices and hold drug companies accountable so they get ahead by investing in research, not jacking up costs.
Details? No? I guess she was too busy criticizing Bernie to tell the website people what she had in mind.
jeezus h god, who wrote this? I was looking for foreign policy. The only thing there is "national security" where we get more of this "will defeat ISIS" stuff and powerful, meaningful items like "Hillary will keep America safe and secure by defending our core values and leading with principle." Oh good, she'll "stand up to Putin". Again, yes, that's on her website.
Well that's all I can take. I'm with her! Go Hills!
And now for something more pleasant
I'm With You - The Big Three
I'm Your Puppet - James and Bobby Purify
Chuck Berry - Don't You Lie to Me

good snark there!
good snark there!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
What, it doesn't list any Reason
along the lines of the Bernie supporters are so mean?
Hillary may have "helped negotiate the toughest sanctions Iran has ever faced" which next SoS Kerry made into a better agreement with sanctions reductions in return for slowing their nuclear weapon program? What a hawk.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good morning, Shahryar,
and 99ers. I was browsing around at wind spinners, chimes, garden plaques, and stuff, and ran across this. It is called "New! Birdwatcher Stone Plaque by Carruth Studio."
It reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it.
Made it my avatar
just now. What do you think?
This was my old one. It is called "Still standing.":
I think it is perfect! n/t
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First Nations News
T-shirt sure is,
but all those mouths? That's good PSing. Or she was saying "9/11".
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Are their eyes
painted open? I don't remember the last time I saw a group look so unhappy.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Oh no!
That's "enthusiasm", don'tcha know....! /snark
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First Nations News
That sure is a sad looking crowd....
I imagine that's about what I'd look like if I were there
You'd be sad too if...
you were promised $15 to attend and you only got $9, and Security wouldn't let you leave.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I've always gotten a kick out
I've always gotten a kick out of the subliminal truth hidden in her logo. The red arrow, pointing to the right, covering up the blue letter "H". Kind of says it all, doesn't it?
Nice song selections, Shahryar
Gm, Early Birds!
ok, I'm at
herhis website which lists1121 reasonsto vote forherhim. Let's checkthemit out!Well... that was easy.
I'm sold.
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Sanders' supporters
take over HRC hashtag #HillarySoQualified LOL
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Why we are getting more wars --
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
We came,we saw,we killed
That sums up her 'foreign policy'. You don't need an e-mail to confirm the reality, that you lived through and saw with your own lying horrified eyes. Pivoting to Putin and reheating the cold dead war.
PNAC Seal of Approval
All right there.
"This is about Humanity"
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First Nations News
That is absolutely great!
Love the lady at the end. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I have some Very Important Tasks lined up for my morning so I will try to do better at staying above all the fray Im seeing (elsewhere mostly, so far).
It's SQUEEEEE time!!
(New York must be looking pretty good ... for the Berdie! TOP? not so much)
Lol real belly laughs
Tighten your seatbelts - rough weather ahead. Kinda like it cause the wind's at our back.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
"I'm Your Puppet."
Holy Molely, James and Bobby Purify????? Jeebus, I'm getting ancient. I remember dancing and listening to that tune on the (AM) radio. Rec'ed!!!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Clinton corrupt corporate campaign collapses
Oh the humanity! What a world, what a world
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The "List of Accomplishments" crap? Really?
That elicited groans when TOP regulars pulled it for Obama. Course he's rolled back as many of those as possible, so I haven't seen it in... uh... jeez, at least two to three years.
Just like we won't be seeing this list after her coronation. If it happens. At best we'll be told to shut up, adults in the room are talking. (Funny how the "Adults in the Room" resemble nothing so strongly as a drunk teenager with dad's credit card and a house to himself and his buddies)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The sanctions on Iran are illegal and immoral
and based on lies. So she and her minions are admitting another war crime.
Basically anyone that accepts the premise that sanctions on Iran are needed is a dupe, ignorant of the real reasons for the sanctions and ignorant of the facts regarding Iran and nuclear weapons. A classic case of believing the propaganda. Of course, none other than Bernie Sanders repeats the same lies about Iran. The "honest" one out of the bunch according to his supporters.
Behind the smoke and mirrors...
how many remember that the Iran Boogeyman didn't surface until Iran started making noises about establishing a Bourse to trade oil using a basket of currencies instead of the Almighty Dollar. If oil could be traded in a number of currencies, the Empire loses its credibility and stranglehold over trading.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I certainly do.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
has been a US bogeyman since 1979. The bourse opened in 2008.
True Dat
Renewed interest in looking under the bed in 2008.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
let's see. There was the Reagan administration's non-stop jihad against Iran, which culiminated in an actual military attack on the country in 1988. The Clinton I full sanctions and total embargo of the 1990s. Iran's designation as a member of the "axis of evil" in January 2002, and the subsequent renewed weeping about nuclear weapons. Admiral Fallon & Co.'s barely successful effort to "put the crazies back in the box" in the mid-2000s. UN Resolution 1737, in 2006. Etc. All pre-bourse.
It goes all the way
back to 1953. We sure nipped that democracy in the bud.... Can't imagine why the Iranian's after living under the Shah became 'radicalized' and threw our asses out. Not saying a fundie theocracy is a good thing but I can understand why they decided the latest round in 'The Great Game' needed to be stopped.
Yep...1953 and since
If you go back far enough in history, you'll pretty much always find a valid reason why this or that country hates us. We've brought it on ourselves by arrogantly interfering in other governments' and countries' internal affairs.
The world could be such a different place with a little bit of respect for others' autonomy.
The SAVAK, i.e., the Shah's hated secret police
was organized by Maj.Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Sr. How sensitive of us to send Norman Jr. to command our first boots on the ground operation in the region.
"They hate us for our freedoms!"
Dimwit Rayguns
and his handlers told Iran to give up the hostages, or else. BUT, not until after the 1980 election. The plan worked way beyond their fondest hopes. Sad fact. Rec'ed.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Bigger / smaller bundles of American propaganda framings (lies)
It’s like cable TV subscriptions.
Other candidates are committed to various quite comprehensive deluxe packages of delusions.
Bernie’s marginally better than the others, but he’s not going to cut the cable on the military empire — he still subscribes to the “basic” package of bogus U.S. foreign policy prescriptions.
The vision thing?
I wonder if she can see Russia from her front porch? If not, we ought to bring in the real thing—oxymoron in this context.
IT WAS HER Yuckie Ukie policies that
put a stake in the heart of our relationship. Her PNAC roots wanted to destroy a begrudgingly growing relationship of cooperation with Putin. Instead, HER policies (which sadly, were followed by Obama) made him feel like a cornered rat. And he reacted just like the PNACers expected him to.
Their pro war stances (Libya, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, Iraq,) are all deliberate provocations to stir up shit and to spen more money on their best fiends in the Military Industrial Complex.
you went there
and you read that drivel and you lived to tell the tale. You should get a medal.
Because what you
did is very dangerous. For that site is monitored at all times by grumpy Clinton clones. Who can See through the tubes and detect if a Scoffer has dropped by. The clones can then send hideous melt-lasers through the tube that will incinerate the Scoffer where s/he sits.
You had me going there...
then I read the diary. Nice.
BTW, hello, glad to have found this site, courtesy of ccbohio, who mentioned her diary about HRC and climate change on a Bernie Sanders group we are both members of on Facebook. This site is a refreshing change from DKos. I look forward to a focus on issues and not following a party line.
For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still.
John Maynard Keynes, 1930
Welcome Kurt from CMH...
glad to have you with us. Please visit the Welcome, New Members link at the top of the left sidebar to get an idea of what we're about. Make yourself at home.
Welcome Kurt
This is where it's at...
welcome to c99p and open discussion
I originally intended to make the best argument I could for Her Ladyship. I thought to myself "surely there is a way to look at this and come to the conclusion that she is, in fact, a good choice". I know some people who support her and some who like her enough to say they'll be glad to vote for her if she wins the nomination. So I decided to do a little research to see if there isn't something I'm missing. Maybe if I tilt my head and squint, that sort of thing.
But the stuff on her website is so meaningless except when it's horrific! I'm not a Bernie nut. I have serious problems with his foreign policy but I'm clearly rooting for him to win so I can't say I approached the Hills website as an undecided voter. That's what I tried to do, though. I wanted to go there and see if I could be persuaded and it turns out I was persuaded against her.
Still, I want to push on this one thing. If anybody can make a real case for Hillary it's welcome here. The problem with that list of 112 reasons is that when you delete the "nothing" reasons ("we need a Democrat", which applies to a lot of people!) you're left with "she's a hawk on foreign policy and a scary one at that!" Perhaps someone who knows more about her can do a decent job of pushing her candidacy.
I also want to say that I went to Bernie's website and found a lot more substance....of course.
I can't visit her website
I just can't do it. I'm sure it would make me ill, and I have to work today... so I have to ask, are these things *really* posted there, or is this pure snark?
First I think, no, I can't imagine it's for real -- she is running for president, after all! Surely her website is not this insipid and absurdist! Is it? Then I think about what her supporters actually say about why to vote for her ... and yep, this is it. I realize wow, this list probably is actually on her website. And that is very sad. If the Democratic party is really her party, then it sure ain't mine.
oh yeah, everything quoted is real and on her site
no need to make anything up. All you have to do is go there, read it and let your eyes pop.
Vote for Hillary --
because maybe she'll make good on a minuscule proportion of her promises if we're lucky!
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
She's against Alzheimer's?
Is it running for POTUS, too?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Term limits
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
She's one tough mother
That's supposed to be a reason to vote for her? Margret Thacher was one tough mean mother fucker, along with a lot of other monstrous women mother's throughout history. Boggles my mind that people think this is a good quality for a woman let alone the first female president. On second thought that is the only thing on her list that has once of truth to it. It's insulting doublespeak drivel and once makes me ask how can this many people be so stupid, vicious and mean spirited. I would have thought we've had enough by now.
tweet with graphic
since I forgot already
how to embed a tweet!
How do you embed tweets?
and further more how do you embed gifs. I just tried to embed one especially for you Lady, apparently I'm too much a Luddite to figure it out.
To embed a gif...
do it the same as any image or picture, by using the Insert/edit image icon above the editor or use HTML img code. That is:
img src="image or gif URL here" /
with the less than and greater than tag brackets at either end.
To embed a tweet...
go to the tweet page and click the three little dots at the bottom of the tweet, then select "Embed tweet", copy the embed code and paste into comment body.
Thanks JtC
I can do that. The gif had an HTML embed copy as well as some other options. I really like the image embed on the tool comment bar.
Because taxpayers shouldn’t pay for millionaires’ kids' college
I completely disagree. If everyone benefits, much easier to get buy-in because FAIRNESS.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
good night, Shahryar,
rare day that I didn't log into my 'puter for the whole day. I pad myself on the shoulder. All the more happy I am to read your very good Open Thread, you convinced me completely, I am now one hundred percent "with her". You just made that happen. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Hugs.
Peace and never ending unconditional love .