Wednesday Open Thread: Models, Maps, Reality and Relevance


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No, it's Thursday
So am I, let's have a drink
O,K, Let's not go there

A while back, there was a study that concluded that human children start out from the earliest age as empiricists. Well, no shit. How else does an entity like that survive. We have brains and senses, a nervous system, and no material language skills. Besides, one can't help but notice things and put stuff together. Some things move when manipulated, some don't and some move all by themselves, and somewhat consistently, too. Some things cause comfort, some cause discomfort and some cause pain, that warning that something is very wrong. We are already modeling our universe, and doing so empirically to boot. We can't help it, and that is good because it is the principal survival tool of our species.

We're familiar with models, mostly in the sense of scaled down simulcra of real world things and/or hypothetical/imaginary ones. There are toy cars, boats, planes and such, as well as dolls, doll houses (and furnishings) and the like widely advertised as toys. With them kids can act out and explore myriads of actual scenarios they are aware of and imaginary or hypothetical ones they dream up. Among these models are "scale models" which purport to be precisely accurate miniaturizations of real things. We'll take special note of these. There are also serious "adult" models, not uncle Henry's HO scale representation of the Wichita freight yards circa 1842, but serious stuff. These are those we use in understanding and exploring the world. We went from a geocentric model of the universe to a heliocentric one, later downgraded to a model of the solar system, from 4 "elements" to the periodic table and, THE STANDARD MODEL. Doesn't that name just say it all? If you don't know it, it is all quarks, leptons, muons, hadrons, photons, electrons and suchwhat. Imperfect and temporary, but lacking any empirically sound proposed revisions. We use models to portray, study and analyze everything from storms to ecosystems over time, and to make projections and predictions.

So, MAPS. We're all hip to maps, world maps, state maps, road maps, the map your friend drew of how to get to the great still undiscovered new cafe, etc. All nouns, in one sense, simply two dimensional models, models of routes and obstacles. But MAP is also a verb. There is the trivial case of mapping as part or all of map making, but there is another more important usage. A map or mapping creates or notes a correspondence or group of correspondences between items in groups: "an operation that associates each element of a given set (the domain) with one or more elements of a second set (the range)". We have a set of 3 numerals 1,2, and 3 and a set of 3 letters, a, b, and c. For each numeral, a letter, and vice-versa.We can map each number onto a corresponding letter (5 different ways, no less, but that isn't the point). Such a mapping creates a one-to-one correspondence between the items in the two sets, a one-to-one mapping. One can also have one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to many mappings, but again, not the point here. Note the terms domain and range, if we place the members of both sets as coordinates on perpendicular axes, we get and mark the mapping between them as points we get ye olde familiar "graph", a very helpful visualization tool.

Remember "scale models"? The utility of a model for understanding, analyzing, predicting or explaining lies in the accuracy with which it corresponds to reality. A map's utility for finding one's way to a new dentist's office lies in the degree to which it is an accurate representation of "reality". A good map should map on that which it maps. There should be a one to one correspondence between the intersections on the map and those on the actual streets. Ideally, there should be a one to one correspondence between all points on the map and on the streets, in order that the proportionality of the real roads is reflected in the map. You do not want to use some illustrated chamber of commerce map with the tiny "not to scale" imprint because too often the 5 block trip down the next side street to the grocery is seven miles, with one such "block" being 5 miles of undeveloped land where the chamber isn't interested in pushing anything. Maps, models, same same, they must accurately reflect reality to be useful. Within reason.

THE STANDARD MODEL has become an ever increasingly accurate predictor and portrayal of "Reality" experimental results. Uh oh, what happened to "reality"? Climbing up the ladder of history, child to adult to culture, success and progress has largely relied upon having models derived empirically. We use and have used observation and experimentation to build them. (True, there are non-empirical models, but they haven't advanced the store of knowledge and understanding much, if any at all, except where they have allowed empirical information and modeling to intrude.) Is there a "reality" outside of and beyond our models? Perhaps, in fact, almost certainly. Is there a "reality" outside of and beyond any possible reach of our experience and experiments? Who gives a shit. That's right, it is a non-question.

Das Ding an Sich: "the thing-in-itself as opposed" to the phenomenon (that poor pitiful thing that we sense and percieve); a form of noumenon - an object or event that exists independently of our senses or perception. Back in the dank and dark interior of Plato's sorry-assed cave, these were ideas/ideals and forms. They not only cannot be sensed, but also cannot be proven or disproven except by pure ratiocination. Throughout history folks have sought the eternal, unchanging, perfect, immutable whatever that surely (surely?) must underlie all of this. Insecurity, thy name is humankind. Contrariwise, some have deemed even so much as the language relating to noumena as nonsense. Back in college, a buddy and I independently and simultaneously began arguing from relevance. Occam's razor should put an end to Platonic Forms, Das Ding an Sich and all that, but does't ever seem to do so. Enter the butcher knife of relevance. I am a phenonemon and I inhabit a phenomenal world. By definition I cannot at all interact with noumena in any way, even with the finest of imaginable tools. They are walled off from this universe. It is also definitionaly impossible for them to interact with this universe or any element in it. They can neither help nor harm us nor influence our lives in any way. Who then cares if they exist or not. Fuck all that.

As an aside, and furthermore, for what it is worth.We make and rely upon maps and models based on empirical evidence, observations and understandings. Noumena by definition, cannot enter into any empirical system. If they exist, irrelevant as they may be, that is for the non-empiricists to add to the rest of their baggage. While it may be argued that some such may be sensed in some purely cerebral zing unmediated by any of the known and suspected senses, empiricism as I have argued elsewhere, relies upon empirical evidence, and evidence must be replicable. ( ; original: )

So there we go compadres. Just a little food for thought, too much perhaps. This is, after all, an open thread and I am hogging the mic, so I'll cut out and leave it up to you.

Except: I have this affliction. Words, phrases, numbers, anything under the sun trigger songs, titles, snippets of lyrics or rhythms or even melodies. Hey, it's the 19th, but I just said hey and 19 in a sentence, so you don't get Hey Nineteen", lucky you.

I won't be here when this posts, and don't know when or if I'll be able to drop by, so ....

The thread is open and the floor is yours. Whazzup?

((Image from page 678 of "Transactions and proceedings and report of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide, South Australia" (1878)))

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Brilliant essay, el.

Does a map show us the world or change it? I saw a play in which British mapping of places like Wales often resulted in changing the names of places, an inroad into killing native languages. Ironically, I cannot remember name of the play.

Inasmcuh as this is an open thread, I'll ask something about which I've been wondering for a while: Has anyone heard from River Lover?

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QMS's picture

@HenryAWallace To the greater river in the sky. Several months ago.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security


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smiley7's picture


"Eventually, all things merge into one and a river runs through it.
The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops, under the rocks are the words and some of the words are theirs." ~ Norman Maclean

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The tributes were lovely. I miss RiverLover and I also many of those who posted in remembrance of her.

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enhydra lutris's picture

changing things, such as that of Amerigo Vespucci.
Thanks for reading.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --


So, I guess we're to blame for any failures of the revolution.

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Mark from Queens's picture

Lots to ponder there too, especially about the rottenness of the utterly corrupt and vicious Dem machine in NY.
Man, do I loathe with a passion the Neoliberal Nightmare/Protectorate of the Economic Terrorists of NY, Andy Boy Cuomo, and his venal cabal and those rulers who support these criminals, including most prominently $hills & co.

Naked Capitalism has always been excellent but lately I’ve found myself reading through all the comments of several essays. Great work and community there.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

lotlizard's picture

dethroning the “king of fossil fuels” — Saudi Arabia — are kidding themselves.

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divineorder's picture



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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

lotlizard's picture

if worst-case flood levels were reached (e.g. 60 feet versus a design intended to deal with only a maximum of 22 feet).

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enhydra lutris's picture

the environment. Years ago a heat wave shut several down in France because the cooliant water from the riers got too hot.

have a great evening.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris

European heat wave forces French nuclear plants to shut down
The Associated Press

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enhydra lutris's picture

What with climate change, this could become a semi-regular occurrence.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

at $5 a barrel production costs!

With the largest proven oil reserves in the world and a production cost of only $5 per barrel, the kingdom will continue to capitalize on persistent global demand. “When people talk about a post-oil future, Saudi Arabia is still selling oil because it’s a low-cost producer,”

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lotlizard's picture

and whether John and Jane Q. Citizen believes in it or not, is actually moot?

Because no one, and nothing short of war (radioactive contamination of all the oil reserves?), is ever going to stop the Saudis from producing and selling for all they’re worth?

Anyway, there’s no fascism Western elites love more than royal fascism.

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... I have this conversation fairly frequently. What we call "reality" is entirely a mental construct based on our observations that (by definition) interact with what we observe and change it. What we see may be the result of photons of a particular wavelength interacting with molecules in our retinas, but different individuals have different suites of molecules (color blindness, in extreme cases) and wildly different neural networks. And no one has the neural bandwidth to observe the images we "see"... they are almost entirely the result of signal processing inside our brains.

Your associations of numbers and music, el, are pretty common among the geeky tribe. For my older daughter, numbers and letters of the alphabet are associated with particular colors; for her cousin, musical notes have colors. I have asked kid#1 if she remembers when that association happened, because I remember teaching her letters and numbers, but she does not, alas. I do remember when she was two and had just graduated from peeling her crayons to scribbling with them, her favorite color was periwinkle. Not purple, not lilac, not lavender.

Thanks for the post. I confess that these days I find great comfort in the idea that none of this is real...

PS. I miss River Lover, too...

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enhydra lutris's picture

@The Breach Awaits
of us share the preciely exact same model, we just made do with a consensus shared construct. Thanks for reading.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Mark from Queens's picture

Still remember clearly as a grade school kid sitting on the couch with a world atlas and becoming immersed in it.

Still prefer a map in my hands any day than GPS, which I don’t use (or hardly ever). Still remember over a decade ago first hearing from a guy I was working for that Google had been sending around cars to map every street in the world or something. Couldn’t believe him that you could type in any address and not only see it, but see it 365 over, on top and around. Then there it was. Fascinating, but creepy.

Part of my dream last night was hanging with Bowie a few months before he would die. Talked about songwriting, books. Then there was a scene with a girl I had a crush on who I haven’t seen in many years. It’s a weird, this thing of being able to recall overnight dreams throughout the next day.

Lots of great stuff in your essay. Took me far and wide in my thoughts. Look forward to finishing later when I can. Just checking in now...

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

enhydra lutris's picture

@Mark from Queens
superior in a lot of ways, though the avility to zoon is missed.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

smiley7's picture

limitless is a faraway place
way beyond the rock-strewn ridge named possibility

it’s over there
through a tangle-thick forest the old ones call maybe
it is a fortnight’s trudge through what could be
and at least as far as a strong man can chunk a stone
—straight as the crow flies
a hard tough row across the mind’s breadth
a frog’s hair from probably and head high from unreachable
you can’t get there from here
but you can get here from there

unfurl the map
aim the compass well
cause true north does lie
dead reckon instead on reality
find yourself there

Compassing ~ J. Drew Lanham

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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

k9disc's picture

What matters but that which can be measured, preferably in digital format?

I've been thinking that digital is evil. Binary denies agency and makes "reality" fungible.

It is impossible to separate the critter from the environment – do humans and other biota alter the environment or does the environment alter us? "I" is not solely inside of you. That "I" exists in our minds is completely true, that it exists in the brain is unsure, and "I" certainly is tied to the environment.

So where does "I" stop and it, or not "I" begin?

I don't think we can measure something to find out, so looks like we're going to model it on digital.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

enhydra lutris's picture

utility. And for that matter, all scalar systems. reality flows.

Where, if anywhere, we reside and where our boundaries are is fodder for another essay, but we very much do in a sense comingle with our evidence.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Granma's picture

I'm helping with very young grandchildren on a daily basis for several weeks. I appreciate all the open thread writers here. I do peek in most days, but that is all I have time for.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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can't stop nord Stream 2

US President Donald Trump and Polish head of state Andrzej Duda have agreed to unite their efforts against the Russian-European Nord Stream 2 project. According to the two leaders, who met in the White House, energy projects "endangering our security, like Nord Stream 2" should be prevented. Trump stressed that nobody should depend on only one energy supply.

However, Donald Trump has stated the US was not planning to slap any sanctions against companies involved in the Russian project when asked about such a possibility.

"We are not looking to do that. We just think it is very unfortunate for the people of Germany that Germany is paying billions and billions of dollars a year for their energy to Russia," Trump said to the journalists.

turkstream to be expanded

Hungary has reached an agreement on gas deliveries from Russia for both 2019 and 2020, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday, Hungarian news agency MTI reported.

china gets another pipeline

Yet it has seemed for some time now that new gas projects are very unlikely to happen - the 38 BCm per year Power of Siberia pipeline will go onstream December 20, 2019 and seemed to satiate China's needs for Russian gas - but that has now changed. A second project, generally denoted as the Altay pipeline (sometimes also mentioned as Power of Siberia-2), which had been stalled for four years due to limited demand and Gazprom's sanctions-induced constraints, is set to be the next big Russo-Chinese gas project.
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enhydra lutris's picture

and hard to come by on the road.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

the continents on the globe looked like they fit together when I was in the 6th grade. Africa kind of snugged into South America. Thanks for all the neuron firing non sequiturs. There are 50k neurons and three million synapses in a cubic millimeter of visual cortex. Here's lookin' atcha, el Smile

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