What do we call oursleves?
Submitted by NeverWasCool on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 2:42pm
A couple recent blog posts here and here got me thinking about branding and identity.
Given that we are a community we have ideas, we have content creators, what we need is an identity. Something to coalesce around as ideas are hammered out, debated, argued with points for, points against ... above all else in search of the truth that are supported by the FACTS.
Given all that .... I submit for your review and feedback ... some down and dirty concepts upon which a brand can be built and with any luck surpass our former turncoat host.
Open for discussion, purpose, translations or outright belligerent critique.
Some letterforms and logos.

I'd love to run on the Caucus 99% ticket!
Yep, when I make my run for City Council, I'm not going to be running as a Democrat. Haven't decided yet ... I was thinking of joining the Socialist Alternative party, I wrote to WFA to see if they were interested in a Seattle presence, I did not receive a response.
I like the gold one on the bottom the best.
Thank you for your vote.
The image came from OWS when a large group of protestors shut down the Port of Oakland.
Nice work! n/t
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
And because I'm a huge fan of anonymous I'm picking 4.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
I like that one too ... I think that's my second fave!
But the colors in the last one are warm and bold.
here, here!
thats kind of my favorite also. But using the Guy Fawkes mask becomes controversial to some people.
And because I'm a huge fan of anonymous I'm picking 4.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde
Hey joe...
I answered your email. I can change your username for you just tell me what you want. You can tell me here if it's easier.
I think that works better.
I like
99ers. Reminds me of the 79ers, 69ers (my fav!), etc...
Edited to add: I like 2 or 3.
Progressive to the bone.
We call ourselves caucus99percent
Why do we need branding? We're not selling a corporate product. I worked for years in corporate print advertising design in marketing departments and do not want to brand, or 'market' this free range eclectic community. I still make a living off market research but I'm really leery of identity, branding, meme's, messaging and all that jazz. That said your graphics are really nice. I vote for 1 even though the rest are great. I picked 1 because it is graphically simple and a well designed logo. Nice work your a talent.
Good Question
Why do we? True we are not selling a "corporate" product, but we are selling a product. We are also in competition with other open air, free range, progressive sites. In selling a product you have to offer something your competition doesn't. In the blogosphere its content and the users who contribute.
If we can agree that those are a given then what is the next logical step? Identifying the competition, right. The great big orange goo that is the "go to" site for the progressive community. This is what we need to combat. The site name is already in place .... so the big question is:
Notice I didnt emphasize progressive bloggers. While its understood that this site is their domain in gjohnsit I outlined some bullet points that I think he left out that are worth including in the discussion.
I don't want to be in competition
with other progressive sites for eyeballs or clicks. We have no advertisers to please were donor funded. Fuck competition I'm not here to compete with other sites. How about co-operating with other progressive sites and exchanging info via links etc. In case you missed JtC's message this is not a partisan site per say so what's the point in being in a race to the top? It's not a competitive business it's a community, progressive liberal place for people to gather write and read for reasons that have nothing to do with competitiveness.
Are you keeping it real? Did you check out my linked comments?
Why did you stay at the DK for so long? What kept your interest? What kept you coming back?
The DK didnt start out selling advertising space either. You dont have to buy into competition, you dont have to buy into branding ... but you cant deny the gravitational pull the DK has on you and many others. That is identity branding.
And you bet its competitive. Competitive for peoples time. I have X amount of time to devote to blogging. Where do I spend that currency?
There is no one answer, for everyone its different. However there are plenty of nice, quiet unsuccessful blogs. But is it an echo chamber that makes a blog active and alive, or is it debate, lively discussion, opposing views, new members, old members, trolls, controversy, topical that keeps a blog growing, moving and evolving.
More the merrier
I want us to attract the even more talented, positive and engaged people. One way to do it help shape our mission, provide ourselves with a brand, and help people understand they can join us.
To me this is not a competition, we need to start a movement. We need to wake people up. The Rome Empire kept the masses dumb, feed and entertained- Rome had 80% unemployment near the end. Guess what happened to their great society- gone it is just in the history books.
I am not talking about a collapse today or tomorrow, but look around things need to get better and we need more people to help us. Bernie started the fire, I want to keep it going and the way to do is we need fuel (engaged people).
Therefore, I want to build this into the best community around. Forget the past, learn from it and use it to help us grow a great future.
Mr. President, we cannot afford...a mine shaft gap!
Fellow community members.
I do this for a living, and in the business personal feelings are not spared. While I appreciate the votes and interest ... its really ALL of ours.
An identity/brand must answer a lot of questions and these were done without direction so it may only speak to my perspective.
I love the niceties but I would like more a serious discussion about what you like, dislike, would change, wouldnt change.
What does c99p need to address, or say.
These were only meant to start a discussion as I have found most people need to see something before they can tell you what they dont want.
Thank you again for your input.
We need a symbol- they are powerful
I agree we need naming and symbol, that was my point yesterday. I am not a sell out just realize others need something to recognize us and to use going forward. With that in mind, I like both 1 and 2, but have slight suggestion could we use number 2 with the color scheme of number 1?
I love the numbers, blue, and the layout for 2. If we go with number 2 people might think we are rebels from GOS- just my 2 cents.
However, I truly believe we need this to help us. My goal is to help with this movement- to enlighten people so we can take back our country for the betterment of all. Using positive energy to overcome the negative.
Bernie has woken me up, now I want to do something about it instead of hiding or avoiding the truth.
A little more to think about
These are incredible please look
These are all great, thank you so much for creating them.
I love all of them. But especially 2, 4 and 6. Maybe 2 & 6. I just can not decide, please help everyone.
Can we put one of these are the front page, please think about it.
As long as we can skip the 'Tarheel/Carolina Blue'
Good point
I like blue just do not want it to be associated with other organizations.
Fine as a badge or an icon
But for a main graphic or logo I'd prefer something more serious and action-ey.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Personally, I'm an aquatic mammal.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
(No subject)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
PacMan is hungry for a new theme for the website.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
If only
I had more thumbs to give.
I never identified as "Kossack'.
I rolled my eyes at people who would address Markos as if he was their friend or buddy.
And the ass kissing over there - I'm not religious but holy hell.
I'll identify as what I have the whole time and remain happy with that...
An individual person with my own thoughts and ideas.
I'm not shedding an old identity, and I don't need to craft a new one. In my opinion, none of us need to do that.
Damn straight Vayle
Identity, marketing and branding will be the death of what makes this a good site. Jeeze look what it has done to dkos and American politics in general.
Waaaayyyy out in the weeds
My gawd peeps ... we're talking about a mastHead and you guys are trailblazing in open country.
Here I'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs for you to find your way back.

Marketing an identity requires a budget, advertising, focus groups, etc. etc.
For claims of "I used to do such and such " and confusing this with that causes me question the validity of that statement.
Not lost.
Thanks so much for your concern.
And you can keep the crumbs.
#4 because I like "revolution"
But I'm less pleased with how the mask interferes with the typography. Perhaps try some variations on that theme?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
no problem