Screw the Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders
I've been thinking a lot about what can possibly be done about the wars and imperialism and the FACT that we are being ruled, i.e., we do not live in a democracy but under an oligarchy turning to a fascist oligarchy. I've read about Bernie Sanders and the democratic party, Trump fundraising for 2020, what Hillary Clinton and Obama are doing, some of the other bullshit coming out of this nation's capitol.
No way. I don't want any part of it. You can take the democratic party, and the republican party, and shove both of them. Fuck them, fuck everything about them.
You know why?
I was reading deep things (compared to most people) on the internet as I do, and not long into my daily routine I came across these gems. These were all just today or the last couple days.
“If we are speaking honestly about conflict in the Middle East, we need to start with the chief culprit, Iran, and its partner militia, Hezbollah,”
Nikki Haley, U.S. Asshole to the U.N.
"North Korea is the most dangerous and urgent threat to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific," he said. U.S. vice Dictator Mike Pence
"Secretary of Imperialism Rex Tillerson - The US secretary of state has accused Iran of "alarming ongoing provocations" aimed at destabilising the Middle East and undermining America's interests. "An unchecked Iran has the potential to travel the same path as North Korea and to take the world along with it," Tillerson said."
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly responding to criticism of their Gestapo police state tactics,
"If lawmakers do not like the laws they've passed and we are charged to enforce — then they should have the courage and skill to change the laws. Otherwise they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines," Kelly said, to a burst of applause in the auditorium.
"We can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us. To give them the space to crush us with misappropriated secrets is a perversion of what our great Constitution stands for,” CIA Director Mike Pompeo declared, adding an ominous assertion: “It ends now.”
The Mad Dog we have as Secretary of War - "The bottom line is there can be no doubt in the international community’s mind that Syria has retained chemical weapons in violation of its agreement and its statement that it had removed them all,” Mattis said during a press conference standing alongside his Israeli counterpart, the extreme right-wing Zionist Avigdor Lieberman."
Vice President, Secretary of State, CIA Director, DHS Director, UN Ambassador, Secretary of "Defense".
We have a government led at the top by conservative fools and maniacs. These people are fucking crazy. And I didn't even mention Trump.
But you know what, you can bet that if Hillary Clinton had won, we would be hearing the exact same things from her Democratic party administration. We just had eight years of it under war criminal Obama.
It's not just the dangerous provocations that could result in more war and possibly nuclear war. It's the brazen lies and incredible Orwellian descriptions of reality. In every case. The "chief culprit" of what's happening in the middle east is Iran?#!%! What the fuck? After what the United States of Exceptionalism has done and is doing in the middle east? Are things really that bad where the propaganda and conditioning are so effective that there are people who will listen to these government "leaders" and believe them? Or is it like listening to someone so fucking crazy that it leaves you speechless? You simply don't know what to say about such brazen bullshit. Maybe the audacity creates the silence.
Bernie Sanders and the Democratic party are NOT going to do a damn thing about that. Nothing, in fact, they are aiding and abetting the entire massive criminal enterprise. They're the ones out in front of the Russia hysteria. They're the ones who supported Obama, Clinton and Kerry in their waging of the wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen. The democratic party wanted Clinton as president so she could bomb Iran and nuke Russia. Has Sanders said anything about the false flag chemical attack in Syria? Has Sanders called out the lies about the U.S. war in Yemen other than encouraging Saudi Arabia to "get their hands dirty"? Just last week Sanders said "Assad must go" feeding the narrative that the problem is the evil dictator, not the United States, and that the Iraq war was a blunder, a mistake. That's bullshit.
I've had enough of Sanders and the Democratic party. The democratic party is the opposition, a neoliberal, Wall Street tool, imperialist political party and if Sanders wants to affiliate himself with it, even while proclaiming himself an independent to give his fans an excuse, then he's part of the opposition too. Regardless of his words about wealth inequality, single payer and a higher minimum wage because he supports U.S. imperialism and that's the killer in our midst.
Because this is serious. The people in charge are crazy and they must be stopped. That includes both parties. This isn't about making progress, this is about survival.
I read yesterday about a study from some at Yale that said Trump is mental. (I wonder why the studies from community colleges don't make the grade, only Yale, Princeton and Harvard). Read those quotes above and tell me they aren't ALL mental. Every last one of them.
We need nothing less than revolution.

You're close.
Righteous rant BA!
Next step Zen.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Probably could use a little Zen right now,
Only one way to
do it. Pick up a clipboard and knock on some doors. Ain't much fun, and Lord knows Libs don't want to lift a finger when it comes to actual w-o-r-k. But, it's one of the few ways that works, movement-building 101.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Quote from North Korea newspaper
"The official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said on Saturday in a commentary that North Korea wouldn't hesitate to launch a pre-emptive strike if provoked.
"The US has now gone seriously mad. It is mulling frightening the DPRK and achieving something with nuclear strategic bombers, nuclear carriers, etc. However, the army and people of the DPRK will never be browbeaten by such bluffing," it said, referring to the North by its official name, the Democratic Republic of Korea."
Seriously mad is right. The world knows it but Americans won't do anything about it.
Yeah, the world knows. Here's the cover of
der Speigel:
This country needs an international 'intervention' so to speak.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
This is something I've thought about writing in much greater detail, but I don't know if I'm qualified to do so.
We love to be fooled by language in this country. Everything in this country is taken to the extreme, especially the use of language and the lies that are crafted from them.
The biggest burgers, biggest trucks, biggest houses, biggest salaries (for the wealthy), biggest mantras, biggest lies. biggest guns, biggest paranoia. Big Big Big.
We love to proclaim our democracy. Which is...partially accurate.
Are we a direct democracy? Definitely not, Madison despised it since that would go after the wealthy class, "Protect the opulence of the minority from the majority".
Are we a democratic republic? Kind of, perhaps once was.
Are we an oligarchy/plutocracy? You bet.
But we love to proclaim how free we are. Which again is wrong. As Agent Smith said in the Matrix, "We aren't here because we are free, we are here because we aren't free." Our government strips our rights to make us free. We become more free by having less freedom.
We fight more wars so we can have more peace. Eternal war for eternal peace. The War of Terror can't end because it is explicitly designed not to end. Terrorism is a tactic; there is no end game. But that doesn't matter. War is Peace. War is Money. War is our Economy.
Perhaps this is too cynical from me, but I don't believe the people of this nation have it in them to revolt. Too anesthetized, too misguided, too broken. American people are broken people; they have been whipped, shaped, tortured to be what they are today. Obedient. France has a chance here to elect a communist.
Sanders won't use his power. He has no inclination to do so. He stays with the Democratic Party. He desperately claims he is an independent, he is an IINO, Independent In Name Only. Everything is done to prop up the Democratic Party. The sole reason for the existence of the Democratic Party is to ultimately suppress, absorb, and destroy any leftward movements. Regardless if they win or lose, the objective is to keep people in line and under control.
I wouldn't mind direct democracy.
Hell, I would take a democratic republic even.
But I doubt this country will ever have the courage to do it.
We should demand a referendum system right now,
That's fine
Take a long close look at Calli before wishing for that.
Remember that it degenerates into rule by demagogues and PR experts, using every hidden persuader technique and piles of sophistry to endlessly sell corporate wish lists.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Californica isn't the entire country.
There are States where initiative and referendum actually still serve the People. I live in one (Colorado).
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Ya, here in Washington State we've legalized gay marriage
Cali can be fixed
I think banning the paying of people to gather signatures, would go a long way. The official voter guides, with arguments for and against written by the interests involved, of each proposition, make it fairly easy to cut through the intentionally confusing bullshit. Not many of the really bullshit propositions have passed for a long a time, while there have been some good propositions that have passed.
Beware the bullshit factories.
voter guides
This is a significant piece of how Colorado does the initiative/referendum thing.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
has happened in my lifetime.
" And blue shadows will fall, all over town."
I *have* written about language.
Forgive me, but I think one of the most dangerous uses of language in US politics is misuse of the word "democracy." Dangerous, because "democracy" seems to lull people and prevent them from aspiring to more.
The Framers' education included a thorough knowledge of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, included reading Latin and Greek. When they set about to create the US, they had three models: (1) some form of royalty or dictatorship; (2) the Republic of Rome; and (3) the democracy of Ancient Athens. They chose (2), not some indefinite combination of (2) and (3). They would have considered "direct democracy" a redundancy and "democratic republic" an oxymoron. (Same for "representative democracy.")
The secret notes of the Constitutional Conventions show the Framers chose a republic precisely because they feared the majority and sought to keep power away from it. This is reflected in the Constitution before amendments. The only office for which ordinary people were allowed to vote was the House, with its shorter terms and its weakness in comparison to the Senate. State legislators voted for Senators, which has changed, and electors voted for President (and still do).
For some reason, Americans cannot admit, even to themselves, that a democracy and a republic are two different kinds of government and that they live in a republic with widespread suffrage, not a democracy. So, they twist language to disguise those two facts and have done it so long that dictionaries now reflect the conflation. (In the U.S. dictionaries reflect usage, not some abstract ideal of correctness.)
Referenda are state creatures, not federal government. Using referenda within a republic creates something of a combination of a republic and a democracy, but only at the state level. Even referenda are not very democratic, if the state legislature gets to decide what does or does not become a ballot question.
And, of course, the ultimate bottom line reality is that we are a plutonony, not even a plutocracy, much as Citicorp/Citigroup described. I think the citizenry is much less likely to get lulled being taught that, which is why schools will never teach it.
The Democratic Party is the firewall to progressivism.
Purpose built and working perfectly.
No truly progressive candidate can win election and survive.
No one.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I've been pointing out some quotes from a century or more
Thomas Paine wrote in The Rights of Man, that a law persists from past generations does not signify that the current generation cannot undo the law, but only that they have not yet done so.
The Declaration of Independence itself says that governments are instituted by men and it's our duty to change it when it becomes oppressive. I'd say we're past that point.
This is a hard-hitting piece and, yes, they are all mental.
It is, without doubt, a curse to see so clearly in the US, and you're not alone. Lately, I've collected a few historical quotes on democracy, myself. This one from H. L. Mencken is my current favorite:
He knew.
The easy theft of this continent from the indigenous people and America's isolation from the rest of the world made the people what they have become, and they made the nation what it has become. Now, they simply accept ridiculous propaganda and misinformation and are tricked again and again into forfeiting their treasure and their rights. They manage to sleep through the bad parts and don't really remember them or dwell on them. In time, a government revisionist narrative and patriotic tunes will come along to make them feel proud.
I share your perspective entirely, although I don't share your notions about another American revolution. Pretty words like Thomas Paine's annoy me: “The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government.” As if that would ever happened in the US.
Americans seem to have little idea of who they are and what they're about. If they did throw a "revolution," I, for one, would not lift a finger to fight over this patch of dirt, isolated between two vast oceans — or any dirt, for that matter. Life is too short to waste on nations and nationalism. There are too many interesting places to live in peace and wonder. I suspect that the people who brought most of us to this continent did so to escape a bad situation. I think they set a good example when they packed up and headed off into the unknown. They surely would leave this place, too, in search of a better future.
I recently ran across a diatribe by an unknown gentleman of uncommon honesty. His essay was guileless and weary and it struck me as a bookend on the American experience. I return to it once in awhile:
Excellent excerpted piece, Pluto, thanks for sharing it.
I read both his full essay and the one to which he linked. My kind of folks totally.
Find myself pondering the loneliness of truth-speaking in my own circles. Old friends just don't seem to have the wherewithal to engage on such a level, but then sometimes you'll get a surprise when they do, or at least some elements of what you're saying.
I've believed for a long time that the catalyst for all of the misunderstanding and obfuscation, and these two essays covered it too, is the relentless propaganda that is lodged in our subconscious.
To understand it, one has to begin first with the American education system. One of the first things we learn as kindergarteners is to place our right hands over out hearts and repeat after our beloved teacher the words, which will become the foundation of a lifelong fealty and which is then the most difficult to extricate, when it becomes all-important to push back against your government and question the narrative they are putting out. That's American Exceptionalism. The propaganda comes hard and fast, when we are young and most malleable. Sometimes It takes a life time to rid one's self of it.
The other is the purposely elusive American Dream. Also sold to us overtly and subtly 24/7, but with much more fervency, barraging us night and day in ads, on websites, in the backs of taxis, on the radio, tv commercials, at the ball parks, at the gas station, etc. This is hardcore capitalist propaganda. Meant to keep you on the treadmill of, if I just get this one more thing I'll be happy. It has us perennially on a treadmill of mortgaging our happiness to a future day when we'll have x, y and z. It has everyone thinking he or she will be the next contestant on the Who Wants To Be The Next American Dream Millionaire™. Short of winning the lottery, one is told that if he or she just keeps her nose to the grindstone and not ruffle any feathers, one will eventually earn the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous™, which ultimately sets one of the path of seeking more and more Get Rich Quick schemes, glamorized in the MSM as "success." A socialist economy would cure a lot of these ailments. It would restore basic human dignity for the vast majority, who just want to live in peace and not have to worry about being foreclosed upon due to a medical emergency, student debt, mortgage fraud or becoming bankrupt by any combination of this and other predatory capitalist practices. That would bring down crime, poverty, etc.
Internationalism. That's where it's at. That's what the Socialists of yesteryear spoke so eloquently and powerfully about. That's ultimately where we need to be. Nationalism is the poison.
As human beings we Americans are not any different or anymore superior to any other place, although we do explicitly live with privileges that come directly from our government exploiting other nations. The billions of people, however, all share the same common desires. That's what we need to get into sharper focus. The people of the world, not the governments.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Thanks Pluto for the link to the article! The 2nd one was great
I followed the link from the first article and the way the author describes the apathy of the American people to the murdering of millions is brilliantly explained.
Yes our Christian nation has no problem with our wars of choice which aren't done for the reason they have been told, but to expand our empire. They have no problem with the number of people who are killed just because they happen to live in a country that has resources that our "national interests" want or they live too close to the people who are fighting against our invasions.
They also don't have a problem with our death penalty that just killed a possibly innocent man who had to be executed immediately because of the drugs that were used to kill him were going to expire.
There are too many great points this author makes for me to put here so I encourage people to read his article.
He sums up what many of us are feeling.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You don't need to be a progressive
to see that America's questing after world domination is not something we should want to be doing. The only thing needed to see that, is a bit of common sense -- something which more than a few people on the Right do in fact possess, and many on the Left apparently do not.
I'd be more than willing to join hands with conservatives, in any efforts to change the course of US foreign policy to something far less ambitious than what it is. IMO a fundamental FP re-orientation is in order, and it's my impression a large proportion of the Deplorables feel the same way.
Based upon my personal experience
We talked to a lot of people during the time I spent with the Peace vigil. Many folks who described themselves as conservatives expressed their frustration with the state of constant war. I was surprised at how many people were realizing that many of the problems here in the US are tied to the state of perpetual war. The most common statement I heard, particularly from self described conservatives, was that they wished that money was being spent here in the US where it was so desperately needed.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Consecutive US policy failures
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now in Syria have I think, had an effect on the traditional conservative mind-set, regarding matters of war and peace. Might it not be possible for the anti-war Left to begin forming some sort of an ad hoc coalition with those "America First" people who are now feeling betrayed by Trump's recent about-face? Cooperation of this kind could be very useful, in order to more effectively counter a thoroughly bi-partisan Establishment that now promotes and finances America's would-be empire builders.
I believe we will begin
By reaching outside our comfort zone and purposefully engaging the right wing sites and confronting them not with our differences, but that which we have in common.
The thought that we will be flamed or insulted or humiliated by them is a fear both sides are afraid of.
But one side HAS to start the conversation. Or we will forever be divided.
I have commented before about monitoring right wing sites like Breibart and Redstate, mostly laughing at their fighting with each other. Now is the time to engage them.
And I intend to do just that. Wish me luck.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Good luck then,
from the bottom of my heart. Keep us posted, perhaps I may join you.
I’m going to try to do this in Germany and the Netherlands
Yesterday the big front page article in Trouw — a Dutch daily newspaper that started out as an organ of the underground Christian resistance during World War II — repeated as fact that the DNC was “vermoedlich” (= “probably”) hacked by the Russians.
Once you start noticing that sort of thing, it becomes more and more obvious. I’ve taken to pointing it out to friends and acquaintances whenever the opportunity presents itself.
So one starting point for reaching out is to admit that the New Right has a point when they call the mainstream media die Lügenpresse (the lying press). The mainstream media in Germany and the Netherlands really do repeat U.S. neocon / neoliberal propaganda uncritically.
(No subject)
Let's stop killing people, and go from there.
it's the place to start.
Agree completely.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
I have observed since 9/11,
I have observed since 9/11,
That we have become the land of the scared, and home of the chicken. Add in as observed the doped up, dependent, and ignorant(seeing education stripped each year).
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Pretty ironic considering the images and illusions
Doped up for sure,
and worshipful of the idiot-box.
The answer to this question is yes
The comments I read on my local website is that most of the people have bought the government's propaganda about why we are fighting in the Middle East, that Russia interfered with the election, invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea.
They believe that our biggest enemy is ISIS and Al Qaida but won't believe that our government is arming and funding them to help overthrow Assad.
They believe that our country has the right to bomb ISIS and their families but then when the people whose countries have been destroyed and their families killed kill people in the countries who were involved in those actions are attacking them because they are Islamic terrorists.
They don't understand blow back.
But there might be a day in this country when it's our country that is destroyed and our citizens will have their bodies blown apart.
As for your thoughts about Bernie, I agree with you. Yes it would be nice to have no more income inequality, single payer health care and the other things that Bernie is fighting for, but none of them will happen until this country quits its acts of terror.
I have seen quite a few comments about a global strike and a BDS movement on the corporations who are profiting handsomely from the wars.
Pence said this asinine statement about North Korea's actions with the testing of the missiles
As you stated, bombing for peace is never going to happen and I that isn't the goal of our military and government. Their goals are to continue to rape other country's resources and if they happen to kill civilians who live there then that's okay because it means less people who will use the dwindling resources.
Great rant Al!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
"... the United States knows, peace comes through strength..."
That's the gospel according to Mike Pense, the famous Christian politician. I doubt that Jesus would have agreed with Mike about where peace comes from, but Kim Jong-un certainly does. They're a couple of extremely well-armed lunatics, if you ask me.
A taste of Emily Dickenson to calm one's jangled nerves:
On the wondrous sea,
Sailing silently,
Ho! pilot, ho!
Knowest thou the shore
Where no breakers roar,
Where the storm is o'er?
Ahem... Dickinson that is.
Sorry, Emily.
Mike Pence = Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech
In my experience this is close ...
The audacity of evil makes people speechless and as evil comes with threats, they are scared and then helpless and then desperate.
Almost all evil things you recognize in hindsight are worse than you thought.
PS I don't agree with a couple of things in your rant, but ... heh, I am speechless, what else is new?
Hell yes, people are scared.
They'd be crazy not to be scared. I bet Assange and Snowden were plenty scared while they were doing their whistle-blowing. Or maybe they weren't, I'm not sure. Some people seem to not be afraid of anything.
On the other hand, there are quite a few humans who take delight in making other humans afraid. They get a big kick out of scaring people, and some of them even make a successful career out of doing it.
Stop nattering, you nabob.
Hey man, you are really harshing my buzz with all that negativity. What's wrong did no one invite you to march in April? Get out and meet people why don't ya? Get some exercise! Plant some veggies. Why don't you run for office instead of blogging around complaining? LOL.
Please say where else you write, Big Al. I'd quite like to read more like this essay. Who is talking reality about war and the cycles of violence? Anyone with a LOUD speaker? Bed Peace? Hair Peace? Disney murdered innovation and creativity thanks patent law, sorry about that. Fucking California, what a shitty bunch of turds live here now. Disgusting. I know! Let's recruit for them, or not. I pick not, thanks.
Peace, or else.
Jeopardy countdown tune plays during search ... aand done.
I also searched those other two names, not my cuppa so I'll pass on that link, but go on. Whatever floats the boat. Cheers.
In outside news, there is a solar flare upon us today and
tomorrow. And the US is doing internal war games to practice EMP drills. Look out for power grids. Nothing we can do but hope it happens at night?
I would have marched yesterday. But a painful cast has left me disabled, for a time. Great sympathy to those more permanently winged. But, in actuality, Marches do nothing, petitions do nothing, Letters do nothing, our government is totally non-responsive to the taxpayers, disdainful of the poorest among us.
My daughter was charge nurse for her hospital unit yesterday, a floating duty. Chronically understaffed, the nurses get stuck on busy days with too many patients and ridiculous demands of time. And my PCP cannot understand why I avoid the ER, where I would be mostly ignored, head injuries triaged behind strokes, clear cardiac episodes and car crashes. BTDT, too many times. Just hope I am not swirling the drain.
I wish we could have a national referendum, I would vote no-confidence to the entire passel. Time to begin afresh, but we will never be given that option. They do not trust us, never have and never will.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
To bring the US' hegemony to a stand still
as well as the country, a few nuclear weapons exploded in the atmosphere would cause an EMP and boom, that's it for our way of life.
Almost every piece of machinery built with any type of computer or electronics would become huge paperweights.
Most cars would cease to work, the electrical grid would go down taking with it most citiy's water systems.
People with any kind of disease that has to rely on medications would start dying within the first 1-2 months including diabetics who rely on insulin or dialysis.
Pacemakers would stop working immediately.
The threat of an EMP is very real and our congress should have been hardening our infrastructures because they have been warned about this.
The book One Second After is a great read and describes what happens in one town in NC.
Which country has or is working on creating the weapons to use an EMP?
And wasn't there drills for that yesterday and that's the reasons for the power outages?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The most astonishing thing
is the alacrity with which people accept the propaganda. I am amazed by that. Absolutely and completely amazed. Even more disturbing is the reaction of complete contempt, rejection, and even anger when a different point of view or narrative is proposed. Kill the messenger indeed.
Yep, just like a herd of cattle at round-up time.
The mavericks they can can pick off, one by one.
Yeah, well the magic of
Yeah, well the magic of Hollywood can make men myths. It was also Hollywood's' job in WW2 to make pro-war movies for the "war effort" to help get folks to enlist or help in other ways. No matter what, they who are of the Oligarchy realized this could help them attempt to control those who stay addicted to the electronic teat, those who believe the pablum they are fed, and drink that Kool-aid.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Who remembers love?
This is what I'm talking about, where are our modern peace bards? Who is sacrificing anything to make peace in the world? Money? Privacy? Bueller? Maybe they're all on the facebook, I don't know. Action through non-action in the death-spiral economy is okay with me too.
BED PEACE starring John Lennon & Yoko Ono
youtube-dl ftw
It's my recollection that hippie love
took a back seat to ambition, round about the time when the cool people got rich, and started snorting a lot of cocaine. Before then, it was mostly just weed and LSD that was used to alter one's reality. Nowadays of course, there's an online pharmacopeia of mind-altering substances to choose from, available for every conceivable purpose. There's even one that'll make you love everybody -- for a while at least.
Thank you, Big Al.
You had me at "Screw the Democratic Party and Bernie Sanders".
With any luck, the calves in the veal pen (thanks to whoever used that term earlier) will understand what they're really there for and leave Sanders the sheepdog behind. Unfortunately, the will to believe is a hard thing to break.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”