Can the Truth Set Us Free, or will the Lies be Our Downfall?
"A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps….
In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore."
Paul Craig Roberts
Is it possible to make any progress as Serfs if we don't confront the truth and nothing but the truth? Not only progress but insuring a future for human civilization itself. Maybe it's like in a relationship, if it's based on lies there is no chance at success.
People talk about Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein as the only "truth tellers" among the candidates and yet they're not REALLY telling the truth. And we're not REALLY discussing the truth. If we were really discussing the truth we'd be discussing what happened on 9/11. We'd be demanding to know why we're still at war after fifteen years based on lies. We'd be demanding the real criminals behind 9/11 be put behind bars.
(Note: This opinion is my own, not an official stance of the C99 blog)
9/11 was a False Flag event. It was the proverbial inside job. It was a well planned attack on the United States by elements of the Deep State, the CIA, the Neocons/Zionists, Israel and Saudi Arabia. It was blatantly predicted by the Neocon/Zionist Project for a New American Century think tank, including some of the very perpetrators, in their call for a "New Pearl Harbor" to galvanize support from the American public for a never ending war OF terror, i.e., to advance the agendas for a New World Order and a Greater Israel.
9/11 is the justification for the Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Global War on Terror wars being waged by the United States. It's the justification for the faux war on ISIS, a creation of the same insidious elements. It's why we have the Patriot Act and the accompanying assault on our liberties, why we have the Department of Homeland Security which now permeates every aspect of every county, state and federal law enforcement and security program in the country. It's why we are being spied upon by our own government. It's why this country has been at war for fifteen years.
9/11 created the War OF Terror which now envelopes the planet. 9/11 literally changed everything.
But it's all based on lies. The official story of 9/11 that is used to justify all this is based on lies. Yet we do nothing.
It's the same with the Federal Reserve System, another Big Lie. And the murder of JFK. And the Gulf of Tonkin incident justifying the Vietnam war. The fake killing of Osama bin Laden. All lies. The list goes on and on. We live our lives under incredible lies. The concept and reputation of this country is based on lies starting with slavery and Native American genocide to the utter bullshit that we live in a democracy. Lies from Sea to Shining Sea.
There are those who will say Jill Stein, Sanders, and others with influence can't talk about 9/11 because they wouldn't be taken seriously, they'd be labeled "truthers", tin foil conspiracy theorists. Ya well, like all big things, it's not up to them, it's up to us, We the Serfs.
That's the problem and that's on us. We won't let ourselves REALLY talk about the truth. We're humans capable of wondrous things and yet we won't allow ourselves to confront our demons, the evil that controls us.
Or rather, those that rule over us won't allow it. We, collectively, accept the parameters set by our rulers.
How can we live our lives under these massive lives? Maybe until we can change that we cannot progress as a human race. Even worse, like that relationship built on lies, maybe we can't last.

It's September 1st. In ten days we'll be having the 15th
anniversary of 9/11, and the accompanying War OF Terror. I wonder how the corporate media and our politicians are going to treat that. This might be hard to stomach. But it's also an opportunity to challenge the story.
It will be "celebrated" as a re-affirmation
of the rightness and justice of the GWOT.
America will give profound thanks to its Near Eastern "important allies", Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc., all well-known peace- and liberty-loving nations with impeccable Human Rights credentials.
Obama and Clinton will praise the Military for its efforts in eradicating Global Terrorism. "World's finest armed forces."
But still: "The GWOT has not been won; it's not close to being won. Sacrifices will have to be made. America will be at war against Islamic Terrorism for years, if not decades. Everybody, yes, all Americans have skin in this game and all of us, rich and poor alike, will have to pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to ensure the survival of our exceptional Nation and the success of our God-given Mission".
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Just realized 9/11 is on a Sunday.
The National Football League will be in full 9/11 regalia. The national anthem will be sung with greater fervor. The military will be everywhere. Fifteen years later.
Couple that with Colin Kaepernick's sitting for the flag thing, what a confluence.
Oh Gawd, Big Al!
I can imagine the hype about it during the football games.
I'm glad I don't watch many professional sports anymore.
Okay, someone let us know how bad it was.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Don't know if I'll be able to handle it snoopydawg
I have a hard enough time under normal circumstances. One of them will probably have Rudy Guiliani at half time screaming, "9/11, 9/11!" Maybe another game will have a replica of Osama bin Laden's body being thrown overboard according to "custom".
Osama bin Laden as America’s Guy Fawkes, 9/11 the new November 5
Will 9/11 still be a thing 400 years later?
Never mind if, by 2501, the borough where the original WTC 1, 2, and 7 stood is under fathoms and fathoms of sea water.
9/11 as America’s Guy Fawkes Day — count on it.
Don't worry, 9/11 will be long forgotten 400 yrs from now,
as will our species. Our wars are speeding the destruction of the planet. I don't believe our species will survive another 100 yrs.
Instead of the GWOT we need a global war on destruction of the planet, but hey, that wouldn't make any bucks for the MIC, would it.
My friend & I looked into moving to beautiful Cape Breton Is. no matter who's elected prez. Cheap houses, beautiful beaches, etc. But I think large parts of it will be under water in our lifetimes. (We're in our 60's.)
Just a few happy thoughts triggered by my addiction to the news.
Can't handle it. The NFL has become
a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Sad, because I loved football.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I love football too.
Just not your kind.
Cricket as well.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Big Brother Says
"We have always been at war against SW Asian Terrorism!"
The vidiots will see, hear, and believe as they are told by the media which owns their cognitive processes. Therefore, Lies will be our downfall.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
It is a lot to process
True. That is why. Truth can be difficult to come to terms with. But it is necessary to do so.
And I want peace. Real peace.
"If you don't expose the truth, you can't have any Peace.
How can you have any Peace if you don't expose the Truth?"
Pink Floyd
the emperor has no clothes
thanks big Al, for pointing that out
I wonder how many people are aware that our government had
planned another false flag attack in the 60's, and if they knew about Operation Northwoods would they then start inquiring if 9/11 was a false flag attack?
There is so much evidence that shows that 9/11 was a false flag, but if anyone talks about it they are considered conspiracy theory nuts.
There is video of the plane being black and like a military cargo plane instead of the blue and white colors of American Airlines.
Video of firefighters saying that they had heard explosives going off and then there's the lack of plane wreckage at the pentagon along with so much more.
But the kicker for me is building 7 which was only on fire, I haven't seen a building that had burned fall in its own footprint before. Plus the audio of someone saying "Let's pull it"
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We Have All Been Here Before
Northwoods is why I completely dismiss the official lies regarding 9/11 just as I do the lies from the Warren Commission and so many other "official truths" we serfs are expected to believe.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Gore Vidal's analysis was good enough for me.
What a load of crap we were fed.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Gore Vidal's account was good enough for me also. It's a shame
that he had to move to Italy to live to find a place where he would write in peace while the Buckleys of the country continued here like they owned the place...Wait a minute, they do own the place.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I was watching it happen on TV that day
and something my boyfriend noted at the time, and still brings up, is that the supposed "home camera footage" of one of the towers falling was framed perfectly, and looked as good as professional footage. Remember, no cell phones w/cameras and a lot fewer camcorders in those days. Somebody just happened to rush to get their camera and set it up in a perfect vantage point and were able to make professional-looking footage of the most dramatic (and horrible) moment, which then got (quickly!) handed off to the MSM of the time and played, and played, and played....
I'm sure that's what I'd be doing if a FUCKING MILITARY ATTACK WERE HAPPENING RIGHT NEAR MY HOME. Jesus.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
And then there’s the Urban Moving Systems “dancing Israelis”
Supposedly debunked by saying there’s no proof of advance knowledge; the Urban Moving Systems “dancing Israelis” might have just moved very fast to set up their camera after hearing the news via normal channels:
Counter-debunking the supposed debunking (trigger warning: conclusions may meet some people’s criteria for anti-Semitism of the “Jews control the world” variety):
in history
September 11, 1941 - groundbreaking ceremony for the Pentagon
September 11, 1990 - President George H.W. Bush's New World Order speech before a special joint session of Congress in the lead up to the US' first invasion of Iraq
Just some "coincidences" for thought.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
September 11, 1973: US-backed Pinochet coup d’ètat in Chile. n/t
I'm glad it's on Sunday this year.
I work on an Army Post. You can all readily imagine what WE experience on that day!
Today, whenever anyone mentions the date a pall of death seems like it falls around me -- not from the Twin Towers destruction, itself - but of all the "wars" that have followed. I've known too many soldiers now who've came back from a posting "over there" and are either physically, mentally, or emotionally damaged. My heart goes out to them, and one, especially, I got to know very well. But at the same time, I'll argue against stereotyping an entire people as some of these guys have do. Too many mothers and children... too many good men trying to protect their own families, have died for no reason other than a sense of retribution on one hand, and to enrich the 1% of this country on the other hand. Great market manipulation, especially when the military seems like the only career path still hiring... but neither good enough reasons for us to be walking into every country like a bull in a china shop, IME.
There are quite a few of us who feel this way, but out of deference to those who had to go thru the experience, we discuss things out of earshot to anyone else. But as a Vietnam era vet who lost too many of my generation in that "political action," it's hard to be quiet when all the Halls of Power seem filled with stupidity and outright evil.
Much of the problem lies in the fact we have little to no real journalism. The MSM distorts, omits, and outright lies to the public. If citizens knew what was going on they would thrown the bums out. The media is complicit in the propping up the corrupt system. Instead they focus on an athlete that doesn't stand during a song honoring war.
Nice essay Al.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Lookout
The corporate media or MSM is a major problem for us. We had hoped the internet would counter balance that but it's a tough row to hoe. Like the Nazi media machine at the Nuremburg trials, the western media is complicit in the war crimes committed by our government. If there ever was a war crimes trial in this country, we'd need a damn big room.
"News" Is Now Just Another Entertainment
Back when I was exiled on third shift in the late '90s, on my days off I would turn on the CBS news early in the morning as background noise. It used to be rather good, especially when compared to now. Imagine my shock when one morning I heard a Broadway-style dance number erupt just before the program ended. I turned to watch, and saw Ben Stein leading some chorus girls in a song and dance routine in the newsroom while the news professionals tried to continue their work.
This was on a Friday, and I thought this might be a one-time stunt for some reason. But the very next Friday, the exact same routine was staged. and again the following Friday. I stopped watching after that. It was clear that the news wasn't important anymore.
I detest when my distaff half has what now passes for news on the television. She has to be addicted to watching whatever gets put in front of her eyes, for she screams like a wildcat when I suggest turning it off and getting her news elsewhere. I have better battles to fight.
Now if only I was on the winning side of more of them.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
read from the teleprompter
Journalists no longer exist on corporate broadcast media. They read the script from the teleprompter or are dismissed like Ed Schultz, Cenk, and many others.
Neoconned, encourage your other half to watch Democracy Now. Best hour of news there is in my opinion. I also like the real news, but it is a series of interviews.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Check out today's Atlantic article
Interesting problems for Hillary.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thanks for the essay.
Every "truther" I know has tons of information that prove to me that, yes, we have been lied to, and yes, thousands of folks got killed for purposes as yet unknown.
Then, they lose me because they point it all out as Biblical prophesy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Anybody bring up Nostradamus yet?
I'm sure there's a quatrain or two that could be made to fit.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I wish. She's this far despite all the problems from the Clinton
administration; her 8 years in the Senate, void, but for horrific votes she cast; her failed and "racially tinged" 2008 primary campaign; her horrific stint as Secretary of State; and all her lies. Given that, I can't imagine that selling out the country for donations to the Clinton Foundation will stop her. And, if it does, we'll get insane Trump.
The more I think about what the two largest political parties foisted on us, the more emotional I get. Sadness, frustration, anger, resolve. Add my confusion about Bernie and it's a big mess. I don't like my emotions being a big mess. I'm usually happy.
September 2, 1945
World War II ended 71 years ago today.
But no one has much to say about peace breaking out.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
It was a relative peace
The Cold War had already broken out.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Most historians
mark the beginning of the Cold War in 1947 when Truman announced that it was US foreign policy to oppose Soviet geopolitical expansion, what became known as the Truman doctrine, followed up with the creation of NATO in 1949.
That said, the 83 million killed in the six years and one day of WWII (numbers from Wikipedia) makes the number killed in the 44 years of the Cold War pale in comparison. At least in my opinion.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Historians aren't always correct.
People like James Byrne were already manoeuvring to make the Soviets the bad guys in 1944, because they were frightened at the speed at which the Russians were crushing the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. These anti-communists had great concern that even the huge Western armies would prove to be no match for the even more huge Russian Fronts should Stalin decide he wanted control of ALL of Europe. These were the same people who pushed Truman hard to drop the Bomb on Japan - not to defeat them, but to send Stalin a warning that the US could counter the imbalance in the relative sizes of the armies.
So if the historians want to pretend that the Cold War didn't begin even before WWII actually ended, they control the textbooks. Wouldn't be prudent to show that Uncle Scam isn't always the Good Guy with the White Helmet. So they don't.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Hi Al, the relationship thingie you mentioned ...
True, but in most relationships, if there are lies, you can't prove them. And there is the problem. If you can't prove that the truth is the truth, you can't help that lies are dressed up as truth and truth is buried under lies. Especially if it's convenient.
If it was an insider job, as you say, then I think it was like a chemical experiment (I was once a chemist, so forgive me for thinking like that). They wanted to produce something in their lab set up, but ended up with an unintended explosion and burned down the laboratory. Now the proof was not in the pudding but in the steel beams of the highrise towers and those conveniently got shipped to China and were melted down. Proofs are gone bye-bye and so are the possibilities of proving and digging for the truth.
And, btw, lies are accepted and inherited from generation to generation. Poor kids, who suffer under the lies of their parents' dysfunctional relationships, have no choice but to deal with them, live with them and also probably inherit them further down to their kids as an unintended consequence. Sigh.
So, who wouldn't give up digging for truths under these circumstances ?
Note, that I only once listened and read about those things about explosives inside the towers etc. I got a "warning message" for having asked some question only once. And consequently rolled over and shut up my mind and mouth. May be like my dog (like Joe mentioned this morning in last night's EB thread) who might have rolled in the stinky fish .... but then I think she rather would walk away from that stinky fish and run to her own drummer.
We have to run away from all of it.
Hi mimi,
I'm not sure it can be definitively proven exactly who was behind it but it can be proven that the official story is full of lies. Like the lie about how WTC7 went down. And if it can be proven how WTC7 went down, that basically proves the whole story is a lie. Same thing with the Pentagon, proving that a commercial airliner driven by a untrained pilot could not have hit the Pentagon also proves the entire story false.
I researched and read enough about 9/11 to determine the official story was a lie, then I stopped. I don't have an interest in spending my life trying to prove or disprove things about 9/11, like some do. Like some do and have done with the JFK assassination. So I can't personally go into detail relative to that. I'm glad others do.
I think, like in a court of law, the preponderance of evidence points directly to a false flag. From Kissinger being selected as commission chairperson (originally) to the found passport to the dancing Israeli's to the "new Pearl Harbor" to WTC 7, the holes in the official story go on and on and build a solid picture that it couldn't have happened the way they say and that powerful forces were behind it. The powers that be are even admitting that now in trying to pin the blame on Saudi Arabia and those missing 28 pages. Another attempt at obfuscating the real truth.
Problem is as you say, these lies are accepted from generation to generation which is why we've never had true accountability for the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin incident (which has been proven), etc. Even the official story of Pearl Harbor. After decades it's like, what are we going to do about it now?
I guess that was my primary point. Unless we can unchain from these monstrous lies, maybe we we'll never become unchained from being ruled.
yes, Al, you definitely have researched and read much more
about it than I ever have. For me it all started out after 2005-2006 to be more cognizant about inconsistencies and lies. I didn't grew up here. Couldn't believe what I just read as of 2007 on blogs. Now really have the need to break away from blog reading. because it's eating up my mind.
Oh, your last sentence is a good one. We won't be unchained. Never. So, we cry and sing and try to fight a little. But it is so hard. And then we die. If we were lucky we make some babies and love them a little and that's that. Life goes on.
I agree with mimi about your last sentence, Al.
But how do we ever become unchained from the monstrous lies that pass for US history? My Lord, we're still celebrating a debauchery of gluttony (and sports!) every November as Thanksgiving Day without even mentioning the fable of the kind Native Americans who "saved" the Puritans anymore, much less the truth of the "New World" "settlers" who in truth promptly began a genocide of the indigenous peoples to take their lands and resources - for the profits of their underwriters back in England.
One of the best books I've read was Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, recommended to me by a hippie musician woman in a coffeeshop, years after I'd completed some nine years of post-high school "education" - during which I'd never even heard of the author or the book.
We need to educate people - some small critical mass - as to what this country has been and remains all about: the rule of the rich over the serfs. But in our new "gig" economy of the reproletarianized precariat, how do we possibly begin doing that?
Start book-reading clubs that meet at local libraries? God knows it's not going to happen on Facebook.
I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I tend to agree with Margaret Mead's quote,
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
I've long felt that it would take those that do know, and there are millions of us, getting together on one page and organizing for a specific goal. But it would take a much smaller group to do the organizing, perhaps it would snowball. Humans are geared toward headlines, mottos, sayings, we can be manipulated. We need to find a way to do our own manipulating, only with the truth.
It's why I get perturbed with so many of the efforts from the left and those leading them. It's never far enough and they won't really challenge the ruling elite, the power behind it. Why aren't there more calls for abolishing the CIA, the NSA, and Homeland Security? Why are all these so called liberal lefty progressive activists continually trumpeting progress toward a higher minimum wage or electing more and better politicians and not trying to tear this house of cards down. Why aren't more questioning the Constitution itself and how it concentrates power at the federal level?
Maybe there's a lot of people that want it but there's no body to lead them. Maybe we do need leaders, that's how we roll.
I have a some questions
about 9/11 that I would like to know the answers to. I have a pretty good idea about most of it. And I know I'll be lucky to learn even a couple of them in my lifetime. But I have other things to do. And I'm doing well to even keep up with what all else is a lie being told. They seem to be coming thicker and faster.
I guess what moves me is attempting to get people to face up to some of the lies. My feeling is that for most people, waking up is gradual. If they come to see truth about one thing, it gets easier to see that something else is a lie, and it builds. Because seeing lies for lies forces people to change their internal world view. And that takes time to sort of settle in their mind, be processed, and accepted. Unfortunately, we as a human species on this planet don't have much time.
I would give a lot to find a way to infiltrate the media to expose a lot of people to some truth on regular basis. I think once the waking-up-ball gets rolling, it goes faster and faster. I've had an idea about the media, but am not at all sure how feasible it is.
Big Al, the one thing that no one has mentioned
are the 28 pages that showed that Bandar Bush helped finance the terrorists.

Here he is sitting with George, Dick and Condi two days after the attacks.
And remember how the Bin Laden family were allowed to fly while all other planes were grounded.
Plus I have read that the CIA were aware of them too and where they lived. And there was one FBI agent that said he was concerned about those people learning to fly planes.
Cheney and other people in the government told their friends and colleagues to stop flying commercial after June.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
9/11 and the suspension of disbelief
The wiki talks about everything except horror of reality, e.g., elected government officials at the highest level LIHOP (let it happen on purpose). For me that thought was so horrific I just couldn't think it, so all the evidence came to lots of noise and not much else.
Now I walk daily with a "truther" and can sometimes achieve the cognitive dissonance required. Thermite!
She is anti-vax too, woo! And she home schools. We have interesting talks for sure. Cheers!
The thing about LIHOP is that
it's basically the same as MIHOP (made it happen on purpose). If those in charge really did LIHOP, then they knew it was going to happen and let it happen. And if they knew it was going to happen and let it happen, then they basically made it happen because they were in on it and wanted it. I think it's naïve to think that Bush and Co. found out it was going to happen and decided, "hey, let's let it happen so we can start a neverending War OF Terror and attack Iraq and Afghanistan".
But that's exactly what
happened. Dubya told that one flunky, "ok, you've covered your ass," when flunky attempted to present evidence of something fishy about to happen. Those other memos suggesting something fishy about to happen, threat imminent, were ignored as well.
So, LIHOP likely happened. It's what PNAC wanted to happen, so they could get their war, so... I don't know how they ignore that intel unless they wanted it to happen. Certainly Rummy and Vader wanted a Pearl Harbor event. And, speaking of Pearl Harbor, there's always been the whisper that the White House knew about it, let it happen.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Getting into that would take alot of time.
We'd have to go thru a lot of evidence involved to debate whether 9/11 was LIHOP, MIHOP, or other. Hard to do here, maybe over the course of the next couple weeks.
Relative to Roosevelt, et al knowing about the attack on PH, that's been definitively proven. Released memos prove it. They not only knew, they instigated it. Kind of a MIHOP/LIHOP situation as well.
F*ck this /and/ that! nostalgia
US War Criminals - The Bush Lies Montage
Followed by the Bloody Obama Montage? Bummer. Then what? Don't say.
Edit: added Fahrenheit 911 trailer, forgot about that documentary thought it was pretty good.
Peace & Love
coming back to my chemical experiment, let's assume
that it was something like "let it happen on purpose", then I can't believe for the life of me, that what they wanted "to let happen on purpose" is what they then "made happen on purpose". I am a believer in the "experiment gone wrong" sort of explanation. What they finally "made happen on purpose" I don't believe is what they had in mind to "let happen on purpose".
GWBush facial expression in that Booker elementary school, when he was reading to the kids and Andrew Card whispered the news into his ear, to me at least, doesn't reflect the surprise, which an incident of that horrible magnitude would cause in a man, who didn't know anything about it before. At least he seemed to know that something was planned to happen, something on purpose. What it reaction does show to me is that he was shocked, that what he knew was may be planned to happen, went all wrong and not in a way it was supposed to. The fact that he could "regain his composure", as people have described his reaction, is not convincing to me. If the whole thing would have been totally unexpected, at least I would think a person would jump out of his seat and run out with Andrew Card. But he didn't have that kind of reaction. Others may see something else in his reaction. I think he "gained his composure" about being shocked that something he expected to happen went completely wrong. Just my guts' feelings.
Bernie Sanders facial expression, when he sat on the floor of the DNC convention, stone faced, tight-lipped, hands and arms clinched to his knees, is another reaction I can't help interpreting the waythe people, who don't want to look at it, do.
But what the heck. Not my pair of shoes to get into it.
Pretty sure Jill is against endless war, especially this round
of it:
Here's a tweet from her on 9/11:
Since 9/11, we've spent $6 trillion on wars. We still have terrorism. #PeaceOffensive #NoMoreWar
Here's some of her opinions on the security state:
Justice for All: Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
For Stein to accomplish any of that,
she must first get the Supreme Court to over-turn its ruling in the WWII case Korematsu v. US. At a minimum.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I am willing to be convinced otherwise, but when it comes to
spending funds, the executive can easily make the call that they've overspent and furlough people. Since there are no accounting procedures worthy of being called that, it's easy for a president to say the military have overspent by X$Trillion and lay people off and close parts of agencies.
It takes a will to do this. That is the tough thing to find.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Before we lay off soldiers
how about we cancel about five dozen big juicy contracts to the weaponsmakers? And shut down that NSA monstrosity in Utah.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Well, I don't like her statements on Libya and Syria.
She's not confronting the truth, she's helping to obfuscate it.
Harvard liberal, sorry not for me.
She goes farther than Sanders, but again, not far enough and to me she helps perpetuate false narratives, like the purpose of Libya was to remove a dictator and help the people.
I don't know if she understands the real truth but won't say it or if she doesn't understand.
She relies heavily on the "it's not working" narrative as opposed to the "it's a criminal enterprise for the ruling elite" narrative.
Well, we shouldn't be relying on politicians--even 3rd
party ones--to establish the discourse. They're not good at it.
Even Stein probably worries about appealing to some large majority that isn't motivated by justice concerns--hence the "it's not working" narrative, which is a very high-percentage move to make as a campaigner, because most Americans love things that work and hate things that don't. It's a measure of how much Hillary is accurately perceived by the American people, and justly hated on that account, that the Hillary 2016 "I can get things done!" message flops so badly. People basically give her the stinkeye, and say "Yeah, we know exactly the sort of things you're going to `get done.'" But that's a corner case, because the people have already decided that she's an untrustworthy piece of shit.
But even a politician like Stein, who does pretty damned well on policy by my standards, is always going to have one eye on not appearing too left, not antagonizing the mainstream, because almost every politician has internalized the bullshit dicta of the DLC and the Clintons, ca 1986-present. I know it seems counterintuitive to think that the Greens would also have absorbed this messaging into their assumptions, but that's what happens when you have a cultural blitzkrieg for decades.
This is all to say--Stein is pretty much fine, in my book, and I'm going to vote for her, but there are some bits of movement work that should not be left to politicians to do.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh I agree, there's only so far they can go.
The power of the media will be brought down on anyone who goes too far. I agree with Stein on many things. Like I said in the essay, it's on us. If I were going to vote in the presidential election, it would be for her. I've said before, I did vote for her in 2012.
Look For the World's
Mayor /Chief of Police, Rudy Guliani, to be front and center. Sen. Chucky Schumer has weighed in, saying NYC and America have "bounced back."
But, there's no gov't or PNAC conspiracy in those Muslims hijacking those planes and flying them into buildings. If there's any gov't /PNAC conspiracy it's in the immediate aftermath. There's an Oliver Stone movie there somewhere.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
9/11 has served as
the foundation upon which the global war of terror has been built. Without 9/11 the USG would never have been able to get away with all the evil shit it has been doing for the past fifteen years. And of course it's still doing it, and fully intends to keep on doing it, indefinitely.
If the American public were ever to wake the fuck up, maybe these warmongers could be forced to stop their ongoing program of organized insanity. I'm not holding my breath though. Our tv-saturated public has swallowed the 9/11 bait hook line and sinker, and has been effectively terrorized... according to plan. But since truth is the first casualty of war, maybe war can likewise be the first casualty of truth. One can always hope.
We have an even more pernicious problem than
"truth" vs. "lies". How much of the "truth" about 9/11 is found-fact-truth, and how much is told-by-others-truth? We know how the echo chamber works in regard to politics - doesn't it work the same in regard to everything? And the bigger and more shocking the event, the louder, longer, and more distorted the echoes?
Eventually there is no hope of ever finding out what really happened, because the rebounding echoes have drowned out everything else.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Exactly what "They"
want, of course. "They" being the Ubers and Filthys (as I call them). The uber rich and filthy rich, aka the 1%, aka the Oligarchy.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Thanks, Big Al for an engaging essay. Free thinking is debunked, but we still try to make some sense of these times. I don't buy the 9/11 myths. It takes courage to hold the truth up to the light.
Comment by CStT - Pro sports have become another war game played for the benefit of the "owners" with young athletes paying the price. Sort of like a made-for-tv replica of the bloodier games being played.
Comment by neoconned - sometimes we just need to be a quiet encouragement to those around us. Maybe can not help others (screaming wildcats) to see truth, but to be supportive otherwise is a blessing.
Comment by mimi - Yes, reading blogs does eat up one's mind. Where else do we turn to express the truth?
Just my 2 cents. Y'all make a lot of sense.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare