First Post here - DNC Platform
Submitted by underwriter505 on Wed, 06/08/2016 - 1:08pm
Keith Ellison is a member of the DNC Platform Drafting Committee. He is one of Bernie's picks. So it may not be a surprise that he is showing interest in what real people have to say.
I posted information on his request on another blog for which I am a guest author (OK, a regular guest author). Here is the link:
I hope that everyone who is not leaving the Democratic Party, as well as anyone who is waiting to leave until after the Convention, will take him up on this. Anyone who has already left or was never a member can probably get it submitted as well; IMO it would be mannerly to mention that (and WHY) in the survey
Thanks to everyone here for being here.

It is a waste to expend energy on the DNC platform.
It is a purely rhetorical document that exists in one of two forms:
1) a document outlining the President's achievments, when there is a democrat in office, in the most favorable terms possible
2) a document that is far more rhetorically liberal than actual elected democrats ever pursue
In any case it is usually non-specific with respect to policies. "Getting a great Platform" is at best a distraction from achieving progressive goals.
When their platform involves ending the wars...
Immediate Action on Climate Change,
Prosecution of Wall Street Criminals and the politicians who enable them,
And Universal Single Payer,
I'll take them seriously.
Till then, it's weak tea at best.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It will if we not only demand it...
...but hold elected officials accountable. Shit, Teabaggers have already done it to their apostates, so why the fuck can't we???
I want my two dollars!
Because the Teabaggers are corporate funded...
and the Corporate slime got a nice return on their investment.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well we don't need Citizens United...
...because we have United Citizens...
I want my two dollars!
Because too many are too stupid.
Tea Bags can threaten not to vote
and the Repugnants actually still do need those voters. For us, there is no where else to go, no where to even threaten with any viability yet TO go to, and they damned well know it. They've ensured it - just look how the neo-liberal shills got their way using that Tea Bagging anger and obstruction? I think the Dems are in on that hot mess too, if not in actuality then they by God are tacitly. They've allowed the Baggers to run them into the ground electorally, and what do even the Baggers have to show for that but more corruption? Hell, when a Koch comes out and says Shillary might not be that bad? Makes me wonder, for damned sure.
And those damned Dems just want to make themselves feel like we give a crap about their platform. I won't give any of them the satisfaction of using me again. I think of that as one more cynical ploy for unity from them, even if Bernie sent them. He knows a platform is BS.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I filled it out, now they
I filled it out, now they have my input.
Sadly however, knowing the Neo-liberal elite, this will not budge them from their current status quo BS.
change will not come fast enough to save us. Looks like unless Bernie can change the super-delegates' minds come July 25, we will see corruption and corporatism win.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Climate Change isn't even on the list
Who can take such a list seriously when the possible extinction of the human race isn't even on the list?
The Humans, and many animal
The Humans, and many animal and plant species are doomed with those who cozy up to the Big Corporates
So long, and thanks for all the fish
There is a box for Other... add it. I did. There is also the option of Other in the drop down menus of the first, second and third priority boxes...
I want my two dollars!
"Other" doesn't cut it.
This is not a serious survey. I believe the DNC just wants your personal info to solicit funds.
None of mine were on the list
So I listed them with annotations and sub priorities:
An end to state institutionalized racism and bigotry both domestically and in foreign policy; Includes great reduction of military expenditures...
declaring climate change a grave national emergency and number one priority; replace military allies with climate change allies.
nationalizing the banking system to make it work for the people instead of profit;
a constitutional amendment securing the right of children, women and men to live in a non-violent home and state environment.
I also noted that the platform needs to be enforced by street protests and blockades, i.e. hold the nominees feet to the fire. I gave a postal code from the South Bronx.
I don't expect it to do any good, but maybe a flood of climate change and anti-war talk might make them think.
From the Light House.
Anything to do with the DNC is a waste of time
Think it's more a vehicle for collecting email addresses.
Hard to believe anyone thinks the "platform" makes a shit bit of difference. Never has, never will.
Yes, Bernie Sanders got 5 good people a chance to participate. But still think it's a bloody waste of time.
Remember years ago, when I was still a Democrat howling with laughter at their "surveys." All BS.
A.B. C. = Anybody But Clintons
I went ahead and filled out the form.
I gave them a piece of my mind and said to do something for the people instead of the oligarchy and to shut that Barney Frank up. They didn't even have healthcare as an option. I gave them a piece of my mind about that, too. I feel much lighter now, thanks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
No offense to you but I'm going to say it as nicely as I can
Fuck the DNC
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Capitalism is in direct conflict with Climate Change
mitigation. It's becoming more clear everyday. We need more people who care about the survival of animal species including humans and their habitat more than they care about making lots of money. As it is now we are allowing billionaires to guide policy in undemocratic ways. Do we need Bill & Melinda to interfere with their failed education policies? Do we need billionaires shutting down first amendment rights, threatening to sue anyone who says something in public that they do not like?
It'a incredible that a 2016 political party would not include the climate crisis in their platform.
To thine own self be true.
You've literally saved me from a blood curdling screaming RANT - if I had clicked to participate on the survey and found it didn't include CLIMATE CHANGE or HEALTH CARE - well, just thank you all!
Hand written graffiti on a wall in Oxford, England, circa 1976: "Don't vote, it only encourages them."
Never thought I'd not be able to laugh at that....not laughing anymore
I went over with the intent of responding.
When I opened it, it looked like any other survey/petition collecting emails. Bernie just ran a one year campaign on a platform we all supported. Do they really need to ask? I'm sorry. I saw it as pure bull shit.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I have been talking to Democrats for years and
years and no one ever listens. They do what they're going to do.
If Ellison is sincere, he would include that any personal information we provide, i.e., name and email address will NOT be shared with any one person or organization, then I would participate.
If Ellison was really serious, this inadequate survey would have gone through Bernie's email list so that our email address was private. Name? Fine, but that's it.
The DNC advocates for permanent war
Nothing about the many wars and Pentagon pork on the list. Oh well.
Hillary is going to spend the next 4 years killing more poors than Henry Kissinger. Fuck the democrats.
Here is my input...
1st Priority: Protecting and expanding Social Security.
The retirement crisis is real and looming. Thanks to the decimation of unions by Republican'ts, aided and abetted by Neoliberal Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, most workers today do not have a traditional, defined benefit pension plan. Our future was sold to Wall Street for peanut-sized campaign contributions (compared to the amount of money Wall Street made as a result.) My parents are barely getting by with Social Security AND traditional pensions right now; therefore, my generation will be royally screwed upon retirement. When the Boomers retire enmasse with no money to spend, the economy will be destroyed.
2nd Priority: Raising the minimum wage.
Conservatives were only partially correct when they claimed that, "The best social program is a job!" What they left out was that the job had to pay a decent wage. The vast majority of people want to work. They also want and deserve dignity. What most people don't seem to realize is that programs like SNAP, the EITC and Medicaid are giant taxpayer subsidies to immoral employers who have no problem exploiting the least among us. What most people also don't realize is that the minimum wage is the floor for everybody else's wage, whether you're cleaning the toilets, making the toilets, selling the toilets or own the toilet company. Cutting the minimum wage or not allowing it to account for inflation only cuts everybody's wages over time. Boosting the minimum wage does many things. First, it puts more money into the hands of people who will spend it all back into the economy now. Second, it puts upward pressure on the wages of people at or below the new minimum wage, putting money into their hands that they will spend into the economy in the near term (between immediately and several years into the future.) Third, it puts upward pressure on the wages of highly educated and highly skilled workers, enabling them to not only service their massive student debt, but also allowing them to create their own households instead of remaining with their parents. Finally, all of that extra spending leads to more demand and growth in the economy, increased tax revenue and a shrinking of the debt to GDP ratio.
3rd Priority: Making college affordable.
Making college a right for all who qualify, rather than merely affordable, is the correct path. Beyond that we also need massive debt forgiveness for those who have mortgaged their futures to the student debt vultures. It's in America's best interest to not only have the best, brightest and most education citizens, but to to have the best, brightest and most educated citizens free from crippling, economy-killing debt.
If your top priorities were not listed, or if you'd like to tell us more, please use the space below (optional):
MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! Every other developed country on the planet figured this out decades ago. So I guess that means America is truly exceptional. Exceptionally stupid! And while we're on the topic of stupid, CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Do I even need to explain why??? I would also like to add that all of my five choices are of equal priority. They all need to happen NOW. The planet and our way of life depend on it.
I want my two dollars!
What you've written is very good, but I'm positive
it's going to fall on "deaf ears."
It always has -- except for Bernie.
The reporting I've heard, is that no platform changes
will be made that FSC cannot support. Just not gonna happen, according to the national campaign reporters that I hear almost daily on XM Radio.
IOW, the DNC will likely agree to include 'help' with student loans, but not free public university tuition. [Since this proposal is what FSC has supported throughout her campaign.]
They'll agree to 'health-care-for-all,' but they'll only be agreeing to expanding the ACA.
Hey, 'to each, their own.' Personally, I think it's a waste of time.
IMO, any change in the Dem Party Platform is purely symbolic. Heck, even Jane and Bernie have acknowledged that (when pressed) during Cable interviews.
Good luck, though!
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
FWIW, filled it out.
Climate change, climate change, climate change! An existential threat and not even mentioned...speaks volumes.
"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it.
"As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it.
"As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs
Could they draw up a motion
calling for the removal of Clinton from the nomination?
from a reasonably stable genius.
I filled it out with only one priority . . .
I chose "other" as the first priority and explained how if we don't mitigate the climate crisis, we will all be dead so the others don't matter nearly as much.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Climate, is the most important issue
because when it hits, nothing else matters. And it is going to hit again and again.
To thine own self be true.