
This from Tim Canova...

This is a portion of the email I received yesterday evening from Tim Canova:

"Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- voted down progressive values like Medicare for All, an indexed to inflation $15 minimum wage, a moratorium to ban fracking, and an amendment to stop the TPP."

And there you have it, there it is. Now, Hillary can just blame Wasserman-Schultz.

Socialist Alternative Platform -- My New Direction

After watching the joke of a Democratic corporate/statist platform last night I have decided to abandon the Democratic Party as a hopeless case. Its time to build a socialist alternative. For those who suffered through last nights Democrat Party platform fiasco, I offer the Socialist Alternative platform as an alternative. I see no reason to continue paying attention to Trumpoclintonian narcissisum and corporate/state cluster fuck.

First Post here - DNC Platform

Keith Ellison is a member of the DNC Platform Drafting Committee. He is one of Bernie's picks. So it may not be a surprise that he is showing interest in what real people have to say.

I posted information on his request on another blog for which I am a guest author (OK, a regular guest author). Here is the link:

I'm a Nobody, and you can be, too.

Somebody has been screwing up. We Americans are in the midst of some serious problems - endless wars, an endless cycle of economic depressions, recessions and panics and the failure to address climate change (except in giving lip service) which has the potential to make the planet uninhabitable by humans, just to mention a few of the screwups of the Somebodies.

You might ask, how did these Somebodies manage to get into a position to screw up so badly and why are they still in place?