Open Thread Monday 08-03-2015
Dance me to the end of love
Monday morning poetry:
Burlington Snow
Socialist snow on the streets
Socialist talk in the Maverick bookstore
Socialist kids sucking socialist lollipops
Socialist poetry in socialist mouths
—aren’t the birds frozen socialists?
Aren’t the snowclouds blocking the airfield
Social Democratic Appeasement?
Isn’t the socialist sky owned by
the socialist sun?
Earth itself socialist, forests, rivers, lakes
furry mountains, socialist salt
in oceans?
Isn’t this poem socialist? It doesn’t
belong to me anymore.
~ Alan Ginsberg
Monday morning headlines:
Is king cotton returning to the south as NYT says "textile production in China is becoming increasingly unprofitable after years of rising wages, higher energy bills and mounting logistical costs, as well as new government quotas on the import of cotton." WAPO: Israeli leaders target ‘Jewish terrorism’ "The government has proposed harsh new measures to combat extremists, following a wave of violence that left Israeli and Palestinian children dead in knife and arson attacks." Both The Guardian and Aljazzeera lead with Obama's steeper emission cuts; court battles promised.
"Greece's own prime minister says he doesn't really "believe in" the new bailout deal he's hoping to secure for his country," LA Times.
Monday morning cocktail:
The Bernie Paloma:
0.5 oz. Vermont maple syrup
0.5 oz. fresh lime juice
2 oz. fresh grapefruit juice
2 oz. silver tequila
Garnish: “salt air,” which is sea salt, lime juice, water and Sucro, emulsified with a hand blender.
Courtesy of Bernie's July 29 Kick-off host, Mr. Herrera, who is a bartender at Barmini in Washington; he developed the drink as a way to “show Mr. Sanders Mexican hospitality,” his wife, Manisha Sharma, explained. “Paloma means dove, dove means soul, and Bernie’s got soul.”
Monday morning humor
The man
"You hear these funny voices in the tower of song."
Railroader's Lament

Have a good Monday everyone!
Good Morning smiley and 99%'ers!
I really like the poem for today.
Forecast here in beautiful Brevard is sunny with a high of 88*. I guess I should get my walk in early before it gets too warm. Today is a busy one with a bunch of stuff to do around the house. I have been scraping paint on and off for the last two days. Ugh! But I would rather scrape than sand. I hate sanding.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Good morning GG...glad you
enjoyed the poem. You are an early riser. Couldn't sleep here, too much on the old mind. Enjoy your walk, still a cool breeze blowing.
Thanks smiley
Thanks smiley. I have always been more a morning person than a night owl.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"Noon Protest at DNC
"Noon Protest at DNC Headquarters - 8/3/15!!!!!! – Update on "Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Give Senator Bernie Sanders a Fair Chance by Increasing Number of Sanctioned Debates". They are suggesting phone calls to DWS and your local Democratic corporate office.
My gosh you guys are up early. When I saw the OT in the list, I thought I must be dreaming. Won't be around. Have a good day everyone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks for the heads-up dk!
Morning, all!
Thanks for the Poem. Ginsberg is one of my favorites. He came to give a reading at my college library in Portland back in 1980 or 81 and only a small group showed up. He read Plutonian Ode. That reading changed me inside, opened my young mind, and basically radicalized me. One poem. One wise old man in a crumpled white suit wearing giant owl like glasses.
I've been enjoying reading the conversations here. Kindred souls. I hope everybody has a great day.
Happy to have you here as well Cosmic...
I'm with you, Ginsberg is a jewel, my favorite of his is "Song." "The weight of the world is love...
I've forgotten, do you still reside in Oregon?
No, I'm in AZ now
But still have family on the Coast and try to get up there every year or so.
This summer in Portland
has been so hot and dry that it might as well be AZ. When I check the weather I torture myself by looking up Lincoln City's weather. Thursday here the high was 102? and Lincoln City's high was 73.
every now and then you read a story that just says it all...
Just about everything that you need to know about the United States' commitment to world peace is subsumed in the fact that the Obama-appointed chairman of the United States Institute of Peace gets six-figure paychecks from his gig as a board member of the war industry, Raytheon. If you need an irony supplement, click the link and read the whole thing.
Hadley is a straight up Neo-con
And is also advising Jeb on foreign policy. More of his recent bio here
Why in the hell would Obama appoint him to anything, let alone the Orwellian Institute of Peace?
Oh yeah, duh.
Hadley is a war criminal
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
you know what an honest person (African descent) would say about
Obama's hiring choices? "He is captured by evil spirits" and should see a marabout to help him and get protection from those spirits. ... I guess those marabouts would heal him and eventually arrange for his death in an undisclosed location and manner. There are so many ways to be evil you just get confused who is better at being evil, the people fighting for peace or the other ones. I am confused. For sure.
Actually mimi
I think you are one of the least confused posters I know. I read you as a person with empathy, sympathy, strong emotions and has not hardened your heart, closed your mind or given up on anyone, in short your a humanist. What's confusing you is the nature of my game.
I am so bad with game playing, like my mom, she was
a game pooper much to the chagrin of my father and sister. I can't stand games. They make me look stupid. Honestly, who likes to look stupid?

Thanks, dear, this is a humanist's kiss for you.
I don't need an irony supplement, I need an enema
followed by a cooked oatmeal slurry to calm my intestines and stomach and survive. I don't think that we will ever be able to force those sorcerers of the political and corporate oligarchs out of power and get the power of deadly weapons out of our world.
They should be sued for their name, at least.
Probably there is a new film out there that might one too that says it all. "The Look of Silence" by Joshua Oppenheimer. I just listened to the broadcast about the film on Democracy NOW and from what I heard I believe it could be a very "eye-opening look" at what is behind the silence of victims of genocides. It's possible that this film is broader in its meaning than just to be related to Indonesia genocide. I found some similarities to the silence behind the many, many victims in West and Central African countries. But I have to wait til the transcript is out and I actually watch the broadcast. But definitely a film I will watch out for.
What you need is ...
a nice sativa.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
so you mean in my old age I should finally
try that stuff all hippies swear on being just the cure for everything? It's true I have for the first time in my life real symptoms of something going on in my stomach. I think what could help too would just be ignorant and experience the bliss of being so and not reading the news stories all the time.
Not just DFHs
Indigenous people around the world.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
ok, I try it ... :-) /nt
when my stomach goes nuts
I drink a tasty rasberrie fizzy Komabucha. Probiotics also work for me, usually a couple of shots of 'Good Belly' does the trick. Peppermint tea is supposed to settle your stomach. Alkalizing your diet helps too. Getting stressed with the news does weird your gut out. Reading on line litterally makes my stomach lurch.
that outfit
was the creation of Ronald Reagan, and exists to advance his notion of "peace." It's explicitly an arm of spookville:
Thanks hecate,
spooks everywhere or should I say industrial Patriots?
Don't be sanctimonious
smiley7, They are patriotic torturing spooks folk's, who are just doing their job to keep you safe from the 'terrist's who are gonna kill yer family'.
Big smile, good day shaharazade,
recall that course at university, "Lie to congress and get away."
Good morning Joe...
much more than Orwellian than Bush's Clean Sky Initiative. What was the President thinking when making Hadley chairman?
morning smiley...
i'd say that he was just demonstrating that he is more like dick cheney than dennis kucinich. B)
good morning, smiley7
you are such a soul mensch for posting this OT. An antidote to all the hopelessness and fears that can get hold of ones heart and mind. Thank you.
Will leave here to continue with the business of surviving no matter how. Have all a very good day.
Hey mimi....
thanks for the kind words; I've been putting off making a financial decision, one of those 'lose if heads and lose if tails,' but as you say, onward.
Good Morning
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
"Got holes in both of your shoes.."
Saw Wet Willie in the mid seventies (opened for Skynyrd I believe). Awesome set.
Love it, tku Tim!
Coalition bombing has killed hundreds of civilians
No surprise here
Let's not forget the coalition's human rights record
good lord
We created ISIS and we continue to create more and more terrorists while we wage our own war of terror.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
More mission creep in Syria
The results of that clash are that US-backed Division 30 was forced to flee their headquarters.
Western governments plotting new Libyan War
I don't know what to say about this.
There is not an emoticon for throwing my hands in the air in frustration.
I hate my country.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
heh it's not the country, just a couple of people
who have the power to mess around with a country/world and its laws.

Careful with the hatin' stuff. It's contagious and gives you diarrhea. Better go on a lovin' diet.
Have a frustration smiley, that might help...
Thank you mimi
I am so frustrated with all these wars which are designed to do nothing but entrench the MIC while killing innocent people. It's not something I want to be identified with as an American. Shaz is right. You are a very kind person and kindness matters.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I just put together this diary on the GOS
here. It's got all those articles put together into one idea.
I'm curious if it will get any traction.
No real traction
But hey, look at those stupid Republican!
Great diary GT...
btw, dkos just emailed me your bond default story.
it's always a win-win-win situation
sell weapons to help those who fear to be attacked by evil doers. (corporate profits)
train the military to help those to use them against their perceived evil doers. (corporate and military benefits and profits)
deploy analysts to help "assess the threat levels" those who fear the attacks from evil doers. (corporate and CIA / NSA benefits)
send contractors to build the infrastructure to use the weapons they sold. (corporate profits)
send contractors to build the infrastructure to exploit the natural resources the country has. (corporate profits)
bribe the country's well behaved corrupt government officials to allow to buy all the land they need to do their business. (corporate land grab profits)
Perfect Job Creation and Job Maintaining program.
So it looks to an uneducated observer like me. You know more. Anyhow. I think it's a done deal. All we can do is lose against those win-win-win-win thieves and murderers. I don't see a way out of it other than utter violence and destruction popping up everywhere around the world.
My thanks, as well, for another entertaining OT, Smiley! I'll
have to listen to the 'Railroaders's Lament' after I conduct a bit of business this afternoon, since I got a very late start today.
Quickly, I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about FSC's campaign strategy. What is the official term for Bernie's supports, BTW? I don't read DKos enough to really know what term has been coined.
["Deaniac" was not my favorite term, though I didn't object to being called one, since I was a fervent supporter of Dean's.]
For now, I'll just post a piece below that Mr M ran across. In so many way, FSC is duplicating 'to a tee' PBO's 2008 run--and clearly going for his coalition. (Which leaves out many of us.)
FSC's Camp appears to be pushing her late Mother's biographical background, in an attempt to offset some of Bernie's progress with his truly populist agenda; and, at the same time, setting up a 'narrative' to be the focus of her Campaign.
Once it 'sets in,' and the MSM begins to parrot it, the narrative will be hard to dispel, no matter how many discrepancies, half-truths, etc., it contains. (That is 'assuming' that are some--frankly, I haven't had time to attempt to 'fact check' anything, since I've not had time to watch the video. Could be that they've been smart, and not distorted any facts. We shall see!)
[Full Disclosure: As mentioned, I'll have to watch the video later this evening. But I've read for almost a year what FSC's campaign strategy would be--use her Mother's hard scrabble background/biography as the foundation for her own biographical narrative. BTW, I'm in no way intending to disparage her Mother, or the hardships she suffered. If what is said about her is true, she did have a very difficult time, and was to be commended for overcoming many obstacles. Just so that's understood.]
After all, the ONLY way that a corporatist neoliberal candidate can win, is if he can dupe the majority of the American People regarding his agenda, his motives, and often, his/her own background.
Aside from Obama, GWB was quite successful at this--adopting the 'Good Ol' Boy' Texas Rancher persona (never mind his blue blood New England upbringing and roots), to win over the Republican Base. All one need do, is look at his life today--comfortably encounced in Houston, pursuing painting! A far cry from cutting brush, while wearing a cow boy hat and boots, I'd say.
Have a good afternoon. See you later!
Postcript: Hope DKos does another money bomb for Senator Sanders, soon. He clearly doesn't need his lead to begin to lessen or weaken. I believe that it's possible for him to win Iowa and NH, or, to at at least, come in so close a second, that FSC won't be able to truly declare victory. (Until we make up our minds, we'll contribute to both him and Dr Stein, even if we don't actively campaign.)
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
This makes me
really glad I no longer have a TV. This will be the second presidential election cycle that I haven't had to watch political ad's which made me want to throw my TV out the window. The 2010 midterms might have been the last straw as far as cutting the cable cord.
Yes. me too!
Well we still have the tv, but we do not have cable, satellite, or any stations that we can pick up. We use ours to watch old movies that we get from the library.
I cannot begin to extol how great it has been for the last 5+ years without tv. Our house is quiet, except for dogs barking and the stress levels are so much lower with out tv. Also, I felt like my intelligence levels were going down from watching tv. I actually feel more well informed now than ever.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi Mollie,
good analysis of Clinton's campaign. They seem to be pushing a mother-hen persona for Hillary. Trump may be right as he said the email scandal is going to diminish Clinton's support??? And your reference to GWB is spot on; anything or anyone may be elected president. I recall screaming "Is our children being educated," throughout my community.
Here is a video of Hillary supporting the TPP in 2012: the article is a little weak, imo, but the video can not be denied.
Color me naive, or just plain stupid....
Daily Kos moved to Oakland
But, when did the grass roots blog I joined all those years ago become a business?
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Hi Martha, glad you are here...
it's progressive progress, may the farce be with us and the empire; where content is chosen by clicking popularity.
highrise. Gawd. Unless Markos & Co. have sprouted wings, they have no business being up there.
yep, while begging for dollars (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy