
David Sanger, NYT War Promoter, still at it as Biden agrees to START

David Sanger, perennial national security correspondent for the New York Times, never fails to promote the merchants of death in all things concerning war. Although nowadays he cowers behind the addition of co-authors to his articles, his pro-war position is ever clear.

Compare and contrast his take on the START treaty with Reuters' coverage, and on Open Skies, where even the Washington Post admits the U.S. wrecked it.

Is CNN trying to resuscitate itself as a real political network rather than establishment clones?

Times are changing. Sometimes for the better. Hillary Goddam Clinton is being offered a plea deal by Sessions' DOJ to plead guilty to "prosecutable crimes" in return for no further legal actions against her for CGI, uranium one, pay-to-play, and her email scandal which is still producing more poisonous (for her) fruit. My take is that she can NEVER admit that she has done anything wrong and will go down with her Titanic-sized load of garbage rather than admit she was a felon.

The Perfect Republican Candidate MD@NYT

So, I am not, nor never have been, a fan of Maureen Dowd. I think she's pretty close the to the definition of what's wrong with the main stream media.

She's also notorious for what we formerly called HDS (Hillary Derangement Syndrome) but which we now know as HRS (Hillary Reality Syndrome).

But when she is right, she is right, and she does an excellent job of laying out points that most of us here agree on in her new NYT editorial.
