Ok. I am so upset about Puerta Rico I can't sleep.
The Democrats are now run by sociopaths. They don't believe in fair elections or the right to vote, and neither does Hillary. Hillary is a poisonous, power hungry ogre. I won't vote for her ever, ever ever. I won't vote for anyone that supports her. She is violating the civil right of thousands of Americans. As usual they are smearing Sanders accusing him of their crimes. Sanders has got email proof of their closing of the polls in Puerta Rico. This isn't about Sanders. This is about free and fair elections. This about voting rights. This is about democracy itself. No informed person should vote for her.
Please people vote Jill Stein should Bernie fail to break from these criminals and authoritarians. Platforms and VPs aren't enough to rectify the damage this horrible person, Hillary Clinton has done.

What happened in PR?
I just woke up. It's like not even 6 am
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
NYT says Hillary won
I think they recycle that headline. I have seen no numbers. But I encouraged PR voters to vote for Sanders and got 5 likes on FB yesterday.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
First time ever Bernie would have gotten what he asked for.
MSNBC is worse than Fox on its worst day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am drinking so I can't articulate well.
Read my tweet timeline.
That was depressing.
I may be drinking, too.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I know we are no longer a democracy, but this is bs! It's been out in the open for so long now; I'm an idealist at heart. However, each and every day there is something worse than the day before that further solidifies for us that the two parties are the same corporatist bs artists that only believe in power and money, money and power. Fuck the people.
There were some awful tidbits in your timeline too-I'm not on Twitter and don't usually read through any that are included in essays, but I did read yours. Thanks for including.
Yes indeed, there is
More Trouble Every Day
Among other things, prisoners (who can vote in PR)
were threatened with death if they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Perhaps someone will reprise their “Virgin Island victory dance”
TOP is Little Orange Spiked Footballs right now over this.
I'm gonna go buy the web site name
littleorangefootballs.com right now! ;^)
She wins the banana republics, no surprise.
But Puerto Rico might be the worst voter suppression yet.
Every time that
Team Clinton/DNC does something illegal or unethical to shore up itself and its disaster of a candidate the current incarnation of the Democratic party is one day closer to destruction.
I find that thought comforting.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I agree. Recd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Amen. It cant come soon enough
Solidarity forever
Good news. I might finally get banned from GOS!
http://www.dailykos.com/comments/1534926/61982317. I won't miss the place. Nest of Political bloodsuckers, that it is. I post infrequently, but do uprate me just to foil them.
The way they piled on Rep. Alan Grayson was a sight to see.
Rife with calls for everyone to donate to Grayson’s opponent, the establishment pick and relabelled Republican Patrick Murphy.
Website and proprietor once backed Ned Lamont; now they’ve chosen to become the total opposite.
Kos has too many political enemies to be effective
The Kos screams to donate to some enemy's opponent are laughable. They will have too many enemies soon, so how many of their readers are really going to dig in their pockets for $$ to oppose a zillion candidates whom they can't even vote for? This is propaganda to make it appear that Kos has some power. I see the Kos site as nothing more than a bunch of cardboard cheerleaders. I am not talking about the few Kos Bernie supporters who bravely face the firing line each day.
I tried to place a few moderating comments in the Grayson
diary. I imagine I won a few flags in the process.
Maybe this should be a contest (except I really want to last until I can spike the football over there!), see how many flag-type comments (since you can rarely tell what actually gets flagged any more) you can pile up before banning. Most flags at latest ban date wins!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Too late,
already hidden.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
The place has gone so far
off the rails, that now they are claiming that Bernie is "anti-civil rights," and is responsible for politically using Black women.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Good gods!
I read that diary. After I got done laughing at both it and the creepy, cultish agreements with it, I left my succinct reply. TOS - always good for a laugh.
I'd rec but can't do anything for 3 months. NT
I can't
believe what this primary has done to me. I was a lifelong democrat and I've always defended the stupid shit the party and it's establishment hacks have done even though I was against it. Why? Because the "other side" was worse. No more. I see no difference in the parties anymore, in fact, I view the democrats, this year, as the worse of the two.
The dem establishment has no idea what they have done to the party. We remember the Reagan democrats, the mostly white, working class dems who switched parties to vote for reagan. Many of them never returned. This year will be like that should clinton win the nomination. Not that we'll vote for trump, although many will just to keep clinton out, but most will vote Green or not vote at all. I guess deep down I always knew that both parties were corrupt but I always took comfort in knowing my party was a lot less corrupt. This year has shown me that the dems are even more corrupt. The party has presented us with a corrupt distasteful candidate and have tried to shoved her down our throats. A candidate who's only win for an elected office was in a state that Charles Manson could have won if on the democratic ticket. The fools running the show are counting on us to come out and vote for hillary because trump is so much worse. I think they're in for a rude awaking. BernieOrBust...
I will write in Bernie, or
I will write in Bernie, or hopefully have the opportunity to vote for him as an Indie.
It is time to Bern down the House of Corruption called the Democratic Party before the infestation of rats, cockroaches and slime in the Clinton Camp have a chance to propagate.
The Red Pill
The Dems really forced the Red Pill on a lot of us this cycle. Reality, exposed, is a truly ugly thing.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Well said.
Thank you for articulating. I feel the same and have stated the same to family (and some friends) many times.
I've often wondered if this is because I've gotten older and hopefully wiser and the events in recent history have brought me to this conclusion. The damn system is corrupt and I just don't respect it any longer. Thing is, many if not all of us, have children to raise in this system and it's so hard to not call bs every day on current events. We try to make the connections for them on some things, trying to make it real for them, but in increments. They know who we support and they do too. Our freshman son said he was the only Bernie supporter in a mock election not too long ago. Yikes!
It's a funked up world we're living in right now. I want it to be better for our children and grandchildren. I've done more this election than any other.
For me, it's because my gradually worsening financial position
has finally gotten me pissed off. So I paid attention this year and realized Bern is my guy. And now I've paid close attention to all aspects of the primaries, the caucuses, whether open or closed, the "lost" voter registrations, etc., etc. And now that I'm paying attention, I'm nauseous.
I don't have children, but it doesn't matter. I know children. And I don't want to leave them an effed up country and/or world.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Agree with every word.
But I have good news. It occurred to me this morning that Donald Trump won't be the Repuke candidate. Everyone and their uncle has been jumping all over him re: the judge handling his case. It's all orchestrated, from members of the party to the media. Did you know the judge is an American from Indiana?(media) American from Indiana?(Gingrich) American from Indiana?(McConnell) and so on. This may have a twofold purpose---an attempt to not alienate Latinos any further, and a way to discredit Trump, giving them reason to push him aside in favor of a better candidate. If the Repukes can get rid of Trump, Hillary has no chance. Trump may give her a buffer, or maybe not.
Who would that be? Jon Huntsman, maybe?
Seriously, Cruz is a dangerous psychotic, a Savonarola with a smirk. The rest of them are just nasty thugs, jumping on the Mussolini Express with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
I don't have an answer.
They had 17 candidates and they're all losers for one reason or another. If they could draft Jon Huntsman without causing all hell to break loose, they'd have a winner. Does anyone know anything about Brian Sandoval? I know nothing about his policies, but he's really handsome. Is handsome a qualification? Either of those men could probably put Clinton away. Just on voice alone.
Unfortunately, "handsome" is a qualification.
But Brian Sandoval also seems sane. Working off the memory of seeing a bit about him a few months ago, I'd say I disagree often with him, but I don't utterly despise him. Sad that that puts him in the running.
I uprated you, but can't agree that the Dems are worse.
Not better by more than a hair, maybe. But Hill and Trump have been friends. He's corrupted Dems of his own to help him build more overpriced buildings, often on the taxpayer dime.
And the Dems will still throw us a few civil rights bones. It's not much, but it's a teensy better than Trump. Better a few more civil rights than a few less.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
former lifelong Dem here too
Lifelong as in more than 40 years and never missed any election. No more.
BTW, in 2000, Hillary ran 5 points behind Al Gore in the state of New York, while running against a replacement for Rudy Giuliani who had to quit the race due to his personal life soap opera at the time.
It's deeply demoralizing
to realize that in these primary elections, the Democratic Party is MORE corrupt than the Republicans. They haven't suppressed their voters. Their exit polls match their vote totals.
All this information, all these signs of electoral fraud and voter suppression, is online, for Bernie supporters to find, and find them they will. Not in the complicit MSM. But with the Bernie Blackout, just how do those thousands of people know about his rallies, often on short notice? We've already bypassed the MSM. The Clinton Neoliberal machine is disgusting an entire generation of internet savvy voters.
Here is the MSNBC article
So in a nutshell, we have the Hillaristas claiming Bernie is suppressing the vote. Which makes no sense because Bernie does better with a larger turnout, even in PR.
Meanwhile Bernie denies the charge that he wanted polling places closed. He says the DNC is a bunch of fuck ups that couldn't manage to keep all 1510 polling places open.
There ya go...you decide which one you believe.
Stinks like vulture funds
My argument was that the Democratic Party in Puerto Rico was the one responsible for, through their own decision making, the voter suppression of a colonized, exploited Latino people. The facts show that, through a number of actions by Clinton supporters, the turnout was reduced from 700,000 expected, or 380,000 who voted in 2008 to what appears to be around 90,000 yesterday.
1. "On Friday, El Nuevo Día, a Puerto Rican newspaper, reported that the number of polling places for the upcoming Democratic presidential primary had been reduced from 1,510 to 455. Roberto Prats, the leader of the Democratic party in Puerto Rico..." "Prats has previously spoken in support of Clinton." http://www.bustle.com/articles/163838-why-puerto-ricos-democratic-primar...
2. These were held on the same day as the local primary and necessitated attending two separate polling places in the 7 hours alloted.
3. The weather report showed a day in the mid-90's with typical high humidity.
4. There is no transport to speak of in Puerto Rico on Sundays (the same goes here in Dominica).
5. Sanders observers did not receive their certification in a timely manner for the prisons, which I assume would be the first votes counted. Gangs (the Netas) interior to the prisons were reported to have been forcing through threats of violence other prisoners to vote for Clinton.
6. The Sanders campaign knew these factors were at play BEFORE anyone had a clue of results, and without any polls. There response was to send out messages to help old people and disabled move to the frontof the line, and to ask for volunteers to provide four vans for each polling place to move voters to the polls. See: http://www.inquisitr.com/3163692/navy-vets-response-to-reduced-polling-l...
So election day arrives and results in 3-5 hour long lines in broiling heat. Water venders, for whatever reason, weren't around. Old people were filmed after fainting from the heat. A whole ballot box disappeared at the airport. Two villages reported that they had not received ballots at all. There were reports that people were being sent to non-existent polling locations by Democratic Party officials.
The results of the the decisions of the oficialista Democratic Party was that their decisions caused and the expected 2016 turnout to go from 700,000, or 380,000 who voted in the 2008 primary to LESS THAN 100,000. That, my friends is a textbook case of voter suppression with expected results. Perpetuated by the official Democratic Party against colonized Latino voters.
To top it off, the Democratic Party started smearing the Sanders campaign that it was our fault that there were so few polling locations. That was the final straw.
Naturally, having been a victim of voter suppression and fraud for decades at home in Bolivia back in the time of the neo-liberals and Clinton 1 and 2, this enraged me. I will now fight Clinton in the trenches and the barricades. If she comes to Bolivia or Dominica (doubtful) , I will help blockade the roads.
In an essay devoted to the topic I was the victim of typical orange fascist bullying and personal insult, so quickly I couldn't keep up with it. I did my best against a gang of non-Latino Clintonites who probably couldn't find Puerto Rico on the map, accusing me of getting my information from "facebook charts" (for one thing, there was much worse).
As many may know, I have insults down to a linguistic art/game, a bit more detailed than "Yo, mama..." Its kind of an academic multi-cultural verbal double dutch. I do wish I could use obscenity on-line, but Americans don't get it.
I finally got exhausted but before going back to BNR (C99 was closed) I posted the following retort to being accused of being a "sore loser" who should "face the math" and get their informations from places other than facebook charts. Enjoy my response to a gang of bullies:
"You want to insult me? Go for it.
I have my doubts if you have the ability to read anything beyond insulting Clintonian verbiage on a dumb-phone and would guess you would get mugged in my neighborhood, not to mention a good case of the trots which reflect what comes out of your mouth. Your garbage mouth is full of the cut and paste stench of the wars and ethnic cleansing your candidate supports. It stinks like vulture funds and private detention centers that pay your candidate’s way. I have read her policy statements, many of her emails at wikileaks, and speech transcripts from, well, a long time ago to present. You are also free to do so. But then, as I said, I doubt if you have the critical ability of a two-year old orangutan or can tell a cackling hyena from a nematode. I doubt very much you will survive the global meltdown your dear candidate’s policies will exponentially hasten while lining her and her nasty husband’s pockets with greasy million dollar speech fees etc. from big oil."
Immediately flagged.
By the way, this morning the count is at 59/38 with 30% of the precincts not reporting. This after the 68/32 from the prisons stayed on corporate media for HOURS!
From the Light House.
Incredibly disturbing...
"Yet the polling location cuts significantly depressed turnout. While local officials expected more than 700,000, only 60,671 made it to the ballot box. Though voter turnout in Puerto Rico is usually much higher than in the 50 U.S. states, Sunday’s Democratic race had a dismal showing of just 3.45 percent of eligible voters.
After spending weeks telling the press that the decision to reduce the number of polling sites was based on lack of funding and a lack of poll workers, the local Democratic Party changed its story Sunday and claimed that the Sanders campaign requested the cuts."
Just one more reason I will never vote for an establishment candidate again. Dishonesty is not rewarded with my vote.
Wanted poster from PR this morning
From the Light House.
As a Green, Jill Stein is completely unencumbered by this BS
That's why she needs to be President if Bernie doesn't get on the ballot. The establishment has ensured that corruption is the only issue that counts this election. #BernieOrJill #UsNotMe
Beware the bullshit factories.