Acceptable Policy, Conversation and Debate
I spent a bit of time on the political compass website making this little graph. Perhaps it could use a bit more information, but I feel this point stands.
As others have pointed out, we are a single party state. It doesn't matter whether you call it the Property Party, the Business Party or the Bourgeoisie, but they will never, ever represent OUR interests.
As for the scope of acceptable conversation, debate and policy, this is where we really are.
My reasoning for this is that for well over 70 years, the Democrats have allowed Republicans to dictate all three, even to them. But it really ramped up in the 1980s with the formation of the Third (Turd) Way and the Democratic Leadership Council, both of which formed after David Koch's failed 1980 Libertarian Vice Presidential bid. Ever since then, the scope of acceptable conversation has contracted to the point where we can't even talk about basic infrastructure improvements without the Property Party bitching about Communism unless you're stupid enough to consider the end of Net Neutrality and the Robber Baron Tax Bill an improvement.
As for our economy, Lee Camp hammered it out pretty well here:
The corporations say that planned obsolescence is innovation. Yet the products they continuously pump out get shittier and shittier in spite of the new bells and whistles. The only innovation in this tactic is in the way these same assholes nickle and dime or outright price gouge the shit out customers.
Here's another case in point:
Local cities and municipalities are actually rolling out internet that's better than anything the corporate porkies can shove down our throats. It also costs quite a bit less. Yet those of us outside these areas never hear about it because if people knew they could actually get better service publicly, the porkies would be forced to compete, or, elements forbid, actually improve their infrastructure. And we all know how they hate that despite all the whining to the contrary.
How does this all go back to the topic about acceptable conversation and debate? In short, those who pull the levers and control the infrastructure decide what is and is not acceptable or allowed to be talked about. It is also why we basically have corporate government at this point.
How we change that conversation is anyone's guess, but it needs to change. And quickly.
Just don't expect help from the Democrats. They're behaving worse than private equity firms like Bain Capital ever could.
See ya around,

I find that when I talk to folks...
that mentioning that I don't trust the media at ALL always brings in thoughtful nods and agreements.
No matter what side of the political spectrum that is allowed they are on.
There's a desperate thirst for new ideas out there. It's time to strike while the iron is hot, I think.
But then, most of my thought son that are NSFI.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'm having issues with this
You say:
Democrats ruled the House and Senate from the mid-fifties till the mid-mid-eighites Tip O'Neil, etc? Democrats purged the Blue Dogs and lost the white middle class that has religion.
I don't like Repugs, but this is BS. Democrats have done this to ourselves.
Property Party? Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi (nice Vineyard girl) and on and on and on.
The only thing I can agree with is:
No good blaming them. We're just as or more culpable.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Those of us who putatively were Democrats should blame
1. lack of organizational nurturing (e.g., DNC)
2. the tsunami of corporate money, abetted by outrageous Supreme Court decisions, totally perverting the course of representative government. (Democracy has NEVER existed in this republic).
Unlike our two-tier "justice system", we have a one-tier governmental system: those who got money--the rest don't count.
Well-written with excellent videos, thank you.
With the Corporate Powers (read Evil Empire) closing in on legitimate (i.e., truthful) reportage, squeezing perhaps the last bastion of free expression via the alternative press, primarily online blogs and some YouTube channels. One very important thing we, as concerned citizens, not well-funded, could do would be to protect our access to City or County council meetings demanding local establishment of internet services supported by taxation. Although this does require a supplemental tax, the net savings in eschewing Comcast et. al. will exceed the tax AND provide access to more and hopefully better sources of information.