What Health Insurance?
I keep getting emails from healthcare.gov that read something like this:
The one and only deadline to apply for 2018 coverage is next week, and you have not yet submitted your application. Come back to HealthCare.gov and apply for coverage starting January 1.
Remember: All Marketplace plans offer essential benefits, such as emergency room visits and prescription drug coverage, as well as preventive care including important shots and screenings.
Let me just make this quick: Since employment is unobtainable in the shitstate of Flawer-Duh without a working vehicle or Drivers' License, that means any form of insurance is out of reach. And since Governor Voldemort outright refused to expand Medicaid thanks to the Supreme Court, that is also out of reach.
I am sick of this shit, yet no way out exists.
See ya around,

It is ridiculous...
That these bureaucratic idiots can't see outside their particular box, and insist on CRAMMING everybody into them.
Personal Example: DOD is still "Encouraging" me to switch my check to a wireless payment, after I've sent them a written request in accordance with law to maintain the physical check.
They can't legally demand I switch, but they can be annoying as hell and constantly badgering me.
The problem is that I just don't trust folks in general. Nothing personal, DOD, but you're asking a guy who you sent to play clay pigeon for corporate slime to just trust you when it comes to his money. Ain't gonna fucking happen.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Got a letter from SS
I got a 2% raise, woo hoo!
They also informed me that since I withdrew money from my 401 account last year, to buy an electric car, that my total income exceeded a threshold that imcludes my union pension and I would have to pay more for my Medicare.
It rose to $348 a month.
I'm now taking home $150 LESS than before.
I know, bitch bitch bitch, many pay a lot more, I should count my blessings.
The question is; Will it go down when my income returns to normal?
And didn't I already pay for Medicare throughout my working career?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Don't pay the penalty.
Boycott that shit too. Also, April 15th seems like as good a day as any for labor strikes.
This shit is bananas.
Considering I've never had insurance...
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.