Farron Cousins is an Idiot (Drumpf Wants Gov Shutdown)
To make a long story short, Farron Cousins says that if the government were to shut down because Drumpf and ConservaDems can't find a way to screw the rest of us, it would cost him and the Repigs politically. My ass.
Nothing the Repigs and the ConservaDems have done over the last decade has cost them politically, or in any other way for that matter. The last government shutdown in 2012 actually helped the fuckers.
Farron Cousins and other centrist cowards don't seem to understand that Drumpf is what they wanted all along. Who better to keep the country distracted than a raging, know-nothing piece of shit who does nothing but whine on Twitter?
Sure, rich assholes like the Koch Bros and Sheldon Adleson and Grover Norquist might feign shock and outrage, but this is what they wanted, too. They wanted someone who was too stupid to do anything other than use a fucking pen. Well congrats, fuckwits, you got it.
And those of us who tried to stop Billary and her hand-picked shit president are left to suffer. We have a demagogue as a president because of the fact that when the Democrats took power in the legislature and executive branches, they did NOTHING they were elected by the voters to do. They were paid to be weak. They were paid to lose. And now we have a demagogue who literally can't lead, just as the billionaires wanted all along.
See you around,
Maybe next time will be better.
Isn't that how it works?
Please tell me, Al, when am I supposed to laugh?
I'll be here all week Ed.
Purist. Your "Better" Pony Ain't Foolin' Me. I'm With Her.nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Ring of Fire has lost its heat
Now it's just a smoky, rock spewing mess. Oh shucks, if only Hillary had won!
Papantonio is the only one with any sense.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.