Losing a Friend, Update 2
Yesterday the local humane society couldn't take Mr. Mittens so he's at my partner's grandmother's house staying on the porch with everything he needs. We also had a guy over to clean the carpets and may have to replace them for obvious reasons. My mother-in-law told me he's happy to be outside on the enclosed porch so I guess that's something for now. He can enjoy the outdoors and he's pretty well cared for but I'll feel uneasy until I know for sure he has a permanent home again.
You see, there's another side to the story I hadn't talked about before: My father-in-law. About 4 and a half years ago we had to move out of our apartment with an enclosed porch (which the cat loved) because the ceiling had black mold. That meant we had to move so we ended up at the FIL's house.
That's when the talk about getting rid of him started. It only got worse when he bought the condo for us. And he's only here once a year, around this time for some biking event he goes to and the rest of the year he's either at home in California or on vacation overseas. Gee, I wish I had the money or the resources to leave America and never look back. I'd take the whole adopted family with me too.
And today he told my MIL 'good riddance. that cat was a problem from day one.' Yeah. Congrats, bud. You won. Pat yourself on the fuckin' back why dontcha?
This, my friends, is why I like cats, no matter their background, more than most people. They don't judge you based on how you look or your disabilities and despite their misunderstood nature they have more love to give than some people ever will. To be honest I haven't had a 'human' friend outside my partner and MIL (and her partner) and maybe a few co-workers I visit from time to time in years. And people like the FIL are the reason why. He's helpful when he needs to be but that doesn't change the fact that he's an ass a lot of times.
I dread the moment Pumpkin and Midnight figure out he isn't coming back because I can't explain it to them. Especially Pumpkin, because he and Mr. Mittens were joined at the hip at times, occasional spats aside. Midnight loved him too but when it came to food they were pretty competitive, as is the nature of the beast with Bombays. Still, I'll just have to play the waiting game.
See ya around,

People are the worst. I don't hate cats, I'm just deathly allergic to them, but I understand why people who love them love them. They have intelligence, individual personalities, and bond with people in ways that other pets do not. Dogs will always be my favorite, as my first pet was a rescue dog (didn't call then rescues back then, but she was), but I have a ton of friends who swear by their cats. The strange thing is they seem to have an affinity for me. Anytime I encounter a cat outside it wants to approach me, curl around my legs and purr waiting to be picked up or stroked or whatever. Sadly, if I gave in to their demands I'd be in the ER on a regular basis.
I sincerely hope their is some way you can reunite with your cat. Animals do get distressed when they are removed from their environment, just as human beings would be if taken away from those who love them. Your FIL sounds like an empathy deprived person. Even if he has had a prior anaphylactic reaction to your cat, that one week he comes for his bike event he could rent a hotel room. Obviously, that doesn't sound like the case from what you've written. My sympathies. Sounds like a person who uses money to control other people. Condolences.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
There were a whole bunch of feral cats in our old neighborhood.
We used to call it Kitty Lane because there were cats almost everywhere. Even at the Catholic Church. Heck, one of our neighbors had 20 animals from cats to dogs to ferrets. They actually helped us out with Mr. Mittens when he was covered in fleas once because we weren't really equipped to handle that. It wasn't a pretty sight.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.