Dipshit Trump: A New Low for America (Thanks, Hillary!)
The Trump Era has only just begun and already we're seeing some of the worst attacks on the environment in recent memory. Dipshit Extraordinaire signed Executive Orders reinstating Keystone XL and the Dakota Access Pipeline. He owns stock in the company backing DAPL as well.
"But he withdrew from the TPP" you say....well...yeah, but he also froze the EPA's budget, meaning they won't be able to monitor water quality and contamination. Yeah, because what's wrong with lead or fracking chemicals in our drinking water, right?
Endangered Species? Fuck 'em.
Oh, and he shit on women, too.
Buckle up, folks. This is gonna get ugly.

I still have some hope got hope for his foreign policy
At least relative to HRC. Maybe he will not revive the cold war. Maybe his policy in the Middle East will not be as malevolent and incompetent as that of the Obama administration. It is hard to predict because his policy pronouncements are inconsistent and not thought through. The real task at hand, however, is to change the left, to remove or bypass the corporate Democratic leadership and put together a political force that works for the people of the US and the world and not our corporate lords and masters.
Donald Trump is making good on his campaign promises
He is showing us how it's done. Shocking! We knew exactly what he would do, yet the Democrats nominated the worst possible candidate to oppose him.
Now we have to demonstrate. The demonstrations last Saturday were a complete waste of time. What were they about? Morning over a fitting end to the Clinton dynasty? I asked many of my friends who went what they were protesting. The answer basically, is that they didn't know except that they were opposing Trump. Once again, the Democrats are screwing us and missing the mark on real issues. Lots of good people wasted their time and energy getting to DC, with no clear message. Now we need to protest his actions on the environment. We need to get 10 million people marching in DC.
We need to focus. The big issue is the environment. We can't backslide for 4 or 8 years. We also have to be realistic. The corporate Democrats screwed the American worker with neoliberal economics. The Dem(on)s embraced it whole-heartedly. Trump promises jobs. Until the point that it is clear that his policies will not work we are at an enormous disadvantage and had better be really careful or progressive causes will be dead for a generation. Make no mistake about it, this is a revolution and the Democrats are trying to be counter-revolutionaries (Contras). This will not work and will only result in civil war. It is much better to concentrate on issues and to produce massive demonstrations when he crosses the line on issues that we can contest.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Thanks Hillary! Exactly, credit where due.
Make her accountable for her own actions, that what I say. The poo that will pile up at the bottom is equally due to D-evil, same as R-uhoh. Same same, gonna have to change the system itself to break free. That means giving up Facebook, Google, and Twitter, hahahahahaha! Aah, phew. Good luck.
"The system" in California already called emergencies for the dying forests then L.A. called it for homeless. Next?
Sonoma County extends local emergency due to January rains, flooding
"We try to mitigate that." is not Trump's fault, not Rs, but Ds are the ones ruining life for many here.
thanks for tellin' it like it is brother
There's some good there ....
For me, if Trump does these things below:
Then ... he's made some real progress, and done a real good job.
Of course, we should be moving away from fossil fuels not towards them. But Trump did make a point of meeting with Al Gore, so we'll see what develops over the long term. I also worry that his Tax Reform will just be more "Trickle-Down" Reaganomics nonsense, and not benefit people like me at all. And I doubt that he will really confront the terror of the CIA, or terminate the corrupt Bank Cartel ("federal" reserve) grip it has over our Economy.
But then again, even Bernie Sanders wouldn't have done the last 2 things.
So it's not all black and white here. Some reform is certainly better .... than no reform at all.
Why can't we be friends?
Yes, and he talked about "renegotiating" it,
which gives him a face-saving out if he decides to kill it. I think we should push the increase in gas prices in the Midwest and Rockies argument:
America First! The pipelines won't benefit us - we risk our aquifers and land (and holy sites) for a Canadian company's profits, plus then our costs rise. It's an argument Trump should be willing to consider.
I expect nothing from this petulant man-child. Nor should you.
@FreeSociety: This is the same son of a bitch who was calling for more torture and saying flat out he was going to 'kill terrorists and their families'. This man is a complete jackass who only cares about enriching himself at OUR expense. I told people this months ago and we're seeing it happen now.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Recall that Hillary Clinton publicly defended and supported Waterboarding as well (using the absurd "ticking time bomb" excuse) as a Senator, and President Obama famously quipped: "We tortured some folks..." in a causal manner, while ensuring that anyone involved in actual torture acts would be legally protected and sanctioned, and never see the inside of a courtroom. And the (multiple) CIA "black sites" were never shut down on his 8-year watch. And what the Obama administration did to Chelsea/Bradley Manning for the last 6 years would certainly be viewed by human rights group as Torture.
So at least Trump is doing something that is actually breaking away from what the Neocon-Dems (and GOP) wanted.
He isn't giving them the madness of "Regime Change" in Syria that they wanted, and there will be no War against Russia (despite Obama's amassing troops along the border, and shooting down a Russian plane with choir singers on it).
I am ashamed of U.S. Torture as well, but I am also ashamed at U.S. Foreign Policy and War making over many decades. There is some glimmer of restraint coming here now that wouldn't have happened had the Election turned out differently. That much is a fact. But I am well aware that this Country is still a long, long way from no longer being anything but International Tyrants and Barbarians.
I'm not at all certain that us praising him for the TPP,
or other small "good" things he might accidentally do of which we approve, is rational considering the environmental devastation on the way, which will rival anything that has ever happened on earth since the last great extinction and could be even worse if all the possible positive feedback loops become engaged. This dude has GOT to be removed from office because he is a madman. Everything he does, he does for himself; it's important to remember that. He can't see us through the storm of $100 bills that enshrouds him. I don't know how the Republican proles ever thought he could.
On the other hand, Pence can't see us because of the fog of JEEEEEZZZZUS that surrounds him and is probably hoping to hurry along the fictitious "second coming." So now we're down to Paul Ryan; the egregious human being who attended college on his Dad's SSI, but wants to get rid of that and every other pre-paid benefit for all of us.
Never mind, I give up. We're screwed.