Stop Me if You've Heard This One
I don't want my hard earned money going toward healthcare for someone who doesn't take care of themselves.
That was a response I got from a youtube troll with regards to the insurance industry. Of course, with a handle like John Trollolololta, there's no reason to take them seriously, especially when they belt out the usual talking points about 'left-wing' bias in academia and in the media (Neither actually exist. A few anecdotal stories do not an epidemic make.). I'll talk about that lunacy another time.
The insurance industry, along with their pals Big Pharma and the 'Hospital' cartels, pay very large sums of money duping the plebs into believing we have the best system in the world despite the OVERWHELMING documentation to the contrary. Did I even mention that we also pay for the uninsured when they go to the emergency room? That alone wouldn't be an issue with Medicare part E(veryone), or HR 676. That goes double for drug prices.
If I may ask a favor of the French: Peut-on emprunter Madame Guillotine? Because that seems to be the only way we'll get anything done around here that isn't another giant handout to the MIC, the insurance industry, the pill pushers and the like.
See ya around,

I find it distressing that so many compare and contrast
in a silly attempt to feel more screwed than others. And many who yell the loudest are already on the government dole.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's a problem, a different way of looking at things.
I just read about a one year old baby who was found dead under a couch in the house she lived after the parent had reported her missing. Evidently the house was so unlivable with many coming and going illegally on the property that they didn't even know the baby was there. Drugs, etc.
There are a lot of despicable people in this country and a lot of people that won't help themselves, won't get a job, won't positively contribute to society. There's no doubt about that.
But what the right doesn't understand or want to consider is how the situation gets to that place, how an unregulated capitalist system helps create those situations. And how a socialized system would actually be less expensive for all in the long run and help to better the overall social conditions.
But it's not ever going to be all roses no matter the system. The early colonists experienced the same things with people who didn't want to contribute to society but instead live off the work of others. A little reality is required when considering this issue.
It can be hard to get those with that mindset, like libertarians and conservatives, to consider of a better collective solution.
@Big Al
Ah but the two groups mentioned at the end are all about "I got mine and screw you all" mentality, they worry we will stop being able to be safe is we don't spend the billions and trillions we have on the MIC, and the idea of a public national health service or other safety nets means "Oh my god! we would have to help pay for all that through,,,,GASP! taxes!" never do they see the things they want means no one is paying for the civilization they also take from and enjoy. How long would their fancy cars last in roads full of deep potholes?
It always amazes me how they thought the tax cuts for the wealthy and corporates could still support the insane war spending, and think that people can help themselves if they get off those programs that make them lazy, never seeing the programs are mostly utilized by the disabled, old, too young or severely unemployed who need those programs they support cuts to as they bloat the MIC diverting the money away to those who DO NOT NEED IT!
We are the most powerful empire on the planet, and it is killing us. And yes, there are folks who will be couch potatoes no matter what we do, and they will tag along for the ride in social safety programs. But rather that than the trillions blown on the crappy F35 projectfail.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Very true, alot of them don't even "have mine",
I'm in the process of writing an essay on that now based off a right wing video I saw earlier about Trump's tweets of "five things democrats are doing to destroy America". The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.
@Big Al
I look forwards to reading that!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
@Big Al Nobody wants to deal with the root causes of the problems that have become elephants in the room. They keep screaming 'DO SOMETHING!' and yet when someone offers a real solution, they punch it down because change, no matter how small, scares the shit out of them.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I could go on and on with this one
regarding my very own right wing nut job family. My dad, who bitched and moaned always about paying his taxes, of which he really never paid them all as he died owing them, ended up on MediCal when he was dying. My stepmom, another right wing loony nut job, had a sister who also died on MediCal. Yet all of them, except for the sister who I don't believe was a right wing nut job, are/were Repugnants who'd say about that same lame thing you mention above - "I don't want to pay for those who don't take care of themselves, or I don't want to pay for those who refuse to go out and get a job, or I don't want to pay for those who are immigrants" or whatever. And these fuckers USED that system while voting it out of existence for others.
As for "not taking care of" oneself, I've mentioned here before I have a good friend who had a stroke at age 40 and is permanently disabled from it. She did NOTHING to make that happen to her, nothing. So how in hell does she fit in to their shitty little narrative? And for that matter, how do they fit people like my dad and stepmom into their little narrative? Do they do any accounting for blatant hypocrisy and willful ignorance? Perhaps those are the people we should refuse to pay for?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur