
Album of the Week 8-24-24

Afternoon folks!

This week we've got some great blues for you from Percy Mayfield and a compilation of Texas women blues singers with diverse styles. After that in the blues rock category, there's an album from Texas' Doug Sahm and the Sir Douglas Quintet, an (imo) overlooked excellent album featuring Robin Trower and Jack Bruce, a late 80's album from Savoy Brown and a kind of peculiar album from Ten Years After. We finish up with some prog-rock from Gentle Giant.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

When faced with a choice between freedom of speech or Israel, US Universities chose Israel

This week the University of California system has decided to ban encampments and face masks “ensure a safe, inclusive campus climate that fosters a free exchange of ideas”. As long as those ideas don't upset the political establishment. This is just the latest example.

Friday Night Photos Foreign Feathers Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Some of our feathered friends from around the globe.
The juvenile Toucan is about 4 months old. You can see how much the color in the bill has changed in the last 4 weeks.

Yellow-crowned Bishop

Open Thread - 08-23-24 - The Rub

What result would you expect from the nexus of big money and the mainstream media in our electoral process? Big money invests in protecting big money and the media invests in making big money for the media. Big money seems to be the common denominator on this grease slickened mobius strip of an election process, wouldn't you say?

Would this current circus of an election not be the natural evolutionary point of that amalgamation of greed, deceit and avarice?


Open Thread - Thurs 22 Aug 2024 : Meat Avatars?

Meet the Meat Avatar!

Yes, that is what we all are, we are meat avatars! Or, we are going to be meat avatars as soon as the AI stuff is advanced enough.

An article on the Vice website about a meat avatar (aka a human named Victor Miller) who is helping an AI person/thing named VIC (Virtual Integrated Citizen) run for mayor in Cheyenne, Wyoming, really made me laugh in an ironic, 'what's next?' kinda way.

Miller, the meat avatar for VIC, is serious about VIC being the mayor. In another article he explains how he is going to let VIC do the voting and make the decisions as mayor. Miller will have a camera pointed at his computer all the time, so anyone can see VIC making the decisions, as Miller the meat avatar feeds the relevant information about whatever issue(s) to VIC.

One can 'meet the candidate' and find out about VIC's positions on some issues in this other article from Cap City News.

AI VIC and Victor Miller, from cowboystatedaily.com.
