
The Weekly Watch

Seeking Clarity

As I was washing windows this week, I reflected on this column and it's origins. I started compiling these pieces a couple of years ago trying to consolidate, summarize, and make sense of the week's news. I'm just back onto the news cycle after a month away...only Kavanaugh's genitals and T-rump's trade sanctions got coverage in the main EU news. Yet somehow it all seems the same...the same old aggression, distraction, and manipulation...some things never seem to change: Many are suggesting we prepare for a coming economic crash, we are warned of the exponential growth of our climate crisis, we see ongoing war and threats of more and more. So I'm washing windows, seeking a little literal clarity while listening to some pretty interesting interviews. I hope you'll chime in with your stories and insights as well.

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U.S. General Considered Nuclear Response in Vietnam War, Cables Show

The US military is currently talking about tangling with China and Russia. ‘Limited’ nuclear war, a real-life fantasy if there ever was one, is being tossed around by the military once again (with the assistsnce of crazy John Bolton). At least cooler heads prevailed last time around.

U.S. General Considered Nuclear Response in Vietnam War, Cables Show
