My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
From:Trump floats proposal to cancel 2020 elections
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 02:06pm 1 Thu, 05/09/2019 - 05:11pm
You can always seek the aid of the Department of Justice.
From:The “Heartbeat” Bill Is Now Law in Georgia
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 01:58pm 1 Thu, 05/09/2019 - 05:57pm
Ninth Amendment doesn't work all that well, either.
From:The “Heartbeat” Bill Is Now Law in Georgia
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 01:52pm 0
? No sure how you interpreted my post, but
From:For the DCCC, the kids aren't all right
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 01:41pm 1 Thu, 05/09/2019 - 06:38pm
Just focused: The Milken Conference? Michael Milken?
From:"If you have no capital, why be a capitalist?"
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 09:06am 1 Fri, 05/10/2019 - 01:16am
I've long been frustrated to keep reading or hearing
From:"If you have no capital, why be a capitalist?"
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 09:02am 0
Class warfare has likely been waged since
From:"If you have no capital, why be a capitalist?"
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 08:51am 0
It's been a long time since 1776. Even a long time since
From:"If you have no capital, why be a capitalist?"
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 08:43am 0
Remember the Maine!*
From:"If you have no capital, why be a capitalist?"
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/09/2019 - 08:34am 0
Did Obama run AOC or just endorse her?
From:For the DCCC, the kids aren't all right
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:59pm 1 Wed, 05/08/2019 - 02:03pm
Science will not confuse the right. Neither will anything else
From:The “Heartbeat” Bill Is Now Law in Georgia
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:42pm 0
The right is anti-abortion, not pro-life.
From:The “Heartbeat” Bill Is Now Law in Georgia
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:40pm 1 Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:43pm
A great obstacle is Roe v. Wade itself.
From:The “Heartbeat” Bill Is Now Law in Georgia
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 01:35pm 2 Wed, 05/08/2019 - 03:51pm
Thank you for this compilation, veganmark!
From:The Russiagate Hoax, the Dirty Dossier, DNC Corruption, and DOJ Obstruction for Hillary — A Compendium of Sources
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 12:33pm 0
That is one way to go. Another is that a reader who feels as
From:The Russiagate Hoax, the Dirty Dossier, DNC Corruption, and DOJ Obstruction for Hillary — A Compendium of Sources
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 10:30am 0
When has self-regulation succeeded? Isn't
From:May 8 Open Thread: The Latest "Bee Safe" Pesticide Isn't
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/08/2019 - 08:17am 0
Some of the organizations named in your OP ARE large donors.
From:For the DCCC, the kids aren't all right
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 05:18pm 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 05:44pm
Does being INSIDE a polling place count?
From:So what did people hear for their $2 tickets?
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 04:05pm 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 04:15pm
Different views about Bernie, in themselves, don't mean someone
From:WayOfTheBern noticed our Bernie debate
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 03:12pm 0
I'm not understanding "plurality."
From:So what did people hear for their $2 tickets?
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 12:38pm 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 03:40pm
They are coming to her, if at all, for her fat cat donors.
From:So what did people hear for their $2 tickets?
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 11:34am 0
She was with Bill during both his primary and general runs,
From:So what did people hear for their $2 tickets?
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 11:21am 3 Wed, 05/08/2019 - 10:13pm
FWIW, (1) readers should be able to track edits
From:Craig Murray and Caitlin Johnstone Have Just Explained that Wikipedia is a Deep State Psyops — So Take a Look at Wikipedia’s Entry on the Douma “Gas Attack”
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 11:06am 0
From:May 1 is a Holy Day of Obligation for the 90%. BUY NOTHING.
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 09:49am 0
Clicking on the link would have cleared it up
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Last of the April Foolery
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 09:10am 0
Thanks. We did not do a tour because we were traveling with
From:Monday Open Thread:May 6 is International No Diet Day
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 08:59am 0
Forget relatively isolated incidence of ebola and measles.
From:Craig Murray and Caitlin Johnstone Have Just Explained that Wikipedia is a Deep State Psyops — So Take a Look at Wikipedia’s Entry on the Douma “Gas Attack”
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 08:52am 0
So sorry that you are under the weather.
From:Tuesday's Open Thread ~ Just Chillin
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 08:13am 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 10:09am
My history book names Shirley Chisolm.
From:So what did people hear for their $2 tickets?
HenryAWallace Tue, 05/07/2019 - 07:38am 0
Yuuuuugggge part of the problem, indeed!
From:‘Still too much’ money to listen to the Clintons
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 09:46am 0
Did you mean to post that on enhydra's OT for today?
From:Russiagate and lessons learned
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 09:42am 1 Mon, 05/06/2019 - 03:57pm
No Diet Day is an observance that I can appreciate.
From:Monday Open Thread:May 6 is International No Diet Day
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 09:36am 0
I was in Egypt during Ramadan in August.
From:Monday Open Thread:May 6 is International No Diet Day
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 09:05am 1 Mon, 05/06/2019 - 09:54am
I don't believe that if we wanted it enough,
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 08:49am 0
I don't know about Vince Foster, but I do know
From:Russiagate and lessons learned
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 07:46am 1 Mon, 05/06/2019 - 10:10am
During the Obama administration, I posted (elsewhere) again
From:Obama blamed Hillary for her loss
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 07:31am 1 Mon, 05/06/2019 - 12:17pm
Poor judgment on her part is the only reason for Hillary
From:Obama blamed Hillary for her loss
HenryAWallace Mon, 05/06/2019 - 07:21am 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 07:57am
As Bill Clinton might say, "That depends on what your
From:‘Still too much’ money to listen to the Clintons
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 05:40pm 0
My pleasure, Janis. Laughter is almost always a good thing, IMO
From:Spring Fun and Fund Drive
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 01:20pm 1 Tue, 05/07/2019 - 01:38am
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 01:18pm 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 02:37pm
That was not my assumption, Big Al.
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 11:24am 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 11:38am
What possible excuse can Folkenflik have for
From:NPR Lies By Omission — Fails to Mention Taped Sy Hersh Phone Call When Discussing Retracted Fox News Story on Seth Rich
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:54am 0
I would never ask any poster to solve
From:International Criminal Court Declines to Do It's Job
HenryAWallace Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:08am 1 Sun, 05/05/2019 - 10:34am
Who wants to end wars? How does one make money on peace?
From:To End the Wars, Get the Blood Money Out of Politics
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:52am 0
Well, we know that we can always trust Clapper
From:Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Have Endorsed Forensic Analyses of Adam Carter and Forensicator re Guccifer 2.0
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:39am 0
Thanks for updating us so faithfully!
From:Tulsi "Endorsements" and Nevada Upcoming
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:36am 0
So much beauty for a Saturday! Thank you, as always,
From:Spring Fun and Fund Drive ~~ Welcome to Saturday!
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:29am 0
Russia's efforts to meddle in America's internal affairs knows
From:A New Critique of the Nation article by Patrick Lawrence Re Russiagate — My Response
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:25am 0
You are nuts to imagine that you're not sane.
From:Spring Fun and Fund Drive
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 11:08am 1 Sat, 05/04/2019 - 08:41pm
Obviously, Sanders was involved. /s
From:A New Critique of the Nation article by Patrick Lawrence Re Russiagate — My Response
HenryAWallace Sat, 05/04/2019 - 10:59am 0
Cool one, Snoop!
From:Friday Night Photos - Nothing In Particular edition
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:24pm 1 Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:43pm
As my father in law once exclaimed: Criminentles!
From:VIPS on Julian Assange and Freedom of the Press
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 06:50pm 0
Americans may not know everything, but most of them
From:Someone is getting a raise. It just isn't you
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 05:54pm 0
I guess I should not have the temerity
From:VIPS on Julian Assange and Freedom of the Press
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 03:58pm 1 Fri, 05/03/2019 - 10:46pm
Thank you so much for collecting and assembling all that info.
From:The Russiagate Hoax — Cutting to the Chase
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 12:57pm 0
If you want only to live an internet-free life, I understand.
From:There is a time for everything - This is the time to say Good Bye
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:30am 0
Doesn't apply to me, Freddy.
From:Open Thread - Friday, May 3, 2019
HenryAWallace Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:22am 1 Fri, 05/03/2019 - 07:37am
"Just saying that shows how absurd.....the
From:Hillary Clinton calls on China to illegally obtain Trump’s tax returns and give them to American media
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 05:59pm 0
"Just saying that shows how absurd.....the
From:Hillary Clinton calls on China to illegally obtain Trump’s tax returns and give them to American media
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 05:56pm 0
All very true.
From:Go Fund Me is Not a Health Insurance Plan!
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 05:34pm 0
Of course, she's mockable. So is Obama, for that matter,
From:Go Fund Me is Not a Health Insurance Plan!
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 05:33pm 0
I likely never will be able to reply this way to any of your
From:Spring Fun and Fund Drive
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 05:27pm 1 Thu, 05/02/2019 - 10:07pm
Early in the Netflix series, the Medicis,
From:Why Is Here
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 08:42am 1 Thu, 05/02/2019 - 09:30am
We could do better on over-population.
From:Hot Air
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 08:24am 2 Thu, 05/02/2019 - 09:07pm
As I posted on Saturday's open thread, I cannot think of a
From:Spring Fun and Fund Drive
HenryAWallace Thu, 05/02/2019 - 07:09am 0
And advertently.
From:Go Fund Me is Not a Health Insurance Plan!
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/01/2019 - 08:19am 1 Wed, 05/01/2019 - 08:35am
As all of us who read NCTim's Friday open threads
From:Go Fund Me is Not a Health Insurance Plan!
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/01/2019 - 08:15am 1 Wed, 05/01/2019 - 08:44am
From:May 1 is International Workers' Day or Labour Day UNLESS ---
HenryAWallace Wed, 05/01/2019 - 07:35am 0
Please tell me again about Russia's "meddling" in our
From:Just like old times
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 10:01am 0
Just a reminder: Stock up today on anything
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Last of the April Foolery
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 09:10am 0
Just a reminder: Stock up today on anything
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Last of the April Foolery
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 09:10am 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:47pm
That is some strict executive review board!
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Last of the April Foolery
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 09:03am 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:41pm
For years, on the fridge has been a magnet:
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Last of the April Foolery
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:47am 0
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:11am 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 12:17pm
Yes, but the Sequester then became effective.
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:06am 0
Meanwhile, who has fedex been hiring to deliver mail?
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 07:49am 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 12:22pm
Ms. Ledbetter once remarked about the lameness of the law
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 07:37am 0
IIRC, not long after Planned Parenthood endorsed Her,
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 07:28am 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:16am
Another bailout. We keep rewarding bad and/or unduly
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Tue, 04/30/2019 - 12:02am 0
That is how Chris Matthews pronounced it during the
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:46pm 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:20am
Divided, we fall. Hence, division is being sown more than ever.
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:42pm 0
I don't support the argument by any means, but,
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:40pm 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:47pm
From the National Review article, written by Jay Cost:
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:16pm 2 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:21am
The author of the National Review article you linked,
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 11:05pm 0
Well, it's majority Hispanic. If Hispanics are in the majority
From:Trump gives Bernie some good advice
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 10:43pm 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:33am
Every time Hillary began an initiative, whether it was
From:What we can expect from the mass media: two lessons
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 10:02pm 1 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 11:49am
Not sex. (Allthough there were certain salacious rumors
From:What we can expect from the mass media: two lessons
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:51pm 0
"That's not how things turned out."
From:Final word on Trump tax cut
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:43pm 3 Tue, 04/30/2019 - 08:48am
el, I've never seen an OP of yours I didn't enjoy greatly.
From:Monday Open Thread: April 29 is International Dance Day (UNESCO)
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:11am 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:29am
It's 2019 and hardly anyone even heard of the
From:Howie Hawkins for President; updated: Coup afoot in VZ
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:05am 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 10:06am
Early this morning, during Amanpour & Company, I heard
From:Anti-Capitalist MeetUp: Environmental Communication must transcend RWNJs' anti-modern discourse
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 07:20am 0
Omigosh. That is one of the most beautiful photos of the human
From:Monday Open Thread: April 29 is International Dance Day (UNESCO)
HenryAWallace Mon, 04/29/2019 - 06:45am 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 08:51am
Brilliant comment, snoopydawg:
From:Assange is being Charged under The Espionage Act
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 10:52pm 0
Howie originated the term "Green New Deal."
From:Howie Hawkins for President; updated: Coup afoot in VZ
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 05:41pm 1 Sun, 04/28/2019 - 05:57pm
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 02:33pm 1 Sun, 04/28/2019 - 08:53pm
"It is astounding to me that my side has behaved so badly."
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 02:31pm 2 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:45pm
Carter, among others, might beg to differ with you about
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 02:26pm 1 Sun, 04/28/2019 - 06:36pm
Carter? What about Reagan and Bush?
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 02:22pm 0
I don't disagree, but my prior post covered that issue, or so
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 02:19pm 0
From:What matters in a president?
HenryAWallace Sun, 04/28/2019 - 01:55pm 1 Mon, 04/29/2019 - 09:40pm
