Spring Fun and Fund Drive
Welcome to this first organic Spring Fund Drive: “What does c99 mean to you?"
Why have a community fund drive? Because monthly recurring contributions have dropped more than sixty percent from two years ago; and presently, the site is at the mercy of less than a handful of generous monthly contributors. That’s why. Thought you all would want to know.
Let’s do what we can, renew and increase our past commitments a little or step forward and help for the first time. In community and collectively, whatever you can afford, goes a long way.
In Saturday's OT, i reached out to the community and asked for members to share in advance what c99 means to them in words. music, art and fun and today i'm delighted and grateful to post the wonderful responses received thus far. Please join in celebrating our May Day endeavor.
Today, everyone's a host. After all, "if you have a garden, a library and c99, you have everything you need." ~ Cicero
I read many publications, but c99p is the only one I contribute to because of the independent nature of the site. The authors who contribute here bring us a range of topics I cannot get anywhere else. I rely on c99p to bring me the truth of what is really going on in our America. They read an enormous amount of articles and watch an incredible number of videos to drill down to truth. We are allowed to voice our preferences, our concerns, to comment without attack. If a difference of opinion occurs, it is swiftly derailed and parties agree to disagree. I also have a selfish reason, I want to keep this place ad-free. If we can fund JtC’s efforts and expenses that go with running a site, no ads will grace our screens. I’m in favor.
Help us keep this site independent. ~ Raggedy Ann
Music courtesy of Dawn's Meta
Caucus99 is not only a place to get news, but participate in lively discussions about topics of interest to those concerned about situations in the world. This is one of the few places where world events are covered in real time and with input with experts in the field.
Those are reasons why Caucus99 is the place to get the news but it is also a close knit community of readers who share music, videos, and other messages within their essays. My husband who was an early contributor to Caucus99 died unexpectedly and the outpouring of kind words and sympathy have helped me through these early days of moving on. He and I both made monthly donations and I have continued both of the donations because of what this community means to me. I have also made a one time donation in his memory to Caucus99. ~ jakkalbessie
C99 is the place I visit regularly to think and exercise my mind. It could be a thoughtful opinion, sound, visual picture or current event that evokes careful reflection and pondering.
There are fewer places in the world for give and take of different and changing opinions as we all move through our lives. To step out of the boxes are lives are defined takes time, a few missteps and understanding of those the events that have taken place in the past. Breaking out of multi generations of propaganda is difficult. C99 community has created such a space.
Mt Jefferson, a constant presence in my life. ~ Studentofearth
What can I say about c99p? Non-question, I can say anything I damn well please, that is part of the magic here. What should I say, what in all honesty ethically and aesthetically am I obligated to say? I guess that I could say that "you're either on the bus or you're off the bus", but I feel that more is probably called for.
I am not one to wax poetic about even something so overwhelmingly wonderful as c99p. It would be unforgivably remiss, however, were I to fail to mention that this is the home of Joe's inimitable Evening Blues, so, there I did so."
What this place is is a gathering of people (and a gathering spot for people) who appreciate the importance and merit of free and open discussion and communication and who don't fear to engage in such. It is a place not saddled with the constant nagging questioning of whether it is permissible, or safe, to bring up or support this or that idea or position or theory, to advocate for some political action or faction or a preference for quiet omphaloskepsis instead. There is no site ideology, dogma, or goal. There are no barricades here to fence you in, and none to hide behind either. Beyond that it is a family, not of like thinkers, but of those who like to think, where we are all, nonetheless, free to be as silly as we please and even bat-shit crazy too. It is an oddly sacred space. It is home. ~ enhydra lutris
Been occupied elsewhere the past few days. But I want to at least say a bit about what c99 means to me.
At C99 I find real news, intellectual inspiring essays and comments, advice and encouragement, and great compassion for all contributors. C99 is a major part of my life now. Beautiful people are here. ~ mhagle
C99 is a place where I can read about what's really going on in politics and in the world. I think of the people that post on c99 as "my people" - people that can see through the propaganda that's infected almost everyone else; people that know what the real problems are; people that care.
C99 is a light in the darkness, a raft in the floodwaters, and an oasis in the desert. ~ Jen
Caucus 99 % is meaningful for the combined cleverness and comraderie shared in an open format. Ideas and feelings are developed in this atmosphere of entertaining a better way forward. Turns funk into fun. Thanks! ~ QMS
Even when I am not around, I think of this community.
We could be an echo chamber of like-minded thinkers. But, thankfully there is room for multiple views on a topic or two; divergent views; downright disagreements. For the most part very civil and no ad homs thrown. I like this aspect a lot.But even more, I like the thoughtfulness; the intelligence; the critical thinking; the amazing analysis and well-researched reporting. Marvelous.
Finally, the emphasis on our planet as our home: gardening; sustainability; creation and communication; photography; birds and critters. Lovely.~ Dawn's Meta
It is a place I can come to for release.
Release of pent up anger, bitterness, and hate for mine enemies.
I don't think the other caucusgoers absorb it.
I think they too rid themselves of it.
I don't know where it goes.
But somewhere, there is a shiton of it.
We just need to figure out where it all is, and how to pick it up, and drop it on the White House.
Thanks for being there. ~ earthling1
Definition of oasis
1: a fertile or green area in an arid region (such as a desert)
In a social media wasteland where insults reign over ideas, C99 provides a fertile environment for discussion and information. We have an embarrassment of riches here with writers and contributors from all over the world who have life experiences that add real value here. Smart, witty, thoughtful and generous with their ideas, there are few communities that can match what we do here everyday in terms of providing an environment where you can express yourself and learn from others.
2: something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast
The 2016 election was a time where the dismantling of my political worldview left me feeling unmoored, angry, and violated in ways I could not have imagined. C99 provided the only sane place where political refugees like myself could gather to make sense of the shifting reality we were experiencing in real time. It was a place where I could go to find refuge, relief, and amusing banter with fellow travelers. ~ Anja Geitz
Many of us came to c99 when things became more toxic than usual over at a certain website we frequented. It was bizarre to watch that site go from 'crashing the gates' to 'protecting the status quo.'
It was good to have c99 for a refuge. It has always been a place of intelligence and good intentions. I would have been lost without it when I suddenly quit blogging at big orange. I suspect there may be others who might feel that way.
Thanks to all c99ers for being a part of this place. I appreciate all the friendship and support I have received here. I will always support c99 as I think it is a force for good in the universe. Please do all you can to keep caucus99percent.com alive and thriving. Thank You ~ OPOL
C99p is my only life line to the US since I had to go back to Germany and it is very important to me to just understand the country, where I lived for the last 35 years. I was isolated in the US and am even more now that I am back in Germany. So, I hope that C99p will make it through the hard times to come. I would be miserable without having their anchor to rescue me. I'll drop something in JtC's piggy bank. ~ mimi
"This community is an island of sanity in a world of misinformation and propaganda. I normally check the site in the morning...catching up with Joe's always excellent Evening Blues, gjohns regular news reports, and whatever else was submitted in the last day. Most days I'll drop a comment in the Open Thread and say hello. I work through the week developing and adding to my Sunday Weekly Watch column. Writing that piece helps me to process the week's news, and I hope adds clarity to the murky, misleading corporate news. I feel like I'm friends with many of you who are regular participants, and I've come to rely on you all to help me understand aspects of our society and world. You have helped my political views to evolve...To better understand the unreliable votes we cast, the prison of the duopoly which is a single corporate party with two faces, the control of the oligarchs over so many aspects of our lives, the nature of an economy hell bent on destroying the biosphere and promoting war, and much more.
"And behind the curtain, the person who makes it all happen is JtC. His equipment, time, and devotion to this community is outstanding and those of us with some where-with-all should help him continue helping us. My understanding is that regular monthly contributions help the most, providing a reliable budget. If like me you value this community, and can afford it, please consider becoming a regular contributor. Thank you all for being in this community and contributing your thoughts and ideas. Let's keep growing!" ~ Lookout
A shout out to snoopydawg who sends her love and best wishes. She has to be away today.
“There's a lot that I appreciate about this place. The warmth, the lightness, the knowledge, the music, the art, the uniqueness of everyone.” ~ janis b
“Talk is cheap … that’s right honey” …
Tried to leave a comment, but my computer ate it.
What wonderful sentiments, music and appropriate thanks to the entire enterprise: JtC, Joe, admins and writers. Eyeballs count too...we know there is sanity here for many.
I'm a monthly small donor, and only wish it were more. We have had a hell of a time establishing in Europe. So our leeway is none really.
This we don't regret.
I am hoping Smiley, this will happen again. It's good to have such drives periodically. Pointing out that those with none, should feel no regret at all. And those of us who, can, help as much as we can.
Contributions of creativity, thought and research are so helpful and enriching. Something for everyone.
Thank you again.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
As I posted on Saturday's open thread, I cannot think of a
bigger or more important comment than that the posters here, as a group, are more intelligent than any group that I have encountered on other boards. For me, that is everything.