My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Don't look back OPOL.
From:For some reason this was poorly received by some
PhilJD Wed, 03/30/2016 - 03:08pm 1 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 03:30pm
Heh, beat ya by 5 days. My last comment or tip at TOP was
From:So, about OPOL's banishment - a solidarity plan
PhilJD Wed, 03/30/2016 - 09:09am 0
A feature not a bug at TOP.
From:Open Thread - Wed. March 30, 2016 - Self-Censorship Edition
PhilJD Wed, 03/30/2016 - 08:58am 0
If he believed his own shit, he'd sanction all 334 users
From:The Evening Blues - 3-29-16
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 05:19pm 1 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 05:21pm
Trying to look OPOL's diary from the perspective of the owner
From:The Evening Blues - 3-29-16
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 05:04pm 5 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 11:06pm
OPOL is on timeout now.
From:The Evening Blues - 3-29-16
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 04:57pm 2 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 07:59pm
Guess he's not on the A List yet...
From:Cenk Deconstructs the Super-D's "Tone it Down" edict
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 04:08pm 0
Your "apology" got me. I read the headline over there
From:My Banishment Was Commuted to a Time-Out
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 02:19pm 0
??? I'm pretty sure that what JtC wants most
From:My Banishment Was Commuted to a Time-Out
PhilJD Tue, 03/29/2016 - 01:54pm 0
Oh fucking ugh. I've been thinking Mr. Obama has been looking
From:As if we needed another tell: Obama endorses DWS in primary
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 05:56pm 2 Tue, 03/29/2016 - 08:33pm
I think the puppeteer is on the payroll...
From:It is all about the money- main reason why they want Bernie out of the race
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 05:53pm 0
Oh, I remember joelgp all right! He's been on an extended
From:It is all about the money- main reason why they want Bernie out of the race
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 05:52pm 0
"He should drop out because money!!" is one of the go-to
From:It is all about the money- main reason why they want Bernie out of the race
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 04:10pm 1 Mon, 03/28/2016 - 04:41pm
Cool! Thanks for being a mentsch.
From:More on the "nothingburger" e-mails,
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 12:52pm 0
Couldn't agree more. It would be nice if some folks here
From:More on the "nothingburger" e-mails,
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 10:39am 1 Mon, 03/28/2016 - 10:53am
Based on their comments at TOP, Pricknick is a Sanders
From:More on the "nothingburger" e-mails,
PhilJD Mon, 03/28/2016 - 10:37am 3 Mon, 03/28/2016 - 01:39pm
Great to see you here Alessandra!
From:I Suppose I Should Not Have Been Surprised
PhilJD Sat, 03/26/2016 - 09:14am 1 Sat, 03/26/2016 - 10:06am
No. he's still banned. The profile hovers are lagging way behind
From:Shaun King: Don’t be so sure supporters of Bernie Sanders would easily switch to Hillary Clinton come the general election
PhilJD Fri, 03/25/2016 - 06:06pm 0
A couple of quick points. First, PLEASE stick around here!
From:Why Hillary
PhilJD Fri, 03/25/2016 - 08:25am 1 Fri, 03/25/2016 - 10:47am
FTR, Greywolfe's status has been changed from banned
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Thu, 03/24/2016 - 08:58am 5 Thu, 03/24/2016 - 10:11am
Hi Joanne. Good to see you here. I'm one of those
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Thu, 03/24/2016 - 08:56am 0
Heh. I thought it was gonna be shill.
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Wed, 03/23/2016 - 07:19pm 1 Wed, 03/23/2016 - 07:56pm
In any case, the banned list is nowhere near long enough yet
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Wed, 03/23/2016 - 06:08pm 3 Wed, 03/23/2016 - 08:59pm
Holy fuck, I didn't notice Ranting Rooster on Green News.
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Wed, 03/23/2016 - 06:05pm 2 Wed, 03/23/2016 - 06:13pm
Welcome Jonathan. You'll like it here, without the kindergarten-
From:Well Yeah Kos Banned me
PhilJD Wed, 03/23/2016 - 05:43pm 1 Thu, 03/24/2016 - 06:12pm
Hellraisers Journal was the best part of TOP for years,
From:Hellraisers Journal: Part II: "Mother Jones & Her Methods -Personality & Power of This Aged Woman"
PhilJD Tue, 03/22/2016 - 03:30pm 1 Tue, 03/22/2016 - 07:26pm
Welcome! +4 for Great Orange Sellout!
From:Hello as well
PhilJD Tue, 03/22/2016 - 03:18pm 0
Yeah. I reread the Mote sequel last year too, right after
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 10:04pm 0
Yeah. I reread Lucifer last year too.
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 09:52pm 0
I dunno. Politically Pournelle may have been a bad
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 09:46pm 2 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 09:53pm
Good to see you too Miep.
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 08:55pm 0
Heh. Years before I'd ever heard of that site. I was well aware
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 08:39pm 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 04:12pm
Color me naive I guess; I truly didn't think that site
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 06:42pm 3 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 05:05pm
I'll be voting for Jill Stein, but honestly, the "no 3rd party
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 06:07pm 2 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 11:02pm
I went through my own haiku phase over there, mostly in reply
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 05:13pm 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 08:20pm
Love their gruel!? Can't have that! Next thing you know, they'll
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 05:03pm 2 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 11:39pm
Meteor Blades has posted here, as recently as a day or two ago.
From:I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 04:56pm 1 Mon, 03/21/2016 - 07:40pm
Suppose They Give A War (And No One Comes)
From:The Purpose of War?
PhilJD Mon, 03/21/2016 - 04:50pm 0
I've been wondering about Tasini's fate over there as well.
From:Please support BNR on Daily Kos
PhilJD Sun, 03/20/2016 - 08:46am 2 Sun, 03/20/2016 - 04:25pm
I just saw that there. I've reverted to permanent lurker mode
From:Probably my last Daily Kos diary. “The Sorry State of The Daily Kos Front Page - A Statistical Analysis”
PhilJD Sat, 03/19/2016 - 02:17pm 0
I've always thought that Ken's only core belief
From:The condescending style of the Clinton people and this fall
PhilJD Sat, 03/19/2016 - 11:07am 0
For now & the foreseeable future, I'm strictly lurking there;
From:OPOL's diary could use some help - it's under attack
PhilJD Thu, 03/17/2016 - 04:21pm 0
Well, one of today's Clintonista talking points
From:#WhichDailyKos ? #WhichMarkos ?
PhilJD Mon, 03/14/2016 - 04:22pm 1 Mon, 03/14/2016 - 03:48pm
Personally, I would never in a million trillion years...
From:#WhichDailyKos ? #WhichMarkos ?
PhilJD Mon, 03/14/2016 - 03:33pm 3 Mon, 03/14/2016 - 08:24pm
I especially like Kos' use of "low information voters."
From:#WhichDailyKos ? #WhichMarkos ?
PhilJD Mon, 03/14/2016 - 03:01pm 2 Mon, 03/14/2016 - 04:03pm
Sanders would win Illinois if only
From:Why I Think the Illinois Primary Will Be a Pleasant Sanders Surprise
PhilJD Sat, 03/12/2016 - 01:29pm 0
Hillary Clinton is the sort of person who cheats at solitaire.
From:Sanders Campaign Says This Photo Proves Clinton Broke Rules During Univision Debate
PhilJD Thu, 03/10/2016 - 01:15pm 0
"Rules are for little people." Indeed.
From:Sanders Campaign Says This Photo Proves Clinton Broke Rules During Univision Debate
PhilJD Thu, 03/10/2016 - 01:13pm 2 Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:09pm
Oh lol for fucking real!
From:Bernie UPSET IN MI!
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 10:58pm 0
Fuck, that was like watching game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals.
From:Bernie UPSET IN MI!
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 10:35pm 2 Tue, 03/08/2016 - 10:39pm
Whatever happens when all the primaries have voted...
From:Bernie UPSET IN MI!
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 09:00pm 1 Tue, 03/08/2016 - 09:41pm
20%. Up almost 4 points.
From:Bernie UPSET IN MI!
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 08:09pm 0
The troll who posted it is on timeout now--
From:A new missive from kos
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 06:40pm 0
"After" is apparently one of those words, like "oligarchy"
From:A new missive from kos
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 04:14pm 0
The fact that blatant anti-Semitism is now tolerated there,
From:A new missive from kos
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 04:07pm 2 Tue, 03/08/2016 - 06:56pm
Guess they're aware of the growth of C99...
From:Legions of reasons to be skeptical of HRC grows; Updated
PhilJD Tue, 03/08/2016 - 03:25pm 0
All the Thugs are unbelievably awful, but Cruz
From:To the Clintonistas...
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:12pm 2 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 08:16pm
Regarding Clinton as warmonger...
From:To the Clintonistas...
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:38pm 2 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 07:28pm
Are you completely gone from there Shiz?
From:To the Clintonistas...
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:06pm 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 02:04pm
One two many rockcrushers!
From:To the Clintonistas...
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 01:01pm 0
In reality of course, but not in her own self-description...
From:Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 09:16am 0
The 2nd word in this Open Thread is "Liberation,"
From:Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 09:10am 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 10:20am
Someone mentioned that DKos' main income these days
From:Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 08:54am 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 10:07am
Good morning! Turn your back for a minute...
From:Open Thread: Monday, March 7, 2016
PhilJD Mon, 03/07/2016 - 08:49am 1 Mon, 03/07/2016 - 09:00am
566 members as I type this.
From:Greeting's Old Friends!!!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 09:42pm 1 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 10:03pm
Thanks, but I reverted to lurker status on DKos weeks ago,
From:An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 06:08pm 1 Sun, 03/06/2016 - 02:58pm
"Management" here trusts us with an edit function...
From:An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 05:30pm 1 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 05:39pm
I'm convinced a LOT of centrists and "pragmatists"
From:An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 05:24pm 1 Sun, 03/06/2016 - 12:22am
Great to see you here Bisbonian.
From:We Are Back!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 05:13pm 1 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 08:36pm
Oy. He seems not to have repeated his comment
From:An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 05:09pm 1 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 09:21pm
From:An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 04:58pm 4 Sun, 03/06/2016 - 04:51pm
From:We Are Back!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 02:58pm 0
Holy fucking wow! Turn my back for a minute...
From:We Are Back!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 02:21pm 3 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 02:58pm
Hey Al! I've fucking missed ya!
From:We Are Back!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 01:12pm 0
Right fucking on. Don't get complacent though.
From:We Are Back!
PhilJD Sat, 03/05/2016 - 07:54am 3 Sat, 03/05/2016 - 11:21am
I saw you signed up here.
From:DKos: The Purge is Announced!
PhilJD Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:50pm 0
Oh, no doubt he'll ban a few really blatant ones
From:DKos: The Purge is Announced!
PhilJD Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:38pm 1 Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:44pm
Even shorter:
From:DKos: The Purge is Announced!
PhilJD Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:34pm 0
Shorter Markos:
From:DKos: The Purge is Announced!
PhilJD Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:33pm 2 Fri, 03/04/2016 - 02:37pm
Use it responsibly!
From:Attention Daily Kos Alumnae
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 07:12pm 2 Fri, 03/04/2016 - 01:35pm
Clinton won't be indicted so we'll never know, but...
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-16
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 07:06pm 1 Thu, 03/03/2016 - 09:18pm
Thanks. I don't really need calm so much...
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-16
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 06:43pm 1 Thu, 03/03/2016 - 07:01pm
For the record, PW IS on timeout and has been since
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-16
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 05:54pm 1 Thu, 03/03/2016 - 07:28pm
I've noticed a steady trickle of mentions of C99 over there
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-16
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 05:08pm 3 Thu, 03/03/2016 - 06:36pm
I see evening comes early round these parts!
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-16
PhilJD Thu, 03/03/2016 - 04:44pm 8 Thu, 03/03/2016 - 11:37pm
