My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Obama was lucky he
From:Astroturfing the McResistance
Wink Mon, 07/03/2017 - 02:56am 0
Resistance requires action
From:Astroturfing the McResistance
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 08:25pm 3 Mon, 07/03/2017 - 11:29am
From:Hillary breaks the glass floor
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 07:52pm 0
Good point. And good
From:Astroturfing the McResistance
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 06:13pm 1 Mon, 07/03/2017 - 11:25am
It don't mean a
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 05:47pm 1 Sun, 07/02/2017 - 11:42pm
Less about profit and
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 05:37pm 0
The averge Joe Blow
From:Astroturfing the McResistance
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 03:49pm 1 Mon, 07/03/2017 - 10:24am
True, but I haven't found
From:Astroturfing the McResistance
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 03:35pm 1 Sun, 07/02/2017 - 04:18pm
That matters Only if
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 02:01pm 1 Sun, 07/02/2017 - 04:05pm
And if we fail
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 01:43pm 0
The Citizens Army arm
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 01:40pm 0
And LaPierre and top
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 01:38pm 0
Or as KagroX would
From:The NRA's Call to Arms!
Wink Sun, 07/02/2017 - 01:30pm 0
bing! n/t
From:My YouTube Rant After Reading NE Journal of Medicine study that Single Payer Medicaid Expansion Cheapest Way to save lives
Wink Sat, 07/01/2017 - 11:11am 0
Stop it!
From:U.S. Federal Judge: 'Our Democracy Is Broken'
Wink Sat, 07/01/2017 - 03:48am 0
bing. bing. and bing.
From:Trump, Mika and Joe and why I dont effing care.
Wink Fri, 06/30/2017 - 08:34pm 1 Sat, 07/01/2017 - 01:11am
Ha! That there funny! n/t
From:Trump, Mika and Joe and why I dont effing care.
Wink Fri, 06/30/2017 - 06:03pm 0
"The world burns as
From:The Villagers Choice Cosies Momentarily to Every Day Working Librarians
Wink Thu, 06/29/2017 - 02:02pm 0
or "more time with
From:Poll: Democrats want a change of leadership
Wink Thu, 06/29/2017 - 02:35am 0
When Mitt Romney's
From:Poll: Democrats want a change of leadership
Wink Wed, 06/28/2017 - 09:18pm 0
Is why the Oligarchy
From:The Democratic Party is . . .
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 01:31am 0
Agree. The Dem party
From:The Democratic Party is . . .
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 01:26am 0
Yeah, but... when you
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 01:15am 0
Exactly. n/t
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 01:02am 0
Hell, I don't know Tim
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 01:00am 0
That Bernie has yet
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 12:58am 0
Nonsense. n/t
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 12:51am 0
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Tue, 06/27/2017 - 12:36am 0
I don't think the Trumpster
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Mon, 06/26/2017 - 02:12pm 2 Mon, 06/26/2017 - 03:46pm
I'm with Dore on Bernie.
From:The Democratic Party is Doomed
Wink Mon, 06/26/2017 - 01:57pm 3 Mon, 06/26/2017 - 09:22pm
I think it was blue
From:The Spirit of it Brings a Miracle
Wink Sun, 06/25/2017 - 03:36am 1 Sun, 06/25/2017 - 11:57pm
Looks like he's put on
From:The numbers behind how the Dems can win again
Wink Sun, 06/25/2017 - 02:53am 0
Speaking of which, if
From:"30-Minute Buy: Writing the History"
Wink Fri, 06/23/2017 - 06:29pm 0
The 30 minute buys
From:"30-Minute Buy: Writing the History"
Wink Fri, 06/23/2017 - 06:11pm 1 Fri, 06/23/2017 - 06:29pm
Totally dodged the question.
From:Is the Dem establishment finally about to give an inch?
Wink Fri, 06/23/2017 - 12:54am 0
Welcome to the club!
From:Mass Bannings of Bernie Supporters at TOP
Wink Thu, 06/22/2017 - 02:28am 0
Smoke signals? Ham Radio?
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 03:01pm 1 Wed, 06/21/2017 - 04:30pm
He won Iowa. "They"
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 03:02am 0
But he didn't campaign
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 02:05am 0
Compared to Hillary?
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:29am 1 Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:36am
All they need is an
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:26am 1 Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:34am
Agree. There is no
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:18am 0
It's a hit job. n/t
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:17am 0
"Bernie supports Hillary
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:12am 1 Wed, 06/21/2017 - 01:28am
I agree. And wouldn't
From:How is this not the top of the headlines!?!
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 08:07pm 0
Except there isn't a one
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 07:35pm 1 Tue, 06/20/2017 - 10:30pm
We don't care becuz
From:How is this not the top of the headlines!?!
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 11:37am 2 Wed, 06/21/2017 - 08:30am
exactly. It's a Twofer
From:Education: If the political system gives you lemons, make Lemonade
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 01:42am 0
I'm in. I got $50
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 01:04am 0
Becuz Greens equal
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 12:59am 1 Tue, 06/20/2017 - 09:55pm
"we can make no common
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 12:48am 3 Tue, 06/20/2017 - 10:33pm
wah. The wars will
From:"A Sanders-led Party would still be an imperialist, pro-war party.”
Wink Tue, 06/20/2017 - 12:25am 1 Tue, 06/20/2017 - 10:21pm
Well, by their definition
From:Anti-Capitalist MeetUp: Money Laundering's Politically Exposed Persons may include Trump
Wink Mon, 06/19/2017 - 12:07am 0
Schools ARE Social Engineering
From:The Weekly Watch
Wink Sun, 06/18/2017 - 11:52am 1 Sun, 06/18/2017 - 12:01pm
The "gig economy" is
From:Everyone is getting rich in the Gig Economy
Wink Sun, 06/18/2017 - 01:36am 0
Bernie just a part
From:Ann Coulter and the Right, the New Voice for Peace and Non-Violence
Wink Fri, 06/16/2017 - 11:56am 0
Exactly. Those that wrought
From:Ann Coulter and the Right, the New Voice for Peace and Non-Violence
Wink Fri, 06/16/2017 - 11:52am 0
What Ann Coulter doesn't
From:Ann Coulter and the Right, the New Voice for Peace and Non-Violence
Wink Fri, 06/16/2017 - 12:05am 2 Fri, 06/16/2017 - 08:23am
Red meat for their
From:You see what's going on here. Don't you?
Wink Wed, 06/14/2017 - 12:30pm 0
This is the war
From:Let's get nuts
Wink Wed, 06/14/2017 - 01:40am 0
There is no intention
From:How to keep sending boys to die in the “graveyard of empires”
Wink Wed, 06/14/2017 - 01:22am 1 Wed, 06/14/2017 - 01:36am
nah, they love playing
From:Russia Russia Russia
Wink Tue, 06/13/2017 - 10:39pm 0
The only "side" Bernie
From:Russia Russia Russia
Wink Tue, 06/13/2017 - 06:38pm 0
I think it's safe to
From:Russia Russia Russia
Wink Mon, 06/12/2017 - 07:42pm 0
Amen. n/t
From:Tuesday's big election
Wink Sat, 06/10/2017 - 12:58pm 0
22-16 says to me
From:Tuesday's big election
Wink Sat, 06/10/2017 - 12:45pm 0
Getting beat by the
From:The Big Losers from the UK election
Wink Sat, 06/10/2017 - 01:57am 0
bing! My headscratcher, all
From:Kamala Harris: a dangerous Democrat
Wink Sat, 06/10/2017 - 12:40am 2 Sat, 06/10/2017 - 04:50pm
DWS as much as
From:Kamala Harris: a dangerous Democrat
Wink Sat, 06/10/2017 - 12:13am 1 Sat, 06/10/2017 - 03:11am
More like the entire
From:Any thoughts on Comey's testimony about Russia?
Wink Fri, 06/09/2017 - 11:37pm 0
two words: Seth Rich.
From:Any thoughts on Comey's testimony about Russia?
Wink Fri, 06/09/2017 - 11:27pm 1 Sat, 06/10/2017 - 11:00am
me, too, until the
From:Any thoughts on Comey's testimony about Russia?
Wink Fri, 06/09/2017 - 11:19pm 0
RussiaGate has lost Tweety.
From:The Evening Blues - 6-9-17
Wink Fri, 06/09/2017 - 10:38pm 0
Agree. And will run
From:Any thoughts on Comey's testimony about Russia?
Wink Fri, 06/09/2017 - 12:54am 0
Hillary Clinton n/t
From:Americans Flock To The Democratic Party!
Wink Thu, 06/08/2017 - 08:48pm 0
yep, sadly. n/t
From:We are a nation of mercenaries
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 09:53pm 0
yep. sadly. n/t
From:We are a nation of mercenaries
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 07:48pm 0
And, they're Ex-Military
From:We are a nation of mercenaries
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 07:45pm 1 Wed, 06/07/2017 - 08:53pm
I prefer tRump's No
From:That escalated quickly!
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 03:16pm 0
yep. How is it that
From:The Seth Rich Assassination: "It doesn't matter how...We need to win this MoFo"
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 12:18pm 1 Wed, 06/07/2017 - 01:35pm
The "Village Police,"
From:The Seth Rich Assassination: "It doesn't matter how...We need to win this MoFo"
Wink Wed, 06/07/2017 - 12:10pm 1 Thu, 06/08/2017 - 12:22am
Ha! I just twittered
From:Prologue: DWS, DNC and the intersection of two colliding investigations.
Wink Mon, 06/05/2017 - 11:46am 0
President Hillary is the
From:The Insidious Nature of Faux Progressives — I’m calling out Farron Cousins of ROF
Wink Mon, 06/05/2017 - 11:20am 0
All dastardly deeds lead
From:Prologue: DWS, DNC and the intersection of two colliding investigations.
Wink Mon, 06/05/2017 - 09:15am 2 Mon, 06/05/2017 - 06:09pm
They win in 2020
From:Are those jobs supposedly created since 2008 fictional bullshit?
Wink Mon, 06/05/2017 - 01:47am 0
65 years later?
From:Are those jobs supposedly created since 2008 fictional bullshit?
Wink Mon, 06/05/2017 - 01:38am 2 Mon, 06/05/2017 - 01:17pm
yeah, I too know
From:Revolutionize your life with radical self-care
Wink Sun, 06/04/2017 - 09:19pm 0
OPOL, I'm in the
From:Revolutionize your life with radical self-care
Wink Sun, 06/04/2017 - 09:16pm 0
I think it amounts
From:Flashpoint! Kathy Griffin's ill-conceived Trump "beheading"
Wink Sun, 06/04/2017 - 07:05pm 1 Mon, 06/05/2017 - 08:57am
Is why she's on
From:Flashpoint! Kathy Griffin's ill-conceived Trump "beheading"
Wink Sun, 06/04/2017 - 06:33pm 0
Nothing Burger (as Blueside
From:Flashpoint! Kathy Griffin's ill-conceived Trump "beheading"
Wink Sun, 06/04/2017 - 11:56am 1 Sun, 06/04/2017 - 12:21pm
The sad fact (or not)
From:Repair Cafes and the return of the Repair ethos
Wink Sat, 06/03/2017 - 12:53pm 1 Sat, 06/03/2017 - 07:35pm
If my livelihood depended
From:Repair Cafes and the return of the Repair ethos
Wink Sat, 06/03/2017 - 12:35pm 0
From:A “Hollow” Man Who Was “Unwilling to Fight the Good Fight”
Wink Sat, 06/03/2017 - 02:02am 0
What's left of the
From:Can Corporate Dems Make It Any Clearer They Don't Want Progressives in Their Club? One Tweet Says it All
Wink Tue, 05/30/2017 - 03:05pm 0
True, but Bernie grabbing
From:Manchester, Libyan Blowback, and Corbyn's Heresy
Wink Tue, 05/30/2017 - 02:28pm 1 Tue, 05/30/2017 - 02:56pm
Who the F* is Sally
From:Can Corporate Dems Make It Any Clearer They Don't Want Progressives in Their Club? One Tweet Says it All
Wink Tue, 05/30/2017 - 02:22pm 0
Now if Bernie would
From:Manchester, Libyan Blowback, and Corbyn's Heresy
Wink Tue, 05/30/2017 - 11:17am 1 Tue, 05/30/2017 - 11:44am
Decoration Day.
From:The Purpose of Memorial Day
Wink Mon, 05/29/2017 - 06:05pm 1 Mon, 05/29/2017 - 06:35pm
Well, I would argue
From:To some extent we probably all share the frustration
Wink Mon, 05/29/2017 - 11:07am 0
