Revolutionize your life with radical self-care
Let's get this out of the way up front. I have nothing to sell.
Normally when I write for online publication, it's socio-political in nature. This is more in the way of a public service announcement, based on recent personal experience.
Over the last 10 or 15 years prior to recently turning 65, I had gained weight and lost energy. My memory had gotten worse, particularly my ability to quickly find the exact word I'm looking for (important stuff for a writer). One friend suggested I might have early onset dementia... and it was starting to feel like that.
My weight gain led to high blood pressure, painful knees, ankles and feet. The excess weight around my midsection pulled aggressively on my tortured spine and bad lumber disc. I felt lethargic, my arthritis was inflamed and painful. I developed a problem with my left foot so severe that I had to give up my daily walking program, the main exercise in my life. I was depressed and my work suffered. I had insufficient energy to work joyfully the way I always had (or mostly always had).
So I was taking all these things as my lot in life. You know, whatcha gonna do? You get old you break down.
My son, an erudite young man in his mid-twenties, began urging me to change my diet, as so many of my problems were directly related to the weight gain and poor diet. Though I ate a lot of vegetables and was practically a fruitarian, I also ate a lot of processed grains and carbohydrates. I grew up around croissants, French bread and yeast rolls and I dearly love them. My mouth waters just writing about the memory of it. I ate way too much of things like that.
My son, a veteran researcher and speed reader, rode to the rescue. When he tears into a subject, he burns right through it. These are the treasures he brought to me: the ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and the amazing and miraculous water fast (better than it sounds).
With my son's informed guidance, I started on a ketogenic diet. It's surprising how much you can eat on that diet, just not certain kinds of foods. The ketogenic diet restricts carbs and sugar but is also low protein. I found it easy to transition to and over the first few days as my body went into ketosis (the desired state) the ketones the process generates, in addition to aggressively burning my stored fat, also radically suppressed my appetite. My energy soared, my writing took off. My foot back and knees stopped hurting at least by 50%, so far. In no time, I was back to my old self and better. My mind cleared, the fog lifted, my capacity for joy returned. I was surprised at how easy it was and how profound the effects. In just a tad over three weeks, I've lost twenty pounds and put a spring back in my step.
I started with ketogenic for a week, which suppressed my appetite and food cravings. I then moved into water fasting and found it easy, even fun. So far I have done the water fast for four days, had a feast day, then fasted for five more days. I broke my fast with a feast day (the heightened sense of taste and the sheer anticipation makes you appreciate all over again the wonder and joy of food). Next, I'm going a few of days on ketogenic and then I plan to do another five day water fast. I can't remember how long it's been since I felt this kind of energy.
Some things most doctors won't tell you: ketogenesis and fasting are free cures for much of what ails us. (* Of course if you suffer from serious medical conditions, you should consult a doctor before employing these diet strategies). I've quit having acid reflux, completely come off my Protein Pump Inhibitors (that have been linked to kidney disease and dementia) and my daily Ibuprofen (linked to liver damage and increased risk of heart attack and stroke) and others have come off their insulin or high blood pressure medication just as easily. It varies of course from person to person but it's a virtual miracle for many.
I'm feeling so much better, it ain't funny. For years I had felt increasingly like I was at death's door, but now I'm looking forward to the novels and screenplays I've yet to write.
Here are some of the best links to further information that I have found. Some of these folks have books but I'm not pushing them. This is just useful info for anyone who might be receptive to it. You don't need to spend a dime to benefit from this information (and you can save a fortune on groceries). If you're young, lean and fit, never mind. But for me, and no doubt many others, this is a free and (relatively) easy new lease on life. Shed all that excess weight, get as lean as you want and rediscover the joy of living.
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Jason Fung (long but packed with good info)
[video: width:560 height:315]
Nutritional Ketosis Benefits
The Fat Burning Brain: What Are the Cognitive Effects of Ketosis?
I hope this is useful information for some of you, or maybe someone you know. It's sure been a welcome kick in the pants for me.
Thanks, Daniel.
Peace out.

Hey everybody.
I'm a Believer
Radical Self-Care...agreed. I changed Everything and my life changed completely.
I have been on a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting [not done the water fast] for 3 years and have lost 100 pounds and put Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis into remission. I used to be on 11 prescription drugs and am now on 3. My doctors are speechless and don't really like being confronted with someone who healed herself after 10+ years of taking their advice.
My bibles are The Autoimmune Protocol [] for all autoimmune illnesses and the Wahls Protocol for MS []
@IdahoDiane That's fantastic. Good
@IdahoDiane I intend to pass this
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
yeah, I too know
an MS kid (17 or 18). Will pass it along.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Congratulations! I do have a question
I don't need to, and can't afford to lose weight. Serious about that. The other aspects of this interest me. Is the whole thing aimed at weight loss, and losing weight if you need to, bring the other benefits, or is the diet aimed at bringing those other benefits and possible to skip the losing weight part?
@Granma I think there are You might find an answer there.
I think there are strategies that exclude the water diet, but I'm not expert enough to try to explain that. Dr. Fung (from the video) has a website:The link that IdahoDiane provided has info on
weight gain. It says that people who don't need to lose weight have gained it using the diet.]
I wish that I could follow this diet. I sure miss eating raw veggies and especially miss eating nuts.
I've had 7 surgeries on my jaw/mouth and dental work and now have severe nerve damage on my lower mouth and I'm unable to wear bottom dentures. Sure I can use a juicer, but half of eating is being able to chew food.
I've had my jaw broken twice and even though cooking steak and other meat in a crockpot tastes the same, it's the chewing that makes eating enjoyable.
Great to see your health has improved, OPOL.
If you don't mind, what was the problem with your foot? I've developed a neuropathy in my right foot that is driving me insane, and I'm trying a spinal injection to see if I can find some relief.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg Thanks for the input,
As for the foot, I had it mri'ed and they told me it was a small bone spur, but I got the feeling they weren't really sure. The more I read about foot injuries/conditions the more it seemed like no one understood the foot as well as you might hope. Apparently it's a complicated beast. A lot of the solutions doctors offer don't really seem to help people, or at least not in many cases. Surgery can make foot problems worse, so can orthotics, so I guess it's not very straightforward.
In my case, my foot seems to get better with every pound I lose. The ketones and the autophagy from the water fasting also increases human growth factor and a number of other hormones that repair damaged tissue from your brain to your toes (including cleaning out old broken proteins in the brain). So other than the bone spur thing, I can't really tell you what was wrong with my foot, only that it's gotten dramatically better as the excess weight fell away.
Thanks OPOL
I keep reminding myself of how lucky I am to be alive after the accident 40 years ago. I crashed my motorcycle and it landed on my face. The kickstand fractured my skull and broke my jaw in 5 places, including the roof of my mouth. I kept telling myself that I could have either been killed or in a vegetative state, and that was how I coped with the pain. Especially after the reconstruction surgery. If I had known how painful the recovery from it, I don't think I would have gone through with it.
Problems with the feet are hard to diagnose unless there is a clear picture of the problem. Mine is a
neuropathic and while the EMG showed that yes there is a problem with the nerves, it didn't show what was causing it. I have nothing to lose by seeing if the injections help.
I'm going to try some of the paleo diet. I can cut most of the food that isn't good for the body out. And I can get the benefit from veggies by juicing them.
I did the liver detoxing a couple of times and felt much better after it. I didn't eat solid food for a month and lost 10 lbs. I think people need to be aware of what happens the first week of detoxing. It's very uncomfortable when the poisons are being emptied from your body. Just wow! Hopefully I don't need to spell this out
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I am still taking opiates for pain (because I have them)
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Oh yes, I remember the problems with taking opioids
I called an ambulance to take me to the ER because of I thought I had appendicitis. Instead I had intestinal spasms for being plugged for two weeks. I didn't know about that lovely side effect. I am unable to take the longer acting opioids because of this problem, and they raise my BP into dangerous levels because I retain so much water. If you are running out of them, try not to stop all at once. You can cut them in half to reduce the withdrawal symptoms. That too is very unpleasant if you just stop using them. A two week bout of the flu.
You can restart your system by using the lemonade fast if you are interested in that. The ingredients for it is online. I used real maple syrup, fresh squeezed lemons and filtered water.
For the flush I used sea salt and something called ben...something. I can't remember the name. It's a property of clay. That is what's unpleasant. I used it on the second day after the lemonade mix loosened things up.
The recipes for it are online if you search for the lemonade diet.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Bentonite is what you were looking for.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
You need to find better healers.
Bad pain. Broken things. Drugs are the way they make you shut up.
Find someone else.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
The Perfect Health Diet addresses many of these ideas.
Use the search function on topics of interest.
Chris Kresser looks at diet at lot and interviews other experts
I'm sure there are many more, but these are a good start.
Once we reached our best weight we stabilized at those levels and don't vary much up or down. Going off diet and eat wheat-based food is like addiction: we want more and more. And we feel crappier and crappier. It's hard to break that cycle. But these diets are easier than any we've seen because they don't count calories and its true you don't seem to have cravings.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
OPOL, I am glad you are improving your health.
When my late hubby and I travelled down to Mexico to check out an alternative treatment for his cancer, the dr. emphasized berries and nuts as immune system boosters. To this day, 20 years later, I eat almonds almost daily, and eat strawberries, blue berries, and dew berries when they are available.
I am extremely fortunate to have no health problems of any kind. I decided to lose weight, that nagging 25 lbs. that doesn't hurt my back, just makes my clothes feel too tight. I went on an extremely physical 2 week trip to Honduras and Guatemala in March. I came home 5 lbs. thinner. So, I decided to just eat smaller portions, stop eating when I am full, or do not eat if I am not hungry. That's it. I am down 15 lbs., and want to lose 10 more, and am in no rush to do it.
I have the self-discipline of a gnat when it comes to just me, and only me. I am just hard-wired to put in effort for my clients. Others. It is not even a thought to be in trial right through lunch, dinner, awaiting a verdict at 1 a.m. But if I were at home, and it was just for me, there is just no way I would do it.
But then, I have no health imperatives, either.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp What ever works and feels
Losing weight is just a happy bi-product for those who need it
You might try the Autoimmune Protocol which is paleo and not ketogenic. Which just means low carb instead of very, very low carb.
Losing weight was not my main motivation at all. I just figured doing what I needed to do to get healthy should naturally lead to losing weight. And that is what happened. I just got healthy.
The Ketogenic diet eliminated the severe food cravings I have had all my life while eating carbohydrates, especially processed foods. This diet just gave me the power to decide what and how much to eat.
I have leveled out at a healthy weight now and have been eating the same way and amounts for 3 years. You would just need to be sure to eat enough if you don't want to lose weight.
I don't think a ketogenic diet works for a liver running on
one cylinder. But I am trying a vegetarian diet for my gall bladder. SO far, so good. Discovered that yogurt-covered pretzels do not agree with me now (a huge loss, not!). Nuts are fine, fruit is fine. Eggs are fine. No weight loss, yet. I have gathered an extra 15 pounds to come off.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I had a bad liver from birth until age 30.
I would be in a hospital for 6 damn weeks, and was literally force fed peppermint candy.
I am 65, no health issues other than cataracts which need to be removed.
I still hate peppermint candy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Heh, I know what you mean
Two broken jaws, lived on ice cream and rarely eat it now. I got a severe bout of the flu right after I got my jaw unwired and since I was on soft foods, mostly soup, I got nauseated at the store just looking at soups and other soft food. I ate raw sugar cookie dough for months. I had already lost a ton of weight after the reconstruction and lost another 20 lbs after I got sick.
I know exactly where you are coming from.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Cataract removal I have had done on both eyes.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm on board with this.
I do a variation on your theme. I've been interested in nutrition and healthy diet forever but there is so much misinformation out there that I was on the wrong track for a long time.
I do a low carb and as little sugar as possible. The results of that kind of diet is, for me as well as my partner, amazing. In addition to weight loss, more stamina and energy (fatigue and low energy was one of my big issues) seasonal allergies have been, for both of us, greatly diminished to the point of being almost gone.
I also do intermittent fasting although there has been a loooong intermission since I have done that. You inspired me to start that discipline again. It really does help me.
I am convinced though that everybody is different and what works for me may not work for someone else.
Appreciate this essay, OPOL.
Ailments stacking up here as I move past the half-century mark. Asthma flaring, acid reflux, constant headaches, high calcium levels in the heart, etc.
Had done a fast once, a long time ago, and while I thought it was tough near the end (and got a wicked headache), I know it is something I would like to get to again and consider making a regular part of my life.
Like you, have considered myself a pretty good eater, favoring lots of vegetables, salads, nuts, but also have a sweet tooth for croissants, ice cream, etc. We eat meat occasionally but are heavy on the greens, and salads accompany most every dinner and sometimes are even the meal itself.
Thing is, the conditioning to crave foods one grows up with affects us all to some degree. For me it is stuff like pasta, big sandwiches of processed deil meats, barbecue, pizza, etc. I've cut out or down on most of that, except for pasta. But like preconceptions toward social and philosophical matters, one has to work through the stuff in the formative years of early childhood to understand why one favors or craves certain food also.
About the fasting: how did you build up to where you do it regularly/was it difficult? Are you able to go about your business throughout the day, even if the day might be slightly rigorous (I ask as it would pertain to a drummer who performs a weekly 3-hour gig, and a Dad who spends 10-12 hours a day rearing/looking after an infant)?
Thanks for the recommendation; I'm looking forward to checking it out.
And, great to hear how well it's worked for you (and to see you back here at C99 more)!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
@Mark from Queens I can't recommend the
Great to hear OPOL and thanks for sharing.
November 2016, I started walking three miles a day, counting calories, and eliminating carbs and sugar. I lost 20 lbs, but it took me months. I'd like to take off 20 lbs more. For the last six weeks, I've been stuck. Pissing me off. So today I went on a pity binge. Didn't even get the good stuff like pizza or chocolate because there is none in the house.
I take no pharmaceuticals and have no health issues - good genes. All I want to do is be able to bend over, bring my knees to my chin, and get rid of my creaky ankles. I will definitely give your links a look. I need to breathe new life into my rehab plan. I know men lose weight easier than woman, but I don't think 1 lb a weeks is too much to ask.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
@dkmich I'm losing a pound a day
OPOL, are you still among us on earth ? Losing a pound a day ?
you would be gone in eight months, no? -
I am kidding, just couldn't resist. Forgive me.
I am glad you feel better with all the diet and fasting exercises you put yourself through. It sounded very necessary for you to do and it's encouraging to hear how your son "made you do it" and how you arrived at a healthier, happier and spiritually more inspiring place. Great accomplisment!
I so far never took care of these things, but start to have to do something, lot's of things don't work anymore as they are supposed to. My kidneys don't work anymore properly due to apparently too high blood pressure, too long not realized, and now too long having been treated with meds which have side effects I don't like (cough). I hate to take medication regularly and am always upset to see people needing several meds to take daily for months and years.
I should make a trip to my former husband's home country in Africa and live with family members (but they are all gone by now). They ate healthy by default, if they had enough to eat that is, but they all had enough, luckily.
I think I will get rid of all the medication I am supposed to take (and mostly didn't) and eat just avocados, fish, eggs, meat and veggies. Since I am in Germany I have to eat so many carbs in form of bread and pastry I got sicker here than I remember ever having been before.
I miss my own cooking with the food I found in the US, especially fish. Sigh. Hmm, and crabs and shrimps and squid and ... I miss the Washington DC fish market... Sniff.
@mimi That's my plan, mimi
let us help each other to fade away
together in friendship and embrace that what is unavoidable without pain and fear. I am glad your son is at your side. Hugs to both of you.
The things we do the least.
Walking or running 1.5 miles a day taking time to realize all the things you've never noticed before.
Cutting sugar and salt intake.
Insuring (hard I know) you eat organic vegetables and only free range antibiotic free meats.
Learn to cook without a box.
Growing a garden.
Turning off the boob tube permanently.
Letting go of politics on a regular basis and enjoying Friday Night Photos.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
So good to hear from you, and find out you are doing well.
I thought of you when Don S. got out of prison.
I'm lucky with my health. I haven't fasted in a while, but understand the health benefits. Ketosis is required to really burn off fat.
Glad you are doing well and feeling better. I must admit I live in the here after - I walk into a room and ask "what am I here after".
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
OPOL, I'm in the
same place you were. I've recently changed my "pre-diabetes" diet to meat, fruits and veggies, and haven't lost much weight, but do feel better. I'm about 50 lbs overweight - all of it in the midsection - (beer gut, spare tire), but otherwise "look normal" (wear the same clothes I've worn for the past ten years). That is, if you took a pic from the hips down and the diagphram up I would look like most guys 5'10", 175 lbs.
But, your diet looks even better! I'll let you know of any weight loss, knee relief.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Nice OPOL,
that your ‘kick in the pants’ left you in such a better place; and that your son, who obviously loves you dearly was the catalyst. I’m happy for you.
I notice that broccoli is a recommended food
A number of years ago I took a public health class, from which I learned that broccoli has, by far, the most cytochrome P450 of any food. Cytochrome P450 is a large molecule which collects and breaks down many different kinds of toxins. Since then, I've tried to eat a lot of broccoli.
Detox your body
Beware the bullshit factories.
@Timmethy2.0 It's always nice to know
I'm counting on onions, garlic, ginger, a whole bunch of different chili peppers, blueberries, and pomegranate juice to keep me healthy. I also love dark green veggies: broccoli, brussels sprouts, and almost all greens,including spinach (don't much care for kale, though, and am slightly annoyed by how ubiquitous it is).
Unfortunately, I also love a lot of other things.
I find I do best when I cut the carbs and processed foods down a lot and stick to high-quality meat and lots of the lower-starch veggies. Also some fresh fruit.
If I still lived on the coast, I'd probably pack my face with fish for the animal protein and be even healthier--I love how I feel when I eat the fattier fishes (unlike with red meat, the fattier the fish, the better I feel) and I also love how they taste. But once you've eaten fresh fish, eating fish that isn't really fresh just isn't the same. You wouldn't think an hour and a half inland would make such a difference, but jeez! the difference between living next to the ocean and a couple hours away is, to coin a phrase, HUUGE.
Yes, I know I sound like a diva when I say that, but there's something about eating food that I can tell is significantly less fresh. It's not just my mouth that grumbles, but my whole body.
If we get a garden in and I start eating fresh vegetables--really fresh--I may never eat at a restaurant again.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I agree with you about kale
Can't stand it even if it is a superfood.
Beware the bullshit factories.
@Timmethy2.0 Yep, broccoli is big on
These diet ideas are good and they are not new
Check out these books written many years ago.
"Enter the Zone: A Dietary Road Map" by Barry Sears.
"Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution" by Robert C. Atkins
Note: Barry Sears has nothing to do with "The Zone Diet" these days.
He lost control of the rights to that name a long time ago.
@jbob The Zone Diet was not
Turned out my (I thought, extremely mild) dairy allergy was a lot more serious than I thought. These days, I'd never do something so dumb, but in my 20s, there were a lot of things I didn't take particularly seriously.
Until I found myself sitting at a Food Court, crying in public because I didn't have the energy to make the (pretty short) walk home from school.
I was massively fatigued.
I mentioned it to a dear friend, and, bless her, she said: "do you think it might be all the dairy you're eating?"
I stopped eating the low-fat dairy and in two weeks I was back to normal.
Now I happen to believe that truly whole dairy can be OK for part of the population, if it's produced in a reasonable, non-feed-lot, non-massive-doses-of-antibiotics way. I've since consumed raw milk on a regular basis, and I did not have the effects I had before--also I noticed my digestion of all dairy products improved. It's as if I need the friendly cow biome to take up residence in my body to be able to digest cow proteins, or something.
Given that I long ago lost my raw milk connection (who were busted; government's gotta protect itself from those nasty Amish), I probably shouldn't be eating any dairy. That's hard, so I try to just keep the amounts low.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
thanks for the info
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Great to hear that you are alive and well!!!
You fought the good fight at TOP/DK for Bernie
Now that we see the democratic party still floundering, still part of the establishment, and Kos seems like he is on the payroll of the party, your diaries could not have turned the tide at that spot
This election helped many of us, myself for sure, learn about the terrible presidency of Bill Clinton.
And we see what Obama has done for the oligarchs.
Bernie is still going strong talking about the issues
radical idea, the issues, .......
@DonMidwest Too true, my friend.
ketogenic diets are somewhat difficult to maintain.
Actually burning ketones instead of sugar. But adopting a low sugar ( also eliminating most fruit and fruit juices sad but true ) , low carb diet certainly is healthy. Read the several books by Volek who has done a lot of scientific work with ketogenic diets and atheletes. PROOF for those science fiends. Ketogenic diets are recommended for epilepsy if you have any doubt about what OPOL is saying about clearing his brain. Paleo is alittle more expansive and easier to maintain, you can move in and out of ketosis over the course of the day and then of course Mediterranean for the undisciplined. Mediterranean has scientifically high marks for heart disease. Carbs and sugar big killers.
@Song of the larkCarbs and sugars are big
The evidence is mounting against those two.
@randtntx Carbs and sugars are
I tend to believe in a lower-carb diet, myself, and think that starchy things and grains are less good for me than a lot of other foods--but I have also noticed over the years that things like oatmeal and quinoa and even rice have far fewer bad effects on me than, say, bread (which is too bad, b/c I do love bread). And far, far fewer than floury snacks (pretzels, twinkies, etc.).
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I agree that
What I do wish people would do is look at the evidence for changing our diet. Look at the consequences of our diet. Try and see if there are connections that you can make. Experiment with change. (I don't mean you in particular, I just mean in general.)
I think you have this right
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I agree with your
@randtntx Even so, for me in
I just wouldn't want to put pretzels in the same category with sweet potatoes, or bread in the same category as oatmeal (not quick oatmeal, the original stuff).
I sometimes think if I'd grown up Japanese it would have been better for me: fish, vegetables, some rice.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal I love fish and
@randtntx No kidding!
The ocean is one of those things I can't think about too much.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal Agree, it's
I wish there was a way to convey how crucial
this topic is. We are being fed a diet which looks as if it may be very bad for our health. The evidence is coming out in bits and pieces. There are lone voices out there who are sounding the alarm and defying the status quo. In many cases these lone voices are taking a professional risk in speaking out. There are examples of people being discredited for the very act of offering critical analysis of the conventional wisdom.
Note in the video this doctor mentions this resistance from those in position of authority. These are the very people we seek treatment from in helping us manage our chronic diseases. We need people to have an open mind regarding treatment and obviously, given the statistics about the exponential rise in metabolic syndrome and Type ll diabetes, we need to change what we have been doing.
Kids get hooked on burgers, fries, shakes and candy
We need better nutritional education for kids, but that probably wouldn't do any good since a lot of schools have fast food franchises within a short walk. It probably wouldn't have worked for me.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Yes, kids do get hooked.
Someone once told me America is like one big candy store. I can see that applies across the board with consumption in general. George Carlin had a point of view about that particular notion. Carlin saw that our particular lifestyle doesn't equate to health. He implied it affected our brain health (like a good jester, his comedy was based on bit of truth). He said outright, that we are stupid because of it.
As the adults, we're supposed to safeguard those kids and their health. I'm late to that party, but I am trying to at least help sound the alarm.
Thanks for your essay.
We know how to destroy a culture.
We do it all the time. We did it to the Native Americans. It's a technique related to the shock doctrine described by Naomi Klein in her book of that title. First we disempower people. We take away their means and ability to be self-sufficient.
For the Native Americans, we slaughtered the Buffalo, we took land and the resources so they could not feed themselves. We radically changed their diet. We put them on small parcels of inferior land, and gave them supplies of sugar, flour, alcohol, and lard.
Sounds like a toxic mix to me. The Native Americans have among the highest rates of Type ll diabetes and metabolic syndrome of anyone. How did a group who were so amazingly fit and athletic get here? Now who is eating that diet or a variation on that theme? Why? and How? With whose blessings?
Fasting not for everyone - explore low histamine diet
Good information is hard to find. Histamine free diets are probably the next fad and many sites are interested in selling you a product or gathering your data. Generally find the best information originate from countries with national health systems. Dietary histamines have been associated with autoimmune disorder flair ups, irritable bowl syndrome (IBS), skin conditions and mood swings.
Fasting is one method of avoiding foods that adversely effect one health. Elimination diets are an alternative if fasting is a problem due to current health conditions or your body's response to fasting. Anther issue is if your body has stored toxins in the body fat, too quick release of those toxins.
If after a period of time gut health improves you may be able to add back into your diet a wider variety of foods. Most important is to get rid or reduce the use of the drug crutches used to maintain your current life style - protein pump inhibitors, H2-blockers, antihistamines, pain meds, etc. If you are chronic meds for a medical condition - please read this diary, Mitigating Medication Adventures, before making any major dietary changes.
To Your Health
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
@studentofearth You are right that
I finally found some information that works for me. It took me a long time. I have been interested in this topic for a good portion of my adult life (and I ain't no spring chicken). I think it is really important and helpful information. That is why I comment on it. I hate to see good stuff just fall by the wayside. As someone's sig-line here pleads...."don't go back to sleep, don't go back to sleep, don't go back to sleep...." Or something along those lines. H/t to Rumi.
Great diary!
I need to do more reading about this diet. It sounds like something I could do, although fasting may not be up my alley. Thank you for sharing OPOL.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
If i'd read this from anyone but you, OPOL
I'd have ignored it. But your symptoms are exactly what I'm experiencing so now I'm going to do my homework and give this a try. Thanks.
Yeah. You got nothing to sell?
Except the Truth.
You bad man you....
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I visited my PCP with multiple concerns today
including another gall bladder attack, first one after I went vegetarian. Triggered by cottage cheese! No more dairy until things settle down. As well, I had begun to get "puffy", swelling feet. Likely due to dietary changes and alteration of fluid balance. Who knew things could change so quickly? No weight loss, due to fluid retention. So she suggests. A temporary reset, Rx, only as required.
So I am working on it. At 64, things slow down. Maybe tonight sleep, after throwing up and dry heaves all night.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
@riverlover ,
Hope the nausea and swelling eases soon.
OPOL, ...thanks so much for the personal essay and links ,...fascinating stuff brother. Decided to start fasting last night. This will be a first for me.
Very helpful for me right at this moment! Thanks, OPOL! n/t