My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
comparing economies is complicated
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 23, 2022
studentofearth Sun, 07/24/2022 - 01:34am 1 0
Picked up the habit of rotation while working summers
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 23, 2022
studentofearth Sun, 07/24/2022 - 01:02am 1 0
Unfortunately 'War Fatigue' sppears to be used to
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 23, 2022
studentofearth Sun, 07/24/2022 - 01:00am 1 0
Always a little suspicious when the protest signs are in
From:Is China approaching a financial crisis?
studentofearth Sat, 07/23/2022 - 03:42am 1 1 Sat, 07/23/2022 - 07:06am
Owl in a chicken pen, lost a couple of banty roosters this week.
From:Open Thread - Thurs 21 July 2022 - Hot!
studentofearth Fri, 07/22/2022 - 01:23am 1 1 Sun, 07/24/2022 - 05:21pm
Social Security and Military Retirement Fund
From:About that $30 trillion debt
studentofearth Tue, 07/19/2022 - 09:14am 1 1 Tue, 07/19/2022 - 10:45am
Sputnik News has a good write up
From:This story will be buried
studentofearth Mon, 07/18/2022 - 12:21am 1 2 Mon, 07/18/2022 - 08:40am
Thanks for the Sri Lanka info
From:The Weekly Watch
studentofearth Sun, 07/17/2022 - 10:45am 1 1 Sun, 07/17/2022 - 11:06am
The area controlled by the Dutch
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-16-2022
studentofearth Sun, 07/17/2022 - 10:26am 1 0
A review of the basics regarding Ukraine and Russia
From:The conflict in Ukraine may have reached an important inflection point.
studentofearth Sat, 07/16/2022 - 06:57pm 1 1 Mon, 07/18/2022 - 04:52am
Why I am obsessive about reading labels
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-16-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/16/2022 - 02:25pm 1 1 Sat, 07/16/2022 - 05:27pm
Another author I follow on geopolitics regarding Abe
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-16-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/16/2022 - 02:14pm 1 0
Access to affordable food stuff is part of any country's
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-16-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/16/2022 - 12:42pm 1 1 Sat, 07/16/2022 - 01:01pm
Definately time to take the day slowly and not
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 09:37pm 1 1 Sat, 07/09/2022 - 10:59pm
Odd time to be reading the news
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 09:30pm 1 0
Dutch farmer protests are an example of policy effecting
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 09:19pm 1 0
Dementia is excluded from the US based Physician-Assisted
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 08:19pm 1 1 Sun, 07/10/2022 - 01:05am
Good point, add the agriculture policy of the IMF
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 07:51pm 1 0
Good collection of articles showing how this is an
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 01:23pm 1 0
WWII US achieved air superiority as a tactic of war
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/09/2022 - 11:24am 1 1 Sat, 07/09/2022 - 12:34pm
High school should teach history is not a single narrative but
From:Why America is tearing itself apart and who benefits
studentofearth Thu, 07/07/2022 - 11:54am 1 1 Thu, 07/07/2022 - 12:39pm
Thanks - somber assessment of ramifications
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 2, 2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/02/2022 - 10:39pm 6 0
Yunnan is an interesting spot in the world to spend
From:Nato to expand "high readiness" troops from to 300K from 40K
studentofearth Sat, 07/02/2022 - 02:18pm 1 0
Thanks for the chuckle n/t
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 2, 2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/02/2022 - 12:50pm 1 0
Enjoy the trip
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - July 2, 2022
studentofearth Sat, 07/02/2022 - 12:49pm 1 1 Mon, 07/04/2022 - 07:13am
Links to the articles used in the video
From:Jimmy Dore on spy operations and social media. Not new to
studentofearth Sat, 07/02/2022 - 12:25pm 1 0
Thanks for everyone carrying the conversation in the OT
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-26-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/25/2022 - 11:39pm 1 1 Sun, 06/26/2022 - 08:02am
Happy Birthday
From:06/20 - Take Your Cat to Work Day
studentofearth Mon, 06/20/2022 - 03:58pm 1 1 Mon, 06/20/2022 - 05:36pm
a quick reminder heat tolerance is reduced by many medications
From:06/20 - Take Your Cat to Work Day
studentofearth Mon, 06/20/2022 - 03:41pm 1 0
Rural communities have some very
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 05:26pm 4 0
We are watching a slow moving wreck and have no
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 05:16pm 1 1 Sat, 06/18/2022 - 09:58pm
Imagine the "ignorance" of ships and possible survivors was
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 04:56pm 1 0
Paused in relection when Gonzalo mentioned Lithuania as
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 04:07pm 1 1 Sat, 06/18/2022 - 05:03pm
The wish for sane heads to get US off this track is
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 03:42pm 1 0
Iraq is the location for one of the US's many proxy wars.
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-17-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/18/2022 - 02:58pm 1 0
In the last video, which is a bit tedious in spots, Professor
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-11-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/11/2022 - 01:39pm 1 0
On those hot days every task is a major effort.
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-11-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/11/2022 - 01:20pm 1 1 Sat, 06/11/2022 - 01:29pm
Enjoy the stroll and visiting n/t
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-11-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/11/2022 - 01:14pm 1 0
Too many rational minds started working together
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-11-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/11/2022 - 12:59pm 1 0
Gallows humor kept me sane many times in life - enjoy
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-11-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/11/2022 - 12:42pm 1 1 Sat, 06/11/2022 - 01:45pm
We are fortunate to have so many well informed
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 10:27pm 1 0
Quite an effort to have the Kearsarge enter the harbor
From:US Aircraft Carrier in Stockholm Sweden
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 06:52pm 1 0
To move away from human experience has often
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 06:27pm 1 1 Sun, 06/05/2022 - 11:26am
This is a great Hudson interview -
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 05:10pm 1 1 Sat, 06/04/2022 - 08:02pm
Great news
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 01:14pm 1 0
Interesting example of framing a message
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 12:34pm 1 1 Sat, 06/04/2022 - 03:02pm
Dreaming of train travel -
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 6-4-2022
studentofearth Sat, 06/04/2022 - 12:04pm 8 3 Sat, 06/04/2022 - 05:02pm
Emotionally stark
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 5-28-2022
studentofearth Sun, 05/29/2022 - 08:17am 1 0
British Empire has done an excellent job of leaving conflict
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 5-28-2022
studentofearth Sun, 05/29/2022 - 08:02am 1 0
Thanks for adding the additional information and clarification
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 5-28-2022
studentofearth Sun, 05/29/2022 - 07:31am 1 3 Sun, 05/29/2022 - 12:52am
watching the ongoing carnage in Ukraine reminds me of
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 5-28-2022
studentofearth Sun, 05/29/2022 - 12:03am 1 0
