Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 7-9-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Just a collection of a few articles I read this week on current events. The past couple of weeks have been busy taking care of a new batch of baby chicks bought to replenish existing hen population. Hens are getting a little old and egg production is decreasing.

Today's emergency was an overheating shed. The immediate requirement was to reduce heat generated by afternoon sunlight. In few days the chicks will be large enough to have access to an outside run with shade from a tree. A couple of dog kennel panels covered with cloth placed very close to the outside of the building did the trick. Temperature dropped several degrees inside the building once shade had been created.

Always something to force a little creativity.


Boris Johnson leading supporter of arming Ukraine and avoiding negotiating with Russia appears to be on his way out. He will continue serving as Prime Minister until a replacement is selected.

The empire strikes back and Johnson falls Asia Times July 8, 2022

Johnson will – at least according to current plans – cling on in 10 Downing Street until a new leader of the Conservative Party is chosen in September or October. The chosen one will lead the UK until the next general election – to be held, at the latest, in January 2025.

In the meantime, sit back, pour yourself a large gin and tonic and prepare to enjoy. There will be furious backs-and-forths in the chamber, daggers stabbed into colleagues’ backs behind closed doors, and bloody leaks splattering the pages of the press.

Beyond this entertaining political carnage, ultra-serious issues are in play.

The future trajectory of the post-Brexit UK, a G7 economy, is far from certain. There are economic storms bearing down on the country now, and questions hang over the country’s relationship with both the EU, and its own constituent parts: The futures of both Northern Ireland and Scotland in the union are not assured.

In Western Europe, Johnson has been the most florid supporter of Kiev, and a strong proponent of “Global Britain” – an initiative that has seen the resumption of British gunboat diplomacy in Asian waters.

Even though his successor will hail from Johnson’s Conservative Party, it is far from certain that he or she will be as aggressive as Johnson in pursuing these agendas.


The following author recognizes the conflict in Ukraine did not start in February of this year. He is working on reframing the start of conflict in 2014 from a US supported Ukrainian Coup to Russia.

"That it took Putin so long – some 130 days since his invasion, and over eight years after the Kremlin engineered an uprising there – to capture the easternmost province of Ukraine speaks volumes for the poor performance of the Russian military, both in terms of tactics and capability."

Russia’s Ukraine invasion is slowly approaching an inflection point. Is the West prepared to step up? July 7, 2022

This lull before the next phase of a long attritional campaign will be a test of Ukrainian resolve, Russia’s ability to resupply, and the West’s strategic patience.
Anecdotal reports of its combat fatalities and injuries suggest Kiev is understating its losses. Its need for artillery shells is diminishing stockpiles among Western donors.

Ukraine is using around 5-6,000 artillery shells a day. That’s equivalent to shooting off the United States’ entire yearly production of artillery rounds every ten days or so.
In the country’s south, for instance, Ukrainian counter-offensives around the city of Kherson seek to open corridors to recapture coastal cities vital to Kiev’s ability to export grain. Even if it’s successful, Kyiv will then have to tackle the question of how to lift the Russian naval blockade in the Black Sea, to which it has no easy answer.
Control of Ukraine’s coastline is the real strategic inflection point around which the outcome of the war turns. Putin’s plan is to deny Ukraine access to the sea, turning whatever survives the war into a landlocked rump state. That scenario would leave Ukraine shrunken, weak and reliant on the West for aid and reconstruction.
NATO’s strengthened resolve

Thankfully NATO has finally come to terms with the fact Moscow cannot somehow be managed. At its Madrid Summit on June 29, the alliance adopted a new strategic concept that unambiguously moved Russia from a potential future partner to its main threat.


The surprise event this week - assassination of retired prime minister of Japan. He recently suggested Zelensky could have avoided the Ukrainian conflict in a recent interview.

Life of Shinzo Abe: Author of Abenomics & Architect of Quad Alliance Sputnik News July 9, 2022

In 2006, Shinzo Abe became Japan's youngest-ever prime minister at the age of 52. Analysts label him as a key architect of the Quad, which he first proposed to tackle challenges in the Indo-Pacific region early in this century.
Before he decided to step down, Abe became the country’s longest-serving prime minister in terms of consecutive days in office, overtaking the record set by his great uncle Eisaku Sato by just four days.
Nevertheless, he remained a highly-praised leader of the largest faction in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Despite his retirement from the prime ministership, Abe remained engaged in politics.
During Abe's premiership, Russia - Japan relations witnessed an upturn, raising the prospect of signing a peace treaty between the two nations. Abe and Russia's President Vladimir Putin agreed to consider joint economic activity in the Kuril Islands, a Pacific Ocean archipelago that became part of Russia in 1945 after World War Two.
Abe also reshaped not only Japan's military policy but also formalized the idea of Quad — a four-way alliance brining together India, Australia, and the US.
Despite geostrategic rivalry with China, Abe had pursued cooperation with President Xi Jinping.


Russia is continuing to release information regarding evidence they claim collected during the first part of the Special Police Operation in Ukraine.

Russia makes new Hunter Biden-related bio-lab claims Russia Times July 8, 2022

Metabiota, a company financed by Hunter Biden’s fund, had set its sights on southwestern Ukraine to research the deadly Ebola virus, which is endemic to some parts of Africa, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed in its Friday briefing. Military officials cited a document that Russian troops had allegedly captured in the Eastern European country.

Mechnikov National University, which is located in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa, had supposedly been chosen by the American firm for its program.
Moscow claims all of this is “part of the US strategy to transfer research of particularly dangerous pathogens to third countries.”

Russian officials have also suggested that American society should get acquainted with the story and possibly raise questions regarding the US government’s activities, which are apparently in breach of the Biological Weapons Convention.

This is not the first time that officials in Moscow have accused the US of conducting secret studies involving deadly viruses and bacteria on Ukrainian soil.

Washington has consistently dismissed such allegations as fake.


Push back on citizens and journalists recording police actions. maybe, too many embarrassing videos destroying official narratives.

US state outlaws up-close filming of cops Russia Times July 9, 2022

Arizona has passed a law banning residents from filming police officers at close range, threatening misdemeanor charges for violators with a few exceptions.
Set to take effect in September, the measure makes it “unlawful for a person to knowingly make a video recording of law enforcement activity” from closer than eight feet, though violators will be allowed one warning before they are penalized.

The new law has several caveats, however, as it permits individuals who are themselves subject to police questioning to film from a closer distance, as well as those in vehicles during traffic stops or other smaller enclosed spaces on private property, so long as they do not interfere with “lawful police actions.”


What is on your mind today?

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Lookout's picture

I'm glad to say it is a wet one here - 1.25" yesterday, and 2" for the week. Already gotten another 0.25" this AM.

The Ukraine narrative is so distorted in western media. The claimed slow success of the Russian forces is because they are trying to minimize civilian damage and loss of their own troops. Slow and steady progress is how I would characterize the operation. The US approach is to bomb everything and everyone to smithereens, so the land war is easier. Think Iraq and the incredible loss of life we inflected there. Where was the outrage? In the words of madwoman Albright, "I think it was worth it."

Hope your chicks do well! Thanks for the OT and links.

17 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout Bomb the opponent to the stone age.

In March 1945 an altitude window had been identified in the air defense of Japan. On March 9, 1945 334 B-29 flew to Tokyo, Japan loaded with napalm bombs. 15 square miles of the city was burned, over 83,000 people killed, 18 percent of the industrial capacity was destroyed and over a million homeless. (Fly Boys by James Bradely) Success - larger air raids were regular;y sent to Japan. The bombing stopped 5 months later after the two nuclear bombs were dropped.

Neither the Japanese or American citizens were told the truth of human lives destroyed during the time of war. I believe Russia and China understand the type of war American military an leadership conduct and have been preparing for a conflict. Most of Western leadership have no idea the potential destruction they are cheerleading. For those that do, other people are only sacrificial pawns for their ambitions.

Russia currently controls the air space in Ukraine.

US plans on sending more long range missiles.

Tony Blair is working on the Ukrainian grain problem.

Launching the pamphlet A Global Crisis, Tony Blair told the Guardian the food crisis now hitting poor countries in Africa, Middle east and Asia “is absolutely likely to cause serious unrest in the same way as it did before the Arab Spring”.

He said: “There is a real risk that this is not simply a problem just for this year but could be worse next year because of the huge problems next year in getting food fertilisers to make the crops succeed."
The grain crisis is likely to be a major source of conflict at a meeting of G20 foreign ministers in Bali, the first time Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, has confronted his western opponents collectively since the crisis began. The US hopes to finally skewer Russia’s false excuses over the blockade.

Take each day as it comes. Glad a little rain dropped for the landscape.

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture

are due to the US, UK and EU sanctions. Any global food shortages are solely due to the NATO aligned countries response to Russia and current plan to reduce food production and nitrogen fertilizer use in the EU.

Russian wheat sales climb as buyers seek lower-cost options
April 6, 2022
Global wheat prices rose sharply following Russia’s invasion of its European neighbour on Feb. 24, driven by fears that the conflict could deprive the world market of supplies from the two countries, both of whom are major grain exporters.

While such fears proved justified in the case of Ukraine, where ports remain closed, Russia has seen strong sales despite payment issues, helping to fill the void in the global wheat market left by lost Ukrainian shipments.
“Russian exports are certainly on the increase. The big export port of Novorossiisk was never closed and flows are moving out,” one European trader said.

“Russian wheat is looking cheap and some importers face huge increases in their costs if they turn to alternatives like the EU, the U.S., Canada, Argentina and Australia, all of whom are more expensive than Russian wheat,” the trader added.

Egypt saw a spike in Russian wheat imports in March, receiving 479,195 tonnes, a 24% increase from the same month last year, according to freight data seen by Reuters.

“New deals are being made by importers in countries like Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Libya. Some smaller countries suddenly facing big import bills are also trying to buy,” another European trader said.
Traders said Russian high-quality 12.5% protein milling wheat for May shipment was this week offered at about $395 a tonne FOB, more than $40 a tonne cheaper than German and Baltic Sea region wheat and over $20 a tonne cheaper than French wheat of lower 11.5% protein content.

“When war broke out, we started to see flows decrease in the Azov Sea and you could think there would be some major effects,” he said.

“In the end, when you look at the loading lineup in the past month it’s pretty clear that there wasn’t much of a slowdown,” he added.

Late last year Russia set a wheat export quota of 8 million tonnes for the Feb. 15-June 30 period, and both Sigma Conseil’s Boy and Sovecon expect it to be filled.

Russian Fertilizer Shipments Continue to Brazil
April 18, 2022

Despite concerns that sanctions would limit Russian fertilizer shipments to Brazil, shipping data shows fertilizer is still being shipped, Reuters reported. At least 24 vessels carrying almost 678,000 MT of Russian fertilizers will reach Brazil in the following weeks.

Despite sanctions against Russia, 11 of the 24 vessels left Russian ports after Feb. 24, when the war started. Most are carrying potassium chloride used for soybean and corn production. The most recent cargo left Russia on April 4. Overall, Brazil’s fertilizer imports and raw materials used to make plant nutrients rose by 24.6% to 9.795 MMT in the first quarter, according to Siacesp, an industry group.

Russia has no restrictions on export of fertilizers: Putin
1st July 2022
During their meeting in Kremlin, Widodo raised the issue of food security and the situation in the fertilizer market, while expressing the hope that Russia "will not extend the ban on grain exports.""The issues you have raised are extremely important. I want to note right away that we have no restrictions on the export of fertilizers," Putin responded.

As a matter of priority, Russia provides for its own needs for fertilizers, but its production volumes allow the country to supply them to foreign markets without any restrictions, the Russian leader said.

"The same applies to food," Putin noted.

At the same time, he stressed that sanctions against Russian seaports had created difficulties for the food and fertilizer markets.

The Russian leader also told Widodo that the ongoing increase in gas prices, which had led to disruptions in fertilizer supplies, was caused by the misguided energy policy of Western countries, and not by Russia's special operation in Ukraine.
In particular, Putin stressed that Russia was not preventing the export of Ukrainian grain from ports.

"The Ukrainian military authorities have mined roads to their ports, no one is preventing them from clearing mines and withdrawing ships with grain from there. We guarantee security. In addition, there are other export options: through Romania, the Danube and the subsequent movement along the Black Sea, through Poland, through Belarus, through ports of the Azov Sea," the Russian president said.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is increasing the production of biofuels that will reduce crop acreage for food. Notice the disingenuous "Putin's Price Hike" in this announcement.

Biden-Harris Administration, Department of Agriculture Announce Efforts to Enable Energy Independence by Boosting Homegrown Biofuels

WASHINGTON, April 12, 2022 — On Tuesday, April 12, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced steps the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is taking to implement President Biden’s plan to enable energy independence by boosting homegrown biofuels.

“President Biden understands that by expanding our ability to meet our energy needs with homegrown biofuels, we can ensure a more reliable and affordable source of fuel for American consumers, while supporting American agriculture and sustainable, domestic energy production, creating good-paying jobs, and generating economic opportunities, especially in rural and farm communities,” said Secretary Vilsack. “The President’s announcement today builds on his bold actions to reduce energy prices and tackle rising consumer prices caused by Putin’s Price Hike by tapping into a strong and bright future for the biofuel industry, in cars and trucks and the rail, marine, and aviation sectors and supporting use of E15 fuel this summer. In the short term, American families will experience relief from rising fuel prices and in the long-term, our country can continue to realize energy independence made possible by American agriculture and manufacturing.”

7 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@CB orchestrated crisis. Food insecurity identified as one of the conditions which can lead to political disruptions for power grabs.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

is that after 80 years of "green revolution" (soil depletion) a shortage of fertilizer will cause world wide famine.

10 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

studentofearth's picture

@doh1304 @doh1304 supporting fictionalization financialisation of food and agriculture to export food products and decrease sustainable farming for a country's self consumption.

Recipe for disaster: The IMF and World Bank’s role in the financialisation of food and agriculture Brentonwood's Project 7 April 2020

Even though food and agriculture are not specifically part of the World Bank and IMF’s mandates, their policy advice and loan conditionality have helped create the ‘enabling environment’ for the expansion of global finance across the economy, including in agriculture. This has implications for countries’ food security and the capacity of their food systems to provide livelihoods and ecological sustainability over the long term, especially in the context of a global climate emergency.

There is not an instant fix. Takes time to build back soil, perseverance and using agricultural practice appropriate for local environments.

edit - typo, maybe a Freudian slip

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

CB's picture


How special soil observatories in China are helping to create more sustainable agriculture
Published: September 3, 2021

All over the world, agriculture is threatened by degraded soils. Stripped of carbon from intensive farming, soils erode more easily, host fewer microbes and hold less water and nutrients. Fertilisers and pesticides applied to improve crop yields can leach beneath the soil and pollute the surrounding environment.

Soil degradation is a particularly big problem in China, where enormous pressure on natural resources from industrial-scale farming is accelerating the rate of soil erosion.

Looking for ways to make agriculture more sustainable can be difficult because the subject is so vastly complex, and crop and livestock productivity is often at odds with environmental sustainability. The effects of farming may stretch far beyond the topsoil studied by agricultural scientists. Adopting good sustainability practices requires farmers to buy into the idea, so an appreciation of their expertise and views is important.
A group of earth, environmental, agricultural and social scientists, we have been addressing these challenges in a joint project between the UK and China. This collaboration, arguably, set up the deepest ever exploration of how farming affects the environment. To do this we studied from the bottom of groundwater to the top of crop vegetation at five locations in China with vastly different geology.

Past history has shown that when the Chinese government makes a decision is has been remarkably successful in achieving the goal.

China unveils plan to control soil, groundwater pollution
Updated: Jan 04,2022

BEIJING — China has unveiled a plan to prevent soil and groundwater pollution and protect the rural environment during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).

The plan, jointly issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Development and Reform Commission, and five other government bodies, detailed tasks to tackle key issues in the fight against the pollution of soil and groundwater, and to enhance environmental governance in agriculture and rural areas.

The country will step up its efforts on the source control of farmland pollution, preventing soil pollution from industrial and mining enterprises, and advancing the control and remediation of soil pollution on construction land, according to the plan.

The country will establish a system for managing the prevention and control of groundwater pollution, improve the treatment of domestic sewage and household garbage in rural areas, and ensure the safety of drinking-water sources for rural residents, it said.

Efforts will also be made to tighten supervision of the ecological environment, while strengthening law-enforcement against environmental pollution, and boosting scientific and technological support for ecological protection, it stated.

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CB's picture



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Creosote.'s picture


The video space shows only the wording: "This video is private."

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QMS's picture

This may be a slippery slope, but to die with some dignity, without losing your life
savings, should be an option. But the insurance industry is not too keen on a legal
escape from the income stream.

The Michigan doctor Kevorkian pushed the envelope and died in prison or
soon thereafter. Some of the more progressive European countries have statutes
on the books to allow individual control of end-of-life circumstances.

This article is slanted against such a concept.


States with Legal Physician-Assisted Suicide



Thanks for the OT!

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture


IMHO they are disqualified from discussing such matters, or should be. Like other religionistas they must demonstrate a capacity to discuss the issue from the patients perspective without indulging in any of the cant or dogma particular to their religion and I seriously doubt that any can.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

but it gave pause to think about the bigger issue
which is to experience the end of life in a dignified manner
without bankruptcy and have the option to choose the path.

Probably better expressed in a stand alone thread.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

studentofearth's picture

@QMS Suicide programs. The timeline to death is longer than 6 months maximum projection used in most of the states with programs. Reviewing various states current reports cancers are the primary diagnosis of those obtaining prescriptions, followed by neurological disorders.

I was practicing in several independent pharmacies when the Oregon initiative was implemented in the mid 1990's. The biggest benefit was the improvement of end of life pain control and anxiety reduction. Extensive physician training was provided and they knew their patients had an alternative to poor care. Dying with uncontrolled pain was no longer a topic in general conversation. Surprising how often it was discussed. Hospice care also expanded around the state focusing on quality of life vs quantity. Medical practice consolidation has been reversing those gains and my experience is history not current events.

It is my belief Oregon avoided some of the worst effects of the opioid epidemic initially due to the experience and knowledge of our physicians. As more individuals and physicians migrated to the state their opioid patterns also came into the communities.

It is a discussion worthy of its own diary.

After thought - the public reporting is essential to try and prevent deaths to improve profits. the more eyes watching the trends the better. Oregon just approved the end of life scripts for non-residents. As a society we should not be encouraging Medical Tourism businesses to be built around ending lives.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

janis b's picture


about physician assisted suicide, and other related matters from you and those participating here.

It is a subject that I give thought to over years, and would like further cause for reflection for myself and others. I have participated in two capacities as a hospice volunteer for many years. My first experience began as a volunteer in Oregon, in 1988. I believe Oregon was one of the earlier states to offer hospice care. I visited clients/patients for a year before moving to Germany. Up until covid, I had been involved with two different hospices in NZ for 14 years. Because of vaccination restrictions and other limitations I am currently not facilitating the weekly art group for both. I very much miss my participation and all that it mutually offered. Naturally, anyone involved in hospice care from family members to professionals will have given this subject, and all related to it much thought.

If you feel inspired to, or have the time to initiate the discussion, I encourage it.

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Creosote.'s picture


was the origin point of Death With Dignity.

3 users have voted.

is the topic of this video. He claims there is a coordinated attack on our food supply around the world.

I posted this link before but it is worth 2x. Ellen Brown has some suggestions on how to encourage and fund small community local farms. https://scheerpost.com/2022/07/08/ellen-brown-achieving-self-funding-loc...

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studentofearth's picture

@randtntx food supply.

Here is an article from earlier this year discussing a response from the European Commission.

Brussels criticises lack of detail in Dutch farm reform plans Dutch News April 8, 2022.

The European Commision has published a highly critical response to the Netherlands plans to reform its farm policy and cut emissions in line with the new EU Common Agricultural Policy, saying they show a lack of care, are not well-supported and in some cases, conflict with each other.

‘The many missing, incomplete or inconsistent elements of the plan… raise serious concerns on the consistency between identified needs and the intervention strategy and do not allow a thorough assessment of its ambition,’ the commission says in its response.

‘Regrettably,’ the commission says, ‘the Netherlands has not defined any result indicators or target values for key areas such as climate adaptation and mitigation, air quality, pesticide use, water quality and nutrient management’.

The commission goes on to suggest that the government do more to make it attractive to switch to organic farming and to reduce the environmental impact of factory farming. There are also ‘inconsistencies in financial information’, the commission says.

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

with a heat index of 105. I just looked at the thermometer on my porch, and it was 108. We may get some rain next week.
All the water in the world will not save various flowers and shrubs in my yard. They just can't take the heat.
We will have pizza, baked on/in a Pizzazz, which will not heat up the kitchen.
Talk about your cold beer weather!
Yesterday's morning OT brought up Shiner Bock. Originated in Shiner, Texas. I was on some tour of London/Paris/Rome. A Canadian couple, ex-pats from China, had lived in Texas for a couple of years. They told me the thing they missed most about Texas was Shiner Bock.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp Will take a look at it. We have an cheap electric range whose oven went south. Wife and I decided to get hopefully more energy saving small devices. I think our most used table top device is an electric pressure cooker. Little table top oven from Sears is our oven replacement and does us good as all the children are off on their own and bake smaller amounts of food. Absolute great to make a platter of veggies doused in olive oil. But just amazing how many specialty devices there are for cooking small. Best current device is a Ninja Foodie. Nothing beats it for grilling fish we get from a big local Asian market (they dress fish anyway you want).

4 users have voted.

@MrWebster we only use it for pizzas.
People love or hate air fryers. I love them. I was on a little 3 or 4 day vacation, and husband said, "Look at this!" It was an infomercial, Emeril Lagrasse, hawking his brand. Well, we got suckered in to buying one. Want do do away with an oven? A stove altogether? THIS.
We even take it to hotels when we do not feel comfy going to eat out, COVID shit and all.
I have a steamer, crock pot, waffle maker, and if I didn't have a stove at all, I could do most any of my daily cooking with the gadgets.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp heat up the kitchen. Hopefully the shrubs simply go dormant. Flowers are probably gone for the season.

Cold beer, fresh cooked pizza and a quality companion - what more could one want?

5 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth I have it all. For 2 years, I am not alone. The best time of my life.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

doesn't seem to live up to the promise of "fact based", being full of suppositions,opinions, presumptions and guesses. Meanwhile the asia times article is arguably more factual even though openly speculative. Funny.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

studentofearth's picture

@enhydra lutris A little Alice in Wonderlandish.
Thanks for stopping by.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.