Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 8-27-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”.
Pablo Picasso

Observation of the mundane activities of life is one of the methods I use to gauge how world events are effecting lives. The weekly food shopping excursion is such an opportunity, since it includes regular visits to various stores supplied by different wholesalers and target markets.

If my normal pattern was to only visit one store regularly my perception of economic changes happening would be very different based on which store I was frequenting. Using Bob's Red Mill flour as an example. This week a 5 pound bag at normal price ranged from $3.29 to $8.09.

There is continually fewer shoppers and shorter lines in all the stores. Shoppers are starting to explore different stores. The newbies in upscale clothing are wandering the aisles of the discount stores with dazed looks. Same customer shift happened in 2008.

Late August is the high tourist season. The highway traffic continues to drop. Fewer commercial trucks, cars, RV's (recreational vehicles) and have not seen a boat on a trailer in weeks. Regular gas did drop from 6.00 to 5.69.

As the price of food continues to increase the garden's economic impact on the household budget becomes more significant. Double checked the prices of Organic blackberries. My morning harvest was about $12. Flavor priceless.


The rant of the week.


I wonder if the manufactures have changed to cooking methods to reduce arsenic if foods. Like the method described in this 2015 article on cooking rice.

In the short term, a simpler way to remove arsenic from rice may be to change the way it is cooked. Andy Meharg, professor of plant and soil sciences at the Queen’s University Institute for Global Food Security, and colleagues have shown that using excess water to cook rice and pouring off the extra water decreases the amount of arsenic in cooked rice.

Cooking with a water-to-rice ratio of 12:1 by volume, Meharg and colleagues found, can remove nearly 60% of the arsenic from the grain. The researchers discovered that even more arsenic—up to 85%—can be removed from rice using an off-the-shelf coffee percolator.


The Donbass tribunal for potential war crimes is receiving some significant push back.

Ukrainian government
The Hill Aug 22, 2022

“If this despicable show trial takes place, if our people are brought into this scenery in violation of all agreements, all international rules, if there is abuse … this will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible,” Zelensky said on Monday.

“Russia will cut itself off from the negotiations,” he continued. “There will be no more conversations. Our state has said everything.”

Zelensky added that he spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan about the trial, and he also expects United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to react.

United Nations Reuters Aug 23, 2022

GENEVA, Aug 23 (Reuters) - The U.N. human rights office expressed concern on Tuesday about plans by Russian-backed authorities to try Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) in the port city of Mariupol, possibly within days, saying such a process could itself amount to a war crime.

US State Department Reuters August 24, 2022

The U.S. State Department on Wednesday condemned plans by Russian-backed authorities to put on trial Ukrainian prisoners of war in the southern port of Mariupol, saying Russia would be trying to deflect responsibility for the invasion of its neighbor.

"The planned show trials are illegitimate and a mockery of justice, and we strongly condemn them," department spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement.

Amnesty International Russian Times 8-26-2022

Describing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as “Russian-backed armed groups,” the organization called the upcoming tribunals “illegal and abusive.” The organization also blasted the decision to set up the trials in the city of Mariupol, captured by Russian and Donbass forces during the ongoing conflict, saying it was “a further act of cruelty against a city.”

The appeal for a tribunal was first made in 2015.

Will Anyone Ever Be Punished for
Crimes Against Humanity in Donbass?

by Anton Ponomarev
July 9, 2015

On July 8th, the leaders of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk made an appeal to the UN Security Council with a request to establish an international tribunal to investigate the actions of the Ukrainian military in the Donbass. “The DPR and LPR request the UN Security Council should establish an international tribunal. We urge the UN Secretary General, permanent members of the UN Security Council, the United States, France, Britain, China and Russia to work towards the establishment of an international tribunal. We are ready to provide evidence and all information about the crimes committed by Kiev security forces in the Donbass,” the head of the People’s Republic of Lugansk, Igor Plotnitsky, said at a joint press conference with his counterpart from the People’s Republic of Donetsk, Alexander Zakharchenko. The decision, he said, “was a thought-out move.” “We believe that such an international tribunal should take place, because the gravity of the crimes has exceeded the patience of everyone, including of the people of Ukraine,” said Plotnitsky. Alexander Zakharchenko promised that “no death will be forgotten.” According to him, commissions were established in the DPR to investigate the crimes of the Ukrainian military. “The Kiev-led punitive operation has led to thousands of victims. We have established commissions to investigate the crimes of the Ukrainian security forces in the Donbass,” said Zakharchenko.


For the next few weeks until the end of irrigation and harvest season my time and energy is limited. The table is set with the main dish - salads and deserts are up to C99 members - have fun.


What is on your mind today?

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Lookout's picture

Bought gas here (in GA) for $3.12/gal this morning after trade day. The Hispanic folks have the best deals on produce at Trade day. 6-8 lemons $2, 1 lb Washington state organic cherries $3, avocados $1. In addition to produce bought a 18V Ryobi saws-all (without battery - I have several) for $25. In other words your comment about shopping alternative markets is correct. I use thrift stores (primarily for clothes) too. Nice cotton shirts $1-2, wool tweed sports coats $3 (warm plus makes you look dressy), Jeans $4-5, and so on.

Still harvesting tomatoes, figs, and peppers daily. Processing the maters with sauteed onions and garlic in the instant pot (8 min of pressure) weekly to spread the harvest through winter. Peppers are easy...chop and freeze, ready to pour out what you want to use through out the winter when peppers are high dollar. We can't manage to save up enough figs to process, we eat them all fresh. Hard to pass by when ripe figs they sit on the counter.

Looks like a tough winter ahead (especially for Europe), so even if you don't have a garden buy cheap local produce now at your local farmers market and store for the winter. Time to think about the fall garden for southerners too. Sept. is the month here to plant cabbage, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, various greens, onions, garlic (in Oct.) and so on. Always something.

In fact I noticed my American chestnuts have branches that need pruning. I'm going to try to root them to have some more to set out next fall.

Well thanks for the OT and best of luck with your homestead!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout planting suggestions for warmer regions of the country. Been harvesting garlic and will replant a portion for next year. Good luck on creating new starts for the American Chestnuts, so far I have been unsuccessful with my trees and shrubs, but will continue to try.

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

I bet that the suspects to go on trial in Ukraine are getting better treatment than what Julian Assange is receiving. I don't seem to recall the outrage coming from those groups.

13 users have voted.

makes sense.

Not like how it is used by American politicians with regards to Medicare for all.

Edited to add this:

11 users have voted.
Granma's picture

Bob's Red Mill flour in your town surprise me. $4.80 is big difference for a bag of flour. I live in Portland metro area, which means we likely have mostly the same stores available to us. I would love to know which stores you saw those prices in. I hadn't realized there was such a big price spread on basics.

9 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@Granma vary and national product package size changes tend to happen at the same time. Just before and after a packaging change (shrinkage) the products will show up at the Grocery Outlet Stores with long expiration date. Clue change is coming. Products not available during media hyped shortages often show up later at the same stores. Yeast packages showed up in large supply with deep discounts and product with at least year expiration dates after the "at home backing panic" causing bare shelves in grocery stores. Easter lots of eggs while other store egg displays were empty or had holes for specific brands.

Safeway was the highest - for years their prices increase for the summer to soak up tourist dollars. Growing organic selection and good sale prices available only if have store loyalty card.

Bi-Mart a regional department store consistently has the lowest regular prices.

Food 4 Less Our local store runs some very good manager specials and they have a decent selection of organic produce, better than the Trader Joe's sharing the same parking lot. Their requirement to self bag your groceries is no longer unusual since Oregon banned store provided free plastic bags. This week store wide most product I spot watch increased 10 to 20%.

Chef Store new name of the regional restaurant supply stores after being purchased by US.Foods during the lockdown period. They have multiple Oregon outlets and the requirement of a business license to shop was abandoned years ago. Products are generally in bulk and do not always have consumer labeling. Flour price per pound similar to Bi-Mart but need to buy in 25 pound bags. Their grain products took a price increase was end of January and this month were sightly lower.

Grocery Outlet was the closest store for a number of years, but recently moved and do not visit as often. As the number of stores grows nationally the variety of products continues to decrease. Like many deep discount stores it seems products are now being manufactured to meed chain prices with lower quality. Need to have sharp eyes and a quick mind to find actual bargains.

Do not visit Walmart, Costco, Fred Meyer and WinCo Foods frequently enough to comment on pricing.

10 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

enhydra lutris's picture

for veggies, grocery store for a couple of items for next week and local hardware for raw materials to make stuff for the house and spouse, then started making stuff. This is a break from pruning the apricot and "summer pruning" the apple.

Gas here runs from 4.90 to 5.40 with some of the lower prices cash only and some unknown vendors and brands. We can save a bit on gas by driving 10 miles (one way) to costco but we don't usually drive that much anyway, and when we're up for a mini road trip it really doesn't matter that much anyway, but we usually do it all the same. That gives us an excuse to stock up on certain items like cheese, butter, and certain canned goods, etc.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

studentofearth's picture

@enhydra lutris Feel for the folks having to continue doing a regular commute to work.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.


LONDON — Europe's soaring energy bills are triggering a wave of shutdowns at major fertilizer plants across the Continent, causing disruption for farmers, food manufacturers and — to the horror of bar owners everywhere — brewers of beer.

On Thursday, the world’s largest fertilizer company Yara, based in Norway, announced a 50 percent cut to its ammonia-based urea and nitrogen fertilizer production in Europe, citing “record high prices."

The decision came less than 24 hours after Britain’s largest fertilizer plant CF Fertilisers UK said it would “temporarily halt” production at its Billingham plant. Two other major fertilizer producers in Poland announced they would pause operations earlier in the week.

Fertilizer is not only vital for boosting crop soil fertility, but its production creates a byproduct, CO2 gas, which is used to add fizz to beer and soft drinks, supply hospitals for surgical procedures and allow animals to be slaughtered humanely

Farmers, food manufacturers and even pub landlords are therefore deeply worried about the wider implications of a looming fertilizer crunch.

Carlsberg Polska, the third largest brewing company in Poland and subsidiary of the Danish multinational, told POLITICO it plans to stop beer production almost immediately — and that other brewers are bound to follow suit.

“Few people realize that carbon dioxide is a byproduct of fertilizer making. And it cannot be stored for a very long time, so we only have a few days’ worth of reserves left,” said Carlsberg Polska spokesperson Beata Ptaszyńska-Jedynak.

“We will be shutting down beer production any moment now … but we aren’t the only ones. Unless they have facilities to produce their own CO2, most beer companies will have to do the same.”

8 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@humphrey drinks.

““Few people realize that carbon dioxide is a byproduct of fertilizer making. And it cannot be stored for a very long time, so we only have a few days’ worth of reserves left,” said Carlsberg Polska spokesperson Beata Ptaszyńska-Jedynak.

“We will be shutting down beer production any moment now … but we aren’t the only ones. Unless they have facilities to produce their own CO2, most beer companies will have to do the same.”

Additional worry for Europeans - Finnish firm warns of toilet paper shortage Russia Times Aug 27, 2022

“During the recent weeks, Metsä Tissue has had to curtail its production both in its Zilina and Kreuzau mills [Slovakia and Germany] for several days because of the high energy price peaks,” the company said in a statement

According to Metsä Tissue, further production freezes are likely as energy costs continue to rise. The company warned that the enforced stoppages are expected to impact consumers, as “substantial amounts of daily production losses will occur.”

The choice between heating or food will be real for many Europeans this winter unless conditions change fast.
'Heat or eat'... it's not just a sound bite parroted on the news - it's a real choice people in Greater Manchester are having to make Manchester Evening News Aug 27, 2022

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

You can buy painted pumpkins for Halloween, honey, and the rest is home decor and tee shirts. As if farmers raise tee shirts?
6 booths, 1 sandwich truck, maybe 6 shoppers. This was once packed with 30 booths, 100 shoppers.
I notice small crowds at the grocery store, packed parking lot at the Family Dollar Store.
I shop at Walmart weekly, and the parking lot is now mostly empty.
More and more, when people call to ask if I take certain types of cases in certain counties, when they get a "yes", they start asking about payment plans.
The 2 resale shops in town are always full of customers.
Times are very hard, and thank goodness for food banks.
SOE, happy irrigatin'!

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

@on the cusp Now I am going back outside to play in the sprinklers. 3 dozen new heads arrived yesterday and need installed.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

@studentofearth My Dear One is switching my office pcs files onto new pcs. To top that off, he is switching from my current legal software program to a new one I just signed up for. So as not to distract him, I am doing the cooking for our weekend dinners, and sitting on the front porch, watching birds, lizards, skinks, squishing the occasional ant coming too near my foot.
Poland an England are gonna shut down breweries. Bet Ireland does, too. Lack of CO2. I will say, if that happens in Texas, hell be will unleashed. I will lead the Beer Brigade.
It is atypically cool and pleasant this evening, and dinner will be off the charts.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

Well, you should, but I am too tired to upload his image.

We have enough shitlibs, no need to add another one.

9 users have voted.

one of them.


Olaf Scholz

Robert Habeck

Annalena Baerbock

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

German shitlib in your opinion. oh I guess none.
gosh you don"t look at the right places. Well, sometimes looking is hard.

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture


Dare you to say you havent"t one. I would even believe you... sigh.

1 user has voted.

The U.S. State Department on Wednesday condemned plans by Russian-backed authorities to put on trial Ukrainian prisoners of war in the southern port of Mariupol, saying Russia would be trying to deflect responsibility for the invasion of its neighbor.

"The planned show trials are illegitimate and a mockery of justice, and we strongly condemn them," department spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement.

The Mariupal bunker rats were suspected to include several foreign nationals, possibly including high ranking active duty service members. In the aftermath an improvised underground crematorium area contained carbonized remains of several individuals and their weapons and a fragments of a US passport ID.

Those captured by Russian forces included US NATO Lieutenant General Roger Cloutier and Canadian NATO Lieutenant General Trevor Cadieu. The owner of the passport fragment was apparently a 22yr old female US citizen. The generals may have been swapped out in an early prisoner exchange.

The United States has never been willing to subject its citizens to international war crime jurisprudence. Perhaps this is simply because we are such exceptional humans.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

snoopydawg's picture


about bogus hearings when it’s held people in gitmo for over 20 years even though none of them have had a trial. Weren’t they the ones that said that enemy combatants had no right to a trial because they were basically terrorists? Russia has deemed any mercenary who isn’t Ukrainian an enemy combatant and the Geneva convention doesn’t apply to them. Good for the goose then good for the gander. Recently an American fighting in Ukraine was killed. Not by Russia, but by the Ukraine troops because he was fleeing the battle. The Nazis have executed hundreds of Ukrainians because they didn’t want to die for nothing. It will be interesting to see which Americans are put on trial for being mercenaries.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


There was a tribunal in Malaysia.
In November 2011, Bush was found guilty of war crimes.
Theoretically, there could be an outstanding warrant for Bush's arrest, should he be seen outside the US.

[Also found guilty of war crimes were Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo.]

Now, not too long after the buzz finally died down about the US being tried for "war crimes," a shocking thing happened to Malaysia Airline — then known as "the safest airline in the world." Passenger jets in their fleet met with strange disasters under the most mysterious and sensational circumstances.

On 08 March 2014, Flight MH370, a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, operated by MAS went missing soon after a routine handover from the Malaysian ATC to Viet Nam ATC. Communications with the aircraft were lost after it passed waypoint IGARI, less than 40 minutes after take-off. The aircraft operating the flight was a Boeing 777-200ER, registered 9M-MRO. On board the aircraft were 12 crew and 227 passengers (239 persons in total).

On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight 17 (also called Malaysia Airlines flight MH17) crashed and burned in eastern Ukraine All 298 people on board, most of whom were citizens of the Netherlands, died in the crash. For Malaysia Airlines it was the second disaster of 2014, following the disappearance of flight 370 on March 8.

Flight MH370 disappeared over the ocean thousands of miles away from its intended flight path, and has never been found. Flight MH17 became a criminal investigation that has dragged on for many years. Lawsuits and claims have been filed against Russia. There appears to be a mandate that the Russia must be blamed for the passenger jet disaster, although the physical evidence remains inconclusive and conflicted, and no logical motive has been established. A great deal of propaganda has been flowing under the bridge. There are compelling alternatives with logical motives that may be a better fit for the evidence, but the only theory European investigators have looked into is focused on Russia.

Dutch trial over downing of MH17 coming to an end

June 10, 2022 — SCHIPHOL, Netherlands (CN) — A trial in the Netherlands over the downing of a passenger jet in eastern Ukraine in 2014 opened two and a half years ago with a 19-minute recital of the name of every passenger on board and ended on Friday with accusations of judicial bias by one of the defendants.

Oleg Pulatov, one of four men charged with shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and killing 298 people, denied he was guilty in a surprise video address before the District Court of The Hague on Friday, wrapping up a trial that began in March 2020.

"I am not guilty, I had nothing to do with the crash on July 17, 2014," he said in Russian, which was translated by the court.

Wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue suit coat, Pulatov praised his legal team and accused investigators of bias. None of the defendants are in Dutch custody and only Pulatov has retained counsel. The other three men - Igor Girkin, Sergei Dubinsky and Leonid Kharchenko - are all being tried in absentia.

Friday’s hearing concluded two days of rebuttal from the defense. The prosecution has asked for a life sentence for all four men but Pulatov’s lawyers have called for a complete acquittal. That would be the “only legally just decision,” defense lawyer Sabine ten Doesschate said in her closing statements.

Months before the tragedy, Russia annexed Crimea, a peninsula extending from Ukraine’s southern coast, and backed separatist groups in eastern Ukraine, following the overthrow of the pro-Russian government in Kyiv.

An international investigative team from the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, Belgium and Ukraine concluded the Boeing 777 was shot down by a Buk surface-to-air missile that was supplied by the Russian Federation and fired from an area of Ukraine controlled by separatists. The Netherlands has taken on the prosecution because a majority of the victims were Dutch.

The Netherlands, together with Australia, also launched a case at the United Nations’ aviation body, the International Civil Aviation Organization, arguing the Russian Federation violated the 1944 Chicago Convention in helping to shoot down the passenger jet.

At the end of Friday's hearing, Presiding Judge Hendrik Steenhuis said the court expected to issue a verdict by the end of the year. Pending....

Bellingcat was deeply involved in the investigation.
Enough said.

So, Malaysia national airline rapidly went under, after 62 years of flying perfection.
But trials for international war crimes will always be with us.
We simply don't report on them.

Isn't it odd how Ukraine always pops up in everyone's scandals, lately. I call Ukraine the Forrest Gump of Geopolitics.
Meanwhile, the US government does not really care about war crimes; they care who gets blamed. The Neocons, meanwhile, have an entire world to bend to their will. This is the all encompassing obsession of the DC cartel.

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9 users have voted.
CB's picture

The Russians still managed to bomb the 'food' warehouses.

In war-battered Mykolaiv, the authorities search for informers helping the Russians.
Aug. 8, 2022

MYKOLAIV, Ukraine — The embattled city of Mykolaiv emerged on Monday from a 54-hour lockdown during which officers went door to door in search of collaborators who officials say are responsible for helping Russian forces identify targets for the rockets that pound the city daily.

The governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaliy Kim, declared the dramatic operation — which sealed the city, preventing residents from entering or leaving — a success. Five people were arrested, he said, and a number of weapons and communications devices confiscated, though he provided no details.

“I’m sorry for the discomfort over the weekend, but it was worth it,” Mr. Kim said in a video message Monday morning.

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