
The Real Racists Want War

So, I was doing some thinking about accusations that have been flying thick and fast about anti-Hillary folks. And it seems to me that some academics and political opinion makers are in such a privileged position that they don't really see what the ACTUAL racists are up to. With their obsession of seeing the racism in everything, they manage to avoid seeing what the real Nazis are up to.

Academic Arrogance

Gonna start this one with a little anecdote.

I hate dull books. I honestly don't care if they're "Important" books, or whatever other marketing ploy has been used to sell them, they bore the shit out of me. Mostly because I can guess the plot, in about ten seconds, and it usually conforms to expectations. So with that in mind, I'm not even going to mention the title of the book I had to read. Just imagine the dullest, yet most "Important" book you can picture in your mind.

Taking yourself Seriously Vs. Taking yourself WAY TOO Seriously

Nothing can ever hope to grow if it doesn't take itself seriously. In this sense, I mean committed to a form or course of action and be willing to put aside the barbs and slings of the opposition in order to succeed. If you don't even believe in your own idea, how can you convince others of that fact?

If democracy is freedom, why?

I'm fortunate to have shitty DSL (cable is out of the question for years yet) and I chose not to have satellite. Free TV baby.
So if democracy is free, why can I not watch a debate live on free tv.
It's really simple if you think about it. The powers that be don't really want you to take part in democracy. And they love my shitty DSL.
Just a rant.

Soldiers Are Not Assets, War Not A Game

If there's ONE topic that has been treated with a complete lack of respect in this presidential campaign, it's that of war. We have one party who thinks that the solution to political problems is to rain fire from the heavens like an avenging god, and another who thinks the same thing but likes to pretend that it doesn't really count if the body bags aren't on TV.

American Cowardice

There's a particular brand of cowardice that's uniquely American.

There have been many versions of cowardice over the years, but throughout history, it's never been presented and accomplished in this wholly American and incredibly hypocritical manner. It may perhaps end up being our lasting legacy to the world, something that truly has not been present in the human psyche before the rise of our empire.

The Veneer of Social Progressivism

Upon the wretched diseased beams that is the Democratic party lies a thin slice of social issues. These of course will crumble upon any major political weight placed upon them but that's not really why they are there.

The beautiful little veneer exists only to be used as a weapon against those who would dare criticize the structural and philosophical problems with the party. It is a tool for silencing the opposition with the cries of the "oppressed".
