Open Thread

This is All We Got: Street Prophet's Thursday Coffee Hour (A Conservation and Art Diary)

Welcome to Thursday Coffee Hour. this is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. I am watching the news in North Dakota. I am there in spirit since it is impossible for me to be there in person. As part Cherokee I am proud that my people are there with our brothers and sisters trying to stop the desecration of our lands.

Open Tummler 09/06/16

So the other night I was watching on the television a show. And in it a man was trying to open his safe. It was a combination safe. He was spinning the big black dial, to and fro, in some obvious, mumbling difficulty, about remembering the correct numbers.

Watching this, I suddenly realized, that I don't know, how a combination safe, actually works. I know there is something in there, in the safe, called "tumblers." But I don't really know what they are. I know that, generally, you have to hit, with the black dial, three numbers—turning left, right, left; or maybe right, left, right—and if you perform this operation properly, the 519247413.jpgsafe will open. But I don't know what the actual mechanism is—how the safe, actually, works.

And I lay there wondering: how long, has it been? That I haven't known this? That I haven't known, how works, a combination safe? Have I always not known, how such a safe works? Or did I know, once upon a time, but the knowledge, it has since swirled down the drain, of the creeping dementia? I don't know. I'm pretty sure, that I have never known, how such a thing works. And then I wondered: why? Why, have I never known?

Soon the show, on the television, it was getting away from me; and then it was lost to me, and I no longer knew what was going on there. I really don't know, now, whether the guy ever successfully entered his safe, or not. Because I was tumbling, there in my mind, which was being revealed to me as a vast empty cavern of non-knowledge, through all the things, that I don't know. There seemed to be an endless amount of them. And it is, now, three days later. And I am still counting. All the ways. Of what I don't know. I believe I could still be so counting. With the last breath. Of my life.

The Weekly Watch

Another week flies by. The media of mass distraction has everyone talking about an athlete who refuses to stand for a song honoring war and supposedly our nation. Meanwhile a duly elected president was impeached by senators fearing investigation of their own corruption a week after the world participated in Games in Brazil...and the world makes no comment on the coup. The drip of leaks continues to keep the $hill in hiding, and the media misleads folks about Jill.

Open Sesame 09/03/16

So I was noticing the other day that people on this site, they are again having the bickering. Sustained bickering. So much so, that, JtC, he has several times had to go in, cranky, in his bathrobe, to tell people to go to their rooms, or go sit in the corner, with the duncecap on. In one instance, a person became no longer a survivor, and was removed, wholly, from the island. JtC. As Thor. Hurling. The hammer.

Then, when I sat down here Friday night, to draft this Sesame, I noticed that it was still happening. The bickering. Sustained. And even the Giant, he appeared, here, in this room, to confirm. That: indeed. It Is Happening. Again.


This bickering, it has occurred, is occurring, across multiple threads, and on multiple topics. None of these topics, at bickering issue, are they really new, or nuclear. All have, here, on this site, been previously discussed. Without the bickering. Sustained.

So. Why the bickering? Now?

Then: I had a brainshower. Maybe the Problem, it is astrological. Maybe, as the site is moving through time and space, it is encountering planets and moons and aspects and nodes and conjunctions and squares and whatnot, that are stimulating effects that are Bad. Maybe people here, they are being whipped about, by Saturn & The Sabian Symbols. Which sounds like a band. And. Maybe. It is.

If I were cloned, I would set one of my selves, to examining this Problem. But, I am not. So, I'm not going to. Anyway, I would have to first know the date and the time the site was born. I know JtC mentioned this once here, but I don't remember it, and I'm not going to look it up. Also, I would have to know where, the site, it was born. I assume that would be JtC's computer. But, maybe not. I have never cast a chart, for a tube. Maybe the birthplace of a tube, it is considered the server. Who knows? I have no idea. I assume tubular astrologers, they have long ago solved this problem, of where it is, that tubes, are actually born. Or, maybe not. Because, after all, astrologers, they are humans. So, no doubt, there are endless heated tube threads, out there, somewhere, where the astrologers, they convene, to be all about pinpointing, just where it is, that a tube, it is born. And: lo: look: there they are. Bickering.
