Wednesday Wake Up Open Thread

Hey - I got nuthin' but Mona

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enhydra lutris's picture

Edit - original paste was wrong song

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Shahryar's picture

I guess I'm learning how to bid on eBay. I was after something (Can't disclose what because a certain someone would know about my Christmas plans...oops, I've said too much!) and someone bid with like 5 seconds left. Ouch! So now I have to start over on that part.

Note how I didn't say anything at all.

On the other hand, our upstairs is dry! We're having our roof done in sections. The back half first. It's 2/3 done. No leaks! Hooray! The roofers will come by when we have a couple of days of dry weather and finish off the back, then we'll do the front in June.

It took us a year to save up enough money to get this done. We're lucky that we're even in that position while too many are on the street. Every time I see some poor fellow/gal sitting with a sign or pushing a shopping cart I think "thanks, Obama". Of course it's getting worse and worse. I guess maybe we should have a "national discussion" about it, kicking the can down the road until civilization falls apart completely.

So....I think the Mona's are shown here in the correct order. Bo, Stones, Quicksilver, 80s band. That was 80s, no? I'm guessing from the hair styles.

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enhydra lutris's picture

a tad late in QMS' career.

Good news about the roof. Funny, but I've been thinking of doing something on "sharing as a revolutionary act", and it has a lot to do with reducing the joint need for outside "gainful emoployment" in order to meet basic, which, by reducing the number of jobs per family unit (average jobs per capita) effectively diminishes the jobs shortage and thereby the downward pressure on wages created by the oligarchs ability to create a permanent underclass. Can you say run-on sentence? Sheesh, sounds like a lawyer or something.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

an old campfire story told to scare us into our sacks

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