Open Thread
Climate Change - Reality Check - The Blind Leading the Blind
Submitted by RantingRooster on Mon, 09/12/2016 - 1:04pmThis is an essay that I had originally posted at TOS, but I have cut it up, and have performed some editing (removed a few expletives, tried to fix some grammar lol) and sliced into several smaller, easily digestible "parts", this being part 1, of 5.
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September 12, 2016 Open Thread, El Batallon de San Patricio
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Mon, 09/12/2016 - 7:00amSeptember 12 is the 255th day of the year. There are 110 days left.
It is National Chocolate Milkshake Day
Today's number is 12
Accidental Photography (Photo Diary): Street Prophets Sunday All Day Brunch
Submitted by michelewln on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 7:59amWelcome to Sunday Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you.
The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 6:00amWhat are the big stories of the week? We all might answer differently. The story that has captured me is the Dakota protests. And the other our prisons, in Brazil, a world record protest in India, even at football games. Are the people waking up? We can hope. Meanwhile the US election creeps ever closer (feeling creepy too). The planet is still finite in a world economy based on unlimited growth.
Open Sesame 09/10/16
Submitted by hecate on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 4:17amThe Science Men, who are about the climate change, they experience many frustrations. In attempting to persuade the Americans. To—please—pay, at least a little. Attention.
The first problem, it is that all of the toxic nutbars, from The Hairball to Runt Limprod, they are out there, all day, every day, and all of every night, ceaseless ululating, that the climate change, it is just shit made up.
It isn't Real, say they, the climate change, and, even if it is, the humans, they have nothing to do with it.
According to The Hairball, for instance, climate change, it is totally a hoax, invented by those people that Limprod, forever maroooned in 1951, invariably describes as "the ChiComs." These nefarious ChiCom creatures, apparently, they invented the climate change, in order to secure all the monies. It is, admittedly, kind of hard to follow the argument, expressed as it is through The Hairball's galloping brain syphilis. Which, even as we speak, is being dissected and discussed, by many learned Fristian Phrenologists, and across eleventy-five billion tubes.
Anyway. The next problem, it is that the climate change, it is at present most obviously occurring, in places where the Americans, they are not going to go on their vacations. The Arctic, say, or those little islands out in the Pacific, that are not Hawaii or Tahiti.
Then there is the immediacy problem. The Americans, they are most likely to become exercised, about something that might calamatize, before the sun goes down. Like: what if they open the door, and see a brown person? Or, if the cable doesn't come back on in the next 30 minutes, they will not be able to watch the football game! Or, if they don't get to the store by 6:00 p.m., they will miss the shoe sale!
I have been poi dog pondering, upon how the Science Men, they might better craft their climate change message, to better get through, to the Americans. And I think I may have hit on a couple ideas. That might encourage the Americans. To at least slump up, some, from the depths of the barcaloungers, and mutter: "wait—what?"
Like: the Science Men, they could tell the Americans, that the climate change, and pretty soon, it is going to melt all the chocolate, and make all the beer, taste like cat piss.
Disability Caucus 9/9/2016: When Voc Rehab Can't Place You....
Submitted by The Aspie Corner on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 8:25pmAs I've said many times before, I've been in and out of Voc Rehab for well over a decade. Fifteen years, actually. And I've spent those years, close to half my life, trying to get out of a rut many of us disabled folks often fall into. But this month, I finally decided to say screw it....well, not entirely, but at least when it comes to looking for full time work or 'gainful employment'. This isn't their fault anymore than it is mine.
Photography Open Thread
Submitted by janis b on Fri, 09/09/2016 - 7:17pmI was planning on posting this Photography Open Thread next Friday but didn't see any posted today, so I decided to add it now for any of you who would like to participate in one today.