
Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Mojitos, Tourismo, Cooperatives, and CUCs for Cuba by Geminijen

For leftists, Cuba has always been kind of like the promised land. The country that has stood up to the imperialist giant to the North — the United States For the past 60 plus years, it is Cuba that has led the fight for liberation and socialist struggles both in Latin America and around the world. The country that never gave in, or gave up, no matter how hard the United States came down on the socialist island.

As Much As I Hate To Say This, Obama Needs To Answer Questions, Under Oath

I hate having to say this but if we are to protect our democracy it means holding both parties accountable.

I think the public would like to have the President answer a few questions;

1. When did you first find out Hillary was using her personal email for State Department Business?

2. What actions did you take to address this and when?

3. At what points did you get updates on this case, by whom, what dates and what did they tell you?

2016 Election--scenario #2382

To understand this election debacle and all its ramifications, interconnections, subterfuges, and downright crap, one has to be a master of 9-dimensional chess. I have a hard enough time with the common 2-D version. I thought I pretty much understood how this nomination thingy was going to work out--at least in my own mind. But then Bill Clinton totally clusterfucked the situation. He could easily be the smartest politician on the the planet--or undergoing senile dementia changes.

Detention Centers Record Revenue vs. Children Need Freedom and Sunshine to Grow

Today's News:

Immigration Officials Making Secret Deals With Private Prisons to Lock Up More Mothers and Children-- New report sheds light on how local contracts are boosting private profits from family detention.

Oh, crap, Barack, how could you let this happen again?!!!

Yes, folks, think of our forebears in days gone by. Think of War Hero, U.S. Grant who turned the tide and won the Civil War. Think of Professional Politician Warren Harding and his fondness for tea-pots. What did they have in common besides being Republican Presidents? For different reasons, each of them had administrations riddled with corruption.

A Fable of the Fish and the Shoehorn

Once upon a time, in a land now beneath the sea [due to…] there was a mighty Prince named Boo Hoo. This prince had accumulated worldly goods, including shiny objects [such as the Nobel Peace Prize]. The Prince knew that soon he would have to leave his wonderful White Castle, even if it were only to a somewhat smaller, but still grand domicile. So at this time in moments of retroflection, Boo began to think about his legacy.
