2016 Election--scenario #2382
To understand this election debacle and all its ramifications, interconnections, subterfuges, and downright crap, one has to be a master of 9-dimensional chess. I have a hard enough time with the common 2-D version. I thought I pretty much understood how this nomination thingy was going to work out--at least in my own mind. But then Bill Clinton totally clusterfucked the situation. He could easily be the smartest politician on the the planet--or undergoing senile dementia changes. Too soon to tell which. Anyway, Slick Willie submarined the entire email probe into his wife's perfidy.
Random thoughts, because the application of logic to this situation defies any statistical estimation, let alone semblance of reality:
1. Loretta Lynch should be fired forthwith! She violated the code of legal ethics by not even attempting to avoid the appearance of impropriety--an expert meeting with a likely witness in at least one FBI criminal prosecution. How could she be so stupid?! Of course, efforts were made to hide this very event from the public. But a rare individual appeared on the scene: a truly investigative reporter who publicized this episode of sleaze.
2. Barack Obama's legacy is going to be primarily one thing: he was the first black president. Everything else he has done or will do will fade into oblivion. His presidency is falling apart daily, with the daily drip-drip-drip of scandal and sordid conspiracies. The catalogue of his numerous failings will not be recounted here. Save that for another day. If Obama does not play his cards right, he will be the LAST DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT. Remember the Whigs? Neither do I. They have been consigned to the dustbin of history due to incompetence in adjusting to the changing mores of Century 19. Now the Democrats are on the precipice of a cliff off which they seem intent on throwing themselves. The Democrats will be consigned, not to the dustbin of history, but to the compost pile of history (complete with 4 decades of feces).
3. HRC will not win the presidency. Berniecrats will largely abandon her and the corruptocrats, looking for more sustainable political venues. Independents dislike her. Republicans hate her. Her nomination (assuming she is not in prison) will irrevocably shatter the Democratic party. Why, you may ask--the Dems didn't split during the 2008 campaign? Reason: both candidates were corporatists, and thus compelled by common interests (big donors) to retain the status quo. It was just a matter of putting a different nameplate on the front door of the White House (WH).
4. So, if the Dems are to survive, they must nominate Bernie--not Joe "foot-in-mouth-disease" Biden, or Liz "Turncoat" Warren or any others who did not compete in this admittedly rigged election. If Hillary is the nominee, TRUMP WILL WIN--no ifs, ands, or buts.
Before Sweet Loretta (check out the Beatle's "Get Back" for lyrics) clusterfucked this process, my assumptions (scenario #2382) were as follows:
A. FBI recommends indictment before July 25
B. LoL assents to the prosecution
C. BHO lets the process move to criminal trial(s).
D. HRC withdraws
E. Bernie gets nominated.
F. Bernie wins election.
G. At this point it would matter not if BHO pardoned Medusa--He would have shot his last shot and would have to live with the
same curse that followed Gerald Ford after his pardon of Nixon.
Now, my thinking is that Obama doesn't have the stones (backbone) to do the courageous things:
1. Fire Lynch
2. Allow the criminal proceedings against Her Heinous to proceed.
Whatever respect I had for BHO are "Gone With the Wind."

Lorretta has gone on tv,
but has not been called on the carpet.
What stands in the way of her being on the Supreme Court is Republicans.
Just how fucked up is that?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I vote for senile dementia for Bill.
He is definitely a loose cannon now, but maybe always was. Did he used to do that non-smiling vacant gape? I never paid attention before, never voted for him. Or for his wife.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm thinking more like...
Tertiary Syphilis...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Your rare investigative reporter was tipped off to the meeting.
Clinton(and his pal Lynch?) wanted to get "caught". Replacing Lynch with a Special Prosecutor would have delayed things past your "A". Once HRC has the nomination we move into completely uncharted waters.
IMHO scenario #2382 is still viable. Keep calm.
PS Has anyone heard a credible report that Guccifer can't be located by the FBI?
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Guccifer can't be located by the FBI?... total ct nutcase is the source.
From the Light House.
Their own Universe & "rules"
They really, really, REALLY don't get it.
Again, I like your thinking.
two bits of driftwood found while surfing i just want to share
I don't agree with this entire diary but much of it is true
Herte is what I do believe
Barak Obama is putting his entire historical legacy at risk by cozying up to the Clinton's and publicly jumping on her band wagon, amazing I have no idea why he would do this.
Maybe Michelle needs to have a talk with him.
Obama used the same sources, Wall St. etc to fund his campaigns, wants to follow the clinton model for making more money.
We were sold out from day one - Rahm Emmanuel, Tim Geithner, pandering to Joe Lieberman, a list too long & still makes me cry to think of it.
Why do people still believe Obama has an honest bone in his
entire body? He's been looking us in the eyes and lying since the campaign trail. He did that to the citizens of Illinois when he was helping the Pritzkers with their little 'banking problem'.
By Jerry Seper - The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 29, 2008
John W. Courtney’s world collapsed at dinnertime on a Friday in July 2001. That’s when he learned from a television newscast that much of the $200,000 that he had saved from his construction job over a 30-year period was lost when his Chicago-area bank was shut down after pursuing a failed strategy of subprime loans.
Seven years later, the Vietnam War veteran has yet to recoup $85,000 of his uninsured losses from Superior Bank’s failure. And he watches in disbelief as one of the bank’s former top officials, billionaire hotel heiress Penny Pritzker, leads the record-breaking fundraising machine of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.
The Obama campaign does not dispute that Ms. Pritzker advocated subprime lending as the bank was failing but said she was “never accused of any wrongdoing nor did she receive compensation in relation to the closing of Superior Bank.” The campaign said that instead of “walking away as millions of homeowners and stockholders suffered, the Pritzker family entered into a voluntary settlement and agreed to pay the government” $460 million that the bank cost taxpayers over 15 years to defray its losses.
“He knows the Pritzker family. He knows what happened in Illinois. He knows that Superior Bank was one of the first to securitize subprime mortgages,” Mr. Courtney said. “He talks about change and helping people find a better way of life, but he has distanced himself from the fact that Superior helped ignite the nation’s subprime crisis and that Penny Pritzker and her family walked away from it and us.”
The Obama campaign does not dispute that Ms. Pritzker advocated subprime lending as the bank was failing but said she was “never accused of any wrongdoing nor did she receive compensation in relation to the closing of Superior Bank.” The campaign said that instead of “walking away as millions of homeowners and stockholders suffered, the Pritzker family entered into a voluntary settlement and agreed to pay the government” $460 million that the bank cost taxpayers over 15 years to defray its losses.
I worked on both campaigns for Obama because I knew he was a 'lesser' evil than his opponents. I had no plans to help out until the night Katie Couric interviews Palin and she scared the shit out of me. Rmoney and his 'Policy Wonk' were another 'lesser' evil.
NO more lesser of evils for me. Even if I throw it away. I will write in Sanders name in November if he doesn't vote for Her Highness. If he does, then I suppose I'll vote Green. Screw the 'Democratic' Party of Third Way Neo-Liberals. They're just our sides neo-cons. And who, like Kagen and his wife Nuland, support Clinton as well.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Because of his past
Obama's mother did die because of our terrible health insurance system and I do believe that was a huge motivation for getting what he could out of Obamacare. I also believe his multicultural, non-rich childhood did create a certain decency in him that I'm not going to pretend doesn't exist because of my anger at the entire democracy destroying establishment. Obama was a useful alternative to Hillary and McCain. Now we need an alternative to the whole corrupt establishment and this 2 party hall of mirrors they try to trap us in. Reject them all and support Jill Stein.
Beware the bullshit factories.
No snark intended buy he lived a very comfortable childhood
in the home of his grandma, the first female Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii. His life was a hell of a lot better than millions in this world. Better than millions in this country. Better than millions in every state. He was a lucky boy.
And if he was so concerned about women/people having good healthcare coverage, why did he negotiate with the insurance industry and Big Pharma in secret? Why can't we have affordable meds? Why did he let employers skate from their end of the 'mandate' (to participate or cover certain healthcare areas like birth control) but we have to keep ours (be fined every year on an escalating scale) if we don't purchase. Why are the costs of coverage already rising so fast we can't keep up? Why is so much of it too useless to even use because of high deductibles? Why are millions still not covered?
He started working for crooks and he'll end up being one, like the Clintons. That Foundation of theirs has been very very good to them. I don't feel this way because of what's going on right now. I have not 'liked' or respected the man for a long time. I'm funny about certain things, like when I know someone is lying to me. Looking into the camera and lying his ass off. And it's about my rights. Or secret courts. And searches without warrants. And trade agreements. And fracking. And other little things like that.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Bubba made a brilliant
move in engaging the enemy. As usual. I knew if there were any way for Her Highness to escape an indictment she would somehow pull it off. There was (and still is) No Way she was /is going to jail. Bubba just added some insurance. Or assurance.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Slick Willie wasn't engaging the enemy
He was insuring the outcome with an old friend. Look for LoL to get a nice job on Wall Street as an attorney after the Coronation.
Any love I once had
for BHO faded by 2013 after it became clear that he wasn't going to use the bully pulpit for much of anything besides stifling The Left.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
He's always operated on a "who they gonna vote for?" basis.
But the defections from the 'Party' are picking up steam. I was going to wait until after the election. I read where people were trying to organize a day of 'mass exit' so that the party would actually NOTICE that they are driving people out of the party. I don't know if that was for real or not.
I don't think what's left of the 'Democratic Party' is salvageable.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
It's beyond salvation