A Muse

Why I Just Turned "It" Off.

We made the effort over this side of the pond to stay up late and watch the debate, well you know who is President kind of matters since it determines where the bombs fall type of thing.

As the two got going Marie-Louise and I looked at each other and 15 minutes later decided bed was by far the better option. This is the first time that I have switched a Presidential debate off. Admittedly I have missed a few when travelling, but to switch one off in utter disgust, is a first.

The Coagulation of Warmongers and War Criminals Around A New Leader?

Dear god in Politico

As Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign reaches out to Republicans alarmed by Donald Trump's national security blunders, there’s a group of high-profile GOP hold-outs whose endorsement would be a major coup if the Democrat could win them over.

Some Advice to Dems: Stop Whinging Continuously About Trump

I have said this for awhile now, it's free publicity and his supporters will not be persuaded to join you no matter what you say. The MSM loves Trump's crazy stuff, they will report everything he says so let people make up their own damn minds.

  • Scary, Racist, Sexist, Bigoted Trump!
  • World ending Trump!
  • Big Red Nuclear Button Trump!
  • Did you see/hear Trump's latest horror show!

Such a waste of effort if you ask me.
