A Muse

It Becomes Clearer

When we said that the DNC was favouring [against its own charter] one primary candidate over another this was deemed to be a conspiracy theory.

It was blatant with respect to the debates and their scheduling and a concerted internet campaign biased against one candidate.

Now that it has been proved to be true the same line of attack as always is being used, blame the messenger.

Sometimes "Democrats" Confuse Me

Some seem to be cheering on Ted Cruz as some sort of foil against Trump, nothing that odious fart has to say interests me one iota.

Next Hillary chooses Tim Kaine as her potential VP, it's seems as anything that might give the left of the party some hope is to be avoided at all costs. Yet they seem conditioned to accept and applaud the choice no matter what they actually think of it, all this choice seems to give them is more right to shout at us "lefties" about voting and stuff.

Racism and Xenophobia makes you less safe.

The rush to control borders and stop migration by excessive rhetoric and measures is non productive at best and generally counter productive.

You have Trump in the US we have Marine LePen over here, the let's hide behind walls brigade as it were. It's as if we can somehow cut ourselves off from the world in general, even if our governments have caused a lot of the problems in the first place.

Imagine If Democrats Had Sat In Against

The Bush Tax Cuts

The Invasion of Afghanistan

The Invasion of Iraq

The Socialism for the wealthy during the Bail Out Of the Banks then as soon as possible the privatization of the profits.

The ravages of foreclosures during the great recession

The pardoning of torture

The ignoring of war crimes

The removal of contraception and abortion rights from being covered in the ACA.

The Denial of Climate Change by Republicans

Both Parties Are Not The Same

I am getting fed up with people assuming that my objection to both parties means that I think they are the same, I don't.

I think the Republican Party is now bat-shit crazy, racist, misogynist, homophobic, warmongering and corrupt

I think that the Democratic Party is just warmongering and corrupt.

There, you see, there are fundamental differences.

It's the similarities that get me, we must vote for the least bad is the meme du jour.
