The smell of corruption
I don't often find myself agreeing with John Kass editorials in the Chicago Tribune, but his latest is spot on.
Chicago Tribune - John Kass
This link will take you to google search to get you around pay wall.
He talks about how the media is giving HRC a free ride. He wonders why if some Republican Politicians have stood up and said they won't vote for Trump why haven't some Democratic Politicians stood up and declared that won't vote for corruption.
He then lays out how corruption works, which everyone knows (unless they are in denial). No one better then John Paul Stevens I might add, see citizens united dissent.
I don't work in Washington. Years ago, editors tried to send me to D.C. in the hopes I might acquire the necessary polish and gravitas. But I fought them off and happily stayed put.
So maybe it's that being a Midwesterner, I can't quite appreciate the difference between normal influence peddling and abnormal influence peddling.
But being from Chicago, where corruption is the glue that holds politics together — and the bread and the meat and the sport peppers and the fries — I can tell you what corruption does not smell like.
It does not smell like a smoking gun or a nonsmoking gun. And it does not speak Latin.
It smells like meat a-cookin', and that's not a language of words, but of appetite. It smells sweet, and there is no recipe. The recipe is understood, implied, and if you dare ask for the recipe, you are immediately ostracized and kicked out of the kitchen.
It doesn't involve a straight payoff. Everything is layered. A deal goes to Mr. X. Another deal goes to Ms. Y. It's all circular and rather complicated, like the Clintons parsing English, and everything is understood in the spaces between the words.
When pundits moan about "no smoking gun" and "no quid pro quo," they must be referring to some cartoon definition of corruption, ...
The other day at breakfast, I was talking about this stupid, narrow Washington definition of political corruption with a man who has made it his life study.
"Say you're in a meeting with an elected official, and you say, 'I'll give you so much money if you give me this favor and that favor,' You know what happens next?" asked the man wise in the Chicago Way.
I knew, but I played along: No, what happens?
"The first thing the politician will think to himself, 'Why is he talking that way? This son of a b---- is wired up,'" he said. "And no one will ever talk to you ever again."
That's why it's depressing to hear meat puppets insist that there is no there, there, with the Clinton Foundation and Hillary, because it's already been laid out.

"Wired up"
As for the media, "there are no so blind as those who will not see ." Matthew 9:26-27.
It's been around a long time.
Kass is pretty popular with the general tribune readership. It was nice to see somebody in the general publics radar calling it out.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Corruption, thy name is Clinton. n/t
Come on, everybody, join in! “Two more terms! Two more terms!”
Two more terms for the Clintons!
If you don’t join in the cheering right now, you’re “messed up” and/or not progressive!
"He talks about how the media is giving HRC a free ride."
All while he ignores how much free media Trump continues to get???
I call this a distraction play to keep the public from noticing the real corruption: not telling the truth to the voters by anyone involved in running and promoting this "election".
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Well, Kass is a conservative
Well, Kass is a conservative/independent columnist. He is certainly not the greatest. However, he is generally liked by typical readers of the tribune. Hint: I and no one here would be considered a typical reader of the tribune. The fact that a he calls out the corruption and points out that there will never be a quid pro quo because that is not how it works is a good thing. This is a no brainer but apolitical people or people who sort of pay attention need to hear it, continuously. And for that I am happy.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
"why haven't some Democratic Politicians stood up"
why haven't some Democratic Politicians stood up and declared that won't vote for corruption.
Why indeed. Probably because Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans.
None have stood up against Ms. Rodham. In fact, Bernie is now hawking for her, begging for $2.97.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Consider yourself lucky. He asked me for several hundred.
Sniff, sniff, sniff--I think I smell corruption
Sometimes corruption is like pornography--you can't define it but you know when you see it.