Introduction To American Empire Syllabus and Course Outline (Fall 2517)


Cascadian National University. Lecture Hall. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10.

Lecturer- Kyou MacDonnell
Home of Lecturer - (Emergency Contacts only, please) Mt. Tabor House, Portland. Stark and 60th. Ring at the front gate and somebody will find me as soon as possible.

How the Average American Imperial lived.

(Cascadian National University Lecture Hall)


Morning again. Hey, great job on the inter-murals last week to all of our students. Great showing by everybody, and I know it's not easy competing against schools where they have entire funding departments dedicated to sports.

Which is a great way to bring the discussion around to some lighter topics.

American Imperial Etiquette

(CNU Lecture hall, Late for Class due to sick rooster)


Sorry, was running a bit late this morning. Had to drop the kids off at their school due to missing the first streetcar, and it was a good run. So, excuse the sweat, and I appreciate you sticking around instead of sticking to American Custom on classes.

It's the 80's all over again.

I'm playing Battletech, Star Wars is in Theaters, and the president hates the poor and wants them to die. We want to go to war with Russia, and The US is busy laughing at the idiots who are fighting and dying in Afghanistan. The poor have it extremely rough, but the vast majority of people don't even acknowledge their presence.

It's the 80s all over again.

The Cults of the Late American Empire.

(A lecture given at the Cascadian National University, 2517)


Morning, Class. Hope everybody had a decent BBQ Day. I didn't do much, just had a few ciders and the block splurged on a deer. Which got me thinking about the old cults and how they used to worship BBQ day. So, you'll have to forgive me if my notes are a little fuzzy this morning.
