The Logos of Poseidon

The crash of the wave shakes the very earth
and the sea rises to embrace the man as he falls
washing clean the crimes and the blood of friend and foe
Upon your great ships you prepare to embark

A sacrifice each will pay, a toll for crossing into my domain
for you often take from me what is mine, and it is just
that you repay me with offerings of that which you have borrowed.
A toll upon the road which embraces the world

The Logos of Ares

Glory for the greatest, and the greatest act in my name.
What use a return to home if not a return with honor?
For the poor soldier who returns without tribute and scars
The city screams as to his cowardice, and rightly so.

A hero fights his all, and retreats when the blood has left
It is no shame to seek recovery for a wound, provided that wound
was fairly gained by the hand of an enemy.
It is shame to quail and flatter and seek to hide away.

The Logos of Zeus

It is not enough to be a glorious and grand host
For when my guests have eaten their fill and sung their songs
Their minds often turn to diversion and intrigue
Each competing for my favor and my attentions

And so it was with a simple game, a jest in fact
The idea that any perfection could be compared to another
and that the immutable primal being of the gods could be judged
by the standards of a looking glass is a comedy for all time.

The Logos of Dionysus

A full belly and empty amphora is not an ill wish for a man
a state of bliss unto itself, with the mind free
of the chains of order, the shackles of manners
and the leash of law ever pulling on the larynx

For when the flames flicker dim, who wishes to feel
the sting of cold's dagger, or the the wind's salted scourge?
Drink! For the amphorae are full and it will only be the sun
which provides the toil and the song to find more

The Logos of Hera

Never a more distasteful wifely duty
than to amuse the friend of your Husband
And when that friend has done your Husband favors
The repayment is not of your choosing.

For when Paris did judge, he demanded to see all
He had been granted power over the gods for but a single hour
And he chose to humiliate and exercise that power
He chose to strip bare the Gods, and witness our glory.

The Logos of Aphrodite

And when the men have finished their beating of chests
when they have sated their desire for wrangling
and have divided up the spoils
They leave only the blame upon the table.

That blame is to be assigned to me.
I, the whole source of the matter, they claim.
They say that the war would not have occurred
save for the vanity of goddesses

The Logos of Odysseus - A Veteran's Anti-War Speech.

So, thanks to the work of Shahryar I have managed to get ahold of a digital copy of The Logos of Odysseus. I have deliberately avoided as many spoilers about this, and literary analyses, to better understand the piece without the gilding of ages. So, first of all, a HUGE thank you to Shahryar for the hard work, and link to a Thesis which contained Antisthenes work in toto. It's much appreciated and this essay is my way of doing a bit of homework on the piece.

My search for a 2500 year old book.

So, as I've mentioned, I've been trying to hunt down a physical copy of Antisthenes' "Odyssey" because I'm interested in viewing how the character of Odysseus was viewed by Antisthenes. From what I understand he had a somewhat more nuanced view of the character, and saw his actions as not heroic, but pragmatic. I find that commentary concept fascinating, since it reduces the character somewhat, and yet makes his journey all the more heroic, sans the gods and the mystical creatures.
