"Nemo" Development/Brainstorming #2 : The Home Port and the Ship

So, I really enjoyed the feedback that I got for my series Idea. So much so that I wanted to continue writing on it, jotting down some ideas, and working on the series "Bible" as it were for writers in the world. (All series are eventually a "Shared Universe" and IMHO work best when everybody's on the same page with regards to what's going on in the world)

The Trump of Washington, Act 2, Scene 2

(Enter Hillary)

Hillary: Why do these fools and rapscallions stand by,
These Bernie Bros, these bags of deplor'be
who show their hatred for my sex alone?
Know they not of whom they speak, my glory?
Clad in the garments of Armani I
Stand bestride the world and declare myself
Look upon my face for thou wishes to see God.

A humble attempt at Fortune Telling.

I'm not usually very good at predicting the future. I mean, I can see trends, and sometimes my brain works faster than I'm conscious of, resulting in gut feelings. But for some reason, today I feel like making a few very specific predictions about the next 3 years. Feel free to chime in with what you think as well.

Hell, it will be funny to look back on this in three years and be amazed at how crazy I thought the future would be.

Gaming Music may be the most relevent music today.

I can hear the cries of disbelief now.

"Gaming Music? Really? You're talking about those blips and bleeps and heavy metal loops that don't mean anything?"

Nope, not at all. What I'm talking about is the cream of the crop. The music that like opera and and the greatest of film soundtracks, manages to create an environment and an emotion. In many ways audio is more responsible for the immersion of some of the greatest pieces of interactive fiction ever made.

How to win a Grotesque

First off, relax if you don't know what a Grotesque is. A Grotesque is a chess puzzle wherein White fights with a much smaller force against a much larger and well positioned force. Usually it's an "End-game" problem, after much of the battle has already been fought and the White player is fully expected to lose.

DMW's Congressional Rules of Order (Observed)

There are a lot of ethical guidelines with regards to proper conduct in our highest levels of government. For the most part, these are formalities that allow the proper flow of business. However, there are some unwritten rules which are the highest authority within the hallowed halls of congress.

Therefore, I present to you, the ACTUAL rules of Order that our representatives observe, and obey with almost slavish devotion.

The power of the king.

For all practical purposes the office of the American President has become one of an uncrowned king.

There are many, many steps that led us to this point, but the parallels are blatant and numerous. Our uncrowned king has the power of life and death over his citizens, the authority to impose laws via fiat, and no accountability to any save the nobles which are the only check on his power.
