Friday Night Photos Woodie World Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

Last Saturday morning I took a drive north up the coast to Encinitas for the 44th annual Wavecrest Woodie meet. Weather wise it was a nice morning. Temps in the upper 60s and overcast skies providing nice diffused lighting. Not as many cars this year as there was last year, but still a nice selection of Woodies, some that I had seen before and some that were new.











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QMS's picture

thanks for sharing them
brings nostalgia to mind
there are a few hereabouts
few as clean as your specimens

have done some custom woodworking
for a collector using ash wood (tail light base)

very special vehicles

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Socialprogressive's picture

If you're seeing a few Woodies hearabouts you're doing better than me. The only time I see them is at car meets. You are right, they are very special vehicles. Glad your woodworking skills helped make one special.

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I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.

QMS's picture


4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Socialprogressive's picture

Back in the bad old days when I had to work, I always had Friday on my mind


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I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.

janis b's picture

Great fun photos!

The cars are all fascinating and impressive. I enjoyed seeing such tasteful interiors. The hotrod woody is hot. I like the first dark green car with the beautifully shaped and tinted windows. It reminds me of a private limousine. The surfboard matches its carrier perfectly. I also like the distorted reflection of the woody and palms in the wheel, and the matching oranges and whites of the tire. I'd like to zoom into the distorted image and see that image alone framed by the orange and white tire.

They are great subjects of beauty and nostalgia. Thanks for sharing them.

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Socialprogressive's picture

@janis b
The whitewall with the golden-yellow trim and the green Ford Costume wagon it was attached to was my favorite.
Ask and you shall receive.

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I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey SP!

Great Woodies man! Very nice photos as always. I grew up in Huntington Beach, e.g., Surf City, 62-72 age 7 to 17, they were part of the scenery of my youth. There were some in the lot at high school. You could put surfboards, or sleep in the wagons. I always thought they were cool. Before the VW micro-bus, there were Woody wagons.

Had a couple orioles stop at the birdbath briefly. They are real ginchy there and seconds is all you get.

a female Hooded Oriole - note decurved bill, diagnostic of Hooded Oriole.

mysdys saw a female Baltimore Oriole and I got there just in time to miss it. Whilst lamenting this dropped out of the Pecan for a quick sip:
adult male Baltimore Oriole

Thanks for the OT and great Woodies SP!

I gotta fly,

happy trails all!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Socialprogressive's picture

I think woodies were mostly a socal beach thing. Growing up in the SF Bay Area they were few and far between. Nice shots of the Orioles. Ours headed back south for the winter about a month ago.

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I'm great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.