Anti-Capitalist Meetup: About that realignment...

I’ve heard talk that a political realignment in this country may be in the offing, result of the breakdown of the alliance between social conservatives, right-populists, and the part of big business that doesn’t much pretend to care about looking human. For a long time, that part of the business elite had little trouble wrangling the other two elements into line by hiring politicians who mixed a palatable cocktail of religion, nationalism, and economic “freedom”. This year things have changed. Waxing right-populist conservatives, tired of being persistently ignored by the Republican business elite, refused to drink the cocktail again and (ironically) nominated themselves a billionaire businessman from New York City who, true to his new profession, holds little in the way of values or policy prescriptions other than whatever platitudes he thinks will appeal to his voters.

What’s a solid business conservative, reliant on the old Republican formula and ever alert to economic opportunity here and abroad, to do? Profits in this context don’t just depend on the governing elite’s pro-business orientation (a given whoever wins), they rely on the continuity of the system that produces those profits.

If Donald Trump actually does a lot of what he threatens—deporting profitable immigrants, penalizing corporations that send jobs elsewhere, refusing to start or continue interventionist wars, etc.—business Republicans, like the rest of the ruling class, risk losing their influence over the globalist neo-liberal order. They risk being cut off from the established sources of profit within that order. The business elite’s feelings about any element of Trump’s program (or sketch of a program) is not the issue; it’s whether Trump would stabilize and expand their profits or do the opposite, whether he would make room for other possible “winners” in the Great Game and its stock market or keep things as they are, and whether he would upset the globalist consensus among the US and European governing classes.

As ever, the bottom line is not who will bring us peace and prosperity but who will secure and expand the current system of profit-extraction and successfully keep the top people at the top.

Enter the leadership of the contemporary Democratic party, now understandably focused on Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president. Proposing itself as a Government of National Salvation facing down outright fascism on behalf of All Sane People, the campaign is now courting—and winning—prominent long-time Republicans. There is in fact an official organization to do just that, Together For America, which has attracted not just people like former US Senate candidate and Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman, but profoundly ideological figures from the Republican right like Reagan-era death squad-coordinator John Negroponte and Bush-era/PNAC neoconservative Robert Kagan. And of course there is Henry Kissinger, who is not just Richard Nixon’s former Secretary of State and a mass murderer, but also the Clintons’ personal friend.

Does this represent a political realignment, with Hillary Clinton leading the way?

Yes, sort of, but not the way it seems on the surface. Crossover voting and (apparently) strange bedfellows do not by themselves represent a true realignment, which is a fundamental and persistent change in the alliances that decide elections. The success of the right-populist movement, one that nominated Trump with a minority of Republican primary and caucus votes, coupled with the flight of business Republicans and neoconservatives to Hillary Clinton, is simply one observable phenomenon embedded in a much larger, decades-long realignment in US society and politics, but not a political realignment in and of itself. In fact, it is the opposite.

What we're seeing this election--all the noise, grinding, and flying sparks worthy of a slow-motion wreck--is simply part of the current phase of the massive demographic change that's been occurring for some years now, one that will not be complete for at least a generation. We are slowly, violently moving from a conservative, white-dominated present (which still holds power despite the flashy, politically-motivated public relations nonsense of a race-and gender-integrated ruling class) to a significantly more diverse, but economically even more precarious future, where prosperity for the majority and the Democratic policies that support that overarching goal are things of the past.

There is a re-alignment going on, but it's the decades-long one rooted in demographic change occurring in the middle of the decades-long neo-liberal economic crisis. This election season is a sign of resistance to re-alignment rather than a sign of a politically or socially relevant shift in what the major parties really stand for. That re-alignment would mean the major parties really matter, and they don't matter apart from being tools the ruling class uses to hold power. The ruling class changes horses at will.

By itself, the march of establishment Republican figures towards Hillary Clinton represents the opposite of realignment; it is the US division of the globalized business elite circling the wagons around the single reliable ally they have left on the stage of presidential candidates. Looking for a re-alignment in this election is focusing on the horses, not the riders and their destination. A massive re-alignment of American society is indeed happening before our eyes, but it will take another two decades to shake out.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

But you wouldn't know it if your sole information flow is via our mainstream media, whose ruling-class owners have issued the strictest orders not to cover it at all.

Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign was part of it, or at least too close to it for the owners' comfort. And it continues, even after the owning classes sent their errand-boy Chuck Schumer to warn Sanders that if he didn't allow himself to be neutralized, he'd be rendered totally useless to the people of Vermont.

The re-alignment of which I speak has been expelled from our former blog home at Daily Kos; every effort is being made to deny its existence; yet it persists. It is epitomized by three simple English words:

Fuck this shit!!

America's working people, of every gender, orientation, skin color, and every other supposed difference one could name, have had enough. Enough of everything for the rich bitches and nothing at all for us. But again, you won't learn of it through the mainstream media.

We're there, though. Take that to the bank credit union!

Jill Stein 2016: because fuck this shit!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

EyeRound's picture

good essay.

It's late. I'll try to return here after I get some sleep.

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“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”

"Realignment" doesn't mean your former enemies realize you were right all along and bend their knee in an act of humble public submission while you bask in the admiration and envy of all.

Hillary has united the entire ownership class behind her. Her backers represent all the money in existence. They've never been so blatant and open in their power play. They aren't uniting against Trump because Hitler. Rather, Trump is now decreed to be Hitler because all the money and media is against him.

Fighting these people will require marshaling about as close to the 99% as you can get. Realistically, of course, you can count on only a fraction of that. If anyone thinks that fight can be won without any white people who don't shop at Whole Foods, you need to brush up on your math skills. And if one of the requirements of joining the fight is for unemployed white working-class heroin addicts to "check their privilege" or for cafeteria workers serving mediocre sushi to apologize for "cultural appropriation," then the entire fight is an exercise in idiocy. Bend over and submit right now and pray our overlords have some small use for you.

Short version is, liberals and the left are going to have to learn to hold their noses and form alliances with those awful, tacky, fat, Bud-guzzling, racist, stupid, uneducated people of Walmart they have been working hard to alienate for as long as I've been alive. Thomas Frank does a brilliant job of explaining this. Bernie was a '30s leftist, not a '60s or 2016 version, so he was able to reach out across barriers. I don't see too many other people trying, though.

These days I always recommend people try a thought experiment. Obviously the right wing has believed a lot of poppycock over the past few decades. Forget for a second all their positive beliefs, and focus on their criticisms of the left. What if everything the Right has said about the Left for all these years--every criticism--is actually true?

Maybe the refusal to compromise isn't all on their side.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

up to the point that they start talking about Agenda 21 or how the US won't prosper if we're not nice to Israel.

I can still talk to them, and even like them, once they start talking about Agenda 21, but I can hardly work with them against the climate apocalypse.

As for economic justice, or class, as it used to be called, I can talk to them and we do just fine (better than I do with many mainstream Democrats), but if all they can see is corruption in the public sector, and believe fervently that the private sector can never be corrupt, we hit another wall

The thing about these walls is that they are unchangeable, on their end. That's why there can be no more mutual action once you hit a wall. You can keep working on other issues, as long as you don't hit a wall.

Walls are different from mere disagreements. You can work through a disagreement. A wall is something that the other person KNOWS is true. Usually it's something that's been repeated often, generally somewhere in the media.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

We don't have 2 decades to shake this out.

If an actual American President, rather than a corporate puppet or billionaire grifter, is now elected and forcefully maintains the point that nobody in any public office has any right to hand away the people's inherent and entailed-for-perpetuity rights to democracy and domestic law enacted for and in the public interest

and that the unconstitutional and traitorous private agreements effectively claiming ownership of the relevant people and country by whoever happens to serve in public office at any period cannot be valid

and that this ludicrous claim of public service position/Presidential/Prime Ministerial ownership of a free people and a free country entitling anyone to hand over such claimed ownership to anyone or anything, including hostile outside forces, defines the term 'traitor',

and that it cannot be reasonably held in law or sanity to be within anyone's ability to make free countries and free citizens into defenseless corporate chattels, based on 'Simon Says So' 'law',

then America and the rest of the world has a chance of survival.

Otherwise, the claim that the illegal and unconstitutional can be made legal and binding if 'Simon Says So' will stand, much as the stolen Dem nomination is apparently being left to rest as a 'done deal', on the undemocratic grounds that private interests control American voter electoral choice and that American citizens can have no voice or standing to argue differently.

Such 'precedents' cannot be left to stand - particularly when 'trade deals' make citizens into fungible slaves and countries into freely polluted wastelands to utterly destroy the global life support system formed over billions of years in order to provide more data dots indicating further financial gains for those literally insane with greed.

Will the supply of potable water and breathable, oxygenated air last longer than through a couple of decades of unlimited industrial pollution and rapine, including the military attacks and invasions to subjugate/obliterate other countries, nuking those large and wealthy enough to fight back?

What will remain following the Mutual Assured nuclear Destruction Obama and Hillary seem to be aiming to assure occurs between North America, Russia and China?

Where will the Greeds go when there's nowhere and nothing else remaining outside their bunkers?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.