
Hi - Nice to be here!

I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and came out of hiding just to say how much I like the place! I appreciate the quality of the writing and the general friendliness of the comments. You probably won't hear much from me -- I'm more of a reader and commenter than a blogger -- but wanted to de-cloak long enough to say how much I appreciate this forum.

Bernie tweet idea, please help

I hope I have some fellow soccer fans here that remember the world cup chant "i believe that we will win!"
I'm also hoping that I can reach people who know how twitter and posting videos work cuz I'm clueless.
I'm not sure if the video I found will be in here. And I know there's better out there so I'll explain.....
So there are videos of this kick ass chant with people wearing flags and painted in red, white and blue, full blown America Pride.

Positive Focus fellow 99ers

Okay, I know there are some of us that are bitter and not happy while others are angry and spiteful (maybe a little harsh of a word) and I get it, but we are smart and enlightened people. Therefore, lets use all this energy and focus it to make this place what we want it to be (thanks and shout out to the founders of this site- great start and foundation to build upon). Forget about the other place- who really cares- it is his freaking loss.

I'm New Here - Where is my lawn to keep you kids off it_

And there is something else - but I don't remember - oh yeah, I don't like non-text emoji's. I'd show you kids what a real old-fashioned all-text emoji looks like - but they'll just turn it into a low-budget cartoon.

Actually, I think I may like it here. Not much orange. And do any of you remember those orange compressed 'peanuts?' Why would children be given orange semi-cardboard 'peanuts' at holiday time? Did somebody in the family dislike children that much...
