bernie sanders

Sanders Lights a Fire

Every morning across the world people light the morning fire. I do, and I've been doing so most mornings of my adult life. Wood stoves are a very efficient way to burn wood if you have a house. I say "if" because a lot of people who start morning fires either don't live in houses or the houses are built only to give protection from wildlife, people, and rain. Those folks build campfire type fires.

See Bernie in a Different Light and Learn a Few Things About the Iowa Caucuses

I saw this video posted by our friends over at The Progressive Wing and it's the 3rd or 4th such video I've watched during this campaign cycle. The previous ones featured Campaign Manager Faiz Shakir, along with young staffers from Iowa and New Hampshire.

Can you guess what pundit said this?

Here's a cache of 2019 quotes by someone you've heard of. Can you guess the pundit?

“I don’t see a lot of lasting energy for Bernie,”

“It’s different from last time when he was the alternative to an unfortunately flawed front-runner, and there were just two of them. Right now, the mantle of ‘progressive’ can be carried by any number of candidates and potential candidates,” including Senator Kamala Harris and former representative Beto O’Rourke.

Can Bernie Win? Several Democratic Insiders Think So

What was once considered virtually unthinkable may not necessarily be so. Clearly, many prognosticators were prematurely wrong in writing off Bernie Sanders in the 2020 Democratic Primaries. With the Iowa Caucuses a bit over a month away, the reality is quite different.

Having the most donations, the largest number of donors, and tens of thousands of volunteers ready to spring into action can no longer be ignored. Bernie is a real threat to the Democratic Establishment.

That makes TWO lives Bernie has saved this past year

Imagine for a moment that Trump, or Biden, or Mayor Pete saved someone's life.
The headlines would be screaming it. Their campaigns would be pushing the story hard.
It would make incredibly good PR.
...and then there is the Sanders campaign, which is like no other political campaign in my lifetime.

Remember this from late 2018?

Bernie defends Tulsi, so naturally Russia loves Bernie again

The Clinton Dead-Enders aren't very clever or original, but they can stick to a script.
First Bernie defends Tulsi from baseless smears.
