The Disenfranchisement of Arizona Voters
Submitted by ArizonaProgressive on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 5:35pmArizona’s disenfranchisement of voters on March 22nd was no accident.
Arizona’s disenfranchisement of voters on March 22nd was no accident.
Hubby and I went to our caucus tonight. I didn't get off work until about 6:15; traffic was crazy and we had to park several blocks away so we didn't get there until almost 7. The line snaked through the parking lot and down the street a bit, but the line moved pretty fast.
This is my first post here; I brought this up in a couple of comments on DKos, but so far has been blown off.
My favorite blogger is freelance journalist and author Jane Stillwater. She goes everywhere. She even went to Iraq a couple of times, self-funded.
Here's a link to her latest blog post:
The Utah caucuses will be held on March 22, and excitement is building because this time it looks like the race for the nomination of both major political parties will not be decided beforehand. Also, the Tea-GOP caucuses for the first time will allow party members to register their candidate preferences online.
We knew Bernie wasn't going to win FLA, or NC.
the margins were close in other states.
Turf looks better, as we know, going forward.
We fight on!
The civil war on the left in 2000 was between the DLC/NAFTA/Third Way and the economic progressives.
Bradley lost. There followed an election rife with "Lesser of Two Evils" and "ZOMG Supreme Court".
An election that shouldn't have been even close was lost by Gore/Lieberman & the DLC/Third Way crew.
Who are still here, with periodic rebranding, still screwing progressives for the 1%.
John Lennon said that life is what happens to us while we're busy making other plans. We're having a primary where the coronation got interrupted by an insurgent. That was unexpected, but it quickly became clear that the insurgency could grow into a Democratic schism. One side is corporatist, neo-con, and neo-liberal. The other side is progressive, democratic socialist, and peaceful. "All we are saying is give peace a chance."
On the other side of the American divide, their ideological madness is splitting the GOP into a racist, corporatist, and global side and a racist, christian-dominionist side. The leader of the christianist side is, ironically, Drumpf, with the yet more dangerous Cruz at his heels. Cruz is a traditional racist, a lawyerly blower of dog whistles. Drumpf,on the other hand, is a Freudian carnival of ego gone amok. As the Democratic sides separated into a catholic and protestant side, Drumpf's drumbeat of racist incitement overwhelmed not only the GOP primary race, but the entire 2016 election. The bitter harvest of ancient hate and a decade of racist incitement against one of the most accomplished of all American presidents is in. Now. In real time. Spring may be in the air, but in the American psyche, it's fall and the bitter harvest is in. Drumpf's race-baiting is now the defining feature of the 2016 election. Life happens while we are busy making primary plans. So, what does all of this mean for Bernie?
STOP telling your opponents that Party comes before the President.
STOP being a "good" Colonist on the American Plantation.
Tell your opponents that if they believe in "Party first," they they better evolve from Hillary to Bernie, real quick like. The only pathway to victory for the Democratic Party goes though Bernie Sanders.
If you have the courage of your convictions — it really is that simple to win.
Sign the Petitions. Here's one:
This is bordering on a crisis for the Democrats.