Utah Tea-GOP presidential debate cancelled
The Utah caucuses will be held on March 22, and excitement is building because this time it looks like the race for the nomination of both major political parties will not be decided beforehand. Also, the Tea-GOP caucuses for the first time will allow party members to register their candidate preferences online.
[Note: I always use the "Tea-GOP" moniker ever since former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) declared almost two years ago that there is no difference between the Republican Party and the Tea Party.]
Ohio Governor John Kasich is expected to campaign in Utah on Friday. What might have been the highlight of the campaign, a full-blown Faux News Channel Tea-GOP presidential debate in Salt Lake City next Monday, got cancelled because Donald Trump wasn't interested.
On the Dem side, Chelsea Clinton paid Utah a visit yesterday. Bernie's campaign is running TV ads.
Really, this stuff hardly ever happens in Utah. In 2008 Barack Obama made a brief visit to fund-raise here during the primary season, and was persuaded to add one public event to his schedule. Typically the Tea-GOP candidates just appear at closed-door fundraisers. Willard ("Mitt") Romney has an $8.9 million mansion in Park City, but we don't see much of him.

is too often treated like a red-headed stepchild. Randy Newman wrote a song about it.
I see the gentleman from Utah
Our friendly Beehive state
How can we help you, Utah?
How can we make you great?
Well, we got to irrigate our deserts
We've got to get some things to grow
And we got to tell this country about Utah
'Cause nobody seems to know
Tell President Obama
BTW if anybody reading this is a fan of Utah wilderness, please take a moment to tell President Obama we need another national monument. The Utah congressional delegation and governor are not much better than the Bundy Gang of land-grabbers. Not only do they not want to protect wilderness, they want to take our public lands and hand them over to the corporations.
More info: Bears Ears Coalition.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."