Featured Editorials

Publishing in Politico doesn't make you NSDAP

But it sure helps. From Politico:

Fighting against the USSR didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi

Primary argument:

This history is complicated because fighting against the USSR at the time didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi, just someone who had an excruciating choice over which of these two terror regimes to resist.

Open Thread - 10-03-23 - How to Survive in Today's World

Author's note: I just woke up and realized that today is Tuesday and I promised to cover the open thread for earthling1. I have to leave shortly for a one and a half hour round trip to a neighboring city to get some shingles for the crew that's working on our house. I don't have time to write anything substantial so I'll post this rough draft that I saved as a future OT.

Our so called leaders are showing us how to survive in today's world. Be a crook. Be corrupt. Lie. Steal. Cheat.

It's become increasingly difficult to make ends meet today, unless one is lawless. It's been made obvious that the rule of law is passe. Both petty thieves and hardened criminals are slapped on the wrist while white collar corruption goes unstopped on a massive scale.


The Weekly Watch

You Can't Make It Up!

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So last week the entire Canadian Parliament rose to their feet with raucous applause for a Nazi SS Veteran. It is indicative of the way in which Russiagate has morphed into Russiahate. The MP's heard "Ukrainian soldier Killed Russians" and jumped to their feet clapping like seals, but somehow they were deaf to the phrase, during WWII when of course Russia was our ally. Then to add fuel to the fire, we had Turdeau first throw the speaker under the bus, before declaring the incident was promoted by Russian propaganda. You really can't make it up. In the scheme of things it was a trivial event, but speaks volumes of the bias and ignorance in the west.


The Kennedy independent thing

Robert Kennedy Jr to run as independent, could complicate Trump, Biden 2024 contest

I'm always amused by mainstream media headlines. "Could complicate Trump, Biden 2024 contest," the headline writer (who is probably not the article writer) said. They all think it's going to be Trump versus Biden, and they position the polls to ask the voters as much. Meanwhile, the shadow government attempts to prosecute Trump, and the Democrats squirm while rumors swirl that a lot of the insiders want to replace Biden with Gavin Newsom. I guess Biden can still read from a TelePrompTer okay, for now. In a year, maybe not.
