Open Thread - 06-14-24 - Dude, WTF?

Man oh man, this whole end-of-empire show is sure getting suspenseful, wouldn't you say? Every day, it seems, another layer of FUD is unveiled. So many things are thrown at us from so many directions, repeatedly, it's mind boggling. Where does one begin to sort it all out?

Is it all by design? Yeah, probably.

What are the odds that so many world changing events could be stacked up at the same time, back to back, from let's say, about 2019 to 2024 or so, in just five short years?

I will concede that many, if not most, of the existential threats before us are man made, but what are the odds that the convergence of these events are organic? Oh, I guess it could happen, but with so much power and wealth at play, my hunch is human intervention is helping to compress a millennium's worth of cataclysm into just a few short years.

For the benefit of whom? The sponsors of these events, of course. It's pretty obvious.

But, just when things seem like they can't get any more fudistic, something like this, from Harvard University, pops up:

Harvard Scientists Say There May Be an Unknown, Technologically Advanced Civilization Hiding on Earth

What if — stick with us here — an unknown technological civilization is hiding right here on Earth, sheltering in bases deep underground and possibly even emerging with UFOs or disguised as everyday humans?

In a new paper that's bound to raise eyebrows in the scientific community, a team of researchers from Harvard and Montana Technological University speculates that sightings of "Unidentified Anomalous Phemonemona" (UAP) — bureaucracy-speak for UFOs, basically — "may reflect activities of intelligent beings concealed in stealth here on Earth (e.g., underground), and/or its near environs (e.g., the Moon), and/or even 'walking among us' (e.g., passing as humans)."


That hasn't dissuaded these Harvard researchers, though. In the paper, they suggest a range of possibilities, each more outlandish than the next.

First is that a "remnant form" of an ancient, highly advanced human civilization is still hanging around, observing us. Second is that an intelligent species evolved independently of humans in the distant past, possibly from "intelligent dinosaurs," and is now hiding their presence from us. Third is that these hidden occupants of Earth traveled here from another planet or time period. And fourth — please keep a straight face, everybody — is that these unknown inhabitants of Earth are "less technological than magical," which the researchers liken to "earthbound angels."


The paper quotes former House Representative Mike Gallagher, who suggested last year that one explanation for the UFO sightings might be "an ancient civilization that’s just been hiding here, for all this time, and is suddenly showing itself right now," following Grusch's testimony.

The researchers didn't stop there, even suggesting that these cryptoterrestrials may take on different, non-human primate or even reptile forms.


Another explanation, as put forward by controversial Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb, suggests that other ancient civilizations may have lived on "planets like Mars or Earth" but a "billion years apart and hence were not aware of each other."

Of course, these are all "far-fetched" hypotheses, as the scientists admit, and deserve to be regarded with plenty of skepticism.

"We entertain them here because some aspects of UAP are strange enough that they seem to call for unconventional explanations," the paper reads.

"It may be exceedingly improbable, but hopefully this paper has shown it should nevertheless be kept on the table as we seek to understand the ongoing empirical mystery of UAP," the researchers conclude.


Now that explains it all, am I right? It all makes sense now.

Just Like Last Time

We're a pretty diverse crowd here, a little of this, a little of that. I'd venture to say that we're mostly political nomads, but, with some leaning Democratic and some leaning Republican. Who knows what may happen with the Democratic Party candidate as it seems still very much up in the air, but the Republican candidate looks to be, once again, Donald Trump.

It's the Trump supporters I'd like to address.

This is just my personal opinion, but I think that Donald Trump supporters are in for a rude awakening if he gets elected again.

Promising the world is this man's stock-in-trade, but he's really slathering it on this time around.

He's not going to use law-fare to go after the other side. He'll immediately call for political kumbaya, proclaiming it time to bring the country together again.

Either the House or the Senate, or both, will thwart most of his agenda, that will be the storyline. Just like last time.

They'll curtail any major border policy. Just like last time.

He may pass anti-gun legislation if it gets to his desk. Just like last time.

He has suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan. (See the "slathering" link above.)

It goes on and on. See here for more of his promises.

You're being played by the best in the game. Just like last time.

They Really Got Him This Time!!!

Now that's a case that will really have some teeth. Har har.

Jimi Hendrix: Up From the Skies
8 users have voted.


Dudes, WTF is up?

Got to give myself a good talking-to this time.

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enhydra lutris's picture

The phrase"

Harvard Scientists Say There May Be an Unknown, Technologically Advanced Civilization Hiding on Earth

implies that the authors proposing this mishmash of old science fiction tales were somehow working as scientists, as opposed to just publishing a summary of all of the old plot lines that involved UFO's and hidden worlds. It should read Harvard employees. It doesn't matter what their day job is, chemist, dentist, custodian, or what; collating a list of all the possible explanations for something is not science, it is more like archiving.

HYPOTHESIS in science and most usages beyond pure philosophy is a) based on limited evidence and b) TESTABLE. This shit is pretty clearly based on no evidence and is not remotely testable. Note that no proposed experiment(s) to ferret out the truth or falsity of these "propositions" was proposed. Non-testable shit is generally assigned its own, unique, special designation; "nonsense".

I object to the use of the term "researchers" because it is superficially obvious that no research of any kind was performed or reported on. Reading back issues of IF, Astounding,Fantasy and Galaxy, and assorted comic books is not research.

OTOH, thanks for the giggle. Thanks also for the great tunes.

Now, as to Biden's dog, of course Biden is responsible for its presence and similarly for its behavior. It didn't invade the White House (from outer space perhaps) and its expected behavior and training is made pretty obvious by the name given it almost 100% certainly by its owner.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

usefewersyllables's picture

@enhydra lutris

There are two kinds of people in the world; those that can extrapolate from incomplete evidence,

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
the Harvard "paper" proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the cascade of turmoil beset upon humanity is not caused by the greedheads, the warmongers, the power seekers, the slimy weasel-like politicians that may appear human-like, but in actuality is caused by "intelligent dinosaurs".

It's not "our" fault, the "paper" indirectly states, therefore all of the above are absolved of any liability. It's the lizard people, don't you see!

I suspect that Biden's dog, Commander, is in actuality Biden himself, a shapeshifting lizard person. Therefore, Commander, just like his owner, Joe Biden, will be granted immunity from prosecution under the auspices of executive privilege.

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Authoritative voices spewing absurdity about threats like Covid, Putin, China and Space Goons. It takes an extremely farfetched Conspiracy Theory to explain how all this top/down nonsense could be unrelated.

Excellent thread!

9 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire
running out of pablum to feed the masses. It's getting fooking ridiculous in its scope.

The advent of the internet has increased the manifold layers of FUD beyond the wildest dreams of the bygone era of TV news and newspaper propagandists. It's a FUDist's wet dream come true.

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8 users have voted.

is a psyop, or is it a software program? I'm losing track with all the FUD.

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5 users have voted.

the legend is true.

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snoopydawg's picture


makes more sense than them traveling trillions of miles through space only to crash once they get here. I mean c'mon.
And I think it’s highly arrogant for us to believe that we are alone in the universe.

I think that a small invasion force of aliens might do this world some good because maybe we’d stop with the never ending wars and come together to address their arrival. And then the aliens can turn around and say they have met their objective….Peace on Earth!

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

it's better than the alternative.

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I concluded they're here -- been here in the ancient past, some follow up visits, and continue to visit, for whatever reason, to study us, establish bases, etc. I don't need an official or quasi official body of scientists or experts to tell me one way or the other. Almost certainly the ETs involve more than one advanced civilization. Makes sense -- the universe is just too vast, beyond our imagination. And that's just the universe we can perceive at present. And, based on what has not happened, obviously they are no worse than neutral in their attitudes towards us Earthlings.

We are not at the proof stage yet, as TPTB still don't allow or encourage it, and so the subject remains highly speculative and late-night fringy. I do sense however that such discussions produce far less of the reflexive chuckle factor -- sensible people with a love for science automatically relegating it to the SciFi category of fantasy -- compared to just 10-15 yrs ago. I think we're at the nudging public opinion stage of TPTB just slightly moving the needle towards acceptance of their existence, and they are doing this with a carefully controlled program of approved whistleblowers and safe, perhaps home-grown researchers who can be trusted not to give away too much as they deliver a mix of one part info to 3 parts disinformation.

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usefewersyllables's picture

is new again...

4 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

studentofearth's picture

- scary stuff - reoccurring theme this story is from pre WWII.

The Phantom Empire 1935

Singing cowboy Gene Autry stumbles upon an advanced subterranean civilization beneath his ranch, sparking the interest of greedy surface dwellers.

It has it all - Science and technology to monitor a targeted population - CCTV (closed camera television), mobile telephones phones, military robots, humanoid execution squads, a ruling class and revolution. Evil europeans, music, unforgiving legal contracts and danger of loosing ones home due to finances.

Now about those flying cars.
9 Best Flying Cars 2024 – Luxury [Images Included]

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

snoopydawg's picture


America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war!

I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:

Section 531. Selective Service System: Automatic Registration. SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

This amendment is in the NDAA legislation and there is no pending amendment to strip it from the bill. So, when the NDAA passes, as early as this week, Congress will have taken steps to make automatic conscription the law of the land.

Well that doesn’t sound good. And if congress thinks that the protests they’re seeing now are bad, just wait. Aren’t boys automatically enrolled already when they turn 18?
I wonder if there will be any exemptions for the rich people’s kids and congress member's? Ya know like they got out of being sent to Vietnam? Stay tuned if true.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

stupid wars, inflation, high taxes, crap health care, I read stupid shit about UFOs and aliens and say, "Squirrel!" I admit, it does distract, and just might be that distraction is the plan.
FWIW, msm drops articles about extraterrestrials more often that at any time in my life. Are we being conditioned?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey JtC!

Hope it's all good all over out there!

I think the Harvard 'scientists' have become what Harvard economists have long been. Full of it and themselves. Love to see their 'research'. Too many movies? One can assume there is little research and less science to back up their claims. Perhaps it was supposed to be published on April 1?

I think the Harvard 'scientists' are like the 'we're going to Mars to save humanity' and 'carbon capture' people. Too much science fiction as kids, and failed to learn how or where to separate them from each other.

Why don't we just save the earth as a functioning planet? At least for the people that live in the center of it if not ourselves! Wink

Joe Biden's dog reflects its owner. They are both assholes. Smile

Axis Bold as Love was a revolution. And I LOVE that song! And Dr. John was sooooo cool, such a great song this one!

Thanks for the OT!

happy trails amigos!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture

Had hired help yesterday, and I was wiped out by mid morning...drenched. However got lots done.

Round and round the vortex and down the hole. At least the BRICS+ are rising in our place.

Take care and thanks for the OT!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”