Featured Editorials

Open Thread - 09-26-23 - The Fentanyl Epidemic

I received this private message from earthling1 yesterday. He gave me permission to share it with the membership, so I think it's best to just repeat it here, with great sadness.

Wanted to let you know that I can't host the OP for a couple of weeks. I am sorry for the short notice.

My eldest estranged son passed away last night and I need the time to process this.

You can, if you choose, reveal to the community he died of a fentanyl overdose and as tragic as that is, he had a dose of Narcan in a bag next to him, but nobody there to administer it.

Maybe that circumstance may deter someone somewhere from ever becoming involved in the scourge of Fentanyl.

He was 54 years old.

Album of the Week 9-23-23

Afternoon folks!

There's a bunch of good stuff this week. There's some serious Chicago blues with an album from (Chess artist) Jimmy Rogers and a compilation from Howlin' Wolf. After that there's a pile of blues rock with albums from Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, Harvey Mandel (Canned Heat) and West, Bruce & Laing.

Then there's some pleasant, bluesy burblings by Leon Redbone and we finish off with some genuinely unusual music from The Fugs.

Have a great weekend!
